mirror of
synced 2024-06-14 14:02:48 +00:00
This patch starts sending proper `.code` field with emulated keyboard events. References #777.
427 lines
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427 lines
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* Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License');
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const {helper} = require('./helper');
class Keyboard {
* @param {!Puppeteer.Session} client
constructor(client) {
this._client = client;
this._modifiers = 0;
this._pressedKeys = new Set();
* @param {string} key
* @param {{text: string}=} options
async down(key, options = {text: ''}) {
const {text} = options;
const autoRepeat = this._pressedKeys.has(key);
this._modifiers |= this._modifierBit(key);
await this._client.send('Input.dispatchKeyEvent', {
type: text ? 'keyDown' : 'rawKeyDown',
modifiers: this._modifiers,
windowsVirtualKeyCode: keyCodeForKey(key),
code: codeForKey(key),
unmodifiedText: text,
* @param {string} key
* @return {number}
_modifierBit(key) {
if (key === 'Alt')
return 1;
if (key === 'Control')
return 2;
if (key === 'Meta')
return 4;
if (key === 'Shift')
return 8;
return 0;
* @param {string} key
async up(key) {
this._modifiers &= ~this._modifierBit(key);
await this._client.send('Input.dispatchKeyEvent', {
type: 'keyUp',
modifiers: this._modifiers,
windowsVirtualKeyCode: keyCodeForKey(key),
code: codeForKey(key)
* @param {string} char
async sendCharacter(char) {
await this._client.send('Input.dispatchKeyEvent', {
type: 'char',
modifiers: this._modifiers,
text: char,
key: char,
unmodifiedText: char
* @param {string} text
* @param {{delay: (number|undefined)}=} options
async type(text, options) {
let delay = 0;
if (options && options.delay)
delay = options.delay;
for (const char of text) {
await this.press(char, {text: char, delay});
if (delay)
await new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, delay));
* @param {string} key
* @param {!Object=} options
async press(key, options) {
await this.down(key, options);
if (options && options.delay)
await new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, options.delay));
await this.up(key);
class Mouse {
* @param {Puppeteer.Session} client
* @param {!Keyboard} keyboard
constructor(client, keyboard) {
this._client = client;
this._keyboard = keyboard;
this._x = 0;
this._y = 0;
this._button = 'none';
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @param {Object=} options
* @return {!Promise}
async move(x, y, options = {}) {
const fromX = this._x, fromY = this._y;
this._x = x;
this._y = y;
const steps = options.steps || 1;
for (let i = 1; i <= steps; i++) {
await this._client.send('Input.dispatchMouseEvent', {
type: 'mouseMoved',
button: this._button,
x: fromX + (this._x - fromX) * (i / steps),
y: fromY + (this._y - fromY) * (i / steps),
modifiers: this._keyboard._modifiers
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @param {!Object=} options
async click(x, y, options = {}) {
this.move(x, y);
if (typeof options.delay === 'number')
await new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, options.delay));
await this.up(options);
* @param {!Object=} options
async down(options = {}) {
this._button = (options.button || 'left');
await this._client.send('Input.dispatchMouseEvent', {
type: 'mousePressed',
button: this._button,
x: this._x,
y: this._y,
modifiers: this._keyboard._modifiers,
clickCount: (options.clickCount || 1)
* @param {!Object=} options
async up(options = {}) {
this._button = 'none';
await this._client.send('Input.dispatchMouseEvent', {
type: 'mouseReleased',
button: (options.button || 'left'),
x: this._x,
y: this._y,
modifiers: this._keyboard._modifiers,
clickCount: (options.clickCount || 1)
class Touchscreen {
* @param {Puppeteer.Session} client
* @param {Keyboard} keyboard
constructor(client, keyboard) {
this._client = client;
this._keyboard = keyboard;
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
async tap(x, y) {
const touchPoints = [{x: Math.round(x), y: Math.round(y)}];
await this._client.send('Input.dispatchTouchEvent', {
type: 'touchStart',
modifiers: this._keyboard._modifiers
await this._client.send('Input.dispatchTouchEvent', {
type: 'touchEnd',
touchPoints: [],
modifiers: this._keyboard._modifiers
* @type {Object<string, {keyCode: number, code: string}>}
const keys = {
'Cancel': {keyCode: 3, code: 'Abort'},
'Help': {keyCode: 6, code: 'Help'},
'Backspace': {keyCode: 8, code: 'Backspace'},
'Tab': {keyCode: 9, code: 'Tab'},
'Clear': {keyCode: 12, code: ''},
'Enter': {keyCode: 13, code: 'Enter'},
'Shift': {keyCode: 16, code: 'ShiftLeft'},
'Control': {keyCode: 17, code: 'ControlLeft'},
'Alt': {keyCode: 18, code: 'AltLeft'},
'Pause': {keyCode: 19, code: 'Pause'},
'CapsLock': {keyCode: 20, code: 'CapsLock'},
'Escape': {keyCode: 27, code: 'Escape'},
'Convert': {keyCode: 28, code: 'Convert'},
'NonConvert': {keyCode: 29, code: 'NonConvert'},
'Accept': {keyCode: 30, code: ''},
'ModeChange': {keyCode: 31, code: ''},
'PageUp': {keyCode: 33, code: 'PageUp'},
'PageDown': {keyCode: 34, code: 'PageDown'},
'End': {keyCode: 35, code: 'End'},
'Home': {keyCode: 36, code: 'Home'},
'ArrowLeft': {keyCode: 37, code: 'ArrowLeft'},
'ArrowUp': {keyCode: 38, code: 'ArrowUp'},
'ArrowRight': {keyCode: 39, code: 'ArrowRight'},
'ArrowDown': {keyCode: 40, code: 'ArrowDown'},
'Select': {keyCode: 41, code: 'Select'},
'Print': {keyCode: 42, code: ''},
'Execute': {keyCode: 43, code: 'Open'},
'PrintScreen': {keyCode: 44, code: 'PrintScreen'},
'Insert': {keyCode: 45, code: 'Insert'},
'Delete': {keyCode: 46, code: 'Delete'},
')': {keyCode: 48, code: 'Digit0'},
'!': {keyCode: 49, code: 'Digit1'},
'@': {keyCode: 50, code: 'Digit2'},
'#': {keyCode: 51, code: 'Digit3'},
'$': {keyCode: 52, code: 'Digit4'},
'%': {keyCode: 53, code: 'Digit5'},
'^': {keyCode: 54, code: 'Digit6'},
'&': {keyCode: 55, code: 'Digit7'},
'*': {keyCode: 56, code: 'Digit8'},
'(': {keyCode: 57, code: 'Digit9'},
'Meta': {keyCode: 91, code: 'MetaLeft'},
'ContextMenu': {keyCode: 93, code: 'ContextMenu'},
'F1': {keyCode: 112, code: 'F1'},
'F2': {keyCode: 113, code: 'F2'},
'F3': {keyCode: 114, code: 'F3'},
'F4': {keyCode: 115, code: 'F4'},
'F5': {keyCode: 116, code: 'F5'},
'F6': {keyCode: 117, code: 'F6'},
'F7': {keyCode: 118, code: 'F7'},
'F8': {keyCode: 119, code: 'F8'},
'F9': {keyCode: 120, code: 'F9'},
'F10': {keyCode: 121, code: 'F10'},
'F11': {keyCode: 122, code: 'F11'},
'F12': {keyCode: 123, code: 'F12'},
'F13': {keyCode: 124, code: 'F13'},
'F14': {keyCode: 125, code: 'F14'},
'F15': {keyCode: 126, code: 'F15'},
'F16': {keyCode: 127, code: 'F16'},
'F17': {keyCode: 128, code: 'F17'},
'F18': {keyCode: 129, code: 'F18'},
'F19': {keyCode: 130, code: 'F19'},
'F20': {keyCode: 131, code: 'F20'},
'F21': {keyCode: 132, code: 'F21'},
'F22': {keyCode: 133, code: 'F22'},
'F23': {keyCode: 134, code: 'F23'},
'F24': {keyCode: 135, code: 'F24'},
'NumLock': {keyCode: 144, code: 'NumLock'},
'ScrollLock': {keyCode: 145, code: 'ScrollLock'},
'AudioVolumeMute': {keyCode: 173, code: 'AudioVolumeMute'},
'AudioVolumeDown': {keyCode: 174, code: 'AudioVolumeDown'},
'AudioVolumeUp': {keyCode: 175, code: 'AudioVolumeUp'},
'MediaTrackNext': {keyCode: 176, code: 'MediaTrackNext'},
'MediaTrackPrevious': {keyCode: 177, code: 'MediaTrackPrevious'},
'MediaStop': {keyCode: 178, code: 'MediaStop'},
'MediaPlayPause': {keyCode: 179, code: 'MediaPlayPause'},
';': {keyCode: 186, code: 'Semicolon'},
':': {keyCode: 186, code: 'Semicolon'},
'=': {keyCode: 187, code: 'Equal'},
'+': {keyCode: 187, code: 'Equal'},
',': {keyCode: 188, code: 'Comma'},
'<': {keyCode: 188, code: 'Comma'},
'-': {keyCode: 189, code: 'Minus'},
'_': {keyCode: 189, code: 'Minus'},
'.': {keyCode: 190, code: 'Period'},
'>': {keyCode: 190, code: 'Period'},
'/': {keyCode: 191, code: 'Slash'},
'?': {keyCode: 191, code: 'Slash'},
'`': {keyCode: 192, code: 'Backquote'},
'~': {keyCode: 192, code: 'Backquote'},
'[': {keyCode: 219, code: 'BracketLeft'},
'{': {keyCode: 219, code: 'BracketLeft'},
'\\': {keyCode: 220, code: 'Backslash'},
'|': {keyCode: 220, code: 'Backslash'},
']': {keyCode: 221, code: 'BracketRight'},
'}': {keyCode: 221, code: 'BracketRight'},
'\'': {keyCode: 222, code: 'Quote'},
'"': {keyCode: 222, code: 'Quote'},
'AltGraph': {keyCode: 225, code: 'AltGraph'},
'Attn': {keyCode: 246, code: ''},
'CrSel': {keyCode: 247, code: 'Props'},
'ExSel': {keyCode: 248, code: ''},
'EraseEof': {keyCode: 249, code: ''},
'Play': {keyCode: 250, code: ''},
'ZoomOut': {keyCode: 251, code: ''},
'0': { keyCode: 48, code: 'Digit0'},
'1': { keyCode: 49, code: 'Digit1'},
'2': { keyCode: 50, code: 'Digit2'},
'3': { keyCode: 51, code: 'Digit3'},
'4': { keyCode: 52, code: 'Digit4'},
'5': { keyCode: 53, code: 'Digit5'},
'6': { keyCode: 54, code: 'Digit6'},
'7': { keyCode: 55, code: 'Digit7'},
'8': { keyCode: 56, code: 'Digit8'},
'9': { keyCode: 57, code: 'Digit9'},
'q': { keyCode: 81, code: 'KeyQ'},
'w': { keyCode: 87, code: 'KeyW'},
'e': { keyCode: 69, code: 'KeyE'},
'r': { keyCode: 82, code: 'KeyR'},
't': { keyCode: 84, code: 'KeyT'},
'y': { keyCode: 89, code: 'KeyY'},
'u': { keyCode: 85, code: 'KeyU'},
'i': { keyCode: 73, code: 'KeyI'},
'o': { keyCode: 79, code: 'KeyO'},
'p': { keyCode: 80, code: 'KeyP'},
'a': { keyCode: 65, code: 'KeyA'},
's': { keyCode: 83, code: 'KeyS'},
'd': { keyCode: 68, code: 'KeyD'},
'f': { keyCode: 70, code: 'KeyF'},
'g': { keyCode: 71, code: 'KeyG'},
'h': { keyCode: 72, code: 'KeyH'},
'j': { keyCode: 74, code: 'KeyJ'},
'k': { keyCode: 75, code: 'KeyK'},
'l': { keyCode: 76, code: 'KeyL'},
'z': { keyCode: 90, code: 'KeyZ'},
'x': { keyCode: 88, code: 'KeyX'},
'c': { keyCode: 67, code: 'KeyC'},
'v': { keyCode: 86, code: 'KeyV'},
'b': { keyCode: 66, code: 'KeyB'},
'n': { keyCode: 78, code: 'KeyN'},
'm': { keyCode: 77, code: 'KeyM'},
'Q': { keyCode: 81, code: 'KeyQ'},
'W': { keyCode: 87, code: 'KeyW'},
'E': { keyCode: 69, code: 'KeyE'},
'R': { keyCode: 82, code: 'KeyR'},
'T': { keyCode: 84, code: 'KeyT'},
'Y': { keyCode: 89, code: 'KeyY'},
'U': { keyCode: 85, code: 'KeyU'},
'I': { keyCode: 73, code: 'KeyI'},
'O': { keyCode: 79, code: 'KeyO'},
'P': { keyCode: 80, code: 'KeyP'},
'A': { keyCode: 65, code: 'KeyA'},
'S': { keyCode: 83, code: 'KeyS'},
'D': { keyCode: 68, code: 'KeyD'},
'F': { keyCode: 70, code: 'KeyF'},
'G': { keyCode: 71, code: 'KeyG'},
'H': { keyCode: 72, code: 'KeyH'},
'J': { keyCode: 74, code: 'KeyJ'},
'K': { keyCode: 75, code: 'KeyK'},
'L': { keyCode: 76, code: 'KeyL'},
'Z': { keyCode: 90, code: 'KeyZ'},
'X': { keyCode: 88, code: 'KeyX'},
'C': { keyCode: 67, code: 'KeyC'},
'V': { keyCode: 86, code: 'KeyV'},
'B': { keyCode: 66, code: 'KeyB'},
'N': { keyCode: 78, code: 'KeyN'},
'M': { keyCode: 77, code: 'KeyM'}
* @param {string} key
* @return {number}
function keyCodeForKey(key) {
if (keys[key])
return keys[key].keyCode;
if (key.length === 1)
return key.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0);
return 0;
* @param {string} key
* @return {string}
function codeForKey(key) {
if (!keys[key])
return '';
return keys[key].code;
module.exports = { Keyboard, Mouse, Touchscreen};