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2021-01-07 07:26:30 +00:00
# Purescript-Typeable
Reified types for Purescript
This is an implementation of indexed typereps for Purescript, similar to the [corresponding implementation in Haskell](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base/docs/Type-Reflection.html#t:TypeRep).
2021-01-07 07:26:30 +00:00
2021-01-18 11:30:44 +00:00
[Slides for a talk about Purescript-Typeable](https://speakerdeck.com/ajnsit/purescript-typeable), presented at the Purescript semi-monthly meetup on 18 January 2021, are available.
## Data.Typeable
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`TypeReps` are values that represent types (i.e. they reify types). When they are *indexed* they have the type itself as a parameter.
data TypeRep a -- A *value* that represents the type 'a'
All typeable things have typereps -
class Typeable a where
typeRep :: TypeRep a
Instances are provided for common data types.
We can recover the unindexed representation by making it existential -
data SomeTypeRep
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We can also test any two typereps for equality -
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eqTypeRep :: forall a b. TypeRep a -> TypeRep b -> Boolean
We can compare two typeReps and extract a witness for type equality.
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eqT :: forall a b. TypeRep a -> TypeRep b -> Maybe (a ~ b)
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## Deriving `Typeable` for custom data types
It's extremely easy. You just need to create a mechanical `Taggable` class instance for your datatype. The instance will always use the provided `makeTag` function. There is no other possible way to create an instance.
For example -
data Person = Person {name::String, age::Int}
instance Tagged Person where tag = makeTag unit
This is valid even for data types that take parameters. For example -
data Optional a = Some a | None
instance Tagged Optional where tag = makeTag unit
**Don't worry about getting it wrong since the type system will prevent you from writing an invalid instance.**
> #### CAVEAT
> *Do not add any extra constraints to the instances*. For example don't do `Foo => Taggable Person`. This currently cannot be caught by the type checker, but will break typerep comparisons for your data type.
And that's it! You are done! Now your datatype will have a `Typeable` instance.
Note that you will have `Typeable` instances even for unsaturated types. For example, with the `tagTOptional` instance above, you have instances for `TypeRep (Optional a)` as well as for `TypeRep Optional`.
## Data.Dynamic
We can have dynamic values which holds a value `a` in a context `t` and forgets the type of `a`
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data Dynamic t
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We can wrap a value into a dynamic
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dynamic :: forall a t. Typeable a => t a -> Dynamic t
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We can recover the value from a dynamic if supply the type we expect to find in the Dynamic
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unwrapDynamic :: forall a. TypeRep a -> Dynamic t -> Maybe a
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## Data.Data
2021-01-07 07:26:30 +00:00
This is an implementation of the Data class Purescript, similar to the [corresponding implementation of Data in Haskell](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base/docs/Data-Data.html). Check the documentation there for more information on the API. A brief overview is provided below.
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class Typeable a <= Data a where
dataDict :: DataDict a
Where `DataDict` is a manually reified dictionary because PureScript has trouble with constraints inside records.
Common instances are provided for `Data`. You can define `Data` instances for your own datatypes though it is slightly involved due to the dictionary reification.
When you cut through the dictionary reification noise, the definition of `Data` looks like the following -
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class Typeable a => Data a where
gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> a -> a
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Basically `Data` encodes a traversal through the structure of the data.
Let's say you have the following data structure -
data Foo = Foo Bar Baz
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You would define a `Data` instance for `Foo` like the following -
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instance Data Foo where
gmapT k (Foo a b) = Foo (k a) (k b)
i.e. You apply the supplied function to the immediate children of the top level structure.
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Now because of the dictionary reification in PureScript, you can't directly write the instance that way. You need to do the following instead -
instance Data Foo where
dataDict = DataDict \k z (Foo a b) -> z Foo `k` a `k` b
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i.e. You are doing the same traversal, but start with the `z`, and intersperse all the immediate children of the data structure with `k`.
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If your data structure has multiple branches, for example -
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data Foo = Bar Baz | Buzz Int
Simply handle the branches separately, for example -
instance Data Foo where
dataDict = DataDict \k z foo -> case foo of
Bar b -> z Bar `k` b
Buzz i -> z Buzz `k` i
### Using Data.Data
Once you have a `Data` instance for your datatype, you can use `gmapT`, and functions that depend on `gmapT`, such as `everywhere`.
For example, to apply a function `f :: forall a. Typeable a => a -> a` to all leaves of your data structure, you can do `everywhere f`. Inside `f`, you can use the `Typeable` instance to decide when to change the data structure. For example, if you want the function to increment all integers, but leave all other data intact, use -
f :: forall a. Typeable a => a -> a
f a =
-- Check if `a` is an int
case (typeRep :: _ a) `eqT` (typeRep :: _ Int) of
-- Return unmodified if `a` is not an int
Nothing -> a
Just witness -> do
-- If `a` is an int, we get access to bidirectional conversion functions
let aToI = coerce witness
let iToA = coerce (symm witness)
-- Increment and return
iToA (aToI a + 1)
2021-04-22 10:45:38 +00:00