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synced 2025-03-05 02:12:15 +00:00
Reduce dependence on the internal dictionary passing mechanism
Part of this work was done by @the-dr-lazy in https://github.com/ajnsit/purescript-typeable/pull/3. GOOD: Now there is no more dependence on dictionaries being passed as function arguments at runtime. BAD: 1. However, we still depend on the dictionaries being stable at runtime. 2. We now also assume that the output of the new function `makeTag` will never be cached.
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,3 +8,4 @@
@ -1,29 +1,19 @@
// var _tag_id_counter = 1;
export function typeRepDefault0Impl(t) {
return t;
export const typeRepFromTag1Impl = pack('tagT');
export function showTypeRep(t) {
return "" + t;
export const proxyT = tag;
// Just a JS class, instances of which can be tested for equality
function tag() { }
function Tag() { }
export const proxyTFromTagTImpl = pack('tagT');
export function makeTag(_) {
return new Tag();
function pack(tagName) {
return function(origTag) {
let unwrappedTag = origTag[tagName];
return function(typeRep) {
if (unwrappedTag.tag) return { tag: unwrappedTag.tag, args: unwrappedTag.args.concat(typeRep) };
return { tag: origTag, args: [typeRep] };
export function tag1Impl(origTag) {
return function(typeRep) {
if (origTag instanceof Tag) return { tag: origTag, args: [typeRep] };
else return { tag: origTag.tag, args: origTag.args.concat(typeRep) };
@ -52,7 +42,6 @@ export function typeRowCons(_) {
export const typeRowNil = { record: [] };
function eqTypeRepHelper(t1, t2) {
if (t1.tagT) return t1 === t2;
if (t1.record) {
if (!t2.record) return false;
if (t1.record.length !== t2.record.length) return false;
@ -62,8 +51,8 @@ function eqTypeRepHelper(t1, t2) {
return true;
if (!t1.args) return false;
if (t1.args.length !== t2.args.length) return false;
if (t1 instanceof Tag) return t1 === t2;
if (t1.tag !== t2.tag || t1.args.length !== t2.args.length) return false;
for (var i = 0; i < t1.args.length; i++) {
if (!eqTypeRepHelper(t1.args[i], t2.args[i])) return false;
@ -17,10 +17,11 @@ module Data.Typeable
, unwrapSomeTypeRep
, runSomeTypeRep
, eqSomeTypeRep
, ProxyT
, proxyT
, class TagT
, tagT
, typeRepFromTag
, Tag
, makeTag
, class Tagged
, tag
) where
import Control.Category (identity)
@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ import Data.Newtype (unwrap)
import Data.Ordering (Ordering)
import Data.Show (class Show)
import Data.Symbol (class IsSymbol, reflectSymbol)
import Data.Unit (Unit)
import Data.Unit (Unit, unit)
import Prim.RowList as RL
import Type.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
@ -106,60 +107,42 @@ unwrapSomeTypeRep t f = runSomeTypeRep f t
eqSomeTypeRep :: SomeTypeRep -> SomeTypeRep -> Boolean
eqSomeTypeRep s1 s2 = unwrapSomeTypeRep s1 \t1 -> unwrapSomeTypeRep s2 \t2 -> eqTypeRep t1 t2
-- | Every Tag can be converted to the corresponding TypeRep
typeRepFromTag :: forall a. Tag a -> TypeRep a
typeRepFromTag = unsafeCoerce
-- Coerce must have a type sig, and must not be inlined else it won't get passed the dicts
coerceTagDict :: forall a r. (TagTDict a -> r) -> (TagT a => r)
coerceTagDict = unsafeCoerce
-- HACK: For https://github.com/purescript/purescript/pull/4240
typeRepDefault0 :: forall a. TagT a => TypeRep a
typeRepDefault0 = coerceTagDict typeRepDefault0Impl
-- typeRepDefaultImpl :: forall a. TagT a => TypeRep a
foreign import typeRepDefault0Impl :: forall a. TagTDict a -> TypeRep a
-- HACK: For https://github.com/purescript/purescript/pull/4240
typeRepFromTag1 :: forall a b. TagT a => Typeable b => TypeRep (a b)
typeRepFromTag1 = coerceTagDict typeRepFromTag1Impl typeRep
-- typeRepFromTag1Impl :: forall a b. TagT a => Typeable b => TypeRep (a b)
foreign import typeRepFromTag1Impl :: forall a b. TagTDict a -> TypeRep b -> TypeRep (a b)
typeRepFromTag1 :: forall a b. Tagged a => Typeable b => TypeRep (a b)
typeRepFromTag1 = typeRepFromTag (tag1Impl tag typeRep)
foreign import showTypeRep :: forall a. TypeRep a -> String
-- Tagging types, this is basically the same as `Type.Proxy`
-- but we don't want to export any constructors
data ProxyT :: forall k. k -> Type
data ProxyT t
-- | An Opaque Tag type
foreign import data Tag :: forall k. k -> Type
foreign import proxyT :: forall t. ProxyT t
-- | This is the only way to create Tags
-- | It's a function so that it can never be inlined by the compiler.
-- | This function returns unique values that are never equal.
foreign import makeTag :: forall t. Unit -> Tag t
-- | This class should only be used to specify instances for your own datatypes to automatically get Typeable instances
-- | It's never necessary to use TagT as a constraint in order to use Typeable
class TagT :: forall k. k -> Constraint
class TagT a where
tagT :: ProxyT a
-- | It's never necessary to use Tagged as a constraint in order to use Typeable
class Tagged :: forall k. k -> Constraint
class Tagged a where
tag :: Tag a
data TagTDict :: forall k. k -> Type
data TagTDict t
-- HACK: For https://github.com/purescript/purescript/pull/4240
proxyTFromTagT :: forall t a. TagT t => Typeable a => ProxyT (t a)
proxyTFromTagT = coerceTagDict proxyTFromTagTImpl typeRep
-- foreign import proxyTFromTagTImpl :: forall t a. TagT t => Typeable a => ProxyT (t a)
foreign import proxyTFromTagTImpl :: forall t a. TagTDict t -> TypeRep a -> ProxyT (t a)
foreign import tag1Impl :: forall t a. Tag t -> TypeRep a -> Tag (t a)
instance typeableRecord :: (RL.RowToList rs ls, TypeableRecordFields ls) => Typeable (Record rs) where
typeRep = typeRowToTypeRep (typeableRecordFields (Proxy :: _ ls))
else instance typeableTag1 :: (TagT t, Typeable a) => Typeable (t a) where
else instance typeableTag1 :: (Tagged t, Typeable a) => Typeable (t a) where
typeRep = typeRepFromTag1
else instance typeableTag0 :: TagT t => Typeable t where
typeRep = typeRepDefault0
else instance typeableTag0 :: Tagged t => Typeable t where
typeRep = typeRepFromTag tag
instance tagTFromTagT :: (TagT t, Typeable a) => TagT (t a) where
tagT = proxyTFromTagT
instance tag1 :: (Tagged t, Typeable a) => Tagged (t a) where
tag = tag1Impl tag typeRep
@ -169,8 +152,6 @@ data TypeRow r
typeRowToTypeRep :: forall r rl. RL.RowToList r rl => TypeRow rl -> TypeRep (Record r)
typeRowToTypeRep = typeRowToTypeRepImpl
-- HACK: For https://github.com/purescript/purescript/pull/4240
-- This doesn't depend on getting a reference to the dictionary so we don't need it in the FFI
foreign import typeRowToTypeRepImpl :: forall r rl. TypeRow rl -> TypeRep (Record r)
foreign import typeRowNil :: TypeRow RL.Nil
@ -196,35 +177,35 @@ instance typeableRecordFieldsCons ::
key = Proxy :: _ key
tail = typeableRecordFields (Proxy :: _ rowlistTail)
instance taggedInt :: TagT Int where
tagT = proxyT
instance taggedInt :: Tagged Int where
tag = makeTag unit
instance tagTBoolean :: TagT Boolean where
tagT = proxyT
instance tagBoolean :: Tagged Boolean where
tag = makeTag unit
instance tagTNumber :: TagT Number where
tagT = proxyT
instance tagNumber :: Tagged Number where
tag = makeTag unit
instance tagTChar :: TagT Char where
tagT = proxyT
instance tagChar :: Tagged Char where
tag = makeTag unit
instance tagTString :: TagT String where
tagT = proxyT
instance tagString :: Tagged String where
tag = makeTag unit
instance tagTUnit :: TagT Unit where
tagT = proxyT
instance tagUnit :: Tagged Unit where
tag = makeTag unit
instance taggedArray :: TagT Array where
tagT = proxyT
instance taggedArray :: Tagged Array where
tag = makeTag unit
instance taggedMaybe :: TagT Maybe where
tagT = proxyT
instance taggedMaybe :: Tagged Maybe where
tag = makeTag unit
instance tag2Func :: TagT (->) where
tagT = proxyT
instance tag2Func :: Tagged (->) where
tag = makeTag unit
instance tag2Either :: TagT Either where
tagT = proxyT
instance tag2Either :: Tagged Either where
tag = makeTag unit
instance tagTOrdering :: TagT Ordering where
tagT = proxyT
instance tagOrdering :: Tagged Ordering where
tag = makeTag unit
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (class MonadThrow)
import Data.Either (Either)
import Data.Typeable (class TagT, TypeRep, eqTypeRep, proxyT, typeRep, typeRepFromVal)
import Data.Typeable (class Tagged, TypeRep, eqTypeRep, makeTag, typeRep, typeRepFromVal)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (launchAff_)
import Effect.Exception (Error)
@ -49,17 +49,6 @@ main = do
assert $ eqTypeRep (typeRep :: _ (Optional Int)) (typeRepFromVal (Some 1))
deny $ eqTypeRep (typeRep :: _ (Optional Person)) (typeRepFromVal (Some 1))
-- clog (eqTypeRep (typeRep :: _ Int) (typeRep :: _ Char))
-- clog (eqTypeRep (typeRep :: _ Int) (typeRep :: _ Int))
-- clog (typeRep :: _ Char)
-- clog (typeRep :: _ Int)
-- clog (typeRep :: _ Array)
-- clog (typeRep :: _ { name :: String, age :: Int })
-- clog (typeRep :: _ (Int -> Either (Either Int Int) (Optional (Array (Person)))))
-- clog (typeRep :: _ (Either (Either Int Int) (Optional (Array (Person)))))
-- clog (typeRep :: _ (Either Int Int))
typeRecord :: TypeRep { age :: Int, name :: String }
typeRecord = typeRep
@ -73,10 +62,10 @@ main = do
newtype Person2 = Person2 { name :: String, location :: String }
instance tagTPerson2 :: TagT Person2 where
tagT = proxyT
instance tagPerson2 :: Tagged Person2 where
tag = makeTag unit
data Optional a = None | Some a
instance tagOptional :: TagT Optional where
tagT = proxyT
instance tagOptional :: Tagged Optional where
tag = makeTag unit
@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
module Test.Person where
import Data.Typeable (class TagT, TypeRep, proxyT, typeRep)
import Data.Typeable (class Tagged, TypeRep, makeTag, typeRep)
import Data.Unit (unit)
newtype Person = Person { name :: String, location :: String }
instance tagTPerson :: TagT Person where
tagT = proxyT
instance taggedPerson :: Tagged Person where
tag = makeTag unit
typePerson :: TypeRep Person
typePerson = typeRep
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