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2025-01-17 15:32:32 +00:00
import asyncio
import datetime
import io
import re
import socket
import string
import tempfile
import types
import warnings
from http.cookies import SimpleCookie
from types import MappingProxyType
from typing import (
from urllib.parse import parse_qsl
import attr
from multidict import (
from yarl import URL
from . import hdrs
from .abc import AbstractStreamWriter
from .helpers import (
from .http_parser import RawRequestMessage
from .http_writer import HttpVersion
from .multipart import BodyPartReader, MultipartReader
from .streams import EmptyStreamReader, StreamReader
from .typedefs import (
from .web_exceptions import HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge
from .web_response import StreamResponse
__all__ = ("BaseRequest", "FileField", "Request")
from .web_app import Application
from .web_protocol import RequestHandler
from .web_urldispatcher import UrlMappingMatchInfo
@attr.s(auto_attribs=True, frozen=True, slots=True)
class FileField:
name: str
filename: str
file: io.BufferedReader
content_type: str
headers: CIMultiDictProxy[str]
_TCHAR: Final[str] = string.digits + string.ascii_letters + r"!#$%&'*+.^_`|~-"
# '-' at the end to prevent interpretation as range in a char class
_TOKEN: Final[str] = rf"[{_TCHAR}]+"
_QDTEXT: Final[str] = r"[{}]".format(
r"".join(chr(c) for c in (0x09, 0x20, 0x21) + tuple(range(0x23, 0x7F)))
# qdtext includes 0x5C to escape 0x5D ('\]')
# qdtext excludes obs-text (because obsoleted, and encoding not specified)
_QUOTED_PAIR: Final[str] = r"\\[\t !-~]"
_QUOTED_STRING: Final[str] = r'"(?:{quoted_pair}|{qdtext})*"'.format(
qdtext=_QDTEXT, quoted_pair=_QUOTED_PAIR
_FORWARDED_PAIR: Final[str] = (
token=_TOKEN, quoted_string=_QUOTED_STRING
_QUOTED_PAIR_REPLACE_RE: Final[Pattern[str]] = re.compile(r"\\([\t !-~])")
# same pattern as _QUOTED_PAIR but contains a capture group
_FORWARDED_PAIR_RE: Final[Pattern[str]] = re.compile(_FORWARDED_PAIR)
# HTTP Request
class BaseRequest(MutableMapping[str, Any], HeadersMixin):
ATTRS = HeadersMixin.ATTRS | frozenset(
_post: Optional[MultiDictProxy[Union[str, bytes, FileField]]] = None
_read_bytes: Optional[bytes] = None
def __init__(
message: RawRequestMessage,
payload: StreamReader,
protocol: "RequestHandler",
payload_writer: AbstractStreamWriter,
task: "asyncio.Task[None]",
loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop,
client_max_size: int = 1024**2,
state: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
scheme: Optional[str] = None,
host: Optional[str] = None,
remote: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
self._message = message
self._protocol = protocol
self._payload_writer = payload_writer
self._payload = payload
self._headers: CIMultiDictProxy[str] = message.headers
self._method = message.method
self._version = message.version
self._cache: Dict[str, Any] = {}
url = message.url
if url.absolute:
if scheme is not None:
url = url.with_scheme(scheme)
if host is not None:
url = url.with_host(host)
# absolute URL is given,
# override auto-calculating url, host, and scheme
# all other properties should be good
self._cache["url"] = url
self._cache["host"] = url.host
self._cache["scheme"] = url.scheme
self._rel_url = url.relative()
self._rel_url = url
if scheme is not None:
self._cache["scheme"] = scheme
if host is not None:
self._cache["host"] = host
self._state = {} if state is None else state
self._task = task
self._client_max_size = client_max_size
self._loop = loop
transport = protocol.transport
assert transport is not None
self._transport_sslcontext = transport.get_extra_info("sslcontext")
self._transport_peername = transport.get_extra_info("peername")
if remote is not None:
self._cache["remote"] = remote
def clone(
method: Union[str, _SENTINEL] = sentinel,
rel_url: Union[StrOrURL, _SENTINEL] = sentinel,
headers: Union[LooseHeaders, _SENTINEL] = sentinel,
scheme: Union[str, _SENTINEL] = sentinel,
host: Union[str, _SENTINEL] = sentinel,
remote: Union[str, _SENTINEL] = sentinel,
client_max_size: Union[int, _SENTINEL] = sentinel,
) -> "BaseRequest":
"""Clone itself with replacement some attributes.
Creates and returns a new instance of Request object. If no parameters
are given, an exact copy is returned. If a parameter is not passed, it
will reuse the one from the current request object.
if self._read_bytes:
raise RuntimeError("Cannot clone request after reading its content")
dct: Dict[str, Any] = {}
if method is not sentinel:
dct["method"] = method
if rel_url is not sentinel:
new_url: URL = URL(rel_url)
dct["url"] = new_url
dct["path"] = str(new_url)
if headers is not sentinel:
# a copy semantic
dct["headers"] = CIMultiDictProxy(CIMultiDict(headers))
dct["raw_headers"] = tuple(
(k.encode("utf-8"), v.encode("utf-8"))
for k, v in dct["headers"].items()
message = self._message._replace(**dct)
kwargs = {}
if scheme is not sentinel:
kwargs["scheme"] = scheme
if host is not sentinel:
kwargs["host"] = host
if remote is not sentinel:
kwargs["remote"] = remote
if client_max_size is sentinel:
client_max_size = self._client_max_size
return self.__class__(
def task(self) -> "asyncio.Task[None]":
return self._task
def protocol(self) -> "RequestHandler":
return self._protocol
def transport(self) -> Optional[asyncio.Transport]:
if self._protocol is None:
return None
return self._protocol.transport
def writer(self) -> AbstractStreamWriter:
return self._payload_writer
def client_max_size(self) -> int:
return self._client_max_size
def message(self) -> RawRequestMessage:
warnings.warn("Request.message is deprecated", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3)
return self._message
def rel_url(self) -> URL:
return self._rel_url
def loop(self) -> asyncio.AbstractEventLoop:
"request.loop property is deprecated", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2
return self._loop
# MutableMapping API
def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Any:
return self._state[key]
def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None:
self._state[key] = value
def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None:
del self._state[key]
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self._state)
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]:
return iter(self._state)
def secure(self) -> bool:
"""A bool indicating if the request is handled with SSL."""
return self.scheme == "https"
def forwarded(self) -> Tuple[Mapping[str, str], ...]:
"""A tuple containing all parsed Forwarded header(s).
Makes an effort to parse Forwarded headers as specified by RFC 7239:
- It adds one (immutable) dictionary per Forwarded 'field-value', ie
per proxy. The element corresponds to the data in the Forwarded
field-value added by the first proxy encountered by the client. Each
subsequent item corresponds to those added by later proxies.
- It checks that every value has valid syntax in general as specified
in section 4: either a 'token' or a 'quoted-string'.
- It un-escapes found escape sequences.
- It does NOT validate 'by' and 'for' contents as specified in section
- It does NOT validate 'host' contents (Host ABNF).
- It does NOT validate 'proto' contents for valid URI scheme names.
Returns a tuple containing one or more immutable dicts
elems = []
for field_value in self._message.headers.getall(hdrs.FORWARDED, ()):
length = len(field_value)
pos = 0
need_separator = False
elem: Dict[str, str] = {}
while 0 <= pos < length:
match = _FORWARDED_PAIR_RE.match(field_value, pos)
if match is not None: # got a valid forwarded-pair
if need_separator:
# bad syntax here, skip to next comma
pos = field_value.find(",", pos)
name, value, port = match.groups()
if value[0] == '"':
# quoted string: remove quotes and unescape
value = _QUOTED_PAIR_REPLACE_RE.sub(r"\1", value[1:-1])
if port:
value += port
elem[name.lower()] = value
pos += len(match.group(0))
need_separator = True
elif field_value[pos] == ",": # next forwarded-element
need_separator = False
elem = {}
pos += 1
elif field_value[pos] == ";": # next forwarded-pair
need_separator = False
pos += 1
elif field_value[pos] in " \t":
# Allow whitespace even between forwarded-pairs, though
# RFC 7239 doesn't. This simplifies code and is in line
# with Postel's law.
pos += 1
# bad syntax here, skip to next comma
pos = field_value.find(",", pos)
return tuple(elems)
def scheme(self) -> str:
"""A string representing the scheme of the request.
Hostname is resolved in this order:
- overridden value by .clone(scheme=new_scheme) call.
- type of connection to peer: HTTPS if socket is SSL, HTTP otherwise.
'http' or 'https'.
if self._transport_sslcontext:
return "https"
return "http"
def method(self) -> str:
"""Read only property for getting HTTP method.
The value is upper-cased str like 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT' etc.
return self._method
def version(self) -> HttpVersion:
"""Read only property for getting HTTP version of request.
Returns aiohttp.protocol.HttpVersion instance.
return self._version
def host(self) -> str:
"""Hostname of the request.
Hostname is resolved in this order:
- overridden value by .clone(host=new_host) call.
- HOST HTTP header
- socket.getfqdn() value
For example, 'example.com' or 'localhost:8080'.
For historical reasons, the port number may be included.
host = self._message.headers.get(hdrs.HOST)
if host is not None:
return host
return socket.getfqdn()
def remote(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Remote IP of client initiated HTTP request.
The IP is resolved in this order:
- overridden value by .clone(remote=new_remote) call.
- peername of opened socket
if self._transport_peername is None:
return None
if isinstance(self._transport_peername, (list, tuple)):
return str(self._transport_peername[0])
return str(self._transport_peername)
def url(self) -> URL:
"""The full URL of the request."""
# authority is used here because it may include the port number
# and we want yarl to parse it correctly
return URL.build(scheme=self.scheme, authority=self.host).join(self._rel_url)
def path(self) -> str:
"""The URL including *PATH INFO* without the host or scheme.
E.g., ``/app/blog``
return self._rel_url.path
def path_qs(self) -> str:
"""The URL including PATH_INFO and the query string.
E.g, /app/blog?id=10
return str(self._rel_url)
def raw_path(self) -> str:
"""The URL including raw *PATH INFO* without the host or scheme.
Warning, the path is unquoted and may contains non valid URL characters
E.g., ``/my%2Fpath%7Cwith%21some%25strange%24characters``
return self._message.path
def query(self) -> "MultiMapping[str]":
"""A multidict with all the variables in the query string."""
return self._rel_url.query
def query_string(self) -> str:
"""The query string in the URL.
E.g., id=10
return self._rel_url.query_string
def headers(self) -> CIMultiDictProxy[str]:
"""A case-insensitive multidict proxy with all headers."""
return self._headers
def raw_headers(self) -> RawHeaders:
"""A sequence of pairs for all headers."""
return self._message.raw_headers
def if_modified_since(self) -> Optional[datetime.datetime]:
"""The value of If-Modified-Since HTTP header, or None.
This header is represented as a `datetime` object.
return parse_http_date(self.headers.get(hdrs.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE))
def if_unmodified_since(self) -> Optional[datetime.datetime]:
"""The value of If-Unmodified-Since HTTP header, or None.
This header is represented as a `datetime` object.
return parse_http_date(self.headers.get(hdrs.IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE))
def _etag_values(etag_header: str) -> Iterator[ETag]:
"""Extract `ETag` objects from raw header."""
if etag_header == ETAG_ANY:
yield ETag(
for match in LIST_QUOTED_ETAG_RE.finditer(etag_header):
is_weak, value, garbage = match.group(2, 3, 4)
# Any symbol captured by 4th group means
# that the following sequence is invalid.
if garbage:
yield ETag(
def _if_match_or_none_impl(
cls, header_value: Optional[str]
) -> Optional[Tuple[ETag, ...]]:
if not header_value:
return None
return tuple(cls._etag_values(header_value))
def if_match(self) -> Optional[Tuple[ETag, ...]]:
"""The value of If-Match HTTP header, or None.
This header is represented as a `tuple` of `ETag` objects.
return self._if_match_or_none_impl(self.headers.get(hdrs.IF_MATCH))
def if_none_match(self) -> Optional[Tuple[ETag, ...]]:
"""The value of If-None-Match HTTP header, or None.
This header is represented as a `tuple` of `ETag` objects.
return self._if_match_or_none_impl(self.headers.get(hdrs.IF_NONE_MATCH))
def if_range(self) -> Optional[datetime.datetime]:
"""The value of If-Range HTTP header, or None.
This header is represented as a `datetime` object.
return parse_http_date(self.headers.get(hdrs.IF_RANGE))
def keep_alive(self) -> bool:
"""Is keepalive enabled by client?"""
return not self._message.should_close
def cookies(self) -> Mapping[str, str]:
"""Return request cookies.
A read-only dictionary-like object.
raw = self.headers.get(hdrs.COOKIE, "")
parsed = SimpleCookie(raw)
return MappingProxyType({key: val.value for key, val in parsed.items()})
def http_range(self) -> slice:
"""The content of Range HTTP header.
Return a slice instance.
rng = self._headers.get(hdrs.RANGE)
start, end = None, None
if rng is not None:
pattern = r"^bytes=(\d*)-(\d*)$"
start, end = re.findall(pattern, rng)[0]
except IndexError: # pattern was not found in header
raise ValueError("range not in acceptable format")
end = int(end) if end else None
start = int(start) if start else None
if start is None and end is not None:
# end with no start is to return tail of content
start = -end
end = None
if start is not None and end is not None:
# end is inclusive in range header, exclusive for slice
end += 1
if start >= end:
raise ValueError("start cannot be after end")
if start is end is None: # No valid range supplied
raise ValueError("No start or end of range specified")
return slice(start, end, 1)
def content(self) -> StreamReader:
"""Return raw payload stream."""
return self._payload
def has_body(self) -> bool:
"""Return True if request's HTTP BODY can be read, False otherwise."""
"Deprecated, use .can_read_body #2005", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2
return not self._payload.at_eof()
def can_read_body(self) -> bool:
"""Return True if request's HTTP BODY can be read, False otherwise."""
return not self._payload.at_eof()
def body_exists(self) -> bool:
"""Return True if request has HTTP BODY, False otherwise."""
return type(self._payload) is not EmptyStreamReader
async def release(self) -> None:
"""Release request.
Eat unread part of HTTP BODY if present.
while not self._payload.at_eof():
await self._payload.readany()
async def read(self) -> bytes:
"""Read request body if present.
Returns bytes object with full request content.
if self._read_bytes is None:
body = bytearray()
while True:
chunk = await self._payload.readany()
if self._client_max_size:
body_size = len(body)
if body_size >= self._client_max_size:
raise HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge(
max_size=self._client_max_size, actual_size=body_size
if not chunk:
self._read_bytes = bytes(body)
return self._read_bytes
async def text(self) -> str:
"""Return BODY as text using encoding from .charset."""
bytes_body = await self.read()
encoding = self.charset or "utf-8"
return bytes_body.decode(encoding)
async def json(self, *, loads: JSONDecoder = DEFAULT_JSON_DECODER) -> Any:
"""Return BODY as JSON."""
body = await self.text()
return loads(body)
async def multipart(self) -> MultipartReader:
"""Return async iterator to process BODY as multipart."""
return MultipartReader(self._headers, self._payload)
async def post(self) -> "MultiDictProxy[Union[str, bytes, FileField]]":
"""Return POST parameters."""
if self._post is not None:
return self._post
if self._method not in self.POST_METHODS:
self._post = MultiDictProxy(MultiDict())
return self._post
content_type = self.content_type
if content_type not in (
self._post = MultiDictProxy(MultiDict())
return self._post
out: MultiDict[Union[str, bytes, FileField]] = MultiDict()
if content_type == "multipart/form-data":
multipart = await self.multipart()
max_size = self._client_max_size
field = await multipart.next()
while field is not None:
size = 0
field_ct = field.headers.get(hdrs.CONTENT_TYPE)
if isinstance(field, BodyPartReader):
assert field.name is not None
# Note that according to RFC 7578, the Content-Type header
# is optional, even for files, so we can't assume it's
# present.
# https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7578#section-4.4
if field.filename:
# store file in temp file
tmp = await self._loop.run_in_executor(
None, tempfile.TemporaryFile
chunk = await field.read_chunk(size=2**16)
while chunk:
chunk = field.decode(chunk)
await self._loop.run_in_executor(None, tmp.write, chunk)
size += len(chunk)
if 0 < max_size < size:
await self._loop.run_in_executor(None, tmp.close)
raise HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge(
max_size=max_size, actual_size=size
chunk = await field.read_chunk(size=2**16)
await self._loop.run_in_executor(None, tmp.seek, 0)
if field_ct is None:
field_ct = "application/octet-stream"
ff = FileField(
cast(io.BufferedReader, tmp),
out.add(field.name, ff)
# deal with ordinary data
value = await field.read(decode=True)
if field_ct is None or field_ct.startswith("text/"):
charset = field.get_charset(default="utf-8")
out.add(field.name, value.decode(charset))
out.add(field.name, value)
size += len(value)
if 0 < max_size < size:
raise HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge(
max_size=max_size, actual_size=size
raise ValueError(
"To decode nested multipart you need to use custom reader",
field = await multipart.next()
data = await self.read()
if data:
charset = self.charset or "utf-8"
self._post = MultiDictProxy(out)
return self._post
def get_extra_info(self, name: str, default: Any = None) -> Any:
"""Extra info from protocol transport"""
protocol = self._protocol
if protocol is None:
return default
transport = protocol.transport
if transport is None:
return default
return transport.get_extra_info(name, default)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
ascii_encodable_path = self.path.encode("ascii", "backslashreplace").decode(
return "<{} {} {} >".format(
self.__class__.__name__, self._method, ascii_encodable_path
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
return id(self) == id(other)
def __bool__(self) -> bool:
return True
async def _prepare_hook(self, response: StreamResponse) -> None:
def _cancel(self, exc: BaseException) -> None:
set_exception(self._payload, exc)
def _finish(self) -> None:
if self._post is None or self.content_type != "multipart/form-data":
# NOTE: Release file descriptors for the
# NOTE: `tempfile.Temporaryfile`-created `_io.BufferedRandom`
# NOTE: instances of files sent within multipart request body
# NOTE: via HTTP POST request.
for file_name, file_field_object in self._post.items():
if isinstance(file_field_object, FileField):
class Request(BaseRequest):
ATTRS = BaseRequest.ATTRS | frozenset(["_match_info"])
_match_info: Optional["UrlMappingMatchInfo"] = None
def __setattr__(self, name: str, val: Any) -> None:
if name not in self.ATTRS:
"Setting custom {}.{} attribute "
"is discouraged".format(self.__class__.__name__, name),
super().__setattr__(name, val)
def clone(
method: Union[str, _SENTINEL] = sentinel,
rel_url: Union[StrOrURL, _SENTINEL] = sentinel,
headers: Union[LooseHeaders, _SENTINEL] = sentinel,
scheme: Union[str, _SENTINEL] = sentinel,
host: Union[str, _SENTINEL] = sentinel,
remote: Union[str, _SENTINEL] = sentinel,
client_max_size: Union[int, _SENTINEL] = sentinel,
) -> "Request":
ret = super().clone(
new_ret = cast(Request, ret)
new_ret._match_info = self._match_info
return new_ret
def match_info(self) -> "UrlMappingMatchInfo":
"""Result of route resolving."""
match_info = self._match_info
assert match_info is not None
return match_info
def app(self) -> "Application":
"""Application instance."""
match_info = self._match_info
assert match_info is not None
return match_info.current_app
def config_dict(self) -> ChainMapProxy:
match_info = self._match_info
assert match_info is not None
lst = match_info.apps
app = self.app
idx = lst.index(app)
sublist = list(reversed(lst[: idx + 1]))
return ChainMapProxy(sublist)
async def _prepare_hook(self, response: StreamResponse) -> None:
match_info = self._match_info
if match_info is None:
for app in match_info._apps:
if on_response_prepare := app.on_response_prepare:
await on_response_prepare.send(self, response)