2021-04-22 16:10:00 +05:30

60 lines
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module Test.Main where
import Prelude
import Data.Either (Either)
import Data.Typeable (class TagT, TypeRep, eqTypeRep, proxyT, typeRep, typeRepFromVal)
import Effect (Effect)
foreign import clog :: forall a. a -> Effect Unit
main :: Effect Unit
main = do
clog (eqTypeRep (typeRep :: _ Int) (typeRep :: _ Char))
clog (eqTypeRep (typeRep :: _ Int) (typeRep :: _ Int))
clog (typeRep :: _ Char)
clog (typeRep :: _ Int)
clog (typeRep :: _ Array)
clog (typeRep :: _ {name::String, age::Int})
clog (typeRep :: _ (Int -> Either (Either Int Int) (Optional (Array (Person)))))
clog (typeRep :: _ (Either (Either Int Int) (Optional (Array (Person)))))
clog (typeRep :: _ (Either Int Int))
clog (typeRep :: _ (Foo Int Int Int))
clog (eqTypeRep (typeRep :: _ Array) (typeRep :: _ Array))
clog (eqTypeRep (typeRep :: _ Person) typePerson)
clog (eqTypeRep (typeRep :: _ (Array Person)) typeArrPerson)
clog (eqTypeRep (typeRep :: _ (Array Person2)) typeArrPerson)
clog (eqTypeRep typeRecord (typeRep :: _ {name::String, age::Int}))
clog (eqTypeRep (typeRep :: _ (Optional Int)) (typeRepFromVal (Some 1)))
clog (eqTypeRep (typeRep :: _ (Optional Person)) (typeRepFromVal (Some 1)))
clog (eqTypeRep (typeRep :: _ (Either Int Person)) (typeRep :: _ (Either Int Person)))
typeRecord :: TypeRep {age::Int, name::String}
typeRecord = typeRep
typeArrPerson :: TypeRep (Array Person)
typeArrPerson = typeRep
typePerson :: TypeRep Person
typePerson = typeRep
-- The following should not compile since Break does not have a typeable instance
-- typeRecordBreak :: TypeRep {break::Break, name::String}
-- typeRecordBreak = typeRep
-- A data type without a typeable instance
data Break
data Foo :: forall k1 k2 k3. k1 -> k2 -> k3 -> Type
data Foo a b c = Foo
instance tagFoo :: TagT Foo where tagT = proxyT
newtype Person = Person { name :: String, location :: String }
instance tagTPerson :: TagT Person where tagT = proxyT
newtype Person2 = Person2 { name :: String, location :: String }
instance tagTPerson2 :: TagT Person2 where tagT = proxyT
data Optional a = None | Some a
instance tagOptional :: TagT Optional where tagT = proxyT