# thunderstrike.ai intern resources ## purescript **Purescript** is a strongly-typed [type safety] purely functional [purely functional] programming language that compiles to javascript (like typescript). ### In brief ### Motivating example: React vs Halogen this frontend app: 1. renders `"Loading..."` until either data or error 1. fetches data from a server 1. if ok, render items in a list. if error, render error span at the bottom of the page.
React Halogen
```javascript export const App = () => { const [items, setItems] = React.useState(undefined) const [error, setError] = React.useState(undefined) React.useEffect(() => { fetch('/api/item') .then(rep => rep.json()) .then(items => setItems(items)) .catch(e => setError(e)) }, []) return error !== undefined ? (


) : items === undefined ? (


) : items.map(item => { return (


) }) } ```
```haskell type Item = {id :: String, title :: String, description :: String} data State = StateEmpty | StateErrored Error | StateGotItems (Array Item) data Action = ActionInit renderItem item = div [] [ p [] [text item.title] , span [className "small"] [text item.description] ] renderApp StateEmpty = p [] [text "Loading..."] renderApp (StateErrored e) = p [className "error"] [text (message e)] renderApp (StateGotItems items) = map renderItem items action ActionInit = do response <- fetch (URL "/api/item") {method: Get} jsonString <- text response itemsOrError <- readJSON jsonString case itemsOrError of Right items -> put (StateGotItems items) Left error -> put (StateErrored error) app = mkComponent { initialState: StateEmpty , render: renderApp , eval: mkEval ( defaultEval { handleAction = action , initialize: Just ActionInit } ) } ```