This commit is contained in:
Orion Kindel 2024-12-05 18:46:37 -06:00
parent f808ba58f9
commit 531e22dffe
Signed by untrusted user who does not match committer: orion
GPG Key ID: 6D4165AE4C928719
158 changed files with 1382 additions and 86 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
[ [
"obsidian-kanban" "obsidian-kanban",
] ]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
"remoteType": "",
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"couchDB_URI": "",
"couchDB_USER": "",
"couchDB_PASSWORD": "",
"couchDB_DBNAME": "",
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"syncInternalFilesIgnorePatterns": "\\/node_modules\\/, \\/\\.git\\/, \\/obsidian-livesync\\/",
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"encryptedCouchDBConnection": "%f41bb4b9fb5c8d9dae8b886205000000c5675cd8321e6238b48e0bce931b24e5nYSR+S6+JFZs/0/0LxuSZCy6I3AnyAxQMhD/cphpx4qT/Ln0VUYpXdKq3sp/da7mJ8yRT83JLdaShEsqzG2QeBMfvdSak2G0bmRnSBldBsNrtErFZPWOS84hC3641OB1capBBAkxK4GDM/7PRCC6Qu86qhL/BvkydoNgtnWxcwdoULmOUBdUw5Pcw5/UzNPx6BYdlcwCWLnGWsbPC5Wug+25p5Ar9OzxteV0xLUMrTRahcOBCwLoLuguMvEHKuK6CFKwKJ0mw1IhkrTkW0KQSilkmtYwYexh+V96akLMwpDlZrh0R4fnK2yHqVmb/hOZcPaRh3qe+MGXKYm7TdYTRGcXF/lccm/B/yGeNdVKlw8ssQ==",
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"enableDebugTools": false

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"id": "obsidian-livesync",
"name": "Self-hosted LiveSync",
"version": "0.24.2",
"minAppVersion": "0.9.12",
"description": "Community implementation of self-hosted livesync. Reflect your vault changes to some other devices immediately. Please make sure to disable other synchronize solutions to avoid content corruption or duplication.",
"author": "vorotamoroz",
"authorUrl": "",
"isDesktopOnly": false

View File

@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
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View File

@ -4,23 +4,23 @@
"type": "split", "type": "split",
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"id": "17173e205978c7ef", "id": "503ef629fbef7f2b",
"type": "leaf", "type": "leaf",
"state": { "state": {
"type": "kanban", "type": "kanban",
"state": { "state": {
"file": "", "file": "life/",
"kanbanViewState": { "kanbanViewState": {
"kanban-plugin": "board", "kanban-plugin": "list",
"list-collapse": [ "list-collapse": [
false, false,
false, false,
false, false,
false true
] ]
} }
}, },
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
"state": { "state": {
"type": "search", "type": "search",
"state": { "state": {
"query": "tag:#life", "query": "",
"matchingCase": false, "matchingCase": false,
"explainSearch": false, "explainSearch": false,
"collapseAll": false, "collapseAll": false,
@ -80,7 +80,8 @@
"title": "Bookmarks" "title": "Bookmarks"
} }
} }
] ],
"currentTab": 1
} }
], ],
"direction": "horizontal", "direction": "horizontal",
@ -167,14 +168,21 @@
"daily-notes:Open today's daily note": false, "daily-notes:Open today's daily note": false,
"templates:Insert template": false, "templates:Insert template": false,
"command-palette:Open command palette": false, "command-palette:Open command palette": false,
"obsidian-kanban:Create new board": false "obsidian-kanban:Create new board": false,
"obsidian-livesync:Show log": false,
"obsidian-livesync:Replicate": false,
"obsidian-livesync:Show Customization sync": false
} }
}, },
"active": "17173e205978c7ef", "active": "503ef629fbef7f2b",
"lastOpenFiles": [ "lastOpenFiles": [
"life/christmas 2024/",
"life/christmas 2024/",
"life/christmas 2024",
"life list motorcycle for", "life list motorcycle for",
"todo/", "todo/",
"todo/", "todo/",
"todo/", "todo/",
@ -182,7 +190,6 @@
"", "",
"todo/", "todo/",
"Untitled.canvas", "Untitled.canvas",
"todo", "todo",
"The Love", "The Love",
"" ""

View File

@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
kanban-plugin: board
- [ ] #life store?
- [ ] #life music?
- [ ] #life art
- [ ] #life list motorcycle for sale
- [ ] #life popo shutup
- [ ] #grby explore FEM -> coefficient baking?
- [ ] #grby prototyping?
- [ ] #prog migration tool (postgres diff)
- [ ] #prog postgresql - upstream select, update, insert
- [ ] #prog animation library / dsl
- [ ] #prog aff stack traces
- [ ] #prog postgresql - more docs / guide
- [ ] #prog http library
- [ ] #prog pixi bindings
- [ ] #prog upstream postgres test fixture?
- [ ] #life dishes
- [ ] #life trash
- [ ] #life litter
- [ ] #life vape juice
- [ ] #life bathe
- [ ] #life xmas shopping
- [ ] #inst work on fp space
- [ ] #life find out next meetup
- [ ] #life garland
- [ ] #life figure out matt secret
- [ ] #life ask krissy about motorcycle parking
- [ ] #life obsidian sync w phone
- [ ] #life text alyssa neighbor back / moto commitment
- [ ] #life text alias back
- [ ] #life birthday
- [ ] #life costume
- [ ] #life schedule vasectomy
%% kanban:settings
{"kanban-plugin":"board","list-collapse":[false,false,false,false],"tag-colors":[{"tagKey":"#life","color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)","backgroundColor":"rgba(106, 154, 248, 1)"},{"tagKey":"#grby","color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)","backgroundColor":"rgba(148, 188, 145, 1)"},{"tagKey":"#inst","color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)","backgroundColor":"rgba(196, 141, 239, 1)"},{"tagKey":"#prog","color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)","backgroundColor":"rgba(250, 180, 123, 1)"}]}

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More