This commit is contained in:
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import Path from 'path'
export const rootDir = Path.resolve(__dirname, '..')
export const packageDirs = async () => ['./src']
export const packageDirs = async () => ['./src', './test']
export const packageSources = async () => {
const packages = await packageDirs()
@ -5,7 +5,13 @@ import Prelude
import Axon.Request (Request)
import Axon.Request as Request
import Axon.Request.Method (Method(..))
import Axon.Request.Parts.Class (Json(..), Patch(..), Path(..), Post(..), extractRequestParts)
import Axon.Request.Parts.Class
( Json(..)
, Patch(..)
, Path(..)
, Post(..)
, extractRequestParts
import Axon.Request.Parts.Path (type (/), IgnoreRest)
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (liftEither, liftMaybe)
import Data.Bifunctor (lmap)
@ -28,96 +34,205 @@ import Test.Spec.Assertions (shouldEqual)
spec :: Spec Unit
spec = describe "Parts" do
it "extracts the whole request" do
req <- liftEffect $ Request.make {body: Request.BodyEmpty, url: URL.fromString "http://localhost:80/foo" # unsafePartial fromJust, headers: Map.empty, address: Left $ unsafePerformEffect $ SocketAddress.newIpv4 {address: "", port: 81}, method: GET}
void $ extractRequestParts @Request req <#> lmap (error <<< show) >>= liftEither >>= liftMaybe (error "was nothing")
req <- liftEffect $ Request.make
{ body: Request.BodyEmpty
, url: URL.fromString "http://localhost:80/foo" # unsafePartial fromJust
, headers: Map.empty
, address: Left $ unsafePerformEffect $ SocketAddress.newIpv4
{ address: "", port: 81 }
, method: GET
void $ extractRequestParts @Request req <#> lmap (error <<< show)
>>= liftEither
>>= liftMaybe (error "was nothing")
it "extracts method, path, JSON body" do
stream <- Buffer.fromString """{"firstName": "henry"}""" UTF8 >>= Stream.readableFromBuffer # liftEffect
req <- liftEffect $ Request.make {body: Request.BodyReadable stream, url: URL.fromString "http://localhost:80/users/12" # unsafePartial fromJust, headers: Map.empty, address: Left $ unsafePerformEffect $ SocketAddress.newIpv4 {address: "", port: 81}, method: PATCH}
a <- extractRequestParts @(Patch ((Path ("users" / Int) _) /\ Json {firstName :: String})) req <#> lmap (error <<< show) >>= liftEither >>= liftMaybe (error "was nothing")
a `shouldEqual` Patch (Path 12 /\ Json {firstName: "henry"})
stream <- Buffer.fromString """{"firstName": "henry"}""" UTF8
>>= Stream.readableFromBuffer
# liftEffect
req <- liftEffect $ Request.make
{ body: Request.BodyReadable stream
, url: URL.fromString "http://localhost:80/users/12" # unsafePartial
, headers: Map.empty
, address: Left $ unsafePerformEffect $ SocketAddress.newIpv4
{ address: "", port: 81 }
, method: PATCH
a <-
@(Patch ((Path ("users" / Int) _) /\ Json { firstName :: String }))
req <#> lmap (error <<< show) >>= liftEither >>= liftMaybe
(error "was nothing")
a `shouldEqual` Patch (Path 12 /\ Json { firstName: "henry" })
describe "Path" do
it "matches a route matching literal" do
req <- liftEffect $ Request.make {body: Request.BodyCachedString "foo", url: URL.fromString "http://localhost:80/foo" # unsafePartial fromJust, headers: Map.empty, address: Left $ unsafePerformEffect $ SocketAddress.newIpv4 {address: "", port: 81}, method: GET}
a <- extractRequestParts @(Path "foo" _) req <#> lmap (error <<< show) >>= liftEither >>= liftMaybe (error "was nothing")
req <- liftEffect $ Request.make
{ body: Request.BodyCachedString "foo"
, url: URL.fromString "http://localhost:80/foo" # unsafePartial fromJust
, headers: Map.empty
, address: Left $ unsafePerformEffect $ SocketAddress.newIpv4
{ address: "", port: 81 }
, method: GET
a <- extractRequestParts @(Path "foo" _) req <#> lmap (error <<< show)
>>= liftEither
>>= liftMaybe (error "was nothing")
a `shouldEqual` (Path unit)
it "matches a route matching multiple literals" do
req <- liftEffect $ Request.make {body: Request.BodyCachedString "foo", url: URL.fromString "http://localhost:80/foo/bar/baz" # unsafePartial fromJust, headers: Map.empty, address: Left $ unsafePerformEffect $ SocketAddress.newIpv4 {address: "", port: 81}, method: GET}
a <- extractRequestParts @(Path ("foo" / "bar" / "baz") _) req <#> lmap (error <<< show) >>= liftEither >>= liftMaybe (error "was nothing")
req <- liftEffect $ Request.make
{ body: Request.BodyCachedString "foo"
, url: URL.fromString "http://localhost:80/foo/bar/baz" # unsafePartial
, headers: Map.empty
, address: Left $ unsafePerformEffect $ SocketAddress.newIpv4
{ address: "", port: 81 }
, method: GET
a <- extractRequestParts @(Path ("foo" / "bar" / "baz") _) req
<#> lmap (error <<< show)
>>= liftEither
>>= liftMaybe (error "was nothing")
a `shouldEqual` (Path unit)
it "does not partially match a route ..." do
req <- liftEffect $ Request.make
{ body: Request.BodyCachedString "foo"
, url: URL.fromString "http://localhost:80/foo/bar/baz" # unsafePartial fromJust
, url: URL.fromString "http://localhost:80/foo/bar/baz" # unsafePartial
, headers: Map.empty
, address: Left $ unsafePerformEffect $ SocketAddress.newIpv4 {address: "", port: 81}
, address: Left $ unsafePerformEffect $ SocketAddress.newIpv4
{ address: "", port: 81 }
, method: GET
a <- extractRequestParts @(Path ("foo" / "bar") _) req <#> lmap (error <<< show) >>= liftEither
a <- extractRequestParts @(Path ("foo" / "bar") _) req
<#> lmap (error <<< show)
>>= liftEither
a `shouldEqual` Nothing
it "... but does if ends in IgnoreRest" do
req <- liftEffect $ Request.make
{ body: Request.BodyCachedString "foo"
, url: URL.fromString "http://localhost:80/foo/bar/baz" # unsafePartial fromJust
, url: URL.fromString "http://localhost:80/foo/bar/baz" # unsafePartial
, headers: Map.empty
, address: Left $ unsafePerformEffect $ SocketAddress.newIpv4 {address: "", port: 81}
, address: Left $ unsafePerformEffect $ SocketAddress.newIpv4
{ address: "", port: 81 }
, method: GET
a <- extractRequestParts @(Path ("foo" / "bar" / IgnoreRest) _) req <#> lmap (error <<< show) >>= liftEither >>= liftMaybe (error "was nothing")
a <- extractRequestParts @(Path ("foo" / "bar" / IgnoreRest) _) req
<#> lmap (error <<< show)
>>= liftEither
>>= liftMaybe (error "was nothing")
a `shouldEqual` (Path unit)
it "extracts an int" do
req <- liftEffect $ Request.make
{ body: Request.BodyCachedString "foo"
, url: URL.fromString "http://localhost:80/foo/123/bar" # unsafePartial fromJust
, url: URL.fromString "http://localhost:80/foo/123/bar" # unsafePartial
, headers: Map.empty
, address: Left $ unsafePerformEffect $ SocketAddress.newIpv4 {address: "", port: 81}
, address: Left $ unsafePerformEffect $ SocketAddress.newIpv4
{ address: "", port: 81 }
, method: GET
a <- extractRequestParts @(Path ("foo" / Int / "bar") _) req <#> lmap (error <<< show) >>= liftEither >>= liftMaybe (error "was nothing")
a <- extractRequestParts @(Path ("foo" / Int / "bar") _) req
<#> lmap (error <<< show)
>>= liftEither
>>= liftMaybe (error "was nothing")
a `shouldEqual` (Path 123)
it "extracts an int and a string" do
req <- liftEffect $ Request.make
{ body: Request.BodyCachedString "foo"
, url: URL.fromString "http://localhost:80/foo/123/bar/baz" # unsafePartial fromJust
, url: URL.fromString "http://localhost:80/foo/123/bar/baz" #
unsafePartial fromJust
, headers: Map.empty
, address: Left $ unsafePerformEffect $ SocketAddress.newIpv4 {address: "", port: 81}
, address: Left $ unsafePerformEffect $ SocketAddress.newIpv4
{ address: "", port: 81 }
, method: GET
a <- extractRequestParts @(Path ("foo" / Int / "bar" / String) _) req <#> lmap (error <<< show) >>= liftEither >>= liftMaybe (error "was nothing")
a <- extractRequestParts @(Path ("foo" / Int / "bar" / String) _) req
<#> lmap (error <<< show)
>>= liftEither
>>= liftMaybe (error "was nothing")
a `shouldEqual` (Path $ 123 /\ "baz")
describe "Body" do
it "extracts a string body from a cached string" do
req <- liftEffect $ Request.make {body: Request.BodyCachedString "foo", url: URL.fromString "http://localhost:80/foo" # unsafePartial fromJust, headers: Map.empty, address: Left $ unsafePerformEffect $ SocketAddress.newIpv4 {address: "", port: 81}, method: GET}
a <- extractRequestParts @(Either Request.BodyStringError String) req <#> lmap (error <<< show) >>= liftEither >>= liftMaybe (error "was nothing")
req <- liftEffect $ Request.make
{ body: Request.BodyCachedString "foo"
, url: URL.fromString "http://localhost:80/foo" # unsafePartial fromJust
, headers: Map.empty
, address: Left $ unsafePerformEffect $ SocketAddress.newIpv4
{ address: "", port: 81 }
, method: GET
a <- extractRequestParts @(Either Request.BodyStringError String) req
<#> lmap (error <<< show)
>>= liftEither
>>= liftMaybe (error "was nothing")
a `shouldEqual` (Right "foo")
it "extracts a string body from a readable stream" do
stream <- Buffer.fromString "foo" UTF8 >>= Stream.readableFromBuffer # liftEffect
req <- liftEffect $ Request.make {body: Request.BodyReadable stream, url: URL.fromString "http://localhost:80/foo" # unsafePartial fromJust, headers: Map.empty, address: Left $ unsafePerformEffect $ SocketAddress.newIpv4 {address: "", port: 81}, method: GET}
a <- extractRequestParts @(Either Request.BodyStringError String) req <#> lmap (error <<< show) >>= liftEither >>= liftMaybe (error "was nothing")
stream <- Buffer.fromString "foo" UTF8 >>= Stream.readableFromBuffer #
req <- liftEffect $ Request.make
{ body: Request.BodyReadable stream
, url: URL.fromString "http://localhost:80/foo" # unsafePartial fromJust
, headers: Map.empty
, address: Left $ unsafePerformEffect $ SocketAddress.newIpv4
{ address: "", port: 81 }
, method: GET
a <- extractRequestParts @(Either Request.BodyStringError String) req
<#> lmap (error <<< show)
>>= liftEither
>>= liftMaybe (error "was nothing")
a `shouldEqual` (Right "foo")
a' <- extractRequestParts @String req <#> lmap (error <<< show) >>= liftEither >>= liftMaybe (error "was nothing")
a' <- extractRequestParts @String req <#> lmap (error <<< show)
>>= liftEither
>>= liftMaybe (error "was nothing")
a' `shouldEqual` "foo"
it "extracts a string body from a buffer" do
buf <- Buffer.fromString "foo" UTF8 # liftEffect
req <- liftEffect $ Request.make {body: Request.BodyCached buf, url: URL.fromString "http://localhost:80/foo" # unsafePartial fromJust, headers: Map.empty, address: Left $ unsafePerformEffect $ SocketAddress.newIpv4 {address: "", port: 81}, method: GET}
a <- extractRequestParts @(Either Request.BodyStringError String) req <#> lmap (error <<< show) >>= liftEither >>= liftMaybe (error "was nothing")
req <- liftEffect $ Request.make
{ body: Request.BodyCached buf
, url: URL.fromString "http://localhost:80/foo" # unsafePartial fromJust
, headers: Map.empty
, address: Left $ unsafePerformEffect $ SocketAddress.newIpv4
{ address: "", port: 81 }
, method: GET
a <- extractRequestParts @(Either Request.BodyStringError String) req
<#> lmap (error <<< show)
>>= liftEither
>>= liftMaybe (error "was nothing")
a `shouldEqual` (Right "foo")
a' <- extractRequestParts @String req <#> lmap (error <<< show) >>= liftEither >>= liftMaybe (error "was nothing")
a' <- extractRequestParts @String req <#> lmap (error <<< show)
>>= liftEither
>>= liftMaybe (error "was nothing")
a' `shouldEqual` "foo"
it "extracts a JSON body" do
stream <- Buffer.fromString """{"foo": 123, "bar": "abc"}""" UTF8 >>= Stream.readableFromBuffer # liftEffect
req <- liftEffect $ Request.make {body: Request.BodyReadable stream, url: URL.fromString "http://localhost:80/foo" # unsafePartial fromJust, headers: Map.empty, address: Left $ unsafePerformEffect $ SocketAddress.newIpv4 {address: "", port: 81}, method: POST}
a <- extractRequestParts @(Post (Json {foo :: Int, bar :: String})) req <#> lmap (error <<< show) >>= liftEither >>= liftMaybe (error "was nothing")
a `shouldEqual` Post (Json {foo: 123, bar: "abc"})
stream <- Buffer.fromString """{"foo": 123, "bar": "abc"}""" UTF8
>>= Stream.readableFromBuffer
# liftEffect
req <- liftEffect $ Request.make
{ body: Request.BodyReadable stream
, url: URL.fromString "http://localhost:80/foo" # unsafePartial fromJust
, headers: Map.empty
, address: Left $ unsafePerformEffect $ SocketAddress.newIpv4
{ address: "", port: 81 }
, method: POST
a <- extractRequestParts @(Post (Json { foo :: Int, bar :: String })) req
<#> lmap (error <<< show)
>>= liftEither
>>= liftMaybe (error "was nothing")
a `shouldEqual` Post (Json { foo: 123, bar: "abc" })
Reference in New Issue
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