wip: typed headerss

This commit is contained in:
Orion Kindel 2024-12-02 12:37:47 -06:00
parent 38cd701737
commit 96eacc3ba0
Signed by untrusted user who does not match committer: orion
GPG Key ID: 6D4165AE4C928719
6 changed files with 2078 additions and 40 deletions

View File

@ -23,6 +23,9 @@
"bifunctors": ">=6.0.0 <7.0.0"
"console": ">=6.1.0 <7.0.0"
"control": ">=6.0.0 <7.0.0"
@ -65,6 +68,7 @@
"ordered-collections": ">=3.2.0 <4.0.0"
"prelude": ">=6.0.1 <7.0.0"
@ -99,6 +103,7 @@
@ -142,6 +147,7 @@
@ -158,6 +164,7 @@
@ -1642,6 +1649,38 @@
"parsing": {
"type": "registry",
"version": "10.2.0",
"integrity": "sha256-ZDIdMFAKkst57x6BVa1aUWJnS8smoZnXsZ339Aq1mPA=",
"dependencies": [
"partial": {
"type": "registry",
"version": "4.0.0",
@ -1922,6 +1961,16 @@
"unicode": {
"type": "registry",
"version": "6.0.0",
"integrity": "sha256-QJnTVZpmihEAUiMeYrfkusVoziJWp2hJsgi9bMQLue8=",
"dependencies": [
"unsafe-coerce": {
"type": "registry",
"version": "6.0.0",

View File

@ -1,35 +1,36 @@
name: axon
- aff: '>=8.0.0 <9.0.0'
- argonaut-codecs: '>=9.1.0 <10.0.0'
- argonaut-core: '>=7.0.0 <8.0.0'
- arraybuffer-types: '>=3.0.2 <4.0.0'
- arrays: '>=7.3.0 <8.0.0'
- bifunctors: '>=6.0.0 <7.0.0'
- console: '>=6.1.0 <7.0.0'
- control: '>=6.0.0 <7.0.0'
- effect: '>=4.0.0 <5.0.0'
- either: '>=6.1.0 <7.0.0'
- exceptions: '>=6.1.0 <7.0.0'
- ezfetch: '>=1.1.0 <2.0.0'
- foldable-traversable: '>=6.0.0 <7.0.0'
- integers: '>=6.0.0 <7.0.0'
- maybe: '>=6.0.0 <7.0.0'
- newtype: '>=5.0.0 <6.0.0'
- node-buffer: '>=9.0.0 <10.0.0'
- node-net: '>=5.1.0 <6.0.0'
- node-streams: '>=9.0.0 <10.0.0'
- nullable: '>=6.0.0 <7.0.0'
- ordered-collections: '>=3.2.0 <4.0.0'
- prelude: '>=6.0.1 <7.0.0'
- refs: '>=6.0.0 <7.0.0'
- strings: '>=6.0.1 <7.0.0'
- transformers: '>=6.1.0 <7.0.0'
- tuples: '>=7.0.0 <8.0.0'
- typelevel-prelude: '>=7.0.0 <8.0.0'
- url-immutable: '>=1.0.0 <2.0.0'
- web-streams: '>=4.0.0 <5.0.0'
- parsing
- aff: ">=8.0.0 <9.0.0"
- argonaut-codecs: ">=9.1.0 <10.0.0"
- argonaut-core: ">=7.0.0 <8.0.0"
- arraybuffer-types: ">=3.0.2 <4.0.0"
- arrays: ">=7.3.0 <8.0.0"
- bifunctors: ">=6.0.0 <7.0.0"
- console: ">=6.1.0 <7.0.0"
- control: ">=6.0.0 <7.0.0"
- effect: ">=4.0.0 <5.0.0"
- either: ">=6.1.0 <7.0.0"
- exceptions: ">=6.1.0 <7.0.0"
- ezfetch: ">=1.1.0 <2.0.0"
- foldable-traversable: ">=6.0.0 <7.0.0"
- integers: ">=6.0.0 <7.0.0"
- maybe: ">=6.0.0 <7.0.0"
- newtype: ">=5.0.0 <6.0.0"
- node-buffer: ">=9.0.0 <10.0.0"
- node-net: ">=5.1.0 <6.0.0"
- node-streams: ">=9.0.0 <10.0.0"
- nullable: ">=6.0.0 <7.0.0"
- ordered-collections: ">=3.2.0 <4.0.0"
- prelude: ">=6.0.1 <7.0.0"
- refs: ">=6.0.0 <7.0.0"
- strings: ">=6.0.1 <7.0.0"
- transformers: ">=6.1.0 <7.0.0"
- tuples: ">=7.0.0 <8.0.0"
- typelevel-prelude: ">=7.0.0 <8.0.0"
- url-immutable: ">=1.0.0 <2.0.0"
- web-streams: ">=4.0.0 <5.0.0"
main: Test.Main

View File

@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
module Axon.Request (Request, Body(..), BodyReadableError(..), BodyStringError(..), BodyJSONError(..), BodyBufferError(..), bodyReadable, bodyString, bodyJSON, bodyBuffer, headers, method, address, url, contentType, accept, contentLength, lookupHeader, make) where
import Prelude
import Axon.Request.Method (Method)
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (throwError, try)
import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT(..), runExceptT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Data.Argonaut.Core (Json)
import Data.Argonaut.Core (stringify) as JSON
import Data.Argonaut.Parser (jsonParser) as JSON
import Data.Bifunctor (lmap)
import Data.Either (Either)
import Data.FoldableWithIndex (foldlWithIndex)
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Int as Int
import Data.MIME (MIME)
import Data.MIME as MIME
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (Maybe)
import Data.Show.Generic (genericShow)
import Data.String.Lower (StringLower)
import Data.String.Lower as String.Lower
import Data.URL (URL)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Effect.Aff.Class (liftAff)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Exception (Error)
import Effect.Exception as Error
import Effect.Ref (Ref) as Effect
import Effect.Ref as Ref
import Node.Buffer (Buffer)
import Node.Buffer as Buffer
import Node.Encoding (Encoding(..))
import Node.Net.Types (IPv4, IPv6, SocketAddress)
import Node.Stream as Stream
import Node.Stream.Aff as Stream.Aff
data BodyReadableError
= BodyReadableErrorHasBeenConsumed
| BodyReadableErrorEmpty
derive instance Generic BodyReadableError _
derive instance Eq BodyReadableError
instance Show BodyReadableError where
show = genericShow
data BodyBufferError
= BodyBufferErrorReadable BodyReadableError
| BodyBufferErrorReading Error
derive instance Generic BodyBufferError _
instance Eq BodyBufferError where
eq (BodyBufferErrorReadable a) (BodyBufferErrorReadable b) = a == b
eq (BodyBufferErrorReading a) (BodyBufferErrorReading b) = Error.message a == Error.message b
eq _ _ = false
instance Show BodyBufferError where
show = genericShow
data BodyStringError
= BodyStringErrorBuffer BodyBufferError
| BodyStringErrorNotUTF8
derive instance Generic BodyStringError _
derive instance Eq BodyStringError
instance Show BodyStringError where
show = genericShow
data BodyJSONError
= BodyJSONErrorString BodyStringError
| BodyJSONErrorParsing String
derive instance Generic BodyJSONError _
derive instance Eq BodyJSONError
instance Show BodyJSONError where
show = genericShow
data Body
= BodyEmpty
| BodyReadable (Stream.Readable ())
| BodyReadableConsumed
| BodyCached Buffer
| BodyCachedString String
| BodyCachedJSON Json
data Request =
{ headers :: Map StringLower String
, address :: Either (SocketAddress IPv4) (SocketAddress IPv6)
, url :: URL
, method :: Method
, bodyRef :: Effect.Ref Body
make :: { headers :: Map String String
, address :: Either (SocketAddress IPv4) (SocketAddress IPv6)
, url :: URL
, method :: Method
, body :: Body
} -> Effect Request
make a = do
bodyRef <- Ref.new a.body
pure $ Request {bodyRef: bodyRef, headers: foldlWithIndex (\k m v -> Map.insert (String.Lower.fromString k) v m) Map.empty a.headers, address: a.address, url: a.url, method: a.method}
headers :: Request -> Map StringLower String
headers (Request a) = a.headers
lookupHeader :: String -> Request -> Maybe String
lookupHeader k (Request a) = Map.lookup (String.Lower.fromString k) a.headers
contentType :: Request -> Maybe MIME
contentType = lookupHeader "content-type" >>> map MIME.fromString
accept :: Request -> Maybe MIME
accept = lookupHeader "accept" >>> map MIME.fromString
contentLength :: Request -> Maybe Int
contentLength = lookupHeader "content-length" >=> Int.fromString
method :: Request -> Method
method (Request a) = a.method
address :: Request -> Either (SocketAddress IPv4) (SocketAddress IPv6)
address (Request a) = a.address
url :: Request -> URL
url (Request a) = a.url
bodyReadable :: Request -> Effect (Either BodyReadableError (Stream.Readable ()))
bodyReadable (Request {bodyRef}) = runExceptT do
body <- liftEffect $ Ref.read bodyRef
case body of
BodyEmpty -> throwError BodyReadableErrorEmpty
BodyReadableConsumed -> throwError BodyReadableErrorHasBeenConsumed
BodyReadable r ->
Ref.write BodyReadableConsumed bodyRef $> r # lift
BodyCached buf -> Stream.readableFromBuffer buf # lift
BodyCachedString str -> Stream.readableFromString str UTF8 # lift
BodyCachedJSON json -> json # JSON.stringify # flip Buffer.fromString UTF8 >>= Stream.readableFromBuffer # lift
bodyBuffer :: Request -> Aff (Either BodyBufferError Buffer)
bodyBuffer r@(Request {bodyRef}) =
stream =
bodyReadable r
# liftEffect
<#> lmap BodyBufferErrorReadable
# ExceptT
readAll s =
Stream.Aff.readAll s
# liftAff
# try
<#> lmap BodyBufferErrorReading
# ExceptT
>>= (liftEffect <<< Buffer.concat)
runExceptT do
body <- Ref.read bodyRef # liftEffect
case body of
BodyCached buf -> pure buf
BodyCachedString str -> Buffer.fromString str UTF8 # liftEffect
BodyCachedJSON json -> Buffer.fromString (JSON.stringify json) UTF8 # liftEffect
_ -> do
buf <- stream >>= readAll
Ref.write (BodyCached buf) bodyRef $> buf # liftEffect
bodyString :: Request -> Aff (Either BodyStringError String)
bodyString r@(Request {bodyRef}) =
buf =
bodyBuffer r
<#> lmap BodyStringErrorBuffer
# ExceptT
bufString b =
Buffer.toString UTF8 b
# liftEffect
# try
<#> lmap (const BodyStringErrorNotUTF8)
# ExceptT
runExceptT do
body <- Ref.read bodyRef # liftEffect
case body of
BodyCachedString str -> pure str
BodyCachedJSON json -> JSON.stringify json # pure
_ -> do
str <- buf >>= bufString
Ref.write (BodyCachedString str) bodyRef $> str # liftEffect
bodyJSON :: Request -> Aff (Either BodyJSONError Json)
bodyJSON r@(Request {bodyRef}) =
str =
bodyString r
<#> lmap BodyJSONErrorString
# ExceptT
parse s =
JSON.jsonParser s
# lmap BodyJSONErrorParsing
# pure
# ExceptT
runExceptT do
body <- Ref.read bodyRef # liftEffect
case body of
BodyCachedJSON j -> pure j
_ -> do
j <- str >>= parse
Ref.write (BodyCachedJSON j) bodyRef $> j # liftEffect

src/Axon.Header.Typed.purs Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -14,18 +14,18 @@ derive instance Eq Method
instance Show Method where
show = genericShow
methodToString :: Method -> String
methodToString GET = "GET"
methodToString POST = "POST"
methodToString PUT = "PUT"
methodToString PATCH = "PATCH"
methodToString DELETE = "DELETE"
methodToString OPTIONS = "OPTIONS"
methodToString TRACE = "TRACE"
methodToString CONNECT = "CONNECT"
toString :: Method -> String
toString GET = "GET"
toString POST = "POST"
toString PUT = "PUT"
toString PATCH = "PATCH"
toString DELETE = "DELETE"
toString TRACE = "TRACE"
methodFromString :: String -> Maybe Method
methodFromString =
fromString :: String -> Maybe Method
fromString =
go "GET" = Just GET
go "POST" = Just POST

src/Type.MIME.purs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,732 @@
module Type.MIME where
import Prelude
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.MIME as MIME
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Show.Generic (genericShow)
class TypelevelMIME a where
fromValue :: MIME.MIME -> Maybe a
value :: MIME.MIME
data Aac = Aac
derive instance Generic Aac _
derive instance Eq Aac
instance Show Aac where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Aac where
fromValue MIME.Aac = Just Aac
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Aac
data Abw = Abw
derive instance Generic Abw _
derive instance Eq Abw
instance Show Abw where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Abw where
fromValue MIME.Abw = Just Abw
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Abw
data Arc = Arc
derive instance Generic Arc _
derive instance Eq Arc
instance Show Arc where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Arc where
fromValue MIME.Arc = Just Arc
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Arc
data Avif = Avif
derive instance Generic Avif _
derive instance Eq Avif
instance Show Avif where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Avif where
fromValue MIME.Avif = Just Avif
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Avif
data Avi = Avi
derive instance Generic Avi _
derive instance Eq Avi
instance Show Avi where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Avi where
fromValue MIME.Avi = Just Avi
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Avi
data Azw = Azw
derive instance Generic Azw _
derive instance Eq Azw
instance Show Azw where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Azw where
fromValue MIME.Azw = Just Azw
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Azw
data Bin = Bin
derive instance Generic Bin _
derive instance Eq Bin
instance Show Bin where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Bin where
fromValue MIME.Bin = Just Bin
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Bin
data Bmp = Bmp
derive instance Generic Bmp _
derive instance Eq Bmp
instance Show Bmp where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Bmp where
fromValue MIME.Bmp = Just Bmp
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Bmp
data Bz = Bz
derive instance Generic Bz _
derive instance Eq Bz
instance Show Bz where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Bz where
fromValue MIME.Bz = Just Bz
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Bz
data Bz2 = Bz2
derive instance Generic Bz2 _
derive instance Eq Bz2
instance Show Bz2 where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Bz2 where
fromValue MIME.Bz2 = Just Bz2
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Bz2
data Cda = Cda
derive instance Generic Cda _
derive instance Eq Cda
instance Show Cda where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Cda where
fromValue MIME.Cda = Just Cda
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Cda
data Csh = Csh
derive instance Generic Csh _
derive instance Eq Csh
instance Show Csh where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Csh where
fromValue MIME.Csh = Just Csh
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Csh
data Css = Css
derive instance Generic Css _
derive instance Eq Css
instance Show Css where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Css where
fromValue MIME.Css = Just Css
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Css
data Csv = Csv
derive instance Generic Csv _
derive instance Eq Csv
instance Show Csv where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Csv where
fromValue MIME.Csv = Just Csv
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Csv
data Doc = Doc
derive instance Generic Doc _
derive instance Eq Doc
instance Show Doc where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Doc where
fromValue MIME.Doc = Just Doc
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Doc
data Docx = Docx
derive instance Generic Docx _
derive instance Eq Docx
instance Show Docx where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Docx where
fromValue MIME.Docx = Just Docx
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Docx
data Eot = Eot
derive instance Generic Eot _
derive instance Eq Eot
instance Show Eot where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Eot where
fromValue MIME.Eot = Just Eot
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Eot
data Epub = Epub
derive instance Generic Epub _
derive instance Eq Epub
instance Show Epub where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Epub where
fromValue MIME.Epub = Just Epub
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Epub
data Gz = Gz
derive instance Generic Gz _
derive instance Eq Gz
instance Show Gz where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Gz where
fromValue MIME.Gz = Just Gz
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Gz
data Gif = Gif
derive instance Generic Gif _
derive instance Eq Gif
instance Show Gif where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Gif where
fromValue MIME.Gif = Just Gif
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Gif
data Html = Html
derive instance Generic Html _
derive instance Eq Html
instance Show Html where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Html where
fromValue MIME.Html = Just Html
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Html
data Ico = Ico
derive instance Generic Ico _
derive instance Eq Ico
instance Show Ico where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Ico where
fromValue MIME.Ico = Just Ico
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Ico
data Ics = Ics
derive instance Generic Ics _
derive instance Eq Ics
instance Show Ics where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Ics where
fromValue MIME.Ics = Just Ics
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Ics
data Jar = Jar
derive instance Generic Jar _
derive instance Eq Jar
instance Show Jar where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Jar where
fromValue MIME.Jar = Just Jar
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Jar
data Jpeg = Jpeg
derive instance Generic Jpeg _
derive instance Eq Jpeg
instance Show Jpeg where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Jpeg where
fromValue MIME.Jpeg = Just Jpeg
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Jpeg
data Js = Js
derive instance Generic Js _
derive instance Eq Js
instance Show Js where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Js where
fromValue MIME.Js = Just Js
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Js
data Json = Json
derive instance Generic Json _
derive instance Eq Json
instance Show Json where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Json where
fromValue MIME.Json = Just Json
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Json
data Jsonld = Jsonld
derive instance Generic Jsonld _
derive instance Eq Jsonld
instance Show Jsonld where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Jsonld where
fromValue MIME.Jsonld = Just Jsonld
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Jsonld
data Midi = Midi
derive instance Generic Midi _
derive instance Eq Midi
instance Show Midi where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Midi where
fromValue MIME.Midi = Just Midi
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Midi
data Mjs = Mjs
derive instance Generic Mjs _
derive instance Eq Mjs
instance Show Mjs where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Mjs where
fromValue MIME.Mjs = Just Mjs
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Mjs
data Mp3 = Mp3
derive instance Generic Mp3 _
derive instance Eq Mp3
instance Show Mp3 where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Mp3 where
fromValue MIME.Mp3 = Just Mp3
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Mp3
data Mp4 = Mp4
derive instance Generic Mp4 _
derive instance Eq Mp4
instance Show Mp4 where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Mp4 where
fromValue MIME.Mp4 = Just Mp4
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Mp4
data Mpeg = Mpeg
derive instance Generic Mpeg _
derive instance Eq Mpeg
instance Show Mpeg where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Mpeg where
fromValue MIME.Mpeg = Just Mpeg
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Mpeg
data Mpkg = Mpkg
derive instance Generic Mpkg _
derive instance Eq Mpkg
instance Show Mpkg where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Mpkg where
fromValue MIME.Mpkg = Just Mpkg
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Mpkg
data Odp = Odp
derive instance Generic Odp _
derive instance Eq Odp
instance Show Odp where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Odp where
fromValue MIME.Odp = Just Odp
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Odp
data Ods = Ods
derive instance Generic Ods _
derive instance Eq Ods
instance Show Ods where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Ods where
fromValue MIME.Ods = Just Ods
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Ods
data Odt = Odt
derive instance Generic Odt _
derive instance Eq Odt
instance Show Odt where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Odt where
fromValue MIME.Odt = Just Odt
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Odt
data Oga = Oga
derive instance Generic Oga _
derive instance Eq Oga
instance Show Oga where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Oga where
fromValue MIME.Oga = Just Oga
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Oga
data Ogv = Ogv
derive instance Generic Ogv _
derive instance Eq Ogv
instance Show Ogv where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Ogv where
fromValue MIME.Ogv = Just Ogv
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Ogv
data Ogx = Ogx
derive instance Generic Ogx _
derive instance Eq Ogx
instance Show Ogx where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Ogx where
fromValue MIME.Ogx = Just Ogx
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Ogx
data Opus = Opus
derive instance Generic Opus _
derive instance Eq Opus
instance Show Opus where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Opus where
fromValue MIME.Opus = Just Opus
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Opus
data Otf = Otf
derive instance Generic Otf _
derive instance Eq Otf
instance Show Otf where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Otf where
fromValue MIME.Otf = Just Otf
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Otf
data Png = Png
derive instance Generic Png _
derive instance Eq Png
instance Show Png where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Png where
fromValue MIME.Png = Just Png
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Png
data Pdf = Pdf
derive instance Generic Pdf _
derive instance Eq Pdf
instance Show Pdf where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Pdf where
fromValue MIME.Pdf = Just Pdf
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Pdf
data Php = Php
derive instance Generic Php _
derive instance Eq Php
instance Show Php where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Php where
fromValue MIME.Php = Just Php
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Php
data Ppt = Ppt
derive instance Generic Ppt _
derive instance Eq Ppt
instance Show Ppt where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Ppt where
fromValue MIME.Ppt = Just Ppt
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Ppt
data Pptx = Pptx
derive instance Generic Pptx _
derive instance Eq Pptx
instance Show Pptx where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Pptx where
fromValue MIME.Pptx = Just Pptx
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Pptx
data Rar = Rar
derive instance Generic Rar _
derive instance Eq Rar
instance Show Rar where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Rar where
fromValue MIME.Rar = Just Rar
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Rar
data Rtf = Rtf
derive instance Generic Rtf _
derive instance Eq Rtf
instance Show Rtf where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Rtf where
fromValue MIME.Rtf = Just Rtf
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Rtf
data Sh = Sh
derive instance Generic Sh _
derive instance Eq Sh
instance Show Sh where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Sh where
fromValue MIME.Sh = Just Sh
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Sh
data Svg = Svg
derive instance Generic Svg _
derive instance Eq Svg
instance Show Svg where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Svg where
fromValue MIME.Svg = Just Svg
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Svg
data Tar = Tar
derive instance Generic Tar _
derive instance Eq Tar
instance Show Tar where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Tar where
fromValue MIME.Tar = Just Tar
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Tar
data Tif = Tif
derive instance Generic Tif _
derive instance Eq Tif
instance Show Tif where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Tif where
fromValue MIME.Tif = Just Tif
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Tif
data Ts = Ts
derive instance Generic Ts _
derive instance Eq Ts
instance Show Ts where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Ts where
fromValue MIME.Ts = Just Ts
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Ts
data Ttf = Ttf
derive instance Generic Ttf _
derive instance Eq Ttf
instance Show Ttf where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Ttf where
fromValue MIME.Ttf = Just Ttf
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Ttf
data Txt = Txt
derive instance Generic Txt _
derive instance Eq Txt
instance Show Txt where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Txt where
fromValue MIME.Txt = Just Txt
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Txt
data Vsd = Vsd
derive instance Generic Vsd _
derive instance Eq Vsd
instance Show Vsd where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Vsd where
fromValue MIME.Vsd = Just Vsd
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Vsd
data Wav = Wav
derive instance Generic Wav _
derive instance Eq Wav
instance Show Wav where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Wav where
fromValue MIME.Wav = Just Wav
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Wav
data Weba = Weba
derive instance Generic Weba _
derive instance Eq Weba
instance Show Weba where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Weba where
fromValue MIME.Weba = Just Weba
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Weba
data Webm = Webm
derive instance Generic Webm _
derive instance Eq Webm
instance Show Webm where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Webm where
fromValue MIME.Webm = Just Webm
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Webm
data Webp = Webp
derive instance Generic Webp _
derive instance Eq Webp
instance Show Webp where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Webp where
fromValue MIME.Webp = Just Webp
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Webp
data Woff = Woff
derive instance Generic Woff _
derive instance Eq Woff
instance Show Woff where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Woff where
fromValue MIME.Woff = Just Woff
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Woff
data Woff2 = Woff2
derive instance Generic Woff2 _
derive instance Eq Woff2
instance Show Woff2 where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Woff2 where
fromValue MIME.Woff2 = Just Woff2
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Woff2
data Xhtml = Xhtml
derive instance Generic Xhtml _
derive instance Eq Xhtml
instance Show Xhtml where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Xhtml where
fromValue MIME.Xhtml = Just Xhtml
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Xhtml
data Xls = Xls
derive instance Generic Xls _
derive instance Eq Xls
instance Show Xls where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Xls where
fromValue MIME.Xls = Just Xls
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Xls
data Xlsx = Xlsx
derive instance Generic Xlsx _
derive instance Eq Xlsx
instance Show Xlsx where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Xlsx where
fromValue MIME.Xlsx = Just Xlsx
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Xlsx
data Xml = Xml
derive instance Generic Xml _
derive instance Eq Xml
instance Show Xml where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Xml where
fromValue MIME.Xml = Just Xml
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Xml
data Xul = Xul
derive instance Generic Xul _
derive instance Eq Xul
instance Show Xul where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Xul where
fromValue MIME.Xul = Just Xul
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Xul
data Zip = Zip
derive instance Generic Zip _
derive instance Eq Zip
instance Show Zip where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Zip where
fromValue MIME.Zip = Just Zip
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Zip
data Video3gp = Video3gp
derive instance Generic Video3gp _
derive instance Eq Video3gp
instance Show Video3gp where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Video3gp where
fromValue MIME.Video3gp = Just Video3gp
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Video3gp
data Video3g2 = Video3g2
derive instance Generic Video3g2 _
derive instance Eq Video3g2
instance Show Video3g2 where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Video3g2 where
fromValue MIME.Video3g2 = Just Video3g2
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Video3g2
data Archive7z = Archive7z
derive instance Generic Archive7z _
derive instance Eq Archive7z
instance Show Archive7z where
show = genericShow
instance TypelevelMIME Archive7z where
fromValue MIME.Archive7z = Just Archive7z
fromValue _ = Nothing
value = MIME.Archive7z