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234 lines
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module Test.Axon.Request.Parts where
import Prelude
import Axon.Header.Typed (ContentType)
import Axon.Request (Request)
import Axon.Request as Request
import Axon.Request.Method (Method(..))
import Axon.Request.Parts.Class (ExtractError(..), Header, Json(..), Patch, Path(..), Post(..), extractRequestParts, invokeHandler)
import Axon.Request.Parts.Path (type (/), IgnoreRest)
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (liftEither)
import Data.Bifunctor (lmap)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Tuple.Nested (type (/\), (/\))
import Data.URL as URL
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Exception (error)
import Effect.Unsafe (unsafePerformEffect)
import Node.Buffer as Buffer
import Node.Encoding (Encoding(..))
import Node.Net.SocketAddress as SocketAddress
import Node.Stream as Stream
import Partial.Unsafe (unsafePartial)
import Test.Spec (Spec, describe, it)
import Test.Spec.Assertions (shouldEqual)
import Type.MIME as MIME
spec :: Spec Unit
spec = describe "Parts" do
it "extracts the whole request" do
req <- liftEffect $ Request.make
{ body: Request.BodyEmpty
, url: URL.fromString "http://localhost:80/foo" # unsafePartial fromJust
, headers: Map.singleton "content-type" "application/json"
, address: Left $ unsafePerformEffect $ SocketAddress.newIpv4
{ address: "", port: 81 }
, method: GET
_ :: Request <- invokeHandler req (pure @Aff) <#> lmap (error <<< show) >>= liftEither
pure unit
it "extracts header, method, path, JSON body" do
stream <- Buffer.fromString """{"firstName": "henry"}""" UTF8
>>= Stream.readableFromBuffer
# liftEffect
req <- liftEffect $ Request.make
{ body: Request.BodyReadable stream
, url: URL.fromString "http://localhost:80/users/12" # unsafePartial
, headers: Map.singleton "content-type" "application/json"
, address: Left $ unsafePerformEffect $ SocketAddress.newIpv4
{ address: "", port: 81 }
, method: PATCH
handler ::
Patch ->
Header (ContentType MIME.Json) ->
Path ("users" / Int) Int ->
Json { firstName :: String } ->
Aff String
handler _ _ (Path id) (Json {firstName}) = do
id `shouldEqual` 12
firstName `shouldEqual` "henry"
pure firstName
name <- invokeHandler req handler
<#> lmap (error <<< show)
>>= liftEither
name `shouldEqual` "henry"
describe "Path" do
it "matches a route matching literal" do
req <- liftEffect $ Request.make
{ body: Request.BodyCachedString "foo"
, url: URL.fromString "http://localhost:80/foo" # unsafePartial fromJust
, headers: Map.empty
, address: Left $ unsafePerformEffect $ SocketAddress.newIpv4
{ address: "", port: 81 }
, method: GET
a <- extractRequestParts @(Path "foo" _) req <#> lmap (error <<< show)
>>= liftEither
a `shouldEqual` (Path unit)
it "matches a route matching multiple literals" do
req <- liftEffect $ Request.make
{ body: Request.BodyCachedString "foo"
, url: URL.fromString "http://localhost:80/foo/bar/baz" # unsafePartial
, headers: Map.empty
, address: Left $ unsafePerformEffect $ SocketAddress.newIpv4
{ address: "", port: 81 }
, method: GET
a <- extractRequestParts @(Path ("foo" / "bar" / "baz") _) req
<#> lmap (error <<< show)
>>= liftEither
a `shouldEqual` (Path unit)
it "does not partially match a route ..." do
req <- liftEffect $ Request.make
{ body: Request.BodyCachedString "foo"
, url: URL.fromString "http://localhost:80/foo/bar/baz" # unsafePartial
, headers: Map.empty
, address: Left $ unsafePerformEffect $ SocketAddress.newIpv4
{ address: "", port: 81 }
, method: GET
a <- extractRequestParts @(Path ("foo" / "bar") _) req
a `shouldEqual` (Left ExtractNext)
it "... but does if ends in IgnoreRest" do
req <- liftEffect $ Request.make
{ body: Request.BodyCachedString "foo"
, url: URL.fromString "http://localhost:80/foo/bar/baz" # unsafePartial
, headers: Map.empty
, address: Left $ unsafePerformEffect $ SocketAddress.newIpv4
{ address: "", port: 81 }
, method: GET
a <- extractRequestParts @(Path ("foo" / "bar" / IgnoreRest) _) req
<#> lmap (error <<< show)
>>= liftEither
a `shouldEqual` (Path unit)
it "extracts an int" do
req <- liftEffect $ Request.make
{ body: Request.BodyCachedString "foo"
, url: URL.fromString "http://localhost:80/foo/123/bar" # unsafePartial
, headers: Map.empty
, address: Left $ unsafePerformEffect $ SocketAddress.newIpv4
{ address: "", port: 81 }
, method: GET
a <- extractRequestParts @(Path ("foo" / Int / "bar") _) req
<#> lmap (error <<< show)
>>= liftEither
a `shouldEqual` (Path 123)
it "extracts an int and a string" do
req <- liftEffect $ Request.make
{ body: Request.BodyCachedString "foo"
, url: URL.fromString "http://localhost:80/foo/123/bar/baz" #
unsafePartial fromJust
, headers: Map.empty
, address: Left $ unsafePerformEffect $ SocketAddress.newIpv4
{ address: "", port: 81 }
, method: GET
a <- extractRequestParts @(Path ("foo" / Int / "bar" / String) _) req
<#> lmap (error <<< show)
>>= liftEither
a `shouldEqual` (Path $ 123 /\ "baz")
describe "Body" do
it "extracts a string body from a cached string" do
req <- liftEffect $ Request.make
{ body: Request.BodyCachedString "foo"
, url: URL.fromString "http://localhost:80/foo" # unsafePartial fromJust
, headers: Map.empty
, address: Left $ unsafePerformEffect $ SocketAddress.newIpv4
{ address: "", port: 81 }
, method: GET
a <- extractRequestParts @(Either Request.BodyStringError String) req
<#> lmap (error <<< show)
>>= liftEither
a `shouldEqual` (Right "foo")
it "extracts a string body from a readable stream" do
stream <- Buffer.fromString "foo" UTF8 >>= Stream.readableFromBuffer #
req <- liftEffect $ Request.make
{ body: Request.BodyReadable stream
, url: URL.fromString "http://localhost:80/foo" # unsafePartial fromJust
, headers: Map.empty
, address: Left $ unsafePerformEffect $ SocketAddress.newIpv4
{ address: "", port: 81 }
, method: GET
a <- extractRequestParts @(Either Request.BodyStringError String) req
<#> lmap (error <<< show)
>>= liftEither
a `shouldEqual` (Right "foo")
a' <- extractRequestParts @String req <#> lmap (error <<< show)
>>= liftEither
a' `shouldEqual` "foo"
it "extracts a string body from a buffer" do
buf <- Buffer.fromString "foo" UTF8 # liftEffect
req <- liftEffect $ Request.make
{ body: Request.BodyCached buf
, url: URL.fromString "http://localhost:80/foo" # unsafePartial fromJust
, headers: Map.empty
, address: Left $ unsafePerformEffect $ SocketAddress.newIpv4
{ address: "", port: 81 }
, method: GET
a <- extractRequestParts @(Either Request.BodyStringError String) req
<#> lmap (error <<< show)
>>= liftEither
a `shouldEqual` (Right "foo")
a' <- extractRequestParts @String req <#> lmap (error <<< show)
>>= liftEither
a' `shouldEqual` "foo"
it "extracts a JSON body" do
stream <- Buffer.fromString """{"foo": 123, "bar": "abc"}""" UTF8
>>= Stream.readableFromBuffer
# liftEffect
req <- liftEffect $ Request.make
{ body: Request.BodyReadable stream
, url: URL.fromString "http://localhost:80/foo" # unsafePartial fromJust
, headers: Map.empty
, address: Left $ unsafePerformEffect $ SocketAddress.newIpv4
{ address: "", port: 81 }
, method: POST
a <- extractRequestParts @(Post /\ Json { foo :: Int, bar :: String }) req
<#> lmap (error <<< show)
>>= liftEither
a `shouldEqual` (Post /\ Json { foo: 123, bar: "abc" })