193 lines
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193 lines
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module Node.Stream.Object where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Rec.Class (untilJust)
import Control.Monad.ST.Global as ST
import Control.Monad.ST.Ref as STRef
import Control.Promise (Promise)
import Control.Promise as Promise
import Data.Array as Array
import Data.Array.ST as Array.ST
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype, unwrap, wrap)
import Data.Profunctor (class Profunctor)
import Data.Traversable (class Traversable, traverse)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, delay, effectCanceler, launchAff_, makeAff)
import Effect.Aff.Class (class MonadAff)
import Effect.Class (class MonadEffect, liftEffect)
import Effect.Exception (Error)
import Effect.Uncurried (mkEffectFn1)
import Node.Buffer (Buffer)
import Node.EventEmitter (EventHandle(..))
import Node.EventEmitter as Event
import Node.EventEmitter.UtilTypes (EventHandle1, EventHandle0)
import Node.Stream (Readable, Writable)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
foreign import data Stream :: Type -> Type -> Type
newtype ObjectStream :: Type -> Type -> Type
newtype ObjectStream i o = ObjectStream (Effect (Stream i o))
derive instance Newtype (ObjectStream i o) _
instance Functor (ObjectStream i) where
map :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> ObjectStream i a -> ObjectStream i b
map ab (ObjectStream ia) = wrap $ join $ pure pipeImpl <*> ia <*> mapImpl ab
instance Apply (ObjectStream i) where
apply :: forall a b. ObjectStream i (a -> b) -> ObjectStream i a -> ObjectStream i b
apply (ObjectStream iab) (ObjectStream ia) = wrap $ join $ pure applyImpl <*> iab <*> ia
instance Applicative (ObjectStream i) where
pure = wrap <<< constImpl
instance Monad (ObjectStream i)
instance MonadEffect (ObjectStream Unit) where
liftEffect = wrap <<< flip bind onceImpl
instance MonadAff (ObjectStream Unit) where
liftAff = wrap <<< fromPromiseImpl <<< Promise.fromAff
instance Bind (ObjectStream i) where
bind (ObjectStream sia') asb = wrap do
sia <- sia'
sab <- bindImpl (unwrap <<< asb)
pipeImpl sia sab
instance Profunctor ObjectStream where
dimap ab cd (ObjectStream sbc') = wrap do
sbc <- sbc'
sab <- mapImpl ab
scd <- mapImpl cd
sac <- pipeImpl sab sbc
pipeImpl sac scd
-- | A stream that will emit the value `a` exactly once.
once :: forall a. a -> ObjectStream Unit a
once = wrap <<< onceImpl
-- | A stream that will immediately emit `close` and `end` events.
never :: forall a. ObjectStream Unit a
never = wrap neverImpl
-- | A stream that for all input chunks, emits `unit`.
sink :: forall a. ObjectStream a Unit
sink = pure unit
-- | Create a stream from a `Foldable` of `a`s
fromFoldable :: forall f a. Traversable f => f a -> ObjectStream Unit a
fromFoldable = chainMany <<< map once
-- | Convert a `Readable` stream emitting `Buffer` chunks to an `ObjectStream`
fromBufferReadable :: forall r. Readable r -> ObjectStream Unit Buffer
fromBufferReadable r = wrap $ pure $ (unsafeCoerce :: Readable r -> Stream Unit Buffer) r
-- | Convert a `Readable` stream emitting `String` chunks to an `ObjectStream`
fromStringReadable :: forall r. Readable r -> ObjectStream Unit String
fromStringReadable r = wrap $ pure $ (unsafeCoerce :: Readable r -> Stream Unit String) r
-- | Convert a `Writable` stream accepting `Buffer` chunks to an `ObjectStream`
fromBufferWritable :: forall r. Writable r -> ObjectStream Buffer Unit
fromBufferWritable r = wrap $ pure $ (unsafeCoerce :: Writable r -> Stream Buffer Unit) r
-- | Convert a `Writable` stream accepting `String` chunks to an `ObjectStream`
fromStringWritable :: forall r. Writable r -> ObjectStream String Unit
fromStringWritable r = wrap $ pure $ (unsafeCoerce :: Writable r -> Stream String Unit) r
-- | Emit chunks from the first stream, then when exhausted emit chunks from the second.
chain :: forall a. ObjectStream Unit a -> ObjectStream Unit a -> ObjectStream Unit a
chain a b = chainMany [ a, b ]
-- | `chain` for an arbitrary number of streams.
chainMany :: forall f a. Traversable f => f (ObjectStream Unit a) -> ObjectStream Unit a
chainMany as' = wrap do
as <- Array.fromFoldable <$> traverse unwrap as'
chainImpl as
run_ :: forall a. ObjectStream Unit a -> Aff Unit
run_ = void <<< run
run :: forall a. ObjectStream Unit a -> Aff (Array a)
run (ObjectStream s') = do
runningCount <- liftEffect $ ST.toEffect $ STRef.new 0
values <- liftEffect $ ST.toEffect $ Array.ST.new
s <- liftEffect s'
makeAff \res ->
onData a = ST.toEffect do
void $ STRef.modify (_ + 1) runningCount
void $ Array.ST.push a values
void $ STRef.modify (_ - 1) runningCount
onError e = res $ Left e
onEnd = launchAff_ do
untilJust do
delay $ wrap $ 1.0
running <- liftEffect $ ST.toEffect $ STRef.read runningCount
pure $ if running == 0 then Just unit else Nothing
values' <- liftEffect $ ST.toEffect $ Array.ST.unsafeFreeze values
liftEffect $ res $ Right values'
cancelData <- Event.on dataH onData s
cancelError <- Event.on errorH onError s
cancelEnd <- Event.on endH onEnd s
pure $ effectCanceler do
-- | Constructs a `Transform` stream that always invokes the callback with the provided value.
foreign import constImpl :: forall i a. a -> Effect (Stream i a)
-- | Constructs a Stream that re-emits the outputs from each stream, in order.
foreign import chainImpl :: forall a. Array (Stream Unit a) -> Effect (Stream Unit a)
-- | Pipes a stream's output into another's input, returning the new composite stream.
-- |
-- | Note that this differs from `Readable#pipe`, which returns the destination stream
-- | verbatim to allow chained piping of only _outputs_.
foreign import pipeImpl :: forall a b c. Stream a b -> Stream b c -> Effect (Stream a c)
-- | A readable stream that immediately closes without emitting any chunks.
foreign import neverImpl :: forall a. Effect (Stream Unit a)
-- | Constructs a readable stream from an asynchronous value.
foreign import fromPromiseImpl :: forall a. Effect (Promise a) -> Effect (Stream Unit a)
-- | Constructs a readable stream that emits a single value then closes.
foreign import onceImpl :: forall i a. a -> Effect (Stream i a)
-- | Constructs a `Transform` applying the given function to chunks.
foreign import mapImpl :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> Effect (Stream a b)
-- | Constructs a `Transform` zipping functions from the left stream with values from the right stream.
-- |
-- | Closes when either stream closes.
foreign import applyImpl :: forall i a b. Stream i (a -> b) -> Stream i a -> Effect (Stream i b)
-- | Constructs a `Transform` which applies a function to each written chunk.
-- |
-- | The values emitted by the stream returned by this function are then emitted
-- | until the temporary stream closes.
foreign import bindImpl :: forall a _x b. (a -> Effect (Stream _x b)) -> Effect (Stream a b)
dataH :: forall i o. EventHandle1 (Stream i o) o
dataH = EventHandle "data" mkEffectFn1
readableH :: forall i o. EventHandle0 (Stream i o)
readableH = EventHandle "readable" identity
closeH :: forall i o. EventHandle0 (Stream i o)
closeH = EventHandle "close" identity
endH :: forall i o. EventHandle0 (Stream i o)
endH = EventHandle "end" identity
errorH :: forall i o. EventHandle1 (Stream i o) Error
errorH = EventHandle "error" mkEffectFn1