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2024-05-09 22:33:44 +00:00
# purescript-node-stream-pipes
2024-05-09 22:21:15 +00:00
2024-05-09 22:33:44 +00:00
Interact with node streams in object mode using [`Pipes`]!
2024-05-09 22:21:15 +00:00
2024-05-15 18:29:58 +00:00
## Install
spago install node-stream-pipes
## Usage
### Node Streams
#### Raw Streams
Raw `objectMode` Node streams are represented in `Node.Stream.Object`:
- `Writable a` accepts chunks of type `a`
- `Readable a` emits chunks of type `a`
- `Transform a b` transforms chunks from `a` to `b`
Non-Object streams can also be represented with these types; for example an `fs.WriteStream`
can be coerced to `Writable Buffer` without issue.
Interop between these types and `Node.Stream` are provided in `Node.Stream.Object`:
- `unsafeFrom{String,Buffer}{Writable,Readable,Transform}`
- `unsafeCoerce{Writable,Readable,Transform}`
#### Pipes
Streams in `Node.Stream.Object` can be converted to `Producer`s, `Consumer`s and `Pipe`s with `Pipes.Node.Stream`:
- `fromReadable :: forall a. <Readable a> -> Producer (Maybe a) <Aff> Unit`
- `fromWritable :: forall a. <Writable a> -> Consumer (Maybe a) <Aff> Unit`
- `fromTransform :: forall a b. <Transform a b> -> Pipe (Maybe a) (Maybe b) <Aff> Unit`
#### EOS Marker
Normally, pipe computations will not be executed once any computation in a pipeline exits.
To allow for resource cleanup and awareness that the stream is about to close,
`Maybe a` is used occasionally in this package as an End-of-Stream marker:
-- foo.txt is "hello, world!\n"
chunks <- Pipes.Collect.toArray $ Pipes.FS.read "foo.txt" >-> Pipes.Node.Stream.inEOS (Pipes.Buffer.toString UTF8)
chunks `shouldEqual` [Just "hello, world!\n", Nothing]
Pipes from `a -> b` unaware of EOS can be lifted to `Maybe a -> Maybe b` with `Pipes.Node.Stream.inEOS`.
Producers of `Maybe a` can drop the EOS marker and emit `a` with `Pipes.Node.Stream.unEOS`.
Producers of `a` can have an EOS marker added with `Pipes.Node.Stream.withEOS`.
#### Example
import {PassThrough} from 'stream'
export const makePassThrough = () => new PassThrough()
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module Pipes.PassThrough where
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import Prelude
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
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import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Pipes.Core (Pipe)
import Node.Stream.Object as ObjectStream
import Pipes.Node.Stream as Pipes.Node.Stream
type PassThroughStream a = ObjectStream.Transform a a
foreign import makeRaw :: Effect PassThroughStream
passThrough :: forall a. Pipe a a Aff Unit
passThrough = do
raw <- liftEffect $ makeRaw
Pipes.Node.Stream.fromTransform raw
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2024-05-15 18:29:58 +00:00
### Utilities
This package provides utilities that explicitly use `MonadRec` to ensure stack-safety
when dealing with producers of large amounts of data.
- `Pipes.Collect` provides stack-safe utilities for executing a pipeline and collecting results into a collection, `Buffer`, `Monoid` etc.
- `Pipes.Construct` provides stack-safe utilities for creating producers from in-memory collections.
- `Pipes.Util` provides some miscellaneous utilities missing from `pipes`.
### Zlib
Pipes for compression & decompression using `zlib` are provided in `Pipes.Node.Zlib`.
### FS
Read files with:
- `Pipes.Node.FS.read <path>`
- `Pipes.Node.FS.read' <WriteStreamOptions> <path>`
Pipes.Collect.toStringWith UTF8 $ Pipes.Node.FS.read "foo.txt" >-> Pipes.Stream.unEOS
Write files with:
- `Pipes.Node.FS.write' <WriteStreamOptions> <path>`
- `Pipes.Node.FS.trunc <path>`
- `Pipes.Node.FS.create <path>`
- `Pipes.Node.FS.append <path>`
Pipes.Stream.withEOS (
Pipes.Construct.eachArray ["id,name", "1,henry", "2,suzie"]
>-> Pipes.Util.intersperse "\n"
>-> Pipes.Buffer.fromString UTF8
>-> Pipes.Node.FS.create "foo.csv"
2024-05-09 22:21:15 +00:00
2024-05-09 22:33:44 +00:00
[`Pipes`]: https://pursuit.purescript.org/packages/purescript-pipes/8.0.0