fix: write readme, clarify API
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,41 +2,114 @@
Interact with node streams in object mode using [`Pipes`]!
## Example
import Prelude
import Effect.Aff (launchAff_)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Console (log)
import Pipes.Prelude ((>->))
import Pipes.Prelude as Pipes
import Pipes.Core as Pipes.Core
import Pipes.Node.FS.Stream as FS
import Pipes.Node.Zlib as Zlib
import Pipes.CSV.Parse as CSV.Parse
-- == my-zipped-data.csv ==
-- id,foo,is_deleted
-- 1,hello,f
-- 2,goodbye,t
-- Logs:
-- {id: 1, foo: "hello", is_deleted: false}
-- {id: 2, foo: "goodbye", is_deleted: true}
main :: Effect Unit
main =
$ FS.createReadStream "my-zipped-data.csv.gz"
>-> Zlib.gunzip
>-> CSV.Parse.parse @{id :: Int, foo :: String, is_deleted :: Boolean}
>-> Pipes.mapM (liftEffect <<< log)
## Installing
## Install
spago install node-stream-pipes
## Usage
### Node Streams
#### Raw Streams
Raw `objectMode` Node streams are represented in `Node.Stream.Object`:
- `Writable a` accepts chunks of type `a`
- `Readable a` emits chunks of type `a`
- `Transform a b` transforms chunks from `a` to `b`
Non-Object streams can also be represented with these types; for example an `fs.WriteStream`
can be coerced to `Writable Buffer` without issue.
Interop between these types and `Node.Stream` are provided in `Node.Stream.Object`:
- `unsafeFrom{String,Buffer}{Writable,Readable,Transform}`
- `unsafeCoerce{Writable,Readable,Transform}`
#### Pipes
Streams in `Node.Stream.Object` can be converted to `Producer`s, `Consumer`s and `Pipe`s with `Pipes.Node.Stream`:
- `fromReadable :: forall a. <Readable a> -> Producer (Maybe a) <Aff> Unit`
- `fromWritable :: forall a. <Writable a> -> Consumer (Maybe a) <Aff> Unit`
- `fromTransform :: forall a b. <Transform a b> -> Pipe (Maybe a) (Maybe b) <Aff> Unit`
#### EOS Marker
Normally, pipe computations will not be executed once any computation in a pipeline exits.
To allow for resource cleanup and awareness that the stream is about to close,
`Maybe a` is used occasionally in this package as an End-of-Stream marker:
-- foo.txt is "hello, world!\n"
chunks <- Pipes.Collect.toArray $ "foo.txt" >-> Pipes.Node.Stream.inEOS (Pipes.Buffer.toString UTF8)
chunks `shouldEqual` [Just "hello, world!\n", Nothing]
Pipes from `a -> b` unaware of EOS can be lifted to `Maybe a -> Maybe b` with `Pipes.Node.Stream.inEOS`.
Producers of `Maybe a` can drop the EOS marker and emit `a` with `Pipes.Node.Stream.unEOS`.
Producers of `a` can have an EOS marker added with `Pipes.Node.Stream.withEOS`.
#### Example
import {PassThrough} from 'stream'
export const makePassThrough = () => new PassThrough()
module Pipes.PassThrough where
import Prelude
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Pipes.Core (Pipe)
import Node.Stream.Object as ObjectStream
import Pipes.Node.Stream as Pipes.Node.Stream
type PassThroughStream a = ObjectStream.Transform a a
foreign import makeRaw :: Effect PassThroughStream
passThrough :: forall a. Pipe a a Aff Unit
passThrough = do
raw <- liftEffect $ makeRaw
Pipes.Node.Stream.fromTransform raw
### Utilities
This package provides utilities that explicitly use `MonadRec` to ensure stack-safety
when dealing with producers of large amounts of data.
- `Pipes.Collect` provides stack-safe utilities for executing a pipeline and collecting results into a collection, `Buffer`, `Monoid` etc.
- `Pipes.Construct` provides stack-safe utilities for creating producers from in-memory collections.
- `Pipes.Util` provides some miscellaneous utilities missing from `pipes`.
### Zlib
Pipes for compression & decompression using `zlib` are provided in `Pipes.Node.Zlib`.
### FS
Read files with:
- ` <path>`
- `' <WriteStreamOptions> <path>`
Pipes.Collect.toStringWith UTF8 $ "foo.txt" >-> Pipes.Stream.unEOS
Write files with:
- `Pipes.Node.FS.write' <WriteStreamOptions> <path>`
- `Pipes.Node.FS.trunc <path>`
- `Pipes.Node.FS.create <path>`
- `Pipes.Node.FS.append <path>`
Pipes.Stream.withEOS (
Pipes.Construct.eachArray ["id,name", "1,henry", "2,suzie"]
>-> Pipes.Util.intersperse "\n"
>-> Pipes.Buffer.fromString UTF8
>-> Pipes.Node.FS.create "foo.csv"
@ -34,6 +34,10 @@ derive instance Eq a => Eq (ReadResult a)
instance Show (ReadResult a) where
show = genericShow <<< map (const "..")
maybeReadResult :: forall a. ReadResult a -> Maybe a
maybeReadResult (ReadWouldBlock) = Nothing
maybeReadResult (ReadJust a) = Just a
data WriteResult
= WriteWouldBlock
| WriteOk
@ -134,23 +138,32 @@ withErrorST s = do
cancel <- flip (Event.once errorH) s \e -> void $ liftST $ STRef.write (Just e) error
pure { error, cancel }
fromBufferReadable :: forall r. Stream.Readable r -> Readable Buffer
fromBufferReadable = unsafeCoerce
unsafeCoerceWritable :: forall r a. Stream.Writable r -> Writable a
unsafeCoerceWritable = unsafeCoerce
fromBufferTransform :: Stream.Duplex -> Transform Buffer Buffer
fromBufferTransform = unsafeCoerce
unsafeCoerceReadable :: forall r a. Stream.Readable r -> Readable a
unsafeCoerceReadable = unsafeCoerce
fromBufferWritable :: forall r. Stream.Writable r -> Writable Buffer
fromBufferWritable = unsafeCoerce
unsafeCoerceTransform :: forall a b. Stream.Duplex -> Transform a b
unsafeCoerceTransform = unsafeCoerce
fromStringReadable :: forall r. Stream.Readable r -> Readable String
fromStringReadable = unsafeCoerce
unsafeFromBufferReadable :: forall r. Stream.Readable r -> Readable Buffer
unsafeFromBufferReadable = unsafeCoerce
fromStringTransform :: Stream.Duplex -> Transform String String
fromStringTransform = unsafeCoerce
unsafeFromBufferTransform :: forall a. Stream.Duplex -> Transform Buffer a
unsafeFromBufferTransform = unsafeCoerce
fromStringWritable :: forall r. Stream.Writable r -> Writable String
fromStringWritable = unsafeCoerce
unsafeFromBufferWritable :: forall r. Stream.Writable r -> Writable Buffer
unsafeFromBufferWritable = unsafeCoerce
unsafeFromStringReadable :: forall r. Stream.Readable r -> Readable String
unsafeFromStringReadable = unsafeCoerce
unsafeFromStringTransform :: forall a. Stream.Duplex -> Transform String a
unsafeFromStringTransform = unsafeCoerce
unsafeFromStringWritable :: forall r. Stream.Writable r -> Writable String
unsafeFromStringWritable = unsafeCoerce
awaitReadableOrClosed :: forall s a. Read s a => s -> Aff Unit
awaitReadableOrClosed s = do
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import Foreign.Object.ST as Object.ST
import Foreign.Object.ST.Unsafe as Object.ST.Unsafe
import Node.Buffer (Buffer)
import Node.Buffer as Buffer
import Node.Encoding (Encoding)
import Pipes.Core (Producer)
import Pipes.Internal (Proxy(..))
@ -51,7 +52,16 @@ fold f b0 p0 = traverse (\b a -> pure $ f b a) b0 p0
foreach :: forall a m. MonadRec m => (a -> m Unit) -> Producer a m Unit -> m Unit
foreach f p0 = traverse (\_ a -> f a) unit p0
-- | Concatenate all produced buffers
-- | `append` all emitted values to `mempty`
toMonoid :: forall a m. Monoid a => MonadRec m => MonadEffect m => Producer a m Unit -> m a
toMonoid = fold (<>) mempty
-- | Concatenate all buffers to a single buffer, then decode with the
-- | provided encoding.
toStringWith :: forall m. MonadRec m => MonadEffect m => Encoding -> Producer Buffer m Unit -> m String
toStringWith enc = (liftEffect <<< Buffer.toString enc) <=< toBuffer
-- | Concatenate all produced buffers to a single buffer
toBuffer :: forall m. MonadRec m => MonadEffect m => Producer Buffer m Unit -> m Buffer
toBuffer p =
(liftEffect <<< maybe (Buffer.alloc 0) pure)
@ -74,9 +84,18 @@ toArray p = do
liftEffect $ liftST $ Array.ST.unsafeFreeze st
-- | Collect all values from a `Producer` into a list.
-- |
-- | Reverses the list after collecting, so that values will be
-- | in the order they were emitted.
toList :: forall a m. MonadRec m => MonadEffect m => Producer a m Unit -> m (List a)
toList = map List.reverse <<< fold (flip List.Cons) List.Nil
-- | Collect all values from a `Producer` into a list.
-- |
-- | Does not reverse the list after collecting.
toListRev :: forall a m. MonadRec m => MonadEffect m => Producer a m Unit -> m (List a)
toListRev = map List.reverse <<< fold (flip List.Cons) List.Nil
-- | Collect all values from a `Producer` into a Javascript Object.
toObject :: forall a m. MonadRec m => MonadEffect m => Producer (String /\ a) m Unit -> m (Object a)
toObject p = do
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import Prim.Row (class Union)
-- |
-- | See `Pipes.Node.Stream.withEOS` for converting `Producer a`
-- | into `Producer (Maybe a)`, emitting `Nothing` before exiting.
:: forall r trash m
. Union r trash WriteStreamOptions
=> MonadAff m
@ -31,27 +31,27 @@ write
=> Record r
-> FilePath
-> Consumer (Maybe Buffer) m Unit
write o p = do
write' o p = do
w <- liftEffect $ FS.Stream.createWriteStream' p o
fromWritable $ O.fromBufferWritable w
fromWritable $ O.unsafeCoerceWritable w
-- | Open a file in write mode, failing if the file already exists.
-- |
-- | `write {flags: "wx"}`
-- | `write' {flags: "wx"}`
create :: forall m. MonadAff m => MonadThrow Error m => FilePath -> Consumer (Maybe Buffer) m Unit
create = write { flags: "wx" }
create = write' { flags: "wx" }
-- | Open a file in write mode, truncating it if the file already exists.
-- |
-- | `write {flags: "w"}`
truncate :: forall m. MonadAff m => MonadThrow Error m => FilePath -> Consumer (Maybe Buffer) m Unit
truncate = write { flags: "w" }
-- | `write' {flags: "w"}`
trunc :: forall m. MonadAff m => MonadThrow Error m => FilePath -> Consumer (Maybe Buffer) m Unit
trunc = write' { flags: "w" }
-- | Open a file in write mode, appending written contents if the file already exists.
-- |
-- | `write {flags: "a"}`
-- | `write' {flags: "a"}`
append :: forall m. MonadAff m => MonadThrow Error m => FilePath -> Consumer (Maybe Buffer) m Unit
append = write { flags: "a" }
append = write' { flags: "a" }
-- | Creates a `fs.Readable` stream for the file at the given path.
-- |
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ append = write { flags: "a" }
read :: forall m. MonadAff m => MonadThrow Error m => FilePath -> Producer (Maybe Buffer) m Unit
read p = do
r <- liftEffect $ FS.Stream.createReadStream p
fromReadable $ O.fromBufferReadable r
fromReadable $ O.unsafeCoerceReadable r
-- | Creates a `fs.Readable` stream for the file at the given path.
-- |
@ -76,4 +76,4 @@ read'
-> Producer (Maybe Buffer) m Unit
read' opts p = do
r <- liftEffect $ FS.Stream.createReadStream' p opts
fromReadable $ O.fromBufferReadable r
fromReadable $ O.unsafeCoerceReadable r
@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ module Pipes.Node.Stream where
import Prelude hiding (join)
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (class MonadThrow, throwError)
import Control.Monad.Rec.Class (class MonadRec, Step(..), tailRecM)
import Control.Monad.Rec.Class (class MonadRec, Step(..), tailRecM, whileJust)
import Control.Monad.ST.Class (liftST)
import Control.Monad.ST.Ref as STRef
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
import Data.Newtype (wrap)
import Data.Traversable (for_)
import Data.Traversable (for_, traverse, traverse_)
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\))
import Effect.Aff (delay)
import Effect.Aff.Class (class MonadAff, liftAff)
@ -57,90 +57,74 @@ fromReadable r =
-- | When `Nothing` is piped to this, the stream will
-- | be `end`ed, and the pipe will noop if invoked again.
fromWritable :: forall s a m. MonadThrow Error m => MonadAff m => O.Write s a => s -> Consumer (Maybe a) m Unit
fromWritable w =
fromWritable w = do
{ error: errorST, cancel: removeErrorListener } <- liftEffect $ O.withErrorST w
cleanup rmErrorListener = do
liftEffect rmErrorListener
liftEffect $ O.end w
maybeThrow = traverse_ throwError =<< liftEffect (liftST $ errorST)
waitCanWrite = do
shouldWait <- liftEffect $ O.needsDrain w
when shouldWait $ liftAff $ O.awaitWritableOrClosed w
cleanup = do
liftAff $ O.awaitFinished w
pure $ Done unit
liftEffect removeErrorListener
go { error, cancel } = do
err <- liftEffect $ liftST $ error
for_ err throwError
needsDrain <- liftEffect $ O.needsDrain w
when needsDrain $ liftAff $ O.awaitWritableOrClosed w
onEOS = liftEffect (O.end w) *> cleanup $> Done unit
onChunk a = liftEffect (O.write w a) $> Loop unit
go _ = do
ended <- liftEffect $ O.isWritableEnded w
if ended then
cleanup cancel
cleanup $> Done unit
await >>= case _ of
Nothing -> cleanup cancel
Just a -> do
void $ liftEffect $ O.write w a
pure $ Loop { error, cancel }
r <- liftEffect $ O.withErrorST w
tailRecM go r
await >>= maybe onEOS onChunk
tailRecM go unit
-- | Convert a `Transform` stream to a `Pipe`.
-- |
-- | When `Nothing` is piped to this, the `Transform` stream will
-- | be `end`ed, and the pipe will noop if invoked again.
fromTransform :: forall a b m. MonadThrow Error m => MonadAff m => O.Transform a b -> Pipe (Maybe a) (Maybe b) m Unit
fromTransform t =
fromTransform t = do
{ error: errorST, cancel: removeErrorListener } <- liftEffect $ O.withErrorST t
cleanup removeErrorListener = do
liftEffect $ O.end t
maybeThrow = traverse_ throwError =<< liftEffect (liftST $ errorST)
cleanup = do
liftAff $ O.awaitFinished t
fromReadable t
liftEffect $ removeErrorListener
pure $ Done unit
yieldWhileReadable = do
flip tailRecM unit \_ -> do
res <- liftEffect $ t
case res of
O.ReadJust a -> yield (Just a) $> Loop unit
_ -> pure $ Done unit
yieldWhileReadable = void $ whileJust $ maybeYield1
maybeYield1 = do
res <- liftEffect $ t
case res of
O.ReadJust a -> yield $ Just a
_ -> pure unit
maybeYield1 = traverse (\a -> yield (Just a) $> Just unit) =<< O.maybeReadResult <$> liftEffect ( t)
go { error, cancel } = do
err <- liftEffect $ liftST $ error
for_ err throwError
onEOS = liftEffect (O.end t) *> cleanup $> Done unit
onChunk a =
liftEffect (O.write t a)
>>= case _ of
O.WriteOk -> maybeYield1 $> Loop unit
O.WriteWouldBlock -> yieldWhileReadable $> Loop unit
go _ = do
needsDrain <- liftEffect $ O.needsDrain t
ended <- liftEffect $ O.isWritableEnded t
if needsDrain then do
liftAff $ delay $ wrap 0.0
pure $ Loop { error, cancel }
if needsDrain then
liftAff (delay $ wrap 0.0) *> yieldWhileReadable $> Loop unit
else if ended then
cleanup cancel
cleanup $> Done unit
await >>= case _ of
Nothing -> cleanup cancel
Just a' -> do
res <- liftEffect $ O.write t a'
case res of
O.WriteOk -> do
pure $ Loop { error, cancel }
O.WriteWouldBlock -> do
pure $ Loop { error, cancel }
r <- liftEffect $ O.withErrorST t
tailRecM go r
await >>= maybe onEOS onChunk
tailRecM go unit
-- | Given a `Producer` of values, wrap them in `Just`.
-- |
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import Pipes.Node.Stream (fromTransform)
fromZlib :: forall r m. MonadAff m => MonadThrow Error m => Effect (ZlibStream r) -> Pipe (Maybe Buffer) (Maybe Buffer) m Unit
fromZlib z = do
raw <- liftEffect $ Zlib.toDuplex <$> z
fromTransform $ O.fromBufferTransform raw
fromTransform $ O.unsafeCoerceTransform raw
gzip :: forall m. MonadAff m => MonadThrow Error m => Pipe (Maybe Buffer) (Maybe Buffer) m Unit
gzip = fromZlib Zlib.createGzip
@ -33,11 +33,6 @@ spec = describe "Pipes.Node.FS" do
liftEffect $ FS.writeTextFile UTF8 p "foo"
s <- fold <$> Pipes.toListM ( p >-> unEOS >-> Pipes.Node.Buffer.toString UTF8)
s `shouldEqual` "foo"
around tmpFile $ it "fails if the file already exists" \p -> do
liftEffect $ FS.writeTextFile UTF8 p "foo"
flip catchError (const $ pure unit) do
Pipes.runEffect $ withEOS (yield "foo" >-> Pipes.Node.Buffer.fromString UTF8) >-> Pipes.Node.FS.create p
fail "should have thrown"
describe "create" do
around tmpFile $ it "creates the file when not exists" \p -> do
Pipes.runEffect $ withEOS (yield "foo" >-> Pipes.Node.Buffer.fromString UTF8) >-> Pipes.Node.FS.create p
@ -59,14 +54,14 @@ spec = describe "Pipes.Node.FS" do
Pipes.runEffect $ withEOS (yield "bar" >-> Pipes.Node.Buffer.fromString UTF8) >-> Pipes.Node.FS.append p
contents <- liftEffect $ FS.readTextFile UTF8 p
contents `shouldEqual` "foo\nbar"
describe "truncate" do
describe "trunc" do
around tmpFile $ it "creates the file when not exists" \p -> do
Pipes.runEffect $ withEOS (yield "foo" >-> Pipes.Node.Buffer.fromString UTF8) >-> Pipes.Node.FS.truncate p
Pipes.runEffect $ withEOS (yield "foo" >-> Pipes.Node.Buffer.fromString UTF8) >-> Pipes.Node.FS.trunc p
contents <- liftEffect $ FS.readTextFile UTF8 p
contents `shouldEqual` "foo"
around tmpFile $ it "overwrites contents" \p -> do
Pipes.runEffect $ withEOS (yield "foo" >-> Pipes.Node.Buffer.fromString UTF8) >-> Pipes.Node.FS.truncate p
Pipes.runEffect $ withEOS (yield "bar" >-> Pipes.Node.Buffer.fromString UTF8) >-> Pipes.Node.FS.truncate p
Pipes.runEffect $ withEOS (yield "foo" >-> Pipes.Node.Buffer.fromString UTF8) >-> Pipes.Node.FS.trunc p
Pipes.runEffect $ withEOS (yield "bar" >-> Pipes.Node.Buffer.fromString UTF8) >-> Pipes.Node.FS.trunc p
contents <- liftEffect $ FS.readTextFile UTF8 p
contents `shouldEqual` "bar"
around tmpFiles $ it "json lines >-> parse >-> >-> write" \(a /\ b) -> do
@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ foreign import charsTransform :: Effect (O.Transform String String)
writer :: forall m. MonadEffect m => String -> m (O.Writable Buffer /\ Consumer (Maybe Buffer) Aff Unit)
writer a = do
stream <- liftEffect $ O.fromBufferWritable <$> FS.Stream.createWriteStream a
stream <- liftEffect $ O.unsafeCoerceWritable <$> FS.Stream.createWriteStream a
pure $ stream /\ S.fromWritable stream
reader :: forall m. MonadEffect m => String -> m (Producer (Maybe Buffer) Aff Unit)
reader a = liftEffect $ S.fromReadable <$> O.fromBufferReadable <$> FS.Stream.createReadStream a
reader a = liftEffect $ S.fromReadable <$> O.unsafeCoerceReadable <$> FS.Stream.createReadStream a
spec :: Spec Unit
spec =
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ spec =
describe "Writable" $ around tmpFile do
describe "fs.WriteStream" do
it "pipe to file" \p -> do
stream <- O.fromBufferWritable <$> liftEffect (FS.Stream.createWriteStream p)
stream <- O.unsafeCoerceWritable <$> liftEffect (FS.Stream.createWriteStream p)
w = S.fromWritable stream
source = do
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ spec =
contents `shouldEqual` "hello"
shouldEqual true =<< liftEffect (O.isWritableEnded stream)
it "async pipe to file" \p -> do
w <- S.fromWritable <$> O.fromBufferWritable <$> liftEffect (FS.Stream.createWriteStream p)
w <- S.fromWritable <$> O.unsafeCoerceWritable <$> liftEffect (FS.Stream.createWriteStream p)
source = do
yield "hello, "
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ spec =
json = yield $ writeJSON { foo: "bar" }
exp = "1f8b0800000000000003ab564acbcf57b2524a4a2c52aa0500eff52bfe0d000000"
gzip <- S.fromTransform <$> O.fromBufferTransform <$> liftEffect (Zlib.toDuplex <$> Zlib.createGzip)
gzip <- S.fromTransform <$> O.unsafeCoerceTransform <$> liftEffect (Zlib.toDuplex <$> Zlib.createGzip)
outs :: List.List String <- Pipes.toListM (S.withEOS (json >-> Pipes.Buffer.fromString UTF8) >-> gzip >-> S.unEOS >-> Pipes.Buffer.toString Hex)
fold outs `shouldEqual` exp
around tmpFiles
@ -118,11 +118,11 @@ spec =
liftEffect $ FS.writeTextFile UTF8 a $ writeJSON [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
areader <- liftEffect $ reader a
bwritestream /\ bwriter <- liftEffect $ writer b
gzip <- S.fromTransform <$> O.fromBufferTransform <$> liftEffect (Zlib.toDuplex <$> Zlib.createGzip)
gzip <- S.fromTransform <$> O.unsafeCoerceTransform <$> liftEffect (Zlib.toDuplex <$> Zlib.createGzip)
runEffect $ areader >-> gzip >-> bwriter
shouldEqual true =<< liftEffect (O.isWritableEnded bwritestream)
gunzip <- S.fromTransform <$> O.fromBufferTransform <$> liftEffect (Zlib.toDuplex <$> Zlib.createGunzip)
gunzip <- S.fromTransform <$> O.unsafeCoerceTransform <$> liftEffect (Zlib.toDuplex <$> Zlib.createGunzip)
breader <- liftEffect $ reader b
nums <- Pipes.toListM (breader >-> gunzip >-> S.unEOS >-> Pipes.Buffer.toString UTF8 >-> jsonParse @(Array Int) >-> Pipes.mapFoldable identity)
Array.fromFoldable nums `shouldEqual` [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user