fix: more Pipes.Collect utils, stack-safety

This commit is contained in:
orion kindel 2024-05-11 18:01:34 -05:00
parent f2f18c3c13
commit 634e52fe39
Signed by: orion
GPG Key ID: 6D4165AE4C928719
14 changed files with 354 additions and 136 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
"name": "purescript-csv-stream",
"name": "purescript-node-stream-pipes",
"version": "v1.0.5",
"type": "module",
"dependencies": {
"csv-parse": "^5.5.5",
"csv-stringify": "^6.4.6"

View File

@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ workspace:
- either: ">=6.1.0 <7.0.0"
- exceptions: ">=6.0.0 <7.0.0"
- foldable-traversable: ">=6.0.0 <7.0.0"
- foreign-object
- lists
- maybe: ">=6.0.0 <7.0.0"
- mmorph: ">=7.0.0 <8.0.0"
- newtype: ">=5.0.0 <6.0.0"
@ -18,6 +20,7 @@ workspace:
- node-path: ">=5.0.0 <6.0.0"
- node-streams: ">=9.0.0 <10.0.0"
- node-zlib: ">=0.4.0 <0.5.0"
- ordered-collections
- parallel: ">=6.0.0 <7.0.0"
- pipes: ">=8.0.0 <9.0.0"
- prelude: ">=6.0.1 <7.0.0"
@ -25,6 +28,8 @@ workspace:
- strings: ">=6.0.1 <7.0.0"
- tailrec: ">=6.1.0 <7.0.0"
- transformers: ">=6.0.0 <7.0.0"
- tuples
- unordered-collections
- unsafe-coerce: ">=6.0.0 <7.0.0"
- console
@ -105,6 +110,7 @@ workspace:
- type-equality
- typelevel-prelude
- unfoldable
- unordered-collections
- unsafe-coerce
- variant
extra_packages: {}
@ -903,6 +909,21 @@ packages:
- partial
- prelude
- tuples
type: registry
version: 3.1.0
integrity: sha256-H2eQR+ylI+cljz4XzWfEbdF7ee+pnw2IZCeq69AuJ+Q=
- arrays
- enums
- functions
- integers
- lists
- prelude
- record
- tuples
- typelevel-prelude
- unfoldable
type: registry
version: 6.0.0

View File

@ -10,6 +10,11 @@ package:
strict: true
pedanticPackages: true
- foreign-object
- lists
- ordered-collections
- tuples
- unordered-collections
- aff: ">=7.1.0 <8.0.0"
- arrays: ">=7.3.0 <8.0.0"
- effect: ">=4.0.0 <5.0.0"

View File

@ -1,35 +1,39 @@
import Stream from "stream";
/** @type {(s: Stream.Readable | Stream.Transform) => () => boolean} */
export const isReadableImpl = s => () => s.readable
export const isReadableImpl = (s) => () => s.readable;
/** @type {(s: Stream.Writable | Stream.Readable) => () => boolean} */
export const isClosedImpl = s => () => s.closed
export const isClosedImpl = (s) => () => s.closed;
/** @type {(s: Stream.Writable | Stream.Transform) => () => boolean} */
export const isWritableImpl = s => () => s.writable
export const isWritableImpl = (s) => () => s.writable;
/** @type {(s: Stream.Readable | Stream.Transform) => () => boolean} */
export const isReadableEndedImpl = s => () => s.readableEnded
export const isReadableEndedImpl = (s) => () => s.readableEnded;
/** @type {(s: Stream.Writable | Stream.Transform) => () => boolean} */
export const isWritableEndedImpl = s => () => s.writableEnded
export const isWritableEndedImpl = (s) => () => s.writableEnded;
/** @type {(s: Stream.Writable | Stream.Transform) => () => void} */
export const endImpl = (s) => () => s.end();
/** @type {<WriteResult>(o: {ok: WriteResult, wouldBlock: WriteResult, closed: WriteResult}) => (s: Stream.Writable | Stream.Transform) => (a: unknown) => () => WriteResult} */
export const writeImpl = ({ok, wouldBlock, closed}) => (s) => (a) => () => {
if (s.closed || s.writableEnded) {
return closed
export const writeImpl =
({ ok, wouldBlock, closed }) =>
(s) =>
(a) =>
() => {
if (s.closed || s.writableEnded) {
return closed;
if (s.write(a)) {
return ok
} else {
return wouldBlock
if (s.write(a)) {
return ok;
} else {
return wouldBlock;
/** @type {<ReadResult>(o: {just: (_a: unknown) => ReadResult, wouldBlock: ReadResult, closed: ReadResult}) => (s: Stream.Readable | Stream.Transform) => () => ReadResult} */
export const readImpl =

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ data ReadResult a
= ReadWouldBlock
| ReadClosed
| ReadJust a
derive instance Generic (ReadResult a) _
derive instance Functor ReadResult
derive instance Eq a => Eq (ReadResult a)
@ -38,9 +39,11 @@ data WriteResult
= WriteWouldBlock
| WriteClosed
| WriteOk
derive instance Generic WriteResult _
derive instance Eq WriteResult
instance Show WriteResult where show = genericShow
instance Show WriteResult where
show = genericShow
type ReadResultFFI a = { closed :: ReadResult a, wouldBlock :: ReadResult a, just :: a -> ReadResult a }
type WriteResultFFI = { closed :: WriteResult, wouldBlock :: WriteResult, ok :: WriteResult }
@ -59,10 +62,10 @@ foreign import isWritableEndedImpl :: forall s. s -> Effect Boolean
foreign import isClosedImpl :: forall s. s -> Effect Boolean
readResultFFI :: forall a. ReadResultFFI a
readResultFFI = {closed: ReadClosed, wouldBlock: ReadWouldBlock, just: ReadJust}
readResultFFI = { closed: ReadClosed, wouldBlock: ReadWouldBlock, just: ReadJust }
writeResultFFI :: WriteResultFFI
writeResultFFI = {closed: WriteClosed, wouldBlock: WriteWouldBlock, ok: WriteOk}
writeResultFFI = { closed: WriteClosed, wouldBlock: WriteWouldBlock, ok: WriteOk }
class Stream :: Type -> Constraint
class Stream s where
@ -117,11 +120,11 @@ else instance (Write s a) => Write s a where
write s a = write s a
end s = end s
withErrorST :: forall s. Stream s => s -> Effect {cancel :: Effect Unit, error :: STRef Global (Maybe Error)}
withErrorST :: forall s. Stream s => s -> Effect { cancel :: Effect Unit, error :: STRef Global (Maybe Error) }
withErrorST s = do
error <- liftST $ Nothing
cancel <- flip (Event.once errorH) s \e -> void $ liftST $ STRef.write (Just e) error
pure {error, cancel}
pure { error, cancel }
fromBufferReadable :: forall r. Stream.Readable r -> Readable Buffer
fromBufferReadable = unsafeCoerce
@ -147,7 +150,7 @@ awaitReadableOrClosed s = do
ended <- liftEffect $ isReadableEnded s
readable <- liftEffect $ isReadable s
when (not ended && not closed && not readable)
$ liftEither =<< parOneOf [onceAff0 readableH s $> Right unit, onceAff0 closeH s $> Right unit, Left <$> onceAff1 errorH s]
$ liftEither =<< parOneOf [ onceAff0 readableH s $> Right unit, onceAff0 closeH s $> Right unit, Left <$> onceAff1 errorH s ]
awaitWritableOrClosed :: forall s a. Write s a => s -> Aff Unit
awaitWritableOrClosed s = do
@ -155,7 +158,7 @@ awaitWritableOrClosed s = do
ended <- liftEffect $ isWritableEnded s
writable <- liftEffect $ isWritable s
when (not ended && not closed && not writable)
$ liftEither =<< parOneOf [onceAff0 drainH s $> Right unit, onceAff0 closeH s $> Right unit, Left <$> onceAff1 errorH s]
$ liftEither =<< parOneOf [ onceAff0 drainH s $> Right unit, onceAff0 closeH s $> Right unit, Left <$> onceAff1 errorH s ]
onceAff0 :: forall e. EventHandle0 e -> e -> Aff Unit
onceAff0 h emitter = makeAff \res -> do

View File

@ -2,17 +2,81 @@ module Pipes.Collect where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Rec.Class (class MonadRec)
import Control.Monad.Maybe.Trans (MaybeT(..), runMaybeT)
import Control.Monad.Rec.Class (class MonadRec, Step(..), tailRecM)
import Control.Monad.ST.Class (liftST)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Data.Array.ST as Array.ST
import Data.Either (hush)
import Data.HashMap (HashMap)
import Data.HashMap as HashMap
import Data.Hashable (class Hashable)
import Data.List (List)
import Data.List as List
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Tuple.Nested (type (/\), (/\))
import Effect.Class (class MonadEffect, liftEffect)
import Pipes (for) as Pipes
import Foreign.Object (Object)
import Foreign.Object.ST as Object.ST
import Foreign.Object.ST.Unsafe as Object.ST.Unsafe
import Pipes (next) as Pipes
import Pipes.Core (Producer)
import Pipes.Core (runEffect) as Pipes
-- | Traverse a pipe, collecting into a mutable array with constant stack usage
collectArray :: forall a m. MonadRec m => MonadEffect m => Producer a m Unit -> m (Array a)
collectArray p = do
-- | Fold every value produced
-- |
-- | Uses `MonadRec`, supporting producers of arbitrary length.
fold :: forall a b m. MonadRec m => (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Producer a m Unit -> m b
fold f b p =
insertNext b' p' = runMaybeT do
a /\ p'' <- MaybeT $ hush <$> p'
pure $ Loop $ f b' a /\ p''
flip tailRecM (b /\ p) \(b' /\ p') -> fromMaybe (Done b') <$> insertNext b' p'
-- | Fold every value produced with a monadic action
-- |
-- | Uses `MonadRec`, supporting producers of arbitrary length.
traverse :: forall a b m. MonadRec m => (b -> a -> m b) -> b -> Producer a m Unit -> m b
traverse f b p =
insertNext b' p' = runMaybeT do
a /\ p'' <- MaybeT $ hush <$> p'
b'' <- lift $ f b' a
pure $ Loop $ b'' /\ p''
flip tailRecM (b /\ p) \(b' /\ p') -> fromMaybe (Done b') <$> insertNext b' p'
-- | Execute a monadic action on every item in a producer.
-- |
-- | Uses `MonadRec`, supporting producers of arbitrary length.
foreach :: forall a m. MonadRec m => (a -> m Unit) -> Producer a m Unit -> m Unit
foreach f = traverse (const f) unit
-- | Collect all values from a `Producer` into an array.
toArray :: forall a m. MonadRec m => MonadEffect m => Producer a m Unit -> m (Array a)
toArray p = do
st <- liftEffect $ liftST $
Pipes.runEffect $ Pipes.for p \a -> void $ liftEffect $ liftST $ Array.ST.push a st
foreach (void <<< liftEffect <<< liftST <<< flip Array.ST.push st) p
liftEffect $ liftST $ Array.ST.unsafeFreeze st
-- | Collect all values from a `Producer` into a list.
toList :: forall a m. MonadRec m => MonadEffect m => Producer a m Unit -> m (List a)
toList = map List.reverse <<< fold (flip List.Cons) List.Nil
-- | Collect all values from a `Producer` into a Javascript Object.
toObject :: forall a m. MonadRec m => MonadEffect m => Producer (String /\ a) m Unit -> m (Object a)
toObject p = do
st <- liftEffect $ liftST $
foreach (\(k /\ v) -> void $ liftEffect $ liftST $ Object.ST.poke k v st) p
liftEffect $ liftST $ Object.ST.Unsafe.unsafeFreeze st
-- | Collect all values from a `Producer` into a `HashMap`
toHashMap :: forall k v m. Hashable k => MonadRec m => Producer (k /\ v) m Unit -> m (HashMap k v)
toHashMap = fold (\map (k /\ v) -> HashMap.insert k v map) HashMap.empty
-- | Collect all values from a `Producer` into a `Map`
toMap :: forall k v m. Ord k => MonadRec m => Producer (k /\ v) m Unit -> m (Map k v)
toMap = fold (\map (k /\ v) -> Map.insert k v map) Map.empty

View File

@ -23,8 +23,10 @@ import Prim.Row (class Union)
-- | into `Producer (Maybe a)`, emitting `Nothing` before exiting.
:: forall r trash
. Union r trash WriteStreamOptions
=> Record r -> FilePath -> Consumer (Maybe Buffer) Aff Unit
. Union r trash WriteStreamOptions
=> Record r
-> FilePath
-> Consumer (Maybe Buffer) Aff Unit
write o p = do
w <- liftEffect $ FS.Stream.createWriteStream' p o
fromWritable $ O.fromBufferWritable w
@ -33,19 +35,19 @@ write o p = do
-- |
-- | `write {flags: "wx"}`
create :: FilePath -> Consumer (Maybe Buffer) Aff Unit
create = write {flags: "wx"}
create = write { flags: "wx" }
-- | Open a file in write mode, truncating it if the file already exists.
-- |
-- | `write {flags: "w"}`
truncate :: FilePath -> Consumer (Maybe Buffer) Aff Unit
truncate = write {flags: "w"}
truncate = write { flags: "w" }
-- | Open a file in write mode, appending written contents if the file already exists.
-- |
-- | `write {flags: "a"}`
append :: FilePath -> Consumer (Maybe Buffer) Aff Unit
append = write {flags: "a"}
append = write { flags: "a" }
-- | Creates a `fs.Readable` stream for the file at the given path.
-- |

View File

@ -30,19 +30,20 @@ fromReadable r =
liftEffect rmErrorListener
pure $ Done unit
go {error, cancel} = do
go { error, cancel } = do
liftAff $ delay $ wrap 0.0
err <- liftEffect $ liftST $ error
for_ err throwError
res <- liftEffect $ r
case res of
O.ReadJust a -> yield (Just a) $> Loop {error, cancel}
O.ReadWouldBlock -> lift (O.awaitReadableOrClosed r) $> Loop {error, cancel}
O.ReadJust a -> yield (Just a) $> Loop { error, cancel }
O.ReadWouldBlock -> lift (O.awaitReadableOrClosed r) $> Loop { error, cancel }
O.ReadClosed -> yield Nothing *> cleanup cancel
in do
e <- liftEffect $ O.withErrorST r
tailRecM go e
e <- liftEffect $ O.withErrorST r
tailRecM go e
-- | Convert a `Writable` stream to a `Pipe`.
-- |
@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ fromWritable w =
liftEffect $ O.end w
pure $ Done unit
go {error, cancel} = do
go { error, cancel } = do
liftAff $ delay $ wrap 0.0
err <- liftEffect $ liftST $ error
for_ err throwError
@ -67,14 +68,15 @@ fromWritable w =
Just a -> do
res <- liftEffect $ O.write w a
case res of
O.WriteOk -> pure $ Loop {error, cancel}
O.WriteOk -> pure $ Loop { error, cancel }
O.WriteWouldBlock -> do
liftAff (O.awaitWritableOrClosed w)
pure $ Loop {error, cancel}
pure $ Loop { error, cancel }
O.WriteClosed -> cleanup cancel
in do
r <- liftEffect $ O.withErrorST w
tailRecM go r
r <- liftEffect $ O.withErrorST w
tailRecM go r
-- | Convert a `Transform` stream to a `Pipe`.
-- |
@ -94,7 +96,7 @@ fromTransform t =
O.ReadJust a -> yield (Just a)
O.ReadWouldBlock -> pure unit
O.ReadClosed -> yield Nothing *> pure unit
go {error, cancel} = do
go { error, cancel } = do
liftAff $ delay $ wrap 0.0
err <- liftEffect $ liftST $ error
for_ err throwError
@ -107,13 +109,14 @@ fromTransform t =
case res of
O.WriteClosed -> cleanup cancel
O.WriteOk -> pure $ Loop {error, cancel}
O.WriteOk -> pure $ Loop { error, cancel }
O.WriteWouldBlock -> do
lift (O.awaitWritableOrClosed t)
pure $ Loop {error, cancel}
in do
r <- liftEffect $ O.withErrorST t
tailRecM go r
pure $ Loop { error, cancel }
r <- liftEffect $ O.withErrorST t
tailRecM go r
-- | Given a `Producer` of values, wrap them in `Just`.
-- |

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ split pat = do
Nothing -> void $ liftEffect $ liftST $ Array.ST.push chunk buf
Just ix -> do
{before, after} = String.splitAt ix chunk
{ before, after } = String.splitAt ix chunk
len <- liftEffect $ liftST $ Array.ST.length buf
buf' <- liftEffect $ liftST $ Array.ST.splice 0 len [] buf
lift $ yield $ Just $ (fold buf') <> before

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import Effect.Aff (launchAff_)
import Test.Pipes.Node.Stream as Test.Pipes.Node.Stream
import Test.Pipes.Node.Buffer as Test.Pipes.Node.Buffer
import Test.Pipes.Node.FS as Test.Pipes.Node.FS
import Test.Pipes.Collect as Test.Pipes.Collect
import Test.Spec.Reporter (specReporter)
import Test.Spec.Runner (defaultConfig, runSpec')
@ -16,3 +17,4 @@ main = launchAff_ $ runSpec' (defaultConfig { failFast = true, timeout = Nothing

View File

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
module Test.Pipes.Collect where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Gen (chooseInt)
import Control.Monad.Rec.Class (Step(..), tailRecM)
import Control.Monad.ST as ST
import Control.Monad.ST.Ref as STRef
import Data.Array as Array
import Data.Bifunctor (lmap)
import Data.HashMap (HashMap)
import Data.HashMap as HashMap
import Data.List (List)
import Data.List as List
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Traversable (traverse)
import Data.Tuple.Nested (type (/\), (/\))
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Unsafe (unsafePerformEffect)
import Foreign.Object (Object)
import Foreign.Object as Object
import Pipes (yield)
import Pipes.Collect as Pipes.Collect
import Pipes.Core (Producer)
import Test.QuickCheck.Gen (randomSampleOne)
import Test.Spec (Spec, describe, it)
import Test.Spec.Assertions (shouldEqual)
:: { array :: Array (Int /\ Int)
, list :: List (Int /\ Int)
, strarray :: Array (String /\ Int)
, object :: Object Int
, map :: Map Int Int
, hashMap :: HashMap Int Int
, stream :: Producer (Int /\ Int) Aff Unit
, streamStr :: Producer (String /\ Int) Aff Unit
testData =
unsafePerformEffect $ do
array <-
flip traverse (Array.range 0 99999) \k -> do
v <- liftEffect $ randomSampleOne $ chooseInt 0 99999
pure $ k /\ v
strarray = lmap show <$> array
object = Object.fromFoldable strarray
map' :: forall m. m -> (Int -> Int -> m -> m) -> m
map' empty insert = do
st <- empty
ST.foreach array \(k /\ v) -> void $ STRef.modify (insert k v) st st
hashMap = map' HashMap.empty HashMap.insert
map = map' Map.empty Map.insert
{ array
, strarray
, list: List.fromFoldable array
, object
, hashMap
, map
, stream: flip tailRecM 0 \ix -> case Array.index array ix of
Just a -> yield a $> Loop (ix + 1)
Nothing -> pure $ Done unit
, streamStr: flip tailRecM 0 \ix -> case Array.index strarray ix of
Just a -> yield a $> Loop (ix + 1)
Nothing -> pure $ Done unit
spec :: Spec Unit
spec =
describe "Test.Pipes.Collect" do
describe "toArray" do
it "collects an array" do
act <- Pipes.Collect.toArray
act `shouldEqual` testData.array
it "empty ok" do
act :: Array Int <- Pipes.Collect.toArray (pure unit)
act `shouldEqual` []
describe "toObject" do
it "collects" do
act <- Pipes.Collect.toObject $ testData.streamStr
act `shouldEqual` testData.object
it "empty ok" do
act :: Object Int <- Pipes.Collect.toObject (pure unit)
act `shouldEqual` Object.empty
describe "toMap" do
it "collects" do
act <- Pipes.Collect.toMap
act `shouldEqual`
it "empty ok" do
act :: Map String Int <- Pipes.Collect.toMap (pure unit)
act `shouldEqual` Map.empty
describe "toHashMap" do
it "collects" do
act <- Pipes.Collect.toHashMap
act `shouldEqual` testData.hashMap
it "empty ok" do
act :: HashMap String Int <- Pipes.Collect.toHashMap (pure unit)
act `shouldEqual` HashMap.empty
describe "toList" do
it "collects" do
act <- Pipes.Collect.toList
act `shouldEqual` testData.list
it "empty ok" do
act :: List (String /\ Int) <- Pipes.Collect.toList (pure unit)
act `shouldEqual` List.Nil

View File

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import Test.Spec (Spec, describe, it)
import Test.Spec.Assertions (fail, shouldEqual)
data BufferJunk = BufferJunk Buffer
instance Arbitrary BufferJunk where
arbitrary = sized \s -> do
ns <- vectorOf s (chooseInt 0 7)
@ -36,6 +37,7 @@ instance Arbitrary BufferJunk where
pure $ BufferJunk buf
data BufferUTF8 = BufferUTF8 String Buffer
instance Arbitrary BufferUTF8 where
arbitrary = do
s <- genAsciiString
@ -43,27 +45,27 @@ instance Arbitrary BufferUTF8 where
spec :: Spec Unit
spec = describe "Pipes.Node.Buffer" do
describe "toString" do
it "fails when encoding wrong" do
vals <- Pipes.each <$> (map \(BufferJunk b) -> b) <$> liftEffect (randomSample' 10 arbitrary)
uut = Pipes.runEffect $ vals >-> Pipes.Node.Buffer.toString UTF8 >-> Pipes.drain
ok = do
fail "Should have thrown"
err _ = pure unit
catchError ok err
it "junk OK in hex" do
vals <- Pipes.each <$> (map \(BufferJunk b) -> b) <$> liftEffect (randomSample' 10 arbitrary)
Pipes.runEffect $ vals >-> Pipes.Node.Buffer.toString Hex >-> Pipes.drain
it "UTF8 ok" do
vals <- (map \(BufferUTF8 s b) -> s /\ b) <$> liftEffect (randomSample' 100 arbitrary)
bufs = Pipes.each $ snd <$> vals
strs = fst <$> vals
act <- Array.fromFoldable <$> Pipes.toListM (bufs >-> Pipes.Node.Buffer.toString UTF8)
act `shouldEqual` strs
describe "fromString" do
it "ok" do
vals <- Pipes.each <$> liftEffect (randomSample' 100 genAsciiString)
Pipes.runEffect $ vals >-> Pipes.Node.Buffer.fromString UTF8 >-> Pipes.drain
describe "toString" do
it "fails when encoding wrong" do
vals <- Pipes.each <$> (map \(BufferJunk b) -> b) <$> liftEffect (randomSample' 10 arbitrary)
uut = Pipes.runEffect $ vals >-> Pipes.Node.Buffer.toString UTF8 >-> Pipes.drain
ok = do
fail "Should have thrown"
err _ = pure unit
catchError ok err
it "junk OK in hex" do
vals <- Pipes.each <$> (map \(BufferJunk b) -> b) <$> liftEffect (randomSample' 10 arbitrary)
Pipes.runEffect $ vals >-> Pipes.Node.Buffer.toString Hex >-> Pipes.drain
it "UTF8 ok" do
vals <- (map \(BufferUTF8 s b) -> s /\ b) <$> liftEffect (randomSample' 100 arbitrary)
bufs = Pipes.each $ snd <$> vals
strs = fst <$> vals
act <- Array.fromFoldable <$> Pipes.toListM (bufs >-> Pipes.Node.Buffer.toString UTF8)
act `shouldEqual` strs
describe "fromString" do
it "ok" do
vals <- Pipes.each <$> liftEffect (randomSample' 100 genAsciiString)
Pipes.runEffect $ vals >-> Pipes.Node.Buffer.fromString UTF8 >-> Pipes.drain

View File

@ -24,63 +24,63 @@ import Test.Spec.Assertions (fail, shouldEqual)
spec :: Spec Unit
spec = describe "Pipes.Node.FS" do
describe "read" do
around tmpFile $ it "fails if the file does not exist" \p -> do
flip catchError (const $ pure unit) do
Pipes.runEffect $ p >-> Pipes.drain
fail "should have thrown"
around tmpFile $ it "reads ok" \p -> do
liftEffect $ FS.writeTextFile UTF8 p "foo"
s <- fold <$> Pipes.toListM ( p >-> unEOS >-> Pipes.Node.Buffer.toString UTF8)
s `shouldEqual` "foo"
around tmpFile $ it "fails if the file already exists" \p -> do
liftEffect $ FS.writeTextFile UTF8 "foo" p
flip catchError (const $ pure unit) do
Pipes.runEffect $ withEOS (yield "foo" >-> Pipes.Node.Buffer.fromString UTF8) >-> Pipes.Node.FS.create p
fail "should have thrown"
describe "create" do
around tmpFile $ it "creates the file when not exists" \p -> do
describe "read" do
around tmpFile $ it "fails if the file does not exist" \p -> do
flip catchError (const $ pure unit) do
Pipes.runEffect $ p >-> Pipes.drain
fail "should have thrown"
around tmpFile $ it "reads ok" \p -> do
liftEffect $ FS.writeTextFile UTF8 p "foo"
s <- fold <$> Pipes.toListM ( p >-> unEOS >-> Pipes.Node.Buffer.toString UTF8)
s `shouldEqual` "foo"
around tmpFile $ it "fails if the file already exists" \p -> do
liftEffect $ FS.writeTextFile UTF8 "foo" p
flip catchError (const $ pure unit) do
Pipes.runEffect $ withEOS (yield "foo" >-> Pipes.Node.Buffer.fromString UTF8) >-> Pipes.Node.FS.create p
contents <- liftEffect $ FS.readTextFile UTF8 p
contents `shouldEqual` "foo"
around tmpFile $ it "fails if the file already exists" \p -> do
liftEffect $ FS.writeTextFile UTF8 "foo" p
flip catchError (const $ pure unit) do
Pipes.runEffect $ withEOS (yield "foo" >-> Pipes.Node.Buffer.fromString UTF8) >-> Pipes.Node.FS.create p
fail "should have thrown"
describe "append" do
around tmpFile $ it "creates the file when not exists" \p -> do
Pipes.runEffect $ withEOS (yield "foo" >-> Pipes.Node.Buffer.fromString UTF8) >-> Pipes.Node.FS.append p
contents <- liftEffect $ FS.readTextFile UTF8 p
contents `shouldEqual` "foo"
around tmpFile $ it "appends" \p -> do
Pipes.runEffect $ withEOS (yield "foo" >-> Pipes.Node.Buffer.fromString UTF8) >-> Pipes.Node.FS.append p
Pipes.runEffect $ withEOS (yield "\n" >-> Pipes.Node.Buffer.fromString UTF8) >-> Pipes.Node.FS.append p
Pipes.runEffect $ withEOS (yield "bar" >-> Pipes.Node.Buffer.fromString UTF8) >-> Pipes.Node.FS.append p
contents <- liftEffect $ FS.readTextFile UTF8 p
contents `shouldEqual` "foo\nbar"
describe "truncate" do
around tmpFile $ it "creates the file when not exists" \p -> do
Pipes.runEffect $ withEOS (yield "foo" >-> Pipes.Node.Buffer.fromString UTF8) >-> Pipes.Node.FS.truncate p
contents <- liftEffect $ FS.readTextFile UTF8 p
contents `shouldEqual` "foo"
around tmpFile $ it "overwrites contents" \p -> do
Pipes.runEffect $ withEOS (yield "foo" >-> Pipes.Node.Buffer.fromString UTF8) >-> Pipes.Node.FS.truncate p
Pipes.runEffect $ withEOS (yield "bar" >-> Pipes.Node.Buffer.fromString UTF8) >-> Pipes.Node.FS.truncate p
contents <- liftEffect $ FS.readTextFile UTF8 p
contents `shouldEqual` "bar"
around tmpFiles $ it "json lines >-> parse >-> >-> write" \(a /\ b) -> do
exp = [{foo: "a"}, {foo: "bar"}, {foo: "123"}]
liftEffect $ FS.writeTextFile UTF8 a $ intercalate "\n" $ writeJSON <$> exp
Pipes.runEffect $ a
fail "should have thrown"
describe "create" do
around tmpFile $ it "creates the file when not exists" \p -> do
Pipes.runEffect $ withEOS (yield "foo" >-> Pipes.Node.Buffer.fromString UTF8) >-> Pipes.Node.FS.create p
contents <- liftEffect $ FS.readTextFile UTF8 p
contents `shouldEqual` "foo"
around tmpFile $ it "fails if the file already exists" \p -> do
liftEffect $ FS.writeTextFile UTF8 "foo" p
flip catchError (const $ pure unit) do
Pipes.runEffect $ withEOS (yield "foo" >-> Pipes.Node.Buffer.fromString UTF8) >-> Pipes.Node.FS.create p
fail "should have thrown"
describe "append" do
around tmpFile $ it "creates the file when not exists" \p -> do
Pipes.runEffect $ withEOS (yield "foo" >-> Pipes.Node.Buffer.fromString UTF8) >-> Pipes.Node.FS.append p
contents <- liftEffect $ FS.readTextFile UTF8 p
contents `shouldEqual` "foo"
around tmpFile $ it "appends" \p -> do
Pipes.runEffect $ withEOS (yield "foo" >-> Pipes.Node.Buffer.fromString UTF8) >-> Pipes.Node.FS.append p
Pipes.runEffect $ withEOS (yield "\n" >-> Pipes.Node.Buffer.fromString UTF8) >-> Pipes.Node.FS.append p
Pipes.runEffect $ withEOS (yield "bar" >-> Pipes.Node.Buffer.fromString UTF8) >-> Pipes.Node.FS.append p
contents <- liftEffect $ FS.readTextFile UTF8 p
contents `shouldEqual` "foo\nbar"
describe "truncate" do
around tmpFile $ it "creates the file when not exists" \p -> do
Pipes.runEffect $ withEOS (yield "foo" >-> Pipes.Node.Buffer.fromString UTF8) >-> Pipes.Node.FS.truncate p
contents <- liftEffect $ FS.readTextFile UTF8 p
contents `shouldEqual` "foo"
around tmpFile $ it "overwrites contents" \p -> do
Pipes.runEffect $ withEOS (yield "foo" >-> Pipes.Node.Buffer.fromString UTF8) >-> Pipes.Node.FS.truncate p
Pipes.runEffect $ withEOS (yield "bar" >-> Pipes.Node.Buffer.fromString UTF8) >-> Pipes.Node.FS.truncate p
contents <- liftEffect $ FS.readTextFile UTF8 p
contents `shouldEqual` "bar"
around tmpFiles $ it "json lines >-> parse >-> >-> write" \(a /\ b) -> do
exp = [ { foo: "a" }, { foo: "bar" }, { foo: "123" } ]
liftEffect $ FS.writeTextFile UTF8 a $ intercalate "\n" $ writeJSON <$> exp
Pipes.runEffect $ a
>-> inEOS (Pipes.Node.Buffer.toString UTF8)
>-> Pipes.String.split (wrap "\n")
>-> inEOS (jsonParse @{foo :: String})
>-> inEOS (jsonParse @{ foo :: String })
>-> inEOS (
>-> Pipes.Util.intersperse "\n"
>-> inEOS (Pipes.Node.Buffer.fromString UTF8)
>-> Pipes.Node.FS.create b
act <- liftEffect $ FS.readTextFile UTF8 b
act `shouldEqual` "a\nbar\n123"
act <- liftEffect $ FS.readTextFile UTF8 b
act `shouldEqual` "a\nbar\n123"

View File

@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ spec =
str :: String <- genAlphaString
num :: Int <- arbitrary
stuff :: Array String <- arbitrary
pure {str, num, stuff}
pure { str, num, stuff }
objs <- liftEffect (randomSample' 1 obj)
exp = fold (writeJSON <$> objs)
@ -108,14 +108,14 @@ spec =
describe "Transform" do
it "gzip" do
json = yield $ writeJSON {foo: "bar"}
json = yield $ writeJSON { foo: "bar" }
exp = "1f8b0800000000000003ab564acbcf57b2524a4a2c52aa0500eff52bfe0d000000"
gzip <- S.fromTransform <$> O.fromBufferTransform <$> liftEffect (Zlib.toDuplex <$> Zlib.createGzip)
outs :: List.List String <- Pipes.toListM (S.withEOS (json >-> Pipes.Buffer.fromString UTF8) >-> gzip >-> S.unEOS >-> Pipes.Buffer.toString Hex)
fold outs `shouldEqual` exp
around tmpFiles
$ it "file >-> gzip >-> file >-> gunzip" \(a /\ b) -> do
liftEffect $ FS.writeTextFile UTF8 a $ writeJSON [1, 2, 3, 4]
liftEffect $ FS.writeTextFile UTF8 a $ writeJSON [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
areader <- liftEffect $ reader a
bwritestream /\ bwriter <- liftEffect $ writer b
gzip <- S.fromTransform <$> O.fromBufferTransform <$> liftEffect (Zlib.toDuplex <$> Zlib.createGzip)
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ spec =
gunzip <- S.fromTransform <$> O.fromBufferTransform <$> liftEffect (Zlib.toDuplex <$> Zlib.createGunzip)
breader <- liftEffect $ reader b
nums <- Pipes.toListM (breader >-> gunzip >-> S.unEOS >-> Pipes.Buffer.toString UTF8 >-> jsonParse @(Array Int) >-> Pipes.mapFoldable identity)
Array.fromFoldable nums `shouldEqual` [1, 2, 3, 4]
Array.fromFoldable nums `shouldEqual` [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
around tmpFile $ it "file >-> discardTransform" \(p :: String) -> do
liftEffect $ FS.writeTextFile UTF8 p "foo"
r <- reader p
@ -137,4 +137,4 @@ spec =
r <- reader p
chars' <- liftEffect charsTransform
out :: List.List String <- Pipes.toListM $ r >-> S.inEOS (Pipes.Buffer.toString UTF8) >-> S.fromTransform chars' >-> S.unEOS
out `shouldEqual` List.fromFoldable ["f", "o", "o", " ", "b", "a", "r"]
out `shouldEqual` List.fromFoldable [ "f", "o", "o", " ", "b", "a", "r" ]