module Test.Pipes.Collect where import Prelude import Control.Monad.Gen (chooseInt) import Control.Monad.Rec.Class (Step(..), tailRecM) import Control.Monad.ST as ST import Control.Monad.ST.Ref as STRef import Data.Array as Array import Data.Bifunctor (lmap) import Data.HashMap (HashMap) import Data.HashMap as HashMap import Data.List (List) import Data.List as List import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..)) import Data.Traversable (traverse) import Data.Tuple.Nested (type (/\), (/\)) import Effect.Aff (Aff) import Effect.Class (liftEffect) import Effect.Unsafe (unsafePerformEffect) import Foreign.Object (Object) import Foreign.Object as Object import Pipes (yield) import Pipes.Collect as Pipes.Collect import Pipes.Core (Producer) import Test.QuickCheck.Gen (randomSampleOne) import Test.Spec (Spec, describe, it) import Test.Spec.Assertions (shouldEqual) testData :: { array :: Array (Int /\ Int) , list :: List (Int /\ Int) , strarray :: Array (String /\ Int) , object :: Object Int , map :: Map Int Int , hashMap :: HashMap Int Int , stream :: Producer (Int /\ Int) Aff Unit , streamStr :: Producer (String /\ Int) Aff Unit } testData = unsafePerformEffect $ do array <- flip traverse (Array.range 0 99999) \k -> do v <- liftEffect $ randomSampleOne $ chooseInt 0 99999 pure $ k /\ v let strarray = lmap show <$> array object = Object.fromFoldable strarray map' :: forall m. m -> (Int -> Int -> m -> m) -> m map' empty insert = do st <- empty ST.foreach array \(k /\ v) -> void $ STRef.modify (insert k v) st st hashMap = map' HashMap.empty HashMap.insert map = map' Map.empty Map.insert pure { array , strarray , list: List.fromFoldable array , object , hashMap , map , stream: flip tailRecM 0 \ix -> case Array.index array ix of Just a -> yield a $> Loop (ix + 1) Nothing -> pure $ Done unit , streamStr: flip tailRecM 0 \ix -> case Array.index strarray ix of Just a -> yield a $> Loop (ix + 1) Nothing -> pure $ Done unit } spec :: Spec Unit spec = describe "Test.Pipes.Collect" do describe "toArray" do it "collects an array" do act <- Pipes.Collect.toArray act `shouldEqual` testData.array it "empty ok" do act :: Array Int <- Pipes.Collect.toArray (pure unit) act `shouldEqual` [] describe "toObject" do it "collects" do act <- Pipes.Collect.toObject $ testData.streamStr act `shouldEqual` testData.object it "empty ok" do act :: Object Int <- Pipes.Collect.toObject (pure unit) act `shouldEqual` Object.empty describe "toMap" do it "collects" do act <- Pipes.Collect.toMap act `shouldEqual` it "empty ok" do act :: Map String Int <- Pipes.Collect.toMap (pure unit) act `shouldEqual` Map.empty describe "toHashMap" do it "collects" do act <- Pipes.Collect.toHashMap act `shouldEqual` testData.hashMap it "empty ok" do act :: HashMap String Int <- Pipes.Collect.toHashMap (pure unit) act `shouldEqual` HashMap.empty describe "toList" do it "collects" do act <- Pipes.Collect.toList act `shouldEqual` testData.list it "empty ok" do act :: List (String /\ Int) <- Pipes.Collect.toList (pure unit) act `shouldEqual` List.Nil