module Test.Pipes.Node.Stream where import Prelude import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift) import Data.Array as Array import Data.Foldable (fold) import Data.List ((:)) import Data.List as List import Data.Maybe (Maybe) import Data.Newtype (wrap) import Data.String.Gen (genAlphaString) import Data.Tuple.Nested (type (/\), (/\)) import Effect (Effect) import Effect.Aff (Aff, delay) import Effect.Class (class MonadEffect, liftEffect) import Node.Buffer (Buffer) import Node.Buffer as Buffer import Node.Encoding (Encoding(..)) import Node.FS.Stream as FS.Stream import Node.FS.Sync as FS import Node.Stream.Object as O import Node.Zlib as Zlib import Pipes (each) as Pipes import Pipes (yield, (>->)) import Pipes.Core (Consumer, Producer, runEffect) import Pipes.Node.Buffer as Pipes.Buffer import Pipes.Node.Stream as S import Pipes.Prelude (mapFoldable, toListM) as Pipes import Simple.JSON (writeJSON) import Test.Common (jsonParse, jsonStringify, tmpFile, tmpFiles) import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary (arbitrary) import Test.QuickCheck.Gen (randomSample') import Test.Spec (Spec, around, describe, it) import Test.Spec.Assertions (shouldEqual) foreign import readableFromArray :: forall @a. Array a -> O.Readable a foreign import discardTransform :: forall a b. Effect (O.Transform a b) foreign import charsTransform :: Effect (O.Transform String String) writer :: forall m. MonadEffect m => String -> m (O.Writable Buffer /\ Consumer (Maybe Buffer) Aff Unit) writer a = do stream <- liftEffect $ O.fromBufferWritable <$> FS.Stream.createWriteStream a pure $ stream /\ S.fromWritable stream reader :: forall m. MonadEffect m => String -> m (Producer (Maybe Buffer) Aff Unit) reader a = liftEffect $ S.fromReadable <$> O.fromBufferReadable <$> FS.Stream.createReadStream a spec :: Spec Unit spec = describe "Test.Pipes.Node.Stream" do describe "Readable" do describe "Readable.from()" do it "empty" do vals <- Pipes.toListM $ (S.fromReadable $ readableFromArray @{ foo :: String } []) >-> S.unEOS vals `shouldEqual` List.Nil it "singleton" do vals <- Pipes.toListM $ (S.fromReadable $ readableFromArray @{ foo :: String } [ { foo: "1" } ]) >-> S.unEOS vals `shouldEqual` ({ foo: "1" } : List.Nil) it "many elements" do let exp = (\n -> { foo: show n }) <$> Array.range 0 100 vals <- Pipes.toListM $ (S.fromReadable $ readableFromArray exp) >-> S.unEOS vals `shouldEqual` (List.fromFoldable exp) describe "Writable" $ around tmpFile do describe "fs.WriteStream" do it "pipe to file" \p -> do stream <- O.fromBufferWritable <$> liftEffect (FS.Stream.createWriteStream p) let w = S.fromWritable stream source = do buf <- liftEffect $ Buffer.fromString "hello" UTF8 yield buf runEffect $ S.withEOS source >-> w contents <- liftEffect $ FS.readTextFile UTF8 p contents `shouldEqual` "hello" shouldEqual true =<< liftEffect (O.isWritableEnded stream) it "async pipe to file" \p -> do w <- S.fromWritable <$> O.fromBufferWritable <$> liftEffect (FS.Stream.createWriteStream p) let source = do yield "hello, " lift $ delay $ wrap 5.0 yield "world!" lift $ delay $ wrap 5.0 yield " " lift $ delay $ wrap 5.0 yield "this is a " lift $ delay $ wrap 5.0 yield "test." runEffect $ S.withEOS (source >-> Pipes.Buffer.fromString UTF8) >-> w contents <- liftEffect $ FS.readTextFile UTF8 p contents `shouldEqual` "hello, world! this is a test." it "chained pipes" \p -> do let obj = do str :: String <- genAlphaString num :: Int <- arbitrary stuff :: Array String <- arbitrary pure { str, num, stuff } objs <- liftEffect (randomSample' 1 obj) let exp = fold (writeJSON <$> objs) stream /\ w <- liftEffect $ writer p runEffect $ S.withEOS (Pipes.each objs >-> jsonStringify >-> Pipes.Buffer.fromString UTF8) >-> w contents <- liftEffect $ FS.readTextFile UTF8 p contents `shouldEqual` exp shouldEqual true =<< liftEffect (O.isWritableEnded stream) describe "Transform" do it "gzip" do let json = yield $ writeJSON { foo: "bar" } exp = "1f8b0800000000000003ab564acbcf57b2524a4a2c52aa0500eff52bfe0d000000" gzip <- S.fromTransform <$> O.fromBufferTransform <$> liftEffect (Zlib.toDuplex <$> Zlib.createGzip) outs :: List.List String <- Pipes.toListM (S.withEOS (json >-> Pipes.Buffer.fromString UTF8) >-> gzip >-> S.unEOS >-> Pipes.Buffer.toString Hex) fold outs `shouldEqual` exp around tmpFiles $ it "file >-> gzip >-> file >-> gunzip" \(a /\ b) -> do liftEffect $ FS.writeTextFile UTF8 a $ writeJSON [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] areader <- liftEffect $ reader a bwritestream /\ bwriter <- liftEffect $ writer b gzip <- S.fromTransform <$> O.fromBufferTransform <$> liftEffect (Zlib.toDuplex <$> Zlib.createGzip) runEffect $ areader >-> gzip >-> bwriter shouldEqual true =<< liftEffect (O.isWritableEnded bwritestream) gunzip <- S.fromTransform <$> O.fromBufferTransform <$> liftEffect (Zlib.toDuplex <$> Zlib.createGunzip) breader <- liftEffect $ reader b nums <- Pipes.toListM (breader >-> gunzip >-> S.unEOS >-> Pipes.Buffer.toString UTF8 >-> jsonParse @(Array Int) >-> Pipes.mapFoldable identity) Array.fromFoldable nums `shouldEqual` [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] around tmpFile $ it "file >-> discardTransform" \(p :: String) -> do liftEffect $ FS.writeTextFile UTF8 p "foo" r <- reader p discard' <- liftEffect discardTransform out :: List.List Int <- Pipes.toListM $ r >-> S.fromTransform discard' >-> S.unEOS out `shouldEqual` List.Nil around tmpFile $ it "file >-> charsTransform" \(p :: String) -> do liftEffect $ FS.writeTextFile UTF8 p "foo bar" r <- reader p chars' <- liftEffect charsTransform out :: List.List String <- Pipes.toListM $ r >-> S.inEOS (Pipes.Buffer.toString UTF8) >-> S.fromTransform chars' >-> S.unEOS out `shouldEqual` List.fromFoldable [ "f", "o", "o", " ", "b", "a", "r" ]