fix: some ergonomics, tests use postgres

This commit is contained in:
orion kindel 2024-03-29 14:52:05 -05:00
parent 08dd5fe964
commit 340cee4745
Signed by: orion
GPG Key ID: 6D4165AE4C928719
11 changed files with 898 additions and 144 deletions

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ workspace:
- foldable-traversable
- foreign
- integers
- js-bigints
- lists
- maybe
- mmorph
@ -72,6 +73,7 @@ workspace:
- identity
- integers
- invariant
- js-bigints
- js-date
- lazy
- lcg
@ -120,6 +122,487 @@ workspace:
- unicode
- unsafe-coerce
- variant
registry: 50.5.0
compiler: ">=0.15.15 <0.16.0"
abc-parser: 2.0.1
ace: 9.1.0
aff: 7.1.0
aff-bus: 6.0.0
aff-coroutines: 9.0.0
aff-promise: 4.0.0
aff-retry: 2.0.0
affjax: 13.0.0
affjax-node: 1.0.0
affjax-web: 1.0.0
ansi: 7.0.0
applicative-phases: 1.0.0
argonaut: 9.0.0
argonaut-aeson-generic: 0.4.1
argonaut-codecs: 9.1.0
argonaut-core: 7.0.0
argonaut-generic: 8.0.0
argonaut-traversals: 10.0.0
argparse-basic: 2.0.0
array-builder: 0.1.2
array-search: 0.5.6
arraybuffer: 13.2.0
arraybuffer-builder: 3.1.0
arraybuffer-types: 3.0.2
arrays: 7.3.0
arrays-extra: 0.6.1
arrays-zipper: 2.0.1
ask: 1.0.0
assert: 6.0.0
assert-multiple: 0.3.4
avar: 5.0.0
b64: 0.0.8
barbies: 1.0.1
barlow-lens: 0.9.0
bifunctors: 6.0.0
bigints: 7.0.1
bolson: 0.3.9
bookhound: 0.1.7
bower-json: 3.0.0
call-by-name: 4.0.1
canvas: 6.0.0
canvas-action: 9.0.0
cartesian: 1.0.6
catenable-lists: 7.0.0
chameleon: 1.0.0
chameleon-halogen: 1.0.3
chameleon-react-basic: 1.1.0
chameleon-styled: 2.5.0
chameleon-transformers: 1.0.0
channel: 1.0.0
checked-exceptions: 3.1.1
choku: 1.0.1
classless: 0.1.1
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classless-decode-json: 0.1.1
classless-encode-json: 0.1.3
classnames: 2.0.0
codec: 6.1.0
codec-argonaut: 10.0.0
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colors: 7.0.1
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console: 6.1.0
const: 6.0.0
contravariant: 6.0.0
control: 6.0.0
convertable-options: 1.0.0
coroutines: 7.0.0
css: 6.0.0
css-frameworks: 1.0.1
data-mvc: 0.0.2
datetime: 6.1.0
datetime-parsing: 0.2.0
debug: 6.0.2
decimals: 7.1.0
default-values: 1.0.1
deku: 0.9.23
deno: 0.0.5
dissect: 1.0.0
distributive: 6.0.0
dom-filereader: 7.0.0
dom-indexed: 12.0.0
dotenv: 4.0.3
droplet: 0.6.0
dts: 1.0.0
dual-numbers: 1.0.2
dynamic-buffer: 3.0.1
echarts-simple: 0.0.1
effect: 4.0.0
either: 6.1.0
elmish: 0.11.3
elmish-enzyme: 0.1.1
elmish-hooks: 0.10.0
elmish-html: 0.8.2
elmish-testing-library: 0.3.2
email-validate: 7.0.0
encoding: 0.0.9
enums: 6.0.1
env-names: 0.3.4
error: 2.0.0
eta-conversion: 0.3.2
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exists: 6.0.0
exitcodes: 4.0.0
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fallback: 0.1.0
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fetch-core: 5.1.0
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fft-js: 0.1.0
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forgetmenot: 0.1.0
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gojs: 0.1.1
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grain-virtualized: 3.0.0
graphs: 8.1.0
group: 4.1.1
halogen: 7.0.0
halogen-bootstrap5: 5.3.2
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halogen-css: 10.0.0
halogen-echarts-simple: 0.0.4
halogen-formless: 4.0.3
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halogen-hooks-extra: 0.9.0
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halogen-storybook: 2.0.0
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halogen-vdom-string-renderer: 0.5.0
halogen-xterm: 2.0.0
heckin: 2.0.1
heterogeneous: 0.6.0
homogeneous: 0.4.0
http-methods: 6.0.0
httpurple: 4.0.0
humdrum: 0.0.1
hyrule: 2.3.8
identity: 6.0.0
identy: 4.0.1
indexed-db: 1.0.0
indexed-monad: 3.0.0
int64: 3.0.0
integers: 6.0.0
interpolate: 5.0.2
intersection-observer: 1.0.1
invariant: 6.0.0
jarilo: 1.0.1
jelly: 0.10.0
jelly-router: 0.3.0
jelly-signal: 0.4.0
jest: 1.0.0
js-abort-controller: 1.0.0
js-bigints: 2.2.1
js-date: 8.0.0
js-fetch: 0.2.1
js-fileio: 3.0.0
js-intl: 1.0.4
js-iterators: 0.1.1
js-maps: 0.1.2
js-promise: 1.0.0
js-promise-aff: 1.0.0
js-timers: 6.1.0
js-uri: 3.1.0
json: 1.0.0
json-codecs: 5.0.0
justifill: 0.5.0
jwt: 0.0.9
labeled-data: 0.2.0
language-cst-parser: 0.14.0
lazy: 6.0.0
lazy-joe: 1.0.0
lcg: 4.0.0
leibniz: 5.0.0
leveldb: 1.0.1
liminal: 1.0.1
linalg: 6.0.0
lists: 7.0.0
literals: 1.0.2
logging: 3.0.0
logging-journald: 0.4.0
lumi-components: 18.0.0
machines: 7.0.0
maps-eager: 0.4.1
marionette: 1.0.0
marionette-react-basic-hooks: 0.1.1
marked: 0.1.0
matrices: 5.0.1
matryoshka: 1.0.0
maybe: 6.0.0
media-types: 6.0.0
meowclient: 1.0.0
midi: 4.0.0
milkis: 9.0.0
minibench: 4.0.1
mmorph: 7.0.0
monad-control: 5.0.0
monad-logger: 1.3.1
monad-loops: 0.5.0
monad-unlift: 1.0.1
monoid-extras: 0.0.1
monoidal: 0.16.0
morello: 0.4.0
mote: 3.0.0
motsunabe: 2.0.0
mvc: 0.0.1
mysql: 6.0.1
n3: 0.1.0
nano-id: 1.1.0
nanoid: 0.1.0
naturals: 3.0.0
nested-functor: 0.2.1
newtype: 5.0.0
nextjs: 0.1.1
nextui: 0.2.0
node-buffer: 9.0.0
node-child-process: 11.1.0
node-event-emitter: 3.0.0
node-execa: 5.0.0
node-fs: 9.1.0
node-glob-basic: 1.3.0
node-http: 9.1.0
node-http2: 1.1.1
node-human-signals: 1.0.0
node-net: 5.1.0
node-os: 5.1.0
node-path: 5.0.0
node-process: 11.2.0
node-readline: 8.1.0
node-sqlite3: 8.0.0
node-streams: 9.0.0
node-tls: 0.3.1
node-url: 7.0.1
node-zlib: 0.4.0
nonempty: 7.0.0
now: 6.0.0
npm-package-json: 2.0.0
nullable: 6.0.0
numberfield: 0.1.0
numbers: 9.0.1
oak: 3.1.1
oak-debug: 1.2.2
object-maps: 0.3.0
ocarina: 1.5.4
open-folds: 6.3.0
open-memoize: 6.1.0
open-pairing: 6.1.0
options: 7.0.0
optparse: 5.0.1
ordered-collections: 3.2.0
ordered-set: 0.4.0
orders: 6.0.0
owoify: 1.2.0
pairs: 9.0.1
parallel: 7.0.0
parsing: 10.2.0
parsing-dataview: 3.2.4
partial: 4.0.0
pathy: 9.0.0
pha: 0.13.0
phaser: 0.7.0
phylio: 1.1.2
pipes: 8.0.0
pirates-charm: 0.0.1
pmock: 0.9.0
point-free: 1.0.0
pointed-list: 0.5.1
polymorphic-vectors: 4.0.0
posix-types: 6.0.0
precise: 6.0.0
precise-datetime: 7.0.0
prelude: 6.0.1
prettier-printer: 3.0.0
profunctor: 6.0.1
profunctor-lenses: 8.0.0
protobuf: 4.3.0
psa-utils: 8.0.0
psci-support: 6.0.0
punycode: 1.0.0
qualified-do: 2.2.0
quantities: 12.2.0
quickcheck: 8.0.1
quickcheck-combinators: 0.1.3
quickcheck-laws: 7.0.0
quickcheck-utf8: 0.0.0
random: 6.0.0
rationals: 6.0.0
rdf: 0.1.0
react: 11.0.0
react-aria: 0.2.0
react-basic: 17.0.0
react-basic-classic: 3.0.0
react-basic-dnd: 10.1.0
react-basic-dom: 6.1.0
react-basic-emotion: 7.1.0
react-basic-hooks: 8.2.0
react-basic-storybook: 2.0.0
react-dom: 8.0.0
react-halo: 3.0.0
react-icons: 1.1.4
react-markdown: 0.1.0
react-testing-library: 4.0.1
react-virtuoso: 1.0.0
read: 1.0.1
recharts: 1.1.0
record: 4.0.0
record-extra: 5.0.1
record-ptional-fields: 0.1.2
record-studio: 1.0.4
refs: 6.0.0
remotedata: 5.0.1
resize-observer: 1.0.0
resource: 2.0.1
resourcet: 1.0.0
result: 1.0.3
return: 0.2.0
ring-modules: 5.0.1
rito: 0.3.4
rough-notation: 1.0.2
routing: 11.0.0
routing-duplex: 0.7.0
run: 5.0.0
safe-coerce: 2.0.0
safely: 4.0.1
school-of-music: 1.3.0
selection-foldable: 0.2.0
selective-functors: 1.0.1
semirings: 7.0.0
signal: 13.0.0
simple-emitter: 3.0.1
simple-i18n: 2.0.1
simple-json: 9.0.0
simple-ulid: 3.0.0
sized-matrices: 1.0.0
sized-vectors: 5.0.2
slug: 3.0.8
small-ffi: 4.0.1
soundfonts: 4.1.0
sparse-matrices: 1.3.0
sparse-polynomials: 2.0.5
spec: 7.6.0
spec-mocha: 5.1.0
spec-quickcheck: 5.0.0
splitmix: 2.1.0
ssrs: 1.0.0
st: 6.2.0
statistics: 0.3.2
strictlypositiveint: 1.0.1
string-parsers: 8.0.0
strings: 6.0.1
strings-extra: 4.0.0
stringutils: 0.0.12
substitute: 0.2.3
supply: 0.2.0
svg-parser: 3.0.0
systemd-journald: 0.3.0
tagged: 4.0.2
tailrec: 6.1.0
tecton: 0.2.1
tecton-halogen: 0.2.0
test-unit: 17.0.0
thermite: 6.3.1
thermite-dom: 0.3.1
these: 6.0.0
transformation-matrix: 1.0.1
transformers: 6.0.0
tree-rose: 4.0.2
ts-bridge: 4.0.0
tuples: 7.0.0
two-or-more: 1.0.0
type-equality: 4.0.1
typedenv: 2.0.1
typelevel: 6.0.0
typelevel-lists: 2.1.0
typelevel-peano: 1.0.1
typelevel-prelude: 7.0.0
typelevel-regex: 0.0.3
typelevel-rows: 0.1.0
uint: 7.0.0
ulid: 3.0.1
uncurried-transformers: 1.1.0
undefined: 2.0.0
undefined-is-not-a-problem: 1.1.0
unfoldable: 6.0.0
unicode: 6.0.0
unique: 0.6.1
unlift: 1.0.1
unordered-collections: 3.1.0
unsafe-coerce: 6.0.0
unsafe-reference: 5.0.0
untagged-to-tagged: 0.1.4
untagged-union: 1.0.0
uri: 9.0.0
uuid: 9.0.0
uuidv4: 1.0.0
validation: 6.0.0
variant: 8.0.0
variant-encodings: 2.0.0
vectorfield: 1.0.1
vectors: 2.1.0
versions: 7.0.0
visx: 0.0.2
web-clipboard: 5.0.0
web-cssom: 2.0.0
web-cssom-view: 0.1.0
web-dom: 6.0.0
web-dom-parser: 8.0.0
web-dom-xpath: 3.0.0
web-encoding: 3.0.0
web-events: 4.0.0
web-fetch: 4.0.1
web-file: 4.0.0
web-geometry: 0.1.0
web-html: 4.1.0
web-pointerevents: 2.0.0
web-proletarian: 1.0.0
web-promise: 3.2.0
web-resize-observer: 2.1.0
web-router: 1.0.0
web-socket: 4.0.0
web-storage: 5.0.0
web-streams: 4.0.0
web-touchevents: 4.0.0
web-uievents: 5.0.0
web-url: 2.0.0
web-workers: 1.1.0
web-xhr: 5.0.1
webextension-polyfill: 0.1.0
webgpu: 0.0.1
which: 2.0.0
xterm: 1.0.0
yoga-fetch: 1.0.1
yoga-json: 5.1.0
yoga-om: 0.1.0
yoga-postgres: 6.0.0
yoga-tree: 1.0.0
z3: 0.0.2
zipperarray: 2.0.0
extra_packages: {}
@ -497,6 +980,14 @@ packages:
- control
- prelude
type: registry
version: 2.2.1
integrity: sha256-hKWZo9NxtsAaHmNXr6B8GY4c0olQbYLXPVGWm4TF2Ss=
- integers
- maybe
- prelude
type: registry
version: 8.0.0
@ -745,8 +1236,8 @@ packages:
- prelude
type: registry
version: 6.0.0
integrity: sha256-VJbkGD0rAKX+NUEeBJbYJ78bEKaZbgow+QwQEfPB6ko=
version: 7.0.0
integrity: sha256-gUC9i4Txnx9K9RcMLsjujbwZz6BB1bnE2MLvw4GIw5o=
- control
- effect

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package:
name: pg
strict: true
pedantic_packages: true
pedanticPackages: true
- aff
- aff-promise
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ package:
- foldable-traversable
- foreign
- integers
- js-bigints
- lists
- maybe
- mmorph
@ -41,6 +42,6 @@ package:
- spec
- spec-quickcheck
extra_packages: {}
extraPackages: {}
registry: 50.5.0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
module Data.Postgres.Query.Builder where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.State (StateT, get, modify, runStateT)
import Data.Array as Array
import Data.Newtype (unwrap)
import Data.Newtype as Newtype
import Data.Postgres (class Rep, serialize, smash)
import Data.Postgres.Query (Query, emptyQuery)
import Data.Tuple (snd)
import Data.Tuple.Nested (type (/\))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Class (class MonadEffect, liftEffect)
import Record as Record
import Type.Prelude (Proxy(..))
-- | Monad for building parameterized queries without managing positional
-- | parameters directly
-- |
-- | For example, given the table `CREATE TABLE foo (id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, bar TEXT NOT NULL)`
-- |
-- | ```purescript
-- | updateFoo :: Int -> String -> Effect Query
-- | updateFoo id newBar =
-- | build do
-- | idP <- param id
-- | newBarP <- param newBar
-- | pure $
-- | [ "update foo"
-- | , "set bar = " <> newBarP
-- | , "where id = " <> idP
-- | ]
-- | ```
-- | `updateFoo 1 "test"` will yield:
-- | ```purescript
-- | { text: "update foo\nset bar = $2\nwhere id = $1"
-- | , values: ["test", 1]
-- | }
-- | ```
type QueryBuilderT m a = StateT Query m a
type QueryBuilder a = QueryBuilderT Effect a
-- | Yields a SQL string referencing the last parameter in the parameter list
-- |
-- | Examples:
-- | - if no parameters have been appended this will yield `"$0"` (invalid)
-- | - if 1 parameter has been appended this will yield `"$1"`
-- | - if 5 parameters have been appended this will yield `"$5"`
lastParamString :: forall m. Monad m => QueryBuilderT m String
lastParamString = map (("$" <> _) <<< show <<< Array.length <<< _.values <<< unwrap) $ get
-- | Append a serializable SQL value to the parameter list
appendParam :: forall m a. MonadEffect m => Rep a => a -> QueryBuilderT m Unit
appendParam a =
values = Proxy @"values"
a' <- liftEffect $ smash $ serialize a
void $ modify (Newtype.modify $ Record.modify values (_ <> [ a' ]))
-- | Replace the builder's query string with a new value
putText :: forall m. Monad m => String -> QueryBuilderT m Unit
putText t =
text = Proxy @"text"
void $ modify $ Newtype.modify $ Record.set text t
-- | Adds a parameter to the query
-- |
-- | This accepts any value `Rep`resentable in SQL, and
-- | yields the SQL string for the new parameter.
-- |
-- | ```purescript
-- | do
-- | p1 <- param 1 -- "$1"
-- | p2 <- param "foo" -- "$2"
-- | p3 <- param true -- "$3"
-- | pure unit
-- | ```
param :: forall m a. MonadEffect m => Rep a => a -> QueryBuilderT m String
param a = do
appendParam a
-- | Accepts a `QueryBuilder` monad that yields the built query string
-- | and yields the finished `Query`.
-- |
-- | ```
-- | build $ pure "select 1"
-- | -- Query {text: "select 1", values: [], name: Nothing}
-- | ```
-- | &nbsp;
-- | ```
-- | build do
-- | foo <- param "foo"
-- | pure $ "select " <> foo
-- | -- Query {text: "select $1", values: ["foo"], name: Nothing}
-- | ```
build :: QueryBuilder String -> Effect Query
build m = map snd $ build' $ putText =<< m
-- | Executes a `QueryBuilderT`
build' :: forall m a. MonadEffect m => QueryBuilderT m a -> m (a /\ Query)
build' = flip runStateT emptyQuery

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
module Data.Postgres.Query where
import Prelude
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype)
import Data.Nullable (Nullable, toNullable)
import Data.Postgres.Raw (Raw)
import Data.Tuple.Nested (type (/\), (/\))
import Effect (Effect)
import Record (insert, modify)
import Type.Prelude (Proxy(..))
-- | FFI Query type
type QueryRaw = { text :: String, values :: Array Raw, name :: Nullable String, rowMode :: String }
-- | SQL Query
-- |
-- | * `text` - the query string
-- | * `values` - query parameter values
-- | * `name` (optional) - providing this will create this query as a [prepared statement](
newtype Query = Query { text :: String, values :: Array Raw, name :: Maybe String }
derive instance Newtype Query _
derive newtype instance Eq Query
derive newtype instance Show Query
-- | An empty query
emptyQuery :: Query
emptyQuery = Query { text: "", values: [], name: Nothing }
queryToRaw :: Query -> QueryRaw
queryToRaw (Query r) =
name = Proxy @"name"
rowMode = Proxy @"rowMode"
insert rowMode "array" $ modify name toNullable $ r
-- | Values that can be rendered as a SQL query
class AsQuery a where
asQuery :: a -> Effect Query
instance AsQuery a => AsQuery (Effect a) where
asQuery = flip bind asQuery
instance AsQuery Query where
asQuery = pure
instance AsQuery String where
asQuery text = pure $ Query { text, values: [], name: Nothing }
instance AsQuery (String /\ Array Raw) where
asQuery (text /\ values) = pure $ Query { text, values, name: Nothing }

View File

@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
import Pg from 'pg'
import Range from 'postgres-range'
export const null_ = null
export const jsNull = null
export const modifyPgTypes = () => {
const oid = {
'text[]': 1009,
json: 114,

View File

@ -21,9 +21,12 @@ import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Exception (error)
import Foreign (ForeignError(..))
import Foreign as F
import JS.BigInt (BigInt)
import JS.BigInt as BigInt
import Node.Buffer (Buffer)
import Simple.JSON (class ReadForeign, class WriteForeign, readJSON', writeJSON)
-- | Newtype hinting that this value should be serialized / deserialized as a JSON string.
newtype JSON a = JSON a
derive instance Newtype (JSON a) _
@ -33,7 +36,8 @@ derive newtype instance Ord a => Ord (JSON a)
derive newtype instance WriteForeign a => WriteForeign (JSON a)
derive newtype instance ReadForeign a => ReadForeign (JSON a)
foreign import null_ :: Raw
-- | Literal javascript `null`
foreign import jsNull :: Raw
-- | This mutates `import('pg').types`, setting deserialization
-- | for some types to unmarshal as strings rather than JS values.
@ -51,7 +55,7 @@ instance Show Null where
-- | The serialization & deserialization monad.
type RepT a = ExceptT (NonEmptyList ForeignError) Effect a
-- | Flatten to an Effect, rendering any `RepError`s to `String` using `Show`.
-- | Flatten to an Effect, `show`ing errors
smash :: forall a. RepT a -> Effect a
smash = liftEither <=< map (lmap (error <<< show)) <<< runExceptT
@ -68,20 +72,26 @@ class (Serialize a, Deserialize a) <= Rep a
instance (Serialize a, Deserialize a) => Rep a
-- | Coerces the value to `Raw`
-- | Coerces the value to `Raw`.
-- |
-- | This is only safe for values whose javascript representation
-- | can be directly serialized by `node-postgres` to the corresponding
-- | SQL type.
unsafeSerializeCoerce :: forall m a. Monad m => a -> m Raw
unsafeSerializeCoerce = pure <<< Raw.unsafeFromForeign <<< F.unsafeToForeign
instance Serialize Raw where
serialize = pure
-- | Serializes as `Null`.
-- | `NULL`
instance Serialize Unit where
serialize _ = serialize Null
-- | `NULL`
instance Serialize Null where
serialize _ = unsafeSerializeCoerce null_
serialize _ = unsafeSerializeCoerce jsNull
-- | `json`, `jsonb`
instance WriteForeign a => Serialize (JSON a) where
serialize = serialize <<< writeJSON <<< unwrap
@ -89,45 +99,51 @@ instance WriteForeign a => Serialize (JSON a) where
instance Serialize Buffer where
serialize = unsafeSerializeCoerce
-- | `int2`, `int4`
instance Serialize Int where
serialize = unsafeSerializeCoerce
-- | `int8`
instance Serialize BigInt where
serialize = serialize <<< BigInt.toString
-- | `bool`
instance Serialize Boolean where
serialize = unsafeSerializeCoerce
-- | `text`, `inet`, `tsquery`, `tsvector`, `uuid`, `xml`, `cidr`, `time`, `timetz`
instance Serialize String where
serialize = unsafeSerializeCoerce
-- | `float4`, `float8`
instance Serialize Number where
serialize = unsafeSerializeCoerce
instance Serialize Char where
serialize = unsafeSerializeCoerce
-- | `timestamp`, `timestamptz`
instance Serialize DateTime where
serialize = serialize <<< unwrap <<< DateTime.ISO.fromDateTime
-- | `Just` -> `a`, `Nothing` -> `NULL`
instance Serialize a => Serialize (Maybe a) where
serialize (Just a) = serialize a
serialize Nothing = unsafeSerializeCoerce null_
serialize Nothing = unsafeSerializeCoerce jsNull
-- | postgres `array`
instance Serialize a => Serialize (Array a) where
serialize = unsafeSerializeCoerce <=< traverse serialize
instance Deserialize Raw where
deserialize = pure
-- | Note: this will always succeed, discarding
-- | the actual raw value yielded.
-- |
-- | To explicitly deserialize NULL values and fail
-- | when the value is non-null, use `Null`.
-- | `NULL` (always succeeds)
instance Deserialize Unit where
deserialize _ = pure unit
-- | `NULL` (fails if non-null)
instance Deserialize Null where
deserialize = map (const Null) <<< F.readNullOrUndefined <<< Raw.unsafeToForeign
-- | `json`, `jsonb`
instance ReadForeign a => Deserialize (JSON a) where
deserialize = map wrap <<< (hoist (pure <<< unwrap) <<< readJSON') <=< deserialize @String
@ -135,30 +151,43 @@ instance ReadForeign a => Deserialize (JSON a) where
instance Deserialize Buffer where
deserialize = (F.unsafeReadTagged "Buffer") <<< Raw.unsafeToForeign
-- | `int2`, `int4`
instance Deserialize Int where
deserialize = F.readInt <<< Raw.unsafeToForeign
-- | `int8`
instance Deserialize BigInt where
deserialize =
invalid s = pure $ ForeignError $ "Invalid bigint: " <> s
fromString s = liftMaybe (invalid s) $ BigInt.fromString s
fromString <=< deserialize @String
-- | `bool`
instance Deserialize Boolean where
deserialize = F.readBoolean <<< Raw.unsafeToForeign
-- | `text`, `inet`, `tsquery`, `tsvector`, `uuid`, `xml`, `cidr`, `time`, `timetz`
instance Deserialize String where
deserialize = F.readString <<< Raw.unsafeToForeign
-- | `float4`, `float8`
instance Deserialize Number where
deserialize = F.readNumber <<< Raw.unsafeToForeign
instance Deserialize Char where
deserialize = F.readChar <<< Raw.unsafeToForeign
-- | `timestamp`, `timestamptz`
instance Deserialize DateTime where
deserialize raw = do
s :: String <- deserialize raw
let invalid = pure $ ForeignError $ "Not a valid ISO8601 string: `" <> s <> "`"
liftMaybe invalid $ DateTime.ISO.toDateTime $ wrap s
-- | postgres `array`
instance Deserialize a => Deserialize (Array a) where
deserialize = traverse (deserialize <<< Raw.unsafeFromForeign) <=< F.readArray <<< Raw.unsafeToForeign
-- | non-NULL -> `Just`, NULL -> `Nothing`
instance Deserialize a => Deserialize (Maybe a) where
deserialize raw =

View File

@ -4,51 +4,21 @@ import Prelude
import Control.Promise (Promise)
import Control.Promise as Promise
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe)
import Data.Nullable (Nullable, toNullable)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Postgres (smash)
import Data.Postgres.Raw (Raw)
import Data.Postgres.Query (class AsQuery, QueryRaw, asQuery, queryToRaw)
import Data.Postgres.Result (class FromResult, Result, fromRow, rows, rowsAffected)
import Data.Traversable (traverse)
import Data.Tuple.Nested (type (/\), (/\))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Postgres.Client (Client, Config, make)
import Prim.Row (class Union)
import Record (insert, modify)
import Type.Prelude (Proxy(..))
type QueryRaw = { text :: String, values :: Array Raw, name :: Nullable String, rowMode :: String }
foreign import connectImpl :: Client -> Effect (Promise Unit)
foreign import endImpl :: Client -> Effect (Promise Unit)
foreign import queryImpl :: QueryRaw -> Client -> Effect (Promise Result)
newtype Query = Query { text :: String, values :: Array Raw, name :: Maybe String }
queryToRaw :: Query -> QueryRaw
queryToRaw (Query r) =
name = Proxy @"name"
rowMode = Proxy @"rowMode"
insert rowMode "array"
$ modify name toNullable
$ r
class AsQuery a where
asQuery :: a -> Query
instance AsQuery Query where
asQuery = identity
instance AsQuery String where
asQuery text = Query { text, values: [], name: Nothing }
instance AsQuery (String /\ Array Raw) where
asQuery (text /\ values) = Query { text, values, name: Nothing }
connected :: forall r trash. Union r trash (Config ()) => Record r -> Aff Client
connected c = do
client <- liftEffect $ make c
@ -62,7 +32,9 @@ end :: Client -> Aff Unit
end = Promise.toAffE <<< endImpl
queryRaw :: forall q. AsQuery q => q -> Client -> Aff Result
queryRaw q = Promise.toAffE <<< queryImpl (queryToRaw $ asQuery q)
queryRaw q c = do
q' <- queryToRaw <$> liftEffect (asQuery q)
Promise.toAffE $ queryImpl q' c
exec :: forall q. AsQuery q => q -> Client -> Aff Int
exec q = map (fromMaybe 0 <<< rowsAffected) <<< queryRaw q

test/Test.Common.purs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
module Test.Common where
import Prelude
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, bracket)
import Effect.Aff.Postgres.Client (connected, end)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Postgres.Client (Client)
import Node.Path as Path
import Node.Process (cwd)
:: Effect
{ database :: String
, host :: String
, password :: String
, user :: String
config = do
cwd' <- liftEffect cwd
host <- liftEffect $ Path.resolve [ cwd' ] "./pg"
pure { host, user: "postgres", password: "password", database: "postgres" }
withClient :: (Client -> Aff Unit) -> Aff Unit
withClient = bracket (connected =<< liftEffect config) end

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
/** @type {(_: Buffer) => () => bigint} */
export const readBigInt64BE = buf => () => buf.readBigInt64BE(0)
export const dbg = a => () => typeof a === 'string' ? console.log(Buffer.from(a).toString('hex')) : undefined

View File

@ -2,30 +2,129 @@ module Test.Data.Postgres where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (liftEither)
import Control.Monad.Except (runExceptT)
import Data.DateTime (DateTime(..))
import Control.Monad.Gen (chooseInt, elements, oneOf)
import Data.Array as Array
import Data.Array.NonEmpty as Array.NonEmpty
import Data.DateTime (DateTime(..), canonicalDate)
import Data.DateTime.Instant as Instant
import Data.Enum (toEnum)
import Data.Foldable (fold)
import Data.Identity (Identity)
import Data.Int as Int
import Data.Maybe (Maybe, fromJust, fromMaybe, maybe)
import Data.Newtype (unwrap, wrap)
import Data.Postgres (class Rep, JSON(..), Null(..), deserialize, null_, serialize, smash)
import Data.Postgres.Range as Range
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromJust, maybe)
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype, unwrap, wrap)
import Data.Number (abs) as Number
import Data.Postgres (class Rep, jsNull)
import Data.Postgres.Query.Builder as Q
import Data.Postgres.Raw (Raw)
import Data.Postgres.Raw as Raw
import Data.Postgres.Result (class FromResult)
import Data.RFC3339String as DateTime.ISO
import Data.Tuple.Nested (type (/\), (/\))
import Data.String as String
import Data.Time (Time(..))
import Data.Traversable (for, sequence)
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Effect.Aff.Postgres.Client (exec, query)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Console (log)
import Effect.Postgres.Client (Client)
import Effect.Unsafe (unsafePerformEffect)
import Foreign (unsafeToForeign)
import Foreign (Foreign, unsafeToForeign)
import Foreign.Object as Object
import JS.BigInt (BigInt)
import JS.BigInt as BigInt
import Node.Buffer (Buffer)
import Node.Buffer as Buffer
import Partial.Unsafe (unsafePartial)
import Simple.JSON (writeImpl, writeJSON)
import Test.QuickCheck (class Arbitrary, (==?))
import Test.Spec (Spec, describe, it)
import Test.Spec.Assertions (shouldEqual)
import Test.Spec.QuickCheck (quickCheck)
import Simple.JSON (writeJSON)
import Test.Common (withClient)
import Test.QuickCheck (class Arbitrary, arbitrary, randomSeed)
import Test.QuickCheck.Gen (sample, vectorOf)
import Test.Spec (Spec, SpecT, around, describe, it)
import Test.Spec.Assertions (fail)
foreign import readBigInt64BE :: Buffer -> Effect BigInt
foreign import dbg :: forall a. a -> Effect Unit
newtype GenSmallInt = GenSmallInt Int
derive instance Newtype GenSmallInt _
instance Arbitrary GenSmallInt where
arbitrary = wrap <$> chooseInt (-32768) 32767
newtype GenDateTime = GenDateTime DateTime
derive instance Newtype GenDateTime _
instance Arbitrary GenDateTime where
arbitrary = do
yr <- chooseInt 1970 2100
mo <- chooseInt 1 12
dy <- chooseInt 1 28
hr <- chooseInt 0 23
mn <- chooseInt 0 59
sc <- chooseInt 0 59
ms <- chooseInt 0 999
date = unsafePartial fromJust $ Just canonicalDate <*> toEnum yr <*> toEnum mo <*> toEnum dy
time = unsafePartial fromJust $ Just Time <*> toEnum hr <*> toEnum mn <*> toEnum sc <*> toEnum ms
pure $ wrap $ DateTime date time
newtype GenString = GenString String
derive instance Newtype GenString _
instance Arbitrary GenString where
arbitrary = do
let chars = unsafePartial fromJust $ Array.NonEmpty.fromArray $ String.split (wrap "") "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567890 _-=><|\\/"
len <- chooseInt 0 100
chars' <- vectorOf len (elements chars)
pure $ wrap $ fold chars'
newtype GenSmallFloat = GenSmallFloat Number
derive instance Newtype GenSmallFloat _
instance Arbitrary GenSmallFloat where
arbitrary = do
let byte = chooseInt 0 7
bytes <- sequence $ Array.replicate 4 byte
$ wrap
$ unsafePerformEffect do
buf <- Buffer.fromArray bytes Buffer.FloatBE 0 buf
newtype GenBigInt = GenBigInt BigInt
derive instance Newtype GenBigInt _
instance Arbitrary GenBigInt where
arbitrary = do
let byte = chooseInt 0 7
bytes <- sequence $ Array.replicate 8 byte
bigint = unsafePerformEffect do
buf <- Buffer.fromArray bytes
readBigInt64BE buf
pure $ wrap bigint
newtype GenJSON = GenJSON Foreign
derive instance Newtype GenJSON _
instance Arbitrary GenJSON where
arbitrary =
json _ = map wrap $ oneOf' [ prim, array unit, obj unit ]
oneOf' = oneOf <<< unsafePartial fromJust <<< Array.NonEmpty.fromArray
elements' = elements <<< unsafePartial fromJust <<< Array.NonEmpty.fromArray
prim = oneOf'
[ pure $ unsafeToForeign jsNull
, unsafeToForeign <$> arbitrary @Number
, unsafeToForeign <$> arbitrary @String
array _ = map unsafeToForeign $ vectorOf 3 prim
obj _ = do
keys <- vectorOf 3 (elements' [ "foo", "bar", "baz", "quux", "duck", "dog", "cat", "cow" ])
kvs <- for keys \k -> (k /\ _) <$> prim
pure $ unsafeToForeign $ Object.fromFoldable kvs
json unit
asRaw :: forall a. a -> Raw
asRaw = Raw.unsafeFromForeign <<< unsafeToForeign
@ -33,59 +132,52 @@ asRaw = Raw.unsafeFromForeign <<< unsafeToForeign
spec :: Spec Unit
spec =
check :: forall @a @x. Eq a => Show a => Arbitrary x => Rep a => String -> (x -> a) -> (a -> Raw) -> Spec Unit
check s xa asRaw_ =
describe s do
it "serialize" $ quickCheck \(x :: x) -> (unsafePerformEffect $ runExceptT $ serialize $ xa x) ==? pure (asRaw_ $ xa x)
it "deserialize" $ quickCheck \(x :: x) -> (unsafePerformEffect $ runExceptT $ deserialize $ asRaw_ $ xa x) ==? pure (xa x)
check :: forall @a @x. Show a => Arbitrary x => Rep a => FromResult a => String -> String -> (x -> a) -> (a -> Raw) -> (a -> a -> Boolean) -> SpecT Aff Client Identity Unit
check purs sql xa asRaw_ isEq =
it (purs <> " <> " <> sql) \c -> do
tab = String.replace (wrap " ") (wrap "_") $ String.replace (wrap "[") (wrap "") $ String.replace (wrap "]") (wrap "") $ sql <> "_is_" <> String.toLower purs
ser x = do
x' <- Q.param $ xa x
pure $ "insert into " <> tab <> " values (" <> x' <> " :: " <> sql <> ")"
de x = do
x' <- Q.param $ xa x
pure $ "select " <> x' <> " :: " <> sql
void $ exec ("create temp table " <> tab <> " (val " <> sql <> ")") c
seed <- liftEffect randomSeed
xs = sample seed 20 (arbitrary @x)
void $ for xs \x -> do
void $ exec (ser x) c
res :: Array a <- query (de x) c
exp = xa x
act = unsafePartial fromJust $ Array.head res
when (not $ isEq exp act) $ fail $ "expected " <> show exp <> " to equal " <> show act
check_ :: forall @a. Eq a => Show a => Arbitrary a => Rep a => String -> Spec Unit
check_ s = check @a @a s identity asRaw
check_ :: forall @a. Eq a => Show a => Arbitrary a => FromResult a => Rep a => String -> String -> SpecT Aff Client Identity Unit
check_ purs sql = check @a @a purs sql identity asRaw eq
dateTimeFromArbitrary :: Int -> DateTime
dateTimeFromArbitrary = Instant.toDateTime <<< unsafePartial fromJust <<< Instant.instant <<< wrap <<< Int.toNumber
describe "Data.Postgres" do
check_ @Int "Int"
check_ @String "String"
check_ @Boolean "Boolean"
check_ @Number "Number"
check_ @Char "Char"
around withClient
$ describe "Data.Postgres"
$ do
check @Int @GenSmallInt "Int" "int2" unwrap asRaw eq
check_ @Int "Int" "int4"
check @(Maybe String) "Maybe String" identity (maybe null_ asRaw)
check @(Array String) "Array String" identity asRaw
check @DateTime "DateTime" dateTimeFromArbitrary (asRaw <<< DateTime.ISO.fromDateTime)
check @String @GenString "String" "text" unwrap asRaw eq
describe "JSON" do
describe "Record" do
it "deserialize" $
quickCheck \(a /\ b /\ c :: Int /\ String /\ Array { "foo" :: String }) -> unsafePerformEffect do
obj = { a, b, c }
json = writeJSON obj
act :: JSON _ <- smash $ deserialize $ asRaw json
pure $ obj ==? unwrap act
it "serialize" $
quickCheck \(a /\ b /\ c :: Int /\ String /\ Array { "foo" :: String }) -> unsafePerformEffect do
let obj = { a, b, c }
act <- smash $ serialize $ JSON obj
pure $ asRaw (writeJSON obj) ==? act
check_ @Boolean "Boolean" "bool"
describe "Null" do
it "serialize" $ liftEffect $ shouldEqual null_ =<< (smash $ serialize Null)
it "deserialize" $ liftEffect $ shouldEqual Null =<< (smash $ deserialize null_)
check @Number @GenSmallFloat "Number" "float4" unwrap asRaw (\a b -> Number.abs (a - b) <= 0.0001)
check_ @Number "Number" "float8"
describe "Range" do
it "deserialize" do
quickCheck \(up /\ lo /\ uinc /\ linc :: Int /\ Int /\ Boolean /\ Boolean) -> unsafePerformEffect do
record =
{ upper: unsafePerformEffect $ smash $ serialize up
, lower: unsafePerformEffect $ smash $ serialize lo
, upperIncl: uinc
, lowerIncl: linc
raw = asRaw $ Range.rangeRawFromRecord record
exp :: Range.Range Int <- smash $ Range.rangeFromRaw record
act :: Range.Range Int <- smash $ deserialize raw
pure $ exp ==? act
check @BigInt @GenBigInt "BigInt" "int8" unwrap (asRaw <<< BigInt.toString) eq
check @(Maybe String) @(Maybe GenString) "Maybe String" "text" (map unwrap) (maybe jsNull asRaw) eq
check @(Array String) @(Array GenString) "Array String" "text[]" (map unwrap) asRaw eq
check @DateTime @GenDateTime "DateTime" "timestamptz" unwrap (asRaw <<< DateTime.ISO.fromDateTime) eq
check @String @GenJSON "JSON" "json" (writeJSON <<< unwrap) asRaw eq

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@ -7,32 +7,12 @@ import Data.Either (Either, isLeft)
import Data.Newtype (wrap)
import Data.Postgres (JSON(..))
import Data.PreciseDateTime (fromRFC3339String, toDateTimeLossy)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, bracket)
import Effect.Aff.Postgres.Client (query)
import Effect.Aff.Postgres.Client as PG.Aff.Client
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Postgres.Client as PG
import Node.Path as Path
import Node.Process (cwd)
import Test.Common (withClient)
import Test.Spec (Spec, around, describe, it)
import Test.Spec.Assertions (shouldEqual)
:: Effect
{ database :: String
, host :: String
, password :: String
, user :: String
config = do
cwd' <- liftEffect cwd
host <- liftEffect $ Path.resolve [ cwd' ] "./pg"
pure { host, user: "postgres", password: "password", database: "postgres" }
withClient :: (PG.Client -> Aff Unit) -> Aff Unit
withClient = bracket (PG.Aff.Client.connected =<< liftEffect config) PG.Aff.Client.end
spec :: Spec Unit
spec =
around withClient do
@ -46,12 +26,9 @@ spec =
isLeft res `shouldEqual` true
it "rowsAffected is correct" \c -> do
void $ PG.Aff.Client.exec "create temp table foo (bar int);" c
cta <- PG.Aff.Client.exec "insert into foo values (1);" c
cta `shouldEqual` 1
ctb <- PG.Aff.Client.exec "insert into foo values (1), (2), (3);" c
ctb `shouldEqual` 3
ctc <- PG.Aff.Client.exec "update foo set bar = 10;" c
ctc `shouldEqual` 4
shouldEqual 1 =<< PG.Aff.Client.exec "insert into foo values (1);" c
shouldEqual 3 =<< PG.Aff.Client.exec "insert into foo values (1), (2), (3);" c
shouldEqual 4 =<< PG.Aff.Client.exec "update foo set bar = 10;" c
describe "timestamp" do
it "unmarshals" \c -> do
let exp = toDateTimeLossy <$> fromRFC3339String (wrap "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z")