docs: improve

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orion kindel 2024-04-03 13:13:37 -05:00
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GPG Key ID: 6D4165AE4C928719
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@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
# postgresql
Purescript PostgreSQL driver
## Table of Contents
- [Getting Started](#getting-started)
- [Data](#data)
- [Rows](#data-rows)
- [Ranges](#data-ranges)
- [Queries](#queries)
- [Builder](#queries-builder)
- [Monads](#monads)
- [`PostgresT`](#monads-postgrest)
- [`SessionT`](#monads-sessiont)
- [`CursorT`](#monads-cursort)
- [`node-postgres` style](#node-postgres-style)
## Getting Started
Install with:
> spago install postgresql
# (npm | yarn | bun) install pg
Next, create a pool [`Config`] object:
-- from a connection string:
pgConfig =
{ connectionString: "postgresql://postgres:password@localhost:5432/postgres"
-- or explicitly:
pgConfig =
{ username: "postgres"
, password: "password"
, host: "localhost"
, port: 5432
, database: "postgres"
Then in an `Aff`, use `runPostgres` to connect to the database and execute
module Main where
import Prelude
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Aff (launchAff_)
import Effect.Console (log)
import Control.Monad.Postgres (runPostgres, query)
main :: Effect Unit
main =
launchAff_ do
msg <- runPostgres pgConfig $ query "select 'hello, world!'"
liftEffect $ log msg -- logs 'hello, world!'
[`runPostgres`] creates a connection pool, then executes a
[`PostgresT`](#monads-postgrest) monad, which is an `Aff` with access
to a connection pool.
runPostgres :: forall a. <partial config> -> PostgresT Aff a -> Aff a
[`query`] accepts any `q` that can be turned [into a query][`AsQuery`]
(here just a `String`), and [unmarshals][`FromRows`] the result into a
destination type `r`.
`query` is from [`MonadSession`], which [`PostgresT`] implements:
class MonadSession m where
query :: forall q r. AsQuery q => FromRows r => q -> m r
-- ...
## Data
Single SQL values are serialized to and deserialized from JS via [`pg-types`]
(with some [tweaks][`modifyPgTypes`]).
The conversion between [`Raw`] JS values and purescript values is done
with the [`Serialize`] and [`Deserialize`] typeclasses.
The [`Rep`] class indicates a type is [`Rep`]resentable as a SQL value.
[`Rep`] is automatically implemented for all types that are [`Serialize`]
and [`Deserialize`].
Implementations are provided for `Int`, `String`, `DateTime`, `Buffer`,
`BigInt`, `Boolean`, `Number`, `Array`, [`Range`]s, `Maybe`, [`Null`]
and `Unit`.
### Data - Rows
A single row (multiple SQL values) are deserialized using [`FromRow`],
which is implemented for:
- n-tuples of [`Rep`] types
- `Array a` where `a` is [`Rep`]
- A single [`Rep`] type
(fromRow [] :: Maybe Int) == Nothing
(fromRow [1] :: Maybe Int) == Just 1
(fromRow [1, 2] :: Maybe Int) == Just 1
(fromRow [] :: Int /\ Int) == Error
(fromRow [1, 2] :: Int /\ Int) == 1 /\ 2
(fromRow [] :: Array Int) == []
(fromRow [1, 2] :: Array Int) == [1, 2]
Multiple rows are deserialized using [`FromRows`],
which is implemented for:
- `Array a` where `a` is [`FromRow`]
- `Maybe a` where `a` is [`FromRow`] (equivalent to `Array.head <<< fromRows`)
- `a` where `a` is [`FromRow`] (throws if 0 rows yielded)
### Data - Ranges
Postgres ranges are represented with [`Range`].
[`Range`]s can be created with:
- `mempty` - an unbounded range
- [` a`] - `(,a)`
- [`Range.lte a`] - `(,a]`
- [` a`] - `(a,)`
- [`Range.gte a`] - `[a,)`
and combined with `append`:
mempty <> lt 100 -- (,100)
gte 10 <> lt 100 -- [10,100)
## Queries
Queries can be executed with any type that implements [`AsQuery`],
which converts it into a [`Query`]:
newtype Query = Query { text :: String, values :: Array Raw, name :: Maybe String }
class AsQuery a where
asQuery :: a -> Effect Query
[`AsQuery`] is implemented for:
- [`Query`]
- `String`
- `String /\ n` where `n` is:
- n-tuple of [`Rep`] query parameters
- a single [`Rep`] query parameter
- `Array `[`Raw`]
### Queries - Builder
For complex parameterized queries, there is a provided [`Query.Builder`]:
runPostgres {} do
exec_ "create table person (id int, first_name text, last_name text, age int, born timestamptz);"
$ do
id <- Query.Builder.param 1
firstName <- Query.Builder.param "Henry"
lastName <- Query.Builder.param "Cavill"
age <- Query.Builder.param 38
born <- Query.Builder.param "1985-05-05"
$ intercalate "\n"
[ "insert into person (id, first_name, last_name, age, born)"
, "values"
, "("
, intercalate ", " [id, firstName, lastName, age, born])
, ")"
[`Query.Builder.param`] accepts any [`Rep`] value and returns a string (ex. `"$2"`)
that will reference that value in the query.
[``] renders the query to [`Query`]
## Monads
### Monads - `PostgresT`
[`PostgresT`] is the database driver's main entry point,
and is just an `Aff` with access to a [`Pool`].
Run in `Aff` with [`runPostgres`]:
main :: Effect Unit
main =
launchAff_ do
hi <- runPostgres {} $ query "select 'hi!'"
liftEffect $ log hi
Execute [`SessionT`] monads with [`session`] or [`transaction`]:
dbMain :: PostgresT Aff Unit
dbMain = do
transaction do
exec_ """
create table persons
( id int primary key generated always as identity
, name text not null unique
exec_ $ "insert into persons (name) values ($1);" /\ "Henry"
pure unit
Implements [`MonadSession`] as a shorthand for single-query [`session`]s:
dbMain :: PostgresT Aff Int
dbMain = exec_ $ "insert into persons (name) values ($1);" /\ "Sarah"
-- equivalent to:
-- dbMain = session $ exec_ ...
Execute [`CursorT`] monads with [`cursor`]:
dbMain :: PostgresT Aff Int
dbMain =
cursor @(Int /\ String) "people_cursor" "select id, name from persons" do
fetchOne -- Just (1 /\ "Henry")
fetchAll -- [2 /\ "Sarah"]
fetchOne -- Nothing
### Monads - `SessionT`
[`SessionT`] is an `Aff` with access to a [`Client`]
issued by a [`Pool`], connected to the database.
Run in [`PostgresT`] with [`session`] or [`transaction`]
Perform queries with [`query`], [`exec`] or [`exec_`]
### Monads - `CursorT`
[`CursorT`] is a transaction [`SessionT`] with access to a named server-side cursor.
Run in [`PostgresT`] with [`cursor`]
## `node-postgres` style
You may also choose to use the `Aff` API directly, which closely mirrors
the api of [`node-postgres`]:
- [`Client`]
- create with [`Client.make`] or [`Client.connected`]
- execute queries with [`Client.query`], [`Client.queryRaw`] or [`Client.exec`]
- release with [`Client.end`]
- [`Pool`]
- create with [`Pool.make`]
- issue clients with [`Pool.connect`]
- release clients with [`Pool.release`] or [`Pool.destroy`]
- release with [`Pool.end`]
[`Pool`]: ./docs/Effect.Aff.Postgres.Pool#t:Pool
[`Config`]: ./docs/Effect.Aff.Postgres.Pool#t:Config
[`Pool.make`]: ./docs/Effect.Aff.Postgres.Pool#v:make
[`Pool.end`]: ./docs/Effect.Aff.Postgres.Pool#v:end
[`Pool.connect`]: ./docs/Effect.Aff.Postgres.Pool#v:connect
[`Pool.destroy`]: ./docs/Effect.Aff.Postgres.Pool#v:destroy
[`Pool.release`]: ./docs/Effect.Aff.Postgres.Pool#v:release
[`Client`]: ./docs/Effect.Aff.Postgres.Client#t:Client
[`Client.end`]: ./docs/Effect.Aff.Postgres.Client#v:end
[`Client.make`]: ./docs/Effect.Aff.Postgres.Client#v:make
[`Client.connected`]: ./docs/Effect.Aff.Postgres.Client#v:connected
[`Client.query`]: ./docs/Effect.Aff.Postgres.Client#v:query
[`Client.queryRaw`]: ./docs/Effect.Aff.Postgres.Client#v:queryRaw
[`Client.exec`]: ./docs/Effect.Aff.Postgres.Client#v:exec
[`Range`]: ./docs/Data.Postgres.Range#t:Range
[`Raw`]: ./docs/Data.Postgres.Raw#t:Raw
[`Null`]: ./docs/Data.Postgres.Raw#t:Null
[`Serialize`]: ./docs/Data.Postgres#t:Serialize
[`Deserialize`]: ./docs/Data.Postgres#t:Deserialize
[`Rep`]: ./docs/Data.Postgres#t:Rep
[`modifyPgTypes`]: ./docs/Data.Postgres#v:modifyPgTypes
[`Result`]: ./docs/Data.Postgres.Result#t:Result
[`FromRow`]: ./docs/Data.Postgres.Result#t:FromRow
[`FromRows`]: ./docs/Data.Postgres.Result#t:FromRows
[`Query`]: ./docs/Data.Postgres.Query#t:Query
[`AsQuery`]: ./docs/Data.Postgres.Query#t:AsQuery
[`Query.Builder`]: ./docs/Data.Postgres.Query.Builder#t:Builder
[`Query.Builder.param`]: ./docs/Data.Postgres.Query.Builder#v:param
[``]: ./docs/Data.Postgres.Query.Builder#v:build
[`MonadCursor`]: ./docs/Control.Monad.Postgres#t:MonadCursor
[`MonadSession`]: ./docs/Control.Monad.Postgres#t:MonadSession
[`CursorT`]: ./docs/Control.Monad.Postgres#t:CursorT
[`SessionT`]: ./docs/Control.Monad.Postgres#t:SessionT
[`PostgresT`]: ./docs/Control.Monad.Postgres#t:PostgresT
[`cursor`]: ./docs/Control.Monad.Postgres#v:cursor
[`session`]: ./docs/Control.Monad.Postgres#v:session
[`transaction`]: ./docs/Control.Monad.Postgres#v:transaction
[`runPostgres`]: ./docs/Control.Monad.Postgres#v:runPostgres
[`query`]: ./docs/Control.Monad.Postgres#v:query
[`exec`]: ./docs/Control.Monad.Postgres#v:exec
[`exec_`]: ./docs/Control.Monad.Postgres#v:exec_

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@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import Prelude
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype)
import Data.Nullable (Nullable, toNullable)
import Data.Postgres (class Rep, serialize, smash)
import Data.Postgres.Raw (Raw)
import Data.Tuple.Nested (type (/\), (/\))
import Effect (Effect)
@ -16,7 +17,11 @@ import Type.Prelude (Proxy(..))
-- | * `text` - the query string
-- | * `values` - query parameter values
-- | * `name` (optional) - providing this will create this query as a [prepared statement](
newtype Query = Query { text :: String, values :: Array Raw, name :: Maybe String }
newtype Query = Query
{ text :: String
, values :: Array Raw
, name :: Maybe String
derive instance Newtype Query _
derive newtype instance Show Query
@ -25,6 +30,20 @@ derive newtype instance Show Query
emptyQuery :: Query
emptyQuery = Query { text: "", values: [], name: Nothing }
-- | Any value that can be converted to an array of query parameters
class AsQueryParams a where
asQueryParams :: a -> Effect (Array Raw)
instance AsQueryParams (Array Raw) where
asQueryParams = pure
else instance (Rep a, AsQueryParams b) => AsQueryParams (a /\ b) where
asQueryParams (a /\ tail) = do
a' <- map pure $ smash $ serialize a
tail' <- asQueryParams tail
pure $ a' <> tail'
else instance (Rep a) => AsQueryParams a where
asQueryParams = map pure <<< smash <<< serialize
-- | Values that can be rendered as a SQL query
class AsQuery a where
asQuery :: a -> Effect Query
@ -38,8 +57,10 @@ instance AsQuery Query where
instance AsQuery String where
asQuery text = pure $ Query { text, values: [], name: Nothing }
instance AsQuery (String /\ Array Raw) where
asQuery (text /\ values) = pure $ Query { text, values, name: Nothing }
instance AsQueryParams ps => AsQuery (String /\ ps) where
asQuery (text /\ ps) = do
ps' <- asQueryParams ps
pure $ Query { text, values: ps', name: Nothing }
-- | FFI
type QueryRaw = { text :: String, values :: Array Raw, name :: Nullable String, rowMode :: String }

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@ -32,12 +32,14 @@ class FromRows a where
instance (FromRow a) => FromRows (Array a) where
fromRows = traverse fromRow
else instance (FromRow a) => FromRows (Maybe a) where
fromRows = map Array.head <<< traverse fromRow
else instance (FromRow a) => FromRows a where
fromRows =
e = pure $ ForeignError $ "Expected at least 1 row"
liftMaybe e <=< map Array.head <<< traverse fromRow
liftMaybe e <=< fromRows @(Maybe a)
-- | Can be unmarshalled from a queried row
-- |