2024-04-02 15:58:34 -05:00

73 lines
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module Data.Postgres.Raw where
import Prelude
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Show.Generic (genericShow)
import Foreign (Foreign)
import Prim.TypeError (class Warn, Text)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
-- | Literal javascript `null`
foreign import jsNull :: Raw
-- | `a === null`
foreign import isNull :: Raw -> Boolean
-- | The SQL value NULL
data Null = Null
derive instance Generic Null _
derive instance Eq Null
derive instance Ord Null
instance Show Null where
show = genericShow
-- | A raw JS value converted from SQL
-- |
-- | In practice, this is an alias for `Foreign` with
-- | type system guarantees that purescript types are
-- | correctly represented in JS to be represented in SQL.
foreign import data Raw :: Type
-- | Stringifies a `Raw` value if a JS primitive,
-- | else returns a debug representation.
-- |
-- | * `{foo: 'bar'} -> "[Object]"`
-- | * `[1, 2, 3] -> "[Array]"`
-- | * `'foo' -> "foo"`
-- | * `123 -> "123"`
foreign import rawToDebugString :: Raw -> String
-- | Performs JS referential equality `===` for primitives
-- | or arrays of primitives, else returns `false`.
foreign import rawDebugEq :: Raw -> Raw -> Boolean
instance Show Raw where
show = rawToDebugString
instance (Warn (Text "`Eq Raw` only checks equality for JS primitives, and is always `false` for objects.")) => Eq Raw where
eq = rawDebugEq
rawMaybeNull :: Maybe Raw -> Raw
rawMaybeNull (Just a) = a
rawMaybeNull Nothing = unsafeCoerce jsNull
rawNullMaybe :: Raw -> Maybe Raw
rawNullMaybe raw
| isNull raw = Nothing
| otherwise = Just raw
-- | Coerce a `Foreign` value to `Raw`.
-- |
-- | This is only safe if the `Foreign` value
-- | is guaranteed to be serializable to a SQL
-- | value via `pg-types`.
unsafeFromForeign :: Foreign -> Raw
unsafeFromForeign = unsafeCoerce
-- | Coerce a `Raw` value to `Foreign`.
asForeign :: Raw -> Foreign
asForeign = unsafeCoerce