feat: mouse
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ package:
- ordered-collections
- parallel
- prelude
- record-extra
- simple-json
- spec
- st
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import Effect.Exception (Error, error)
import Foreign (Foreign, unsafeFromForeign)
import Foreign.Object (Object)
import Foreign.Object as Object
import Prim.Row (class Union)
import Prim.Row (class Nub, class Union)
import Puppeteer.FFI as FFI
import Simple.JSON (class ReadForeign, class WriteForeign, readImpl, writeImpl)
import Web.HTML as HTML
@ -73,6 +73,8 @@ closeContext (Context f) = f unit
type URL = String
type BoundingBox = { x :: Number, y :: Number, width :: Number, height :: Number }
type Viewport =
{ deviceScaleFactor :: Maybe Number
, hasTouch :: Maybe Boolean
@ -141,6 +143,12 @@ foreign import data Keyboard :: Type
instance ReadForeign Keyboard where
readImpl = pure <<< unsafeFromForeign
--| [`Mouse`](https://pptr.dev/api/puppeteer.mouse)
foreign import data Mouse :: Type
instance ReadForeign Mouse where
readImpl = pure <<< unsafeFromForeign
foreign import data Request :: Type
instance ReadForeign Request where
@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ module Puppeteer.Handle
, click
, clone
, boundingBox
, boxModel
, hover
, isHidden
, isVisible
@ -37,7 +36,7 @@ import Foreign (Foreign)
import Node.Buffer (Buffer)
import Node.Path (FilePath)
import Puppeteer.Base (Handle) as X
import Puppeteer.Base (class IsElement, Handle)
import Puppeteer.Base (class IsElement, Handle, BoundingBox)
import Puppeteer.Eval as Eval
import Puppeteer.FFI as FFI
import Puppeteer.Screenshot (ScreenshotOptions, prepareScreenshotOptions)
@ -50,7 +49,7 @@ import Web.HTML as HTML
foreign import _find :: forall a b. String -> Handle a -> Effect (Promise (Array (Handle b)))
foreign import _click :: forall a. Handle a -> Effect (Promise Unit)
foreign import _boundingBox :: forall a. Handle a -> Effect (Promise (Nullable Foreign))
foreign import _boundingBox :: forall a. Handle a -> Effect (Promise (Nullable BoundingBox))
foreign import _boxModel :: forall a. Handle a -> Effect (Promise (Nullable Foreign))
foreign import _hover :: forall a. Handle a -> Effect (Promise Unit)
foreign import _isHidden :: forall a. Handle a -> Effect (Promise Boolean)
@ -80,12 +79,9 @@ findAll q h = Promise.toAffE $ _find (Selector.toCSS q) h
click :: forall a. IsElement a => Handle a -> Aff Unit
click h = Promise.toAffE $ _click h
boundingBox :: forall a. IsElement a => Handle a -> Aff (Maybe Foreign)
boundingBox :: forall a. IsElement a => Handle a -> Aff (Maybe BoundingBox)
boundingBox = map Nullable.toMaybe <<< Promise.toAffE <<< _boundingBox
boxModel :: forall a. IsElement a => Handle a -> Aff (Maybe Foreign)
boxModel = map Nullable.toMaybe <<< Promise.toAffE <<< _boxModel
hover :: forall a. IsElement a => Handle a -> Aff Unit
hover = Promise.toAffE <<< _hover
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
/** @type {(_2: import('puppeteer').Mouse) => (_3: {x: number, y: number}) => (_1: {button: import('puppeteer').MouseButton, count: number, delay: number}) => () => Promise<void>} */
export const clickImpl =
mouse =>
({ x, y }) =>
opts =>
() =>
mouse.click(x, y, opts)
/** @type {(_2: import('puppeteer').Mouse) => (_3: import('puppeteer').MouseButton) => () => Promise<void>} */
export const downImpl = mouse => btn => () => mouse.down({ button: btn })
/** @type {(_2: import('puppeteer').Mouse) => (_3: import('puppeteer').MouseButton) => () => Promise<void>} */
export const upImpl = mouse => btn => () => mouse.up({ button: btn })
/** @type { (_2: import('puppeteer').Mouse) => (_3: {x: number, y: number}) => (_1: {steps: number}) =>() => Promise<void>} */
export const moveImpl =
mouse =>
({ x, y }) =>
opts =>
() =>
mouse.move(x, y, opts)
/** @type { (_2: import('puppeteer').Mouse) => (_3: {deltaX: number, deltaY: number}) => () => Promise<void>} */
export const scrollImpl = mouse => opts => () => mouse.wheel(opts)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
module Puppeteer.Mouse where
import Prelude
import Control.Promise (Promise)
import Control.Promise as Promise
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Prim.Row (class Nub, class Union)
import Puppeteer.Base (Mouse)
import Record (merge, modify) as Record
import Type.Prelude (Proxy(..))
data MouseButton
= MouseLeft
| MouseRight
| MouseMiddle
| MouseBack
| MouseForward
mouseButtonToString :: MouseButton -> String
mouseButtonToString MouseLeft = "left"
mouseButtonToString MouseRight = "right"
mouseButtonToString MouseMiddle = "middle"
mouseButtonToString MouseBack = "back"
mouseButtonToString MouseForward = "forward"
type MouseWheelOptions r = (deltaX :: Number, deltaY :: Number | r)
type MouseMoveOptions r = (steps :: Number | r)
type MouseOptions r = (button :: MouseButton | r)
type MouseClickOptions r = (count :: Int, delay :: Number | MouseOptions r)
foreign import scrollImpl :: Mouse -> { deltaX :: Number, deltaY :: Number } -> Effect (Promise Unit)
foreign import clickImpl :: Mouse -> { x :: Number, y :: Number } -> { button :: String, count :: Int, delay :: Number } -> Effect (Promise Unit)
foreign import downImpl :: Mouse -> String -> Effect (Promise Unit)
foreign import upImpl :: Mouse -> String -> Effect (Promise Unit)
foreign import moveImpl :: Mouse -> { x :: Number, y :: Number } -> { steps :: Number } -> Effect (Promise Unit)
scroll :: forall options missing. Union options missing (MouseWheelOptions ()) => Union options (MouseWheelOptions ()) (MouseWheelOptions ()) => Record options -> Mouse -> Aff Unit
scroll options mouse = Promise.toAffE
$ scrollImpl mouse
$ Record.merge options { deltaX: 0.0, deltaY: 0.0 }
down :: MouseButton -> Mouse -> Aff Unit
down btn mouse = Promise.toAffE $ downImpl mouse (mouseButtonToString btn)
up :: MouseButton -> Mouse -> Aff Unit
up btn mouse = Promise.toAffE $ upImpl mouse (mouseButtonToString btn)
:: forall options missing fullU
. Nub fullU (MouseMoveOptions ())
=> Union options missing (MouseMoveOptions ())
=> Union options (MouseMoveOptions ()) fullU
=> Record options
-> Mouse
-> { x :: Number, y :: Number }
-> Aff Unit
moveTo opts mouse xy = Promise.toAffE
$ moveImpl mouse xy
$ Record.merge opts { steps: 1.0 }
:: forall options missing fullU
. Nub fullU (MouseClickOptions ())
=> Union options missing (MouseClickOptions ())
=> Union options (MouseClickOptions ()) fullU
=> Record options
-> Mouse
-> { x :: Number, y :: Number }
-> Aff Unit
click opts mouse xy = Promise.toAffE
$ clickImpl mouse xy
$ Record.modify (Proxy @"button") mouseButtonToString
$ Record.merge opts { button: MouseLeft, count: 1, delay: 0.0 }
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Foreign (Foreign, unsafeToForeign)
import Node.Path (FilePath)
import Puppeteer.Base (Page) as X
import Puppeteer.Base (class PageProducer, CDPSession, Handle, Keyboard, LifecycleEvent, Page, URL, Viewport, duplexLifecycleEvent, duplexViewport, duplexWrite)
import Puppeteer.Base (class PageProducer, CDPSession, Handle, Keyboard, LifecycleEvent, Mouse, Page, URL, Viewport, duplexLifecycleEvent, duplexViewport, duplexWrite)
import Puppeteer.Handle (unsafeCoerceHandle)
import Puppeteer.Selector (class Selector, toCSS)
import Simple.JSON (readImpl, undefined, writeImpl)
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ prepareAddScript (AddModuleRemote url') = writeImpl
foreign import url :: Page -> Effect URL
foreign import keyboard :: Page -> Effect Keyboard
foreign import mouse :: Page -> Effect Unit
foreign import mouse :: Page -> Effect Mouse
foreign import touchscreen :: Page -> Effect Unit
foreign import isClosed :: Page -> Effect Boolean
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
module Puppeteer.Mouse.Spec where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (liftMaybe)
import Data.Array as Array
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Newtype (wrap)
import Data.Time.Duration (Milliseconds(..))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, delay)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Exception (error)
import Puppeteer as Pup
import Puppeteer.Base (timeout')
import Puppeteer.Browser as Pup.Browser
import Puppeteer.Handle as Pup.Handle
import Puppeteer.Handle.HTML as Pup.Handle.HTML
import Puppeteer.Keyboard as Pup.Keyboard
import Puppeteer.Mouse as Mouse
import Puppeteer.Page as Pup.Page
import Puppeteer.Page.Event (connectPageConsole)
import Puppeteer.Page.Event.Spec as Spec.Page.Event
import Puppeteer.Page.WaitFor as Pup.Page.WaitFor
import Test.Spec (SpecT, afterAll, beforeAll, beforeWith, describe)
import Test.Spec.Assertions (shouldEqual)
import Test.Util (failOnPageError, test)
content :: String
content =
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Simple Page</title>
window.addEventListener('load', () => {
document.querySelector('#foo').addEventListener('mouseenter', () => {
const div = document.createElement('div')
() => {
const div = document.createElement('div')
document.querySelector('#foo').addEventListener('wheel', () => {
const div = document.createElement('div')
document.querySelector('#bar').addEventListener('wheel', () => {
const div = document.createElement('div')
document.querySelector('#foo').addEventListener('mousedown', () => {
const div = document.createElement('div')
document.querySelector('#bar').addEventListener('mousedown', () => {
const div = document.createElement('div')
document.querySelector('#foo').addEventListener('mouseup', () => {
const div = document.createElement('div')
document.querySelector('#bar').addEventListener('mouseup', () => {
const div = document.createElement('div')
<div id="foo" style="width: 100px; height: 100px; position: fixed; top: 200px; left: 100px;"></div>
<div id="bar" style="width: 100px; height: 100px; position: fixed; left: 100px;"></div>
spec :: SpecT Aff Unit Effect Unit
spec = beforeAll (Pup.launch_ =<< Pup.new)
$ afterAll Pup.Browser.close
$ describe "Mouse" do
test "move" \b -> do
p <- Pup.Page.new b
liftEffect $ connectPageConsole p
failOnPageError p do
Pup.Page.setContent content Pup.Load p
mouse <- liftEffect $ Pup.Page.mouse p
{ x: fooX, y: fooY } <- liftMaybe (error "#foo does not have bounding box")
=<< Pup.Handle.boundingBox
=<< liftMaybe (error "#foo not found")
=<< Pup.Page.findFirst "div#foo" p
{ x: barX, y: barY } <- liftMaybe (error "#bar does not have bounding box")
=<< Pup.Handle.boundingBox
=<< liftMaybe (error "#bar not found")
=<< Pup.Page.findFirst "div#bar" p
shouldEqual 0 =<< Array.length <$> Pup.Page.findAll "div.foo-mouseenter" p
shouldEqual 0 =<< Array.length <$> Pup.Page.findAll "div.bar-mouseenter" p
Mouse.moveTo { steps: 10.0 } mouse { x: fooX + 1.0, y: fooY + 1.0 }
shouldEqual 1 =<< Array.length <$> Pup.Page.findAll "div.foo-mouseenter" p
shouldEqual 0 =<< Array.length <$> Pup.Page.findAll "div.bar-mouseenter" p
Mouse.moveTo { steps: 10.0 } mouse { x: barX + 1.0, y: barY + 1.0 }
shouldEqual 1 =<< Array.length <$> Pup.Page.findAll "div.foo-mouseenter" p
shouldEqual 1 =<< Array.length <$> Pup.Page.findAll "div.bar-mouseenter" p
test "up / down" \b -> do
p <- Pup.Page.new b
liftEffect $ connectPageConsole p
failOnPageError p do
Pup.Page.setContent content Pup.Load p
mouse <- liftEffect $ Pup.Page.mouse p
{ x: fooX, y: fooY } <- liftMaybe (error "#foo does not have bounding box")
=<< Pup.Handle.boundingBox
=<< liftMaybe (error "#foo not found")
=<< Pup.Page.findFirst "div#foo" p
{ x: barX, y: barY } <- liftMaybe (error "#bar does not have bounding box")
=<< Pup.Handle.boundingBox
=<< liftMaybe (error "#bar not found")
=<< Pup.Page.findFirst "div#bar" p
shouldEqual 0 =<< Array.length <$> Pup.Page.findAll "div.foo-mousedown" p
shouldEqual 0 =<< Array.length <$> Pup.Page.findAll "div.foo-mouseup" p
shouldEqual 0 =<< Array.length <$> Pup.Page.findAll "div.bar-mousedown" p
shouldEqual 0 =<< Array.length <$> Pup.Page.findAll "div.bar-mouseup" p
Mouse.moveTo { steps: 10.0 } mouse { x: fooX + 1.0, y: fooY + 1.0 }
Mouse.down Mouse.MouseLeft mouse
shouldEqual 1 =<< Array.length <$> Pup.Page.findAll "div.foo-mousedown" p
shouldEqual 0 =<< Array.length <$> Pup.Page.findAll "div.foo-mouseup" p
shouldEqual 0 =<< Array.length <$> Pup.Page.findAll "div.bar-mousedown" p
shouldEqual 0 =<< Array.length <$> Pup.Page.findAll "div.bar-mouseup" p
Mouse.up Mouse.MouseLeft mouse
shouldEqual 1 =<< Array.length <$> Pup.Page.findAll "div.foo-mousedown" p
shouldEqual 1 =<< Array.length <$> Pup.Page.findAll "div.foo-mouseup" p
shouldEqual 0 =<< Array.length <$> Pup.Page.findAll "div.bar-mousedown" p
shouldEqual 0 =<< Array.length <$> Pup.Page.findAll "div.bar-mouseup" p
Mouse.moveTo { steps: 10.0 } mouse { x: barX + 1.0, y: barY + 1.0 }
Mouse.down Mouse.MouseLeft mouse
shouldEqual 1 =<< Array.length <$> Pup.Page.findAll "div.foo-mousedown" p
shouldEqual 1 =<< Array.length <$> Pup.Page.findAll "div.foo-mouseup" p
shouldEqual 1 =<< Array.length <$> Pup.Page.findAll "div.bar-mousedown" p
shouldEqual 0 =<< Array.length <$> Pup.Page.findAll "div.bar-mouseup" p
Mouse.up Mouse.MouseLeft mouse
shouldEqual 1 =<< Array.length <$> Pup.Page.findAll "div.foo-mousedown" p
shouldEqual 1 =<< Array.length <$> Pup.Page.findAll "div.foo-mouseup" p
shouldEqual 1 =<< Array.length <$> Pup.Page.findAll "div.bar-mousedown" p
shouldEqual 1 =<< Array.length <$> Pup.Page.findAll "div.bar-mouseup" p
test "click" \b -> do
p <- Pup.Page.new b
liftEffect $ connectPageConsole p
failOnPageError p do
Pup.Page.setContent content Pup.Load p
mouse <- liftEffect $ Pup.Page.mouse p
{ x: fooX, y: fooY } <- liftMaybe (error "#foo does not have bounding box")
=<< Pup.Handle.boundingBox
=<< liftMaybe (error "#foo not found")
=<< Pup.Page.findFirst "div#foo" p
{ x: barX, y: barY } <- liftMaybe (error "#bar does not have bounding box")
=<< Pup.Handle.boundingBox
=<< liftMaybe (error "#bar not found")
=<< Pup.Page.findFirst "div#bar" p
shouldEqual 0 =<< Array.length <$> Pup.Page.findAll "div.foo-mousedown" p
shouldEqual 0 =<< Array.length <$> Pup.Page.findAll "div.foo-mouseup" p
shouldEqual 0 =<< Array.length <$> Pup.Page.findAll "div.bar-mousedown" p
shouldEqual 0 =<< Array.length <$> Pup.Page.findAll "div.bar-mouseup" p
Mouse.click {} mouse { x: fooX + 1.0, y: fooY + 1.0 }
shouldEqual 1 =<< Array.length <$> Pup.Page.findAll "div.foo-mousedown" p
shouldEqual 1 =<< Array.length <$> Pup.Page.findAll "div.foo-mouseup" p
shouldEqual 0 =<< Array.length <$> Pup.Page.findAll "div.bar-mousedown" p
shouldEqual 0 =<< Array.length <$> Pup.Page.findAll "div.bar-mouseup" p
Mouse.click {} mouse { x: barX + 1.0, y: barY + 1.0 }
shouldEqual 1 =<< Array.length <$> Pup.Page.findAll "div.foo-mousedown" p
shouldEqual 1 =<< Array.length <$> Pup.Page.findAll "div.foo-mouseup" p
shouldEqual 1 =<< Array.length <$> Pup.Page.findAll "div.bar-mousedown" p
shouldEqual 1 =<< Array.length <$> Pup.Page.findAll "div.bar-mouseup" p
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Puppeteer as Pup
import Puppeteer.Browser as Pup.Browser
import Puppeteer.Mouse.Spec as Spec.Mouse
import Puppeteer.Browser.Spec as Spec.Browser
import Puppeteer.Handle.Spec as Spec.Handle
import Puppeteer.Page.Spec as Spec.Page
@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ spec = describe "Puppeteer" do
b2 <- Pup.connect (Pup.connectDefault $ Pup.BrowserWebsocket ws) pup
Pup.Browser.close b2
Reference in New Issue
Block a user