import useSWR from "swr"; // fetch keys import { COMMENT_REACTION_LIST } from "@/constants/fetch-keys"; // services import { groupReactions } from "@/helpers/emoji.helper"; import { IssueReactionService } from "@/services/issue"; // helpers import { useUser } from "./store"; // hooks // services const issueReactionService = new IssueReactionService(); const useCommentReaction = ( workspaceSlug?: string | string[] | null, projectId?: string | string[] | null, commendId?: string | string[] | null ) => { const { data: commentReactions, mutate: mutateCommentReactions, error, } = useSWR( workspaceSlug && projectId && commendId ? COMMENT_REACTION_LIST(workspaceSlug.toString(), projectId.toString(), commendId.toString()) : null, workspaceSlug && projectId && commendId ? () => issueReactionService.listIssueCommentReactions( workspaceSlug.toString(), projectId.toString(), commendId.toString() ) : null ); const user = useUser(); const groupedReactions = groupReactions(commentReactions || [], "reaction"); /** * @description Use this function to create user's reaction to an issue. This function will mutate the reactions state. * @param {string} reaction * @example handleReactionDelete("123") // 123 -> is emoji hexa-code */ const handleReactionCreate = async (reaction: string) => { if (!workspaceSlug || !projectId || !commendId) return; const data = await issueReactionService.createIssueCommentReaction( workspaceSlug.toString(), projectId.toString(), commendId.toString(), { reaction } ); mutateCommentReactions((prev: any) => [...(prev || []), data]); }; /** * @description Use this function to delete user's reaction from an issue. This function will mutate the reactions state. * @param {string} reaction * @example handleReactionDelete("123") // 123 -> is emoji hexa-code */ const handleReactionDelete = async (reaction: string) => { if (!workspaceSlug || !projectId || !commendId) return; mutateCommentReactions( (prevData: any) => prevData?.filter((r: any) => !== user?.currentUser?.id || r.reaction !== reaction) || [], false ); await issueReactionService.deleteIssueCommentReaction( workspaceSlug.toString(), projectId.toString(), commendId.toString(), reaction ); mutateCommentReactions(); }; return { isLoading: !commentReactions && !error, commentReactions, groupedReactions, handleReactionCreate, handleReactionDelete, mutateCommentReactions, } as const; }; export default useCommentReaction;