import { useEffect, useState } from "react"; import { useRouter } from "next/router"; // services import { WorkspaceService } from "@/services/workspace.service"; // types import { IUser } from "@plane/types"; const workspaceService = new WorkspaceService(); type Props = { routeAuth?: "sign-in" | "onboarding" | "admin" | null; user: IUser | null; isLoading: boolean; }; const useUserAuth = (props: Props) => { const { routeAuth, user, isLoading } = props; // states const [isRouteAccess, setIsRouteAccess] = useState(true); // router const router = useRouter(); const { next_path } = router.query; const isValidURL = (url: string): boolean => { const disallowedSchemes = /^(https?|ftp):\/\//i; return !disallowedSchemes.test(url); }; useEffect(() => { const handleWorkSpaceRedirection = async () => { workspaceService.userWorkspaces().then(async (userWorkspaces) => { if (!user) return; const firstWorkspace = Object.values(userWorkspaces ?? {})?.[0]; const lastActiveWorkspace = userWorkspaces.find((workspace) => === user?.last_workspace_id); if (lastActiveWorkspace) { router.push(`/${lastActiveWorkspace.slug}`); return; } else if (firstWorkspace) { router.push(`/${firstWorkspace.slug}`); return; } else { router.push(`/profile`); return; } }); }; const handleUserRouteAuthentication = async () => { if (user && user.is_active) { if (routeAuth === "sign-in") { if (user.is_onboarded) handleWorkSpaceRedirection(); else { router.push("/onboarding"); return; } } else if (routeAuth === "onboarding") { if (user.is_onboarded) handleWorkSpaceRedirection(); else { setIsRouteAccess(() => false); return; } } else { if (!user.is_onboarded) { router.push("/onboarding"); return; } else { setIsRouteAccess(() => false); return; } } } else { // user is not active and we can redirect to no access page // router.push("/no-access"); // remove token return; } }; if (routeAuth === null) { setIsRouteAccess(() => false); return; } else { if (!isLoading) { setIsRouteAccess(() => true); if (user) { if (next_path) { if (isValidURL(next_path.toString())) { router.push(next_path.toString()); return; } else { router.push("/"); return; } } else handleUserRouteAuthentication(); } else { if (routeAuth === "sign-in") { setIsRouteAccess(() => false); return; } else { router.push("/"); return; } } } } }, [user, isLoading, routeAuth, router, next_path]); return { isLoading: isRouteAccess, // assignedIssuesLength: user?.assigned_issues ?? 0, // workspaceInvitesLength: user?.workspace_invites ?? 0, }; }; export default useUserAuth;