import { action, observable, makeObservable, computed, runInAction } from "mobx"; // services import { IssueService } from "services/issue/issue.service"; // constants import { ISSUE_PRIORITIES, ISSUE_STATE_GROUPS } from "constants/issue"; // types import { IIssue, IState, TIssueGroupByOptions } from "types"; import { RootStore } from "store/root"; export interface IGroupedIssues { [group_id: string]: string[]; } export interface ISubGroupedIssues { [sub_grouped_id: string]: { [group_id: string]: string[]; }; } export type TUnGroupedIssues = string[]; export interface IIssueResponse { [issue_id: string]: IIssue; } enum issueGroupByKeys { state = "state", "" = "", priority = "priority", labels = "labels", created_by = "created_by", project = "project", assignees = "assignees", mentions = "assignees", } export interface IProjectIssueStore { loader: "init-loader" | "mutation" | null; projectId: string | undefined; issues: | { [project_id: string]: { [issue_id: string]: IIssue; }; } | undefined; // computed groupedIssues: IGroupedIssues | undefined; subGroupedIssues: ISubGroupedIssues | undefined; unGroupedIssues: TUnGroupedIssues | undefined; // actions fetchProjectIssues: (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string) => Promise | undefined; } export class ProjectIssueStore implements IProjectIssueStore { loader: "init-loader" | "mutation" | null = null; projectId: string | undefined = undefined; issues: | { [project_id: string]: { [issue_id: string]: IIssue; }; } | undefined = undefined; // root store rootStore; // service issueService; constructor(_rootStore: RootStore | null = null) { makeObservable(this, { // observable loader: observable.ref, projectId: observable.ref, issues: observable.ref, // computed groupedIssues: computed, subGroupedIssues: computed, unGroupedIssues: computed, // action fetchProjectIssues: action, }); this.rootStore = _rootStore; this.issueService = new IssueService(); } issueDisplayFiltersDefaultData = (): { [filter_key: string]: string[] } => { const data: { [filter_key: string]: string[] } = { state: (this.rootStore?.projectState?.projectStates ?? []).map((i: IState) =>, "": => i.key), priority: => i.key), labels: [...(this.rootStore?.project?.projectLabels ?? []).map((i) =>, "None"], created_by: (this.rootStore?.project?.projectMembers ?? []).map((i) =>, project: (this.rootStore?.project.workspaceProjects ?? []).map((i) =>, assignees: [...(this.rootStore?.project?.projectMembers ?? []).map((i) =>, "None"], }; return data; }; get groupedIssues() { const groupBy: TIssueGroupByOptions | undefined = this.rootStore?.issueFilter.userDisplayFilters.group_by; const projectId: string | undefined | null = this.rootStore?.project.projectId; if (!groupBy || !projectId || !this.issues || !this.issues[projectId]) return undefined; const displayFiltersDefaultData: { [filter_key: string]: string[] } = this.issueDisplayFiltersDefaultData(); const issues: { [group_id: string]: string[] } = {}; displayFiltersDefaultData[groupBy].forEach((group) => { issues[group] = []; }); const projectIssues = this.issues[projectId]; for (const issue in projectIssues) { const _issue = projectIssues[issue]; const groupArray = this.getGroupArray(_issue[issueGroupByKeys[groupBy] as keyof IIssue]); for (const group of groupArray) { if (group && issues[group]) { issues[group].push(; } } } return issues; } get subGroupedIssues() { const subGroupBy: TIssueGroupByOptions | undefined = this.rootStore?.issueFilter.userDisplayFilters.sub_group_by; const groupBy: TIssueGroupByOptions | undefined = this.rootStore?.issueFilter.userDisplayFilters.group_by; const projectId: string | undefined | null = this.rootStore?.project.projectId; if (!subGroupBy || !groupBy || !projectId || !this.issues || !this.issues[projectId]) return undefined; const displayFiltersDefaultData: { [filter_key: string]: string[] } = this.issueDisplayFiltersDefaultData(); const issues: { [sub_group_id: string]: { [group_id: string]: string[] } } = {}; displayFiltersDefaultData[subGroupBy].forEach((sub_group: any) => { const groupByIssues: { [group_id: string]: string[] } = {}; displayFiltersDefaultData[groupBy].forEach((group) => { groupByIssues[group] = []; }); issues[sub_group] = groupByIssues; }); const projectIssues = this.issues[projectId]; for (const issue in projectIssues) { const _issue = projectIssues[issue]; const subGroupArray = this.getGroupArray(_issue[issueGroupByKeys[subGroupBy] as keyof IIssue]); const groupArray = this.getGroupArray(_issue[issueGroupByKeys[groupBy] as keyof IIssue]); for (const subGroup of subGroupArray) { for (const group of groupArray) { if (subGroup && group && issues[subGroup]) { issues[subGroup][group].push(; } } } } return issues; } get unGroupedIssues() { if (!this.projectId || !this.issues || !this.issues[this.projectId]) return undefined; return Object.keys(this.issues[this.projectId]); } fetchProjectIssues = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string) => { try { this.projectId = projectId; this.rootStore?.project.setProjectId(projectId); const response = await this.issueService.getV3Issues(workspaceSlug, projectId); const _issues = { ...this.issues, [projectId]: { ...response }, }; runInAction(() => { this.issues = _issues; }); return response; } catch (error) { throw error; } }; /** * * @description this function helps to convert the typeof value (array | string | null) to array and returns an array */ getGroupArray(value: string[] | string | null) { if (Array.isArray(value)) { return value; } else { return [value || "None"]; } } }