// ui import { BarGraph, ProfileEmptyState } from "components/ui"; import { Loader } from "@plane/ui"; // image import emptyBarGraph from "public/empty-state/empty_bar_graph.svg"; // helpers import { capitalizeFirstLetter } from "helpers/string.helper"; // types import { IUserProfileData } from "types"; type Props = { userProfile: IUserProfileData | undefined; }; export const ProfilePriorityDistribution: React.FC<Props> = ({ userProfile }) => ( <div className="flex flex-col space-y-2"> <h3 className="text-lg font-medium">Issues by Priority</h3> {userProfile ? ( <div className="flex-grow border border-custom-border-100 rounded"> {userProfile.priority_distribution.length > 0 ? ( <BarGraph data={userProfile.priority_distribution.map((priority) => ({ priority: capitalizeFirstLetter(priority.priority ?? "None"), value: priority.priority_count, }))} height="300px" indexBy="priority" keys={["value"]} borderRadius={4} padding={0.7} customYAxisTickValues={userProfile.priority_distribution.map((p) => p.priority_count)} tooltip={(datum) => ( <div className="flex items-center gap-2 rounded-md border border-custom-border-200 bg-custom-background-80 p-2 text-xs"> <span className="h-3 w-3 rounded" style={{ backgroundColor: datum.color, }} /> <span className="font-medium text-custom-text-200">{datum.data.priority}:</span> <span>{datum.value}</span> </div> )} colors={(datum) => { if (datum.data.priority === "Urgent") return "#991b1b"; else if (datum.data.priority === "High") return "#ef4444"; else if (datum.data.priority === "Medium") return "#f59e0b"; else if (datum.data.priority === "Low") return "#16a34a"; else return "#e5e5e5"; }} theme={{ axis: { domain: { line: { stroke: "transparent", }, }, }, grid: { line: { stroke: "transparent", }, }, }} /> ) : ( <div className="flex-grow p-7"> <ProfileEmptyState title="No Data yet" description="Create issues to view the them by priority in the graph for better analysis." image={emptyBarGraph} /> </div> )} </div> ) : ( <div className="grid place-items-center p-7"> <Loader className="flex items-end gap-12"> <Loader.Item width="30px" height="200px" /> <Loader.Item width="30px" height="150px" /> <Loader.Item width="30px" height="250px" /> <Loader.Item width="30px" height="150px" /> <Loader.Item width="30px" height="100px" /> </Loader> </div> )} </div> );