import { useEffect, useState } from "react"; import { observer } from "mobx-react-lite"; import useSWR from "swr"; import { useTheme } from "next-themes"; import { useRouter, useSearchParams } from "next/navigation"; // mobx store import { useMobxStore } from "lib/mobx/store-provider"; // helpers import { applyTheme, unsetCustomCssVariables } from "helpers/theme.helper"; const MobxStoreInit = observer(() => { // router const router = useRouter(); const searchParams = useSearchParams() console.log("searchParams", searchParams); const workspaceSlug = searchParams.get("workspaceSlug"); const projectId = searchParams.get("projectId"); const cycleId = searchParams.get("cycleId"); const moduleId = searchParams.get("moduleId"); const globalViewId = searchParams.get("globalViewId"); const viewId = searchParams.get("viewId"); const inboxId = searchParams.get("inboxId"); // store const { theme: { sidebarCollapsed, toggleSidebar }, user: { currentUser }, workspace: { setWorkspaceSlug }, project: { setProjectId }, cycle: { setCycleId }, module: { setModuleId }, globalViews: { setGlobalViewId }, projectViews: { setViewId }, inbox: { setInboxId }, appConfig: { fetchAppConfig }, } = useMobxStore(); // fetching application Config useSWR("APP_CONFIG", () => fetchAppConfig(), { revalidateIfStale: false, revalidateOnFocus: false }); // state const [dom, setDom] = useState(); // theme const { setTheme } = useTheme(); /** * Sidebar collapsed fetching from local storage */ useEffect(() => { const localValue = localStorage && localStorage.getItem("app_sidebar_collapsed"); const localBoolValue = localValue ? (localValue === "true" ? true : false) : false; if (localValue && sidebarCollapsed === undefined) { toggleSidebar(localBoolValue); } }, [sidebarCollapsed, currentUser, setTheme, toggleSidebar]); /** * Setting up the theme of the user by fetching it from local storage */ useEffect(() => { if (!currentUser) return; if (window) { setDom(window.document?.querySelector("[data-theme='custom']")); } setTheme(currentUser?.theme?.theme || "system"); if (currentUser?.theme?.theme === "custom" && dom) { applyTheme(currentUser?.theme?.palette, false); } else unsetCustomCssVariables(); }, [currentUser, setTheme, dom]); /** * Setting router info to the respective stores. */ useEffect(() => { if (workspaceSlug) setWorkspaceSlug(workspaceSlug.toString()); if (projectId) setProjectId(projectId.toString()); if (cycleId) setCycleId(cycleId.toString()); if (moduleId) setModuleId(moduleId.toString()); if (globalViewId) setGlobalViewId(globalViewId.toString()); if (viewId) setViewId(viewId.toString()); if (inboxId) setInboxId(inboxId.toString()); }, [ workspaceSlug, projectId, cycleId, moduleId, globalViewId, viewId, inboxId, setWorkspaceSlug, setProjectId, setCycleId, setModuleId, setGlobalViewId, setViewId, setInboxId, ]); return <>; }); export default MobxStoreInit;