#!/bin/bash BRANCH=master SCRIPT_DIR=$PWD SERVICE_FOLDER=plane-app PLANE_INSTALL_DIR=$PWD/$SERVICE_FOLDER export APP_RELEASE=$BRANCH export DOCKERHUB_USER=makeplane export PULL_POLICY=always USE_GLOBAL_IMAGES=1 RED='\033[0;31m' YELLOW='\033[1;33m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' NC='\033[0m' # No Color function print_header() { clear cat <<"EOF" -------------------------------------------- ____ _ ///////// | _ \| | __ _ _ __ ___ ///////// | |_) | |/ _` | '_ \ / _ \ ///// ///// | __/| | (_| | | | | __/ ///// ///// |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\___| //// //// -------------------------------------------- Project management tool from the future -------------------------------------------- EOF } function buildLocalImage() { if [ "$1" == "--force-build" ]; then DO_BUILD="1" elif [ "$1" == "--skip-build" ]; then DO_BUILD="2" else printf "\n" >&2 printf "${YELLOW}You are on ${CPU_ARCH} cpu architecture. ${NC}\n" >&2 printf "${YELLOW}Since the prebuilt ${CPU_ARCH} compatible docker images are not available for, we will be running the docker build on this system. ${NC} \n" >&2 printf "${YELLOW}This might take ${YELLOW}5-30 min based on your system's hardware configuration. \n ${NC} \n" >&2 printf "\n" >&2 printf "${GREEN}Select an option to proceed: ${NC}\n" >&2 printf " 1) Build Fresh Images \n" >&2 printf " 2) Skip Building Images \n" >&2 printf " 3) Exit \n" >&2 printf "\n" >&2 read -p "Select Option [1]: " DO_BUILD until [[ -z "$DO_BUILD" || "$DO_BUILD" =~ ^[1-3]$ ]]; do echo "$DO_BUILD: invalid selection." >&2 read -p "Select Option [1]: " DO_BUILD done echo "" >&2 fi if [ "$DO_BUILD" == "1" ] || [ "$DO_BUILD" == "" ]; then REPO=https://github.com/makeplane/plane.git CURR_DIR=$PWD PLANE_TEMP_CODE_DIR=$(mktemp -d) git clone $REPO $PLANE_TEMP_CODE_DIR --branch $BRANCH --single-branch cp $PLANE_TEMP_CODE_DIR/deploy/selfhost/build.yml $PLANE_TEMP_CODE_DIR/build.yml cd $PLANE_TEMP_CODE_DIR if [ "$BRANCH" == "master" ]; then export APP_RELEASE=stable fi /bin/bash -c "$COMPOSE_CMD -f build.yml build --no-cache" >&2 # cd $CURR_DIR # rm -rf $PLANE_TEMP_CODE_DIR echo "build_completed" elif [ "$DO_BUILD" == "2" ]; then printf "${YELLOW}Build action skipped by you in lieu of using existing images. ${NC} \n" >&2 echo "build_skipped" elif [ "$DO_BUILD" == "3" ]; then echo "build_exited" else printf "INVALID OPTION SUPPLIED" >&2 fi } function install() { echo "Installing Plane.........." download } function download() { cd $SCRIPT_DIR TS=$(date +%s) if [ -f "$PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/docker-compose.yaml" ] then mv $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/docker-compose.yaml $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/archive/$TS.docker-compose.yaml fi curl -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store' -s -o $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/docker-compose.yaml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/makeplane/plane/$BRANCH/deploy/selfhost/docker-compose.yml?$(date +%s) curl -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store' -s -o $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/variables-upgrade.env https://raw.githubusercontent.com/makeplane/plane/$BRANCH/deploy/selfhost/variables.env?$(date +%s) if [ -f "$DOCKER_ENV_PATH" ]; then cp $DOCKER_ENV_PATH $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/archive/$TS.env else mv $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/variables-upgrade.env $DOCKER_ENV_PATH fi if [ "$BRANCH" != "master" ]; then cp $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/docker-compose.yaml $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/temp.yaml sed -e 's@${APP_RELEASE:-stable}@'"$BRANCH"'@g' \ $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/temp.yaml > $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/docker-compose.yaml rm $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/temp.yaml fi if [ $USE_GLOBAL_IMAGES == 0 ]; then local res=$(buildLocalImage) # echo $res if [ "$res" == "build_exited" ]; then echo echo "Install action cancelled by you. Exiting now." echo exit 0 fi else /bin/bash -c "$COMPOSE_CMD -f $DOCKER_FILE_PATH --env-file=$DOCKER_ENV_PATH pull" fi echo "" echo "Most recent Stable version is now available for you to use" echo "" echo "In case of Upgrade, your new setting file is availabe as 'variables-upgrade.env'. Please compare and set the required values in 'plane.env 'file." echo "" } function startServices() { /bin/bash -c "$COMPOSE_CMD -f $DOCKER_FILE_PATH --env-file=$DOCKER_ENV_PATH up -d --quiet-pull" local migrator_container_id=$(docker container ls -aq -f "name=$SERVICE_FOLDER-migrator") if [ -n "$migrator_container_id" ]; then local idx=0 while docker inspect --format='{{.State.Status}}' $migrator_container_id | grep -q "running"; do local message=">> Waiting for Data Migration to finish" local dots=$(printf '%*s' $idx | tr ' ' '.') echo -ne "\r$message$dots" ((idx++)) sleep 1 done fi printf "\r\033[K" echo "" echo " Data Migration completed successfully ✅" # if migrator exit status is not 0, show error message and exit if [ -n "$migrator_container_id" ]; then local migrator_exit_code=$(docker inspect --format='{{.State.ExitCode}}' $migrator_container_id) if [ $migrator_exit_code -ne 0 ]; then echo "Plane Server failed to start ❌" # stopServices echo echo "Please check the logs for the 'migrator' service and resolve the issue(s)." echo "Stop the services by running the command: ./setup.sh stop" exit 1 fi fi local api_container_id=$(docker container ls -q -f "name=$SERVICE_FOLDER-api") local idx2=0 while ! docker logs $api_container_id 2>&1 | grep -m 1 -i "Application startup complete" | grep -q "."; do local message=">> Waiting for API Service to Start" local dots=$(printf '%*s' $idx2 | tr ' ' '.') echo -ne "\r$message$dots" ((idx2++)) sleep 1 done printf "\r\033[K" echo " API Service started successfully ✅" source "${DOCKER_ENV_PATH}" echo " Plane Server started successfully ✅" echo "" echo " You can access the application at $WEB_URL" echo "" } function stopServices() { /bin/bash -c "$COMPOSE_CMD -f $DOCKER_FILE_PATH --env-file=$DOCKER_ENV_PATH down" } function restartServices() { stopServices startServices } function upgrade() { echo "***** STOPPING SERVICES ****" stopServices echo echo "***** DOWNLOADING STABLE VERSION ****" download echo "***** PLEASE VALIDATE AND START SERVICES ****" } function viewSpecificLogs(){ local SERVICE_NAME=$1 if /bin/bash -c "$COMPOSE_CMD -f $DOCKER_FILE_PATH ps | grep -q '$SERVICE_NAME'"; then echo "Service '$SERVICE_NAME' is running." else echo "Service '$SERVICE_NAME' is not running." fi /bin/bash -c "$COMPOSE_CMD -f $DOCKER_FILE_PATH logs -f $SERVICE_NAME" } function viewLogs(){ ARG_SERVICE_NAME=$2 if [ -z "$ARG_SERVICE_NAME" ]; then echo echo "Select a Service you want to view the logs for:" echo " 1) Web" echo " 2) Space" echo " 3) API" echo " 4) Worker" echo " 5) Beat-Worker" echo " 6) Migrator" echo " 7) Proxy" echo " 8) Redis" echo " 9) Postgres" echo " 10) Minio" echo " 0) Back to Main Menu" echo read -p "Service: " DOCKER_SERVICE_NAME until (( DOCKER_SERVICE_NAME >= 0 && DOCKER_SERVICE_NAME <= 10 )); do echo "Invalid selection. Please enter a number between 1 and 11." read -p "Service: " DOCKER_SERVICE_NAME done if [ -z "$DOCKER_SERVICE_NAME" ]; then echo "INVALID SERVICE NAME SUPPLIED" else case $DOCKER_SERVICE_NAME in 1) viewSpecificLogs "web";; 2) viewSpecificLogs "space";; 3) viewSpecificLogs "api";; 4) viewSpecificLogs "worker";; 5) viewSpecificLogs "beat-worker";; 6) viewSpecificLogs "migrator";; 7) viewSpecificLogs "proxy";; 8) viewSpecificLogs "plane-redis";; 9) viewSpecificLogs "plane-db";; 10) viewSpecificLogs "plane-minio";; 0) askForAction;; *) echo "INVALID SERVICE NAME SUPPLIED";; esac fi elif [ -n "$ARG_SERVICE_NAME" ]; then ARG_SERVICE_NAME=$(echo "$ARG_SERVICE_NAME" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') case $ARG_SERVICE_NAME in web) viewSpecificLogs "web";; space) viewSpecificLogs "space";; api) viewSpecificLogs "api";; worker) viewSpecificLogs "worker";; beat-worker) viewSpecificLogs "beat-worker";; migrator) viewSpecificLogs "migrator";; proxy) viewSpecificLogs "proxy";; redis) viewSpecificLogs "plane-redis";; postgres) viewSpecificLogs "plane-db";; minio) viewSpecificLogs "plane-minio";; *) echo "INVALID SERVICE NAME SUPPLIED";; esac else echo "INVALID SERVICE NAME SUPPLIED" fi } function backupSingleVolume() { backupFolder=$1 selectedVolume=$2 # Backup data from Docker volume to the backup folder docker run --rm -v "$selectedVolume":/source -v "$backupFolder":/backup busybox sh -c 'cp -r /source/* /backup/' } function backupData() { local datetime=$(date +"%Y%m%d-%H%M") local BACKUP_FOLDER=$PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/backup/$datetime mkdir -p "$BACKUP_FOLDER" volumes=$(docker volume ls -f "name=plane-app" --format "{{.Name}}" | grep -E "_pgdata|_redisdata|_uploads") # Check if there are any matching volumes if [ -z "$volumes" ]; then echo "No volumes found starting with 'plane-app'" exit 1 fi for vol in $volumes; do # selected_volume=$(echo "$volumes" | sed -n "${volume_number}p") local backup_folder="$BACKUP_FOLDER/$vol" mkdir -p "$backup_folder" echo "Backing Up $vol" backupSingleVolume "$backup_folder" "$vol" done echo "" echo "Backup completed successfully. Backup files are stored in $BACKUP_FOLDER" echo "" } function askForAction() { local DEFAULT_ACTION=$1 if [ -z "$DEFAULT_ACTION" ]; then echo echo "Select a Action you want to perform:" echo " 1) Install (${CPU_ARCH})" echo " 2) Start" echo " 3) Stop" echo " 4) Restart" echo " 5) Upgrade" echo " 6) View Logs" echo " 7) Backup Data" echo " 8) Exit" echo read -p "Action [2]: " ACTION until [[ -z "$ACTION" || "$ACTION" =~ ^[1-8]$ ]]; do echo "$ACTION: invalid selection." read -p "Action [2]: " ACTION done if [ -z "$ACTION" ]; then ACTION=2 fi echo fi if [ "$ACTION" == "1" ] || [ "$DEFAULT_ACTION" == "install" ] then install askForAction elif [ "$ACTION" == "2" ] || [ "$DEFAULT_ACTION" == "start" ] then startServices # askForAction elif [ "$ACTION" == "3" ] || [ "$DEFAULT_ACTION" == "stop" ] then stopServices # askForAction elif [ "$ACTION" == "4" ] || [ "$DEFAULT_ACTION" == "restart" ] then restartServices # askForAction elif [ "$ACTION" == "5" ] || [ "$DEFAULT_ACTION" == "upgrade" ] then upgrade askForAction elif [ "$ACTION" == "6" ] || [ "$DEFAULT_ACTION" == "logs" ] then viewLogs $@ askForAction elif [ "$ACTION" == "7" ] || [ "$DEFAULT_ACTION" == "backup" ] then backupData askForAction elif [ "$ACTION" == "8" ] then exit 0 else echo "INVALID ACTION SUPPLIED" fi } # if docker-compose is installed if command -v docker-compose &> /dev/null then COMPOSE_CMD="docker-compose" else COMPOSE_CMD="docker compose" fi # CPU ARCHITECHTURE BASED SETTINGS CPU_ARCH=$(uname -m) if [[ $FORCE_CPU == "amd64" || $CPU_ARCH == "amd64" || $CPU_ARCH == "x86_64" || ( $BRANCH == "master" && ( $CPU_ARCH == "arm64" || $CPU_ARCH == "aarch64" ) ) ]]; then USE_GLOBAL_IMAGES=1 DOCKERHUB_USER=makeplane PULL_POLICY=always else USE_GLOBAL_IMAGES=0 DOCKERHUB_USER=myplane PULL_POLICY=never fi if [ "$BRANCH" == "master" ]; then export APP_RELEASE=stable fi # REMOVE SPECIAL CHARACTERS FROM BRANCH NAME if [ "$BRANCH" != "master" ]; then SERVICE_FOLDER=plane-app-$(echo $BRANCH | sed -r 's@(\/|" "|\.)@-@g') PLANE_INSTALL_DIR=$PWD/$SERVICE_FOLDER fi mkdir -p $PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/archive DOCKER_FILE_PATH=$PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/docker-compose.yaml DOCKER_ENV_PATH=$PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/plane.env # BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY OLD_DOCKER_ENV_PATH=$PLANE_INSTALL_DIR/.env if [ -f "$OLD_DOCKER_ENV_PATH" ]; then mv "$OLD_DOCKER_ENV_PATH" "$DOCKER_ENV_PATH" OS_NAME=$(uname) if [ "$OS_NAME" == "Darwin" ]; then sed -i '' -e 's@APP_RELEASE=latest@APP_RELEASE=stable@' "$DOCKER_ENV_PATH" else sed -i -e 's@APP_RELEASE=latest@APP_RELEASE=stable@' "$DOCKER_ENV_PATH" fi fi print_header askForAction $@