import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect } from "react"; // types import { Props } from "./types"; // Updates the height of a <textarea> when the value changes. const useAutosizeTextArea = (textAreaRef: HTMLTextAreaElement | null, value: any) => { useEffect(() => { if (textAreaRef) { // We need to reset the height momentarily to get the correct scrollHeight for the textarea = "0px"; const scrollHeight = textAreaRef.scrollHeight; // We then set the height directly, outside of the render loop // Trying to set this with state or a ref will product an incorrect value. = scrollHeight + "px"; } }, [textAreaRef, value]); }; export const TextArea: React.FC<Props> = ({ id, label, className = "", value, placeholder, name, register, mode = "primary", rows, cols, disabled, error, validations, noPadding = false, onChange, }) => { const [textareaValue, setTextareaValue] = useState(value ?? ""); const textAreaRef = useRef<any>(null); useAutosizeTextArea(textAreaRef.current, textareaValue); return ( <> {label && ( <label htmlFor={id} className="mb-2 text-brand-secondary"> {label} </label> )} <textarea id={id} placeholder={placeholder} value={value} rows={rows} cols={cols} disabled={disabled} {...(register && register(name, validations))} ref={(e) => { textAreaRef.current = e; if (register) register(name).ref(e); }} onChange={(e) => { register && register(name).onChange(e); onChange && onChange(e); setTextareaValue(; }} className={`no-scrollbar w-full bg-transparent ${ noPadding ? "" : "px-3 py-2" } outline-none ${ mode === "primary" ? "rounded-md border border-brand-base" : mode === "transparent" ? "rounded border-none bg-transparent ring-0 transition-all focus:ring-1 focus:ring-theme" : "" } ${error ? "border-red-500" : ""} ${ error && mode === "primary" ? "bg-red-100" : "" } ${className}`} {} /> {error?.message && <div className="text-sm text-red-500">{error.message}</div>} </> ); };