forked from github/plane
* fix: fixed `usePage` hook returning context instead of IPageStore * fix: updated recent pages with `updated_at` instead of `created_at` * fix: thown error instead of returning empty array
375 lines
12 KiB
375 lines
12 KiB
import { action, computed, makeObservable, observable, runInAction } from "mobx";
import set from "lodash/set";
import omit from "lodash/omit";
import isToday from "date-fns/isToday";
import isThisWeek from "date-fns/isThisWeek";
import isYesterday from "date-fns/isYesterday";
// services
import { PageService } from "services/page.service";
// helpers
import { renderFormattedPayloadDate } from "helpers/date-time.helper";
// types
import { IPage, IRecentPages } from "@plane/types";
// store
import { RootStore } from "./";
export interface IPageStore {
pages: Record<string, IPage>;
archivedPages: Record<string, IPage>;
// project computed
projectPageIds: string[] | null;
favoriteProjectPageIds: string[] | null;
privateProjectPageIds: string[] | null;
publicProjectPageIds: string[] | null;
archivedProjectPageIds: string[] | null;
recentProjectPages: IRecentPages | null;
// fetch page information actions
getUnArchivedPageById: (pageId: string) => IPage | null;
getArchivedPageById: (pageId: string) => IPage | null;
// fetch actions
fetchProjectPages: (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string) => Promise<IPage[]>;
fetchArchivedProjectPages: (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string) => Promise<IPage[]>;
// favorites actions
addToFavorites: (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, pageId: string) => Promise<void>;
removeFromFavorites: (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, pageId: string) => Promise<void>;
// crud
createPage: (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, data: Partial<IPage>) => Promise<IPage>;
updatePage: (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, pageId: string, data: Partial<IPage>) => Promise<IPage>;
deletePage: (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, pageId: string) => Promise<void>;
// access control actions
makePublic: (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, pageId: string) => Promise<void>;
makePrivate: (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, pageId: string) => Promise<void>;
// archive actions
archivePage: (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, pageId: string) => Promise<void>;
restorePage: (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, pageId: string) => Promise<void>;
export class PageStore implements IPageStore {
pages: Record<string, IPage> = {};
archivedPages: Record<string, IPage> = {};
// services
// stores
constructor(rootStore: RootStore) {
makeObservable(this, {
pages: observable,
archivedPages: observable,
// computed
projectPageIds: computed,
favoriteProjectPageIds: computed,
publicProjectPageIds: computed,
privateProjectPageIds: computed,
archivedProjectPageIds: computed,
recentProjectPages: computed,
// computed actions
getUnArchivedPageById: action,
getArchivedPageById: action,
// fetch actions
fetchProjectPages: action,
fetchArchivedProjectPages: action,
// favorites actions
addToFavorites: action,
removeFromFavorites: action,
// crud
createPage: action,
updatePage: action,
deletePage: action,
// access control actions
makePublic: action,
makePrivate: action,
// archive actions
archivePage: action,
restorePage: action,
// stores
this.rootStore = rootStore;
// services
this.pageService = new PageService();
* retrieves all pages for a projectId that is available in the url.
get projectPageIds() {
const projectId =;
if (!projectId) return null;
const projectPageIds = Object.keys(this.pages).filter((pageId) => this.pages?.[pageId]?.project === projectId);
return projectPageIds ?? null;
* retrieves all favorite pages for a projectId that is available in the url.
get favoriteProjectPageIds() {
if (!this.projectPageIds) return null;
const favoritePagesIds = Object.keys(this.projectPageIds).filter((pageId) => this.pages?.[pageId]?.is_favorite);
return favoritePagesIds ?? null;
* retrieves all private pages for a projectId that is available in the url.
get privateProjectPageIds() {
if (!this.projectPageIds) return null;
const privatePagesIds = Object.keys(this.projectPageIds).filter((pageId) => this.pages?.[pageId]?.access === 1);
return privatePagesIds ?? null;
* retrieves all shared pages which are public to everyone in the project for a projectId that is available in the url.
get publicProjectPageIds() {
if (!this.projectPageIds) return null;
const publicPagesIds = Object.keys(this.projectPageIds).filter((pageId) => this.pages?.[pageId]?.access === 0);
return publicPagesIds ?? null;
* retrieves all recent pages for a projectId that is available in the url.
* In format where today, yesterday, this_week, older are keys.
get recentProjectPages() {
if (!this.projectPageIds) return null;
const data: IRecentPages = { today: [], yesterday: [], this_week: [], older: [] };
| = this.projectPageIds.filter((p) => isToday(new Date(this.pages?.[p]?.updated_at))) || [];
data.yesterday = this.projectPageIds.filter((p) => isYesterday(new Date(this.pages?.[p]?.updated_at))) || [];
data.this_week =
this.projectPageIds.filter((p) => {
const pageUpdatedAt = this.pages?.[p]?.updated_at;
return (
isThisWeek(new Date(pageUpdatedAt)) &&
!isToday(new Date(pageUpdatedAt)) &&
!isYesterday(new Date(pageUpdatedAt))
}) || [];
data.older =
this.projectPageIds.filter((p) => {
const pageUpdatedAt = this.pages?.[p]?.updated_at;
return !isThisWeek(new Date(pageUpdatedAt)) && !isYesterday(new Date(pageUpdatedAt));
}) || [];
return data;
* retrieves all archived pages for a projectId that is available in the url.
get archivedProjectPageIds() {
const projectId =;
if (!projectId) return null;
const archivedProjectPageIds = Object.keys(this.archivedPages).filter(
(pageId) => this.archivedPages?.[pageId]?.project === projectId
return archivedProjectPageIds ?? null;
* retrieves a page from pages by id.
* @param pageId
* @returns IPage | null
getUnArchivedPageById = (pageId: string) => this.pages?.[pageId] ?? null;
* retrieves a page from archived pages by id.
* @param pageId
* @returns IPage | null
getArchivedPageById = (pageId: string) => this.archivedPages?.[pageId] ?? null;
* fetches all pages for a project.
* @param workspaceSlug
* @param projectId
* @returns Promise<IPage[]>
fetchProjectPages = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string) => {
try {
return await this.pageService.getProjectPages(workspaceSlug, projectId).then((response) => {
console.log("Response from backend 1", response);
runInAction(() => {
response.forEach((page) => {
set(this.pages, [], page);
return response;
} catch (error) {
throw error;
* fetches all archived pages for a project.
* @param workspaceSlug
* @param projectId
* @returns Promise<IPage[]>
fetchArchivedProjectPages = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string) =>
await this.pageService.getArchivedPages(workspaceSlug, projectId).then((response) => {
runInAction(() => {
response.forEach((page) => {
set(this.archivedPages, [], page);
return response;
* Add Page to users favorites list
* @param workspaceSlug
* @param projectId
* @param pageId
addToFavorites = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, pageId: string) => {
try {
runInAction(() => {
set(this.pages, [pageId, "is_favorite"], true);
await this.pageService.addPageToFavorites(workspaceSlug, projectId, pageId);
} catch (error) {
runInAction(() => {
set(this.pages, [pageId, "is_favorite"], false);
throw error;
* Remove page from the users favorites list
* @param workspaceSlug
* @param projectId
* @param pageId
removeFromFavorites = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, pageId: string) => {
try {
runInAction(() => {
set(this.pages, [pageId, "is_favorite"], false);
await this.pageService.removePageFromFavorites(workspaceSlug, projectId, pageId);
} catch (error) {
runInAction(() => {
set(this.pages, [pageId, "is_favorite"], true);
throw error;
* Creates a new page using the api and updated the local state in store
* @param workspaceSlug
* @param projectId
* @param data
createPage = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, data: Partial<IPage>) =>
await this.pageService.createPage(workspaceSlug, projectId, data).then((response) => {
runInAction(() => {
set(this.pages, [], response);
return response;
* updates the page using the api and updates the local state in store
* @param workspaceSlug
* @param projectId
* @param pageId
* @param data
* @returns
updatePage = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, pageId: string, data: Partial<IPage>) =>
await this.pageService.patchPage(workspaceSlug, projectId, pageId, data).then((response) => {
const originalPage = this.getUnArchivedPageById(pageId);
runInAction(() => {
set(this.pages, [pageId], { ...originalPage, });
return response;
* delete a page using the api and updates the local state in store
* @param workspaceSlug
* @param projectId
* @param pageId
* @returns
deletePage = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, pageId: string) =>
await this.pageService.deletePage(workspaceSlug, projectId, pageId).then((response) => {
runInAction(() => {
omit(this.archivedPages, [pageId]);
return response;
* make a page public
* @param workspaceSlug
* @param projectId
* @param pageId
* @returns
makePublic = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, pageId: string) => {
try {
runInAction(() => {
set(this.pages, [pageId, "access"], 0);
await this.pageService.patchPage(workspaceSlug, projectId, pageId, { access: 0 });
} catch (error) {
runInAction(() => {
set(this.pages, [pageId, "access"], 1);
throw error;
* Make a page private
* @param workspaceSlug
* @param projectId
* @param pageId
* @returns
makePrivate = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, pageId: string) => {
try {
runInAction(() => {
set(this.pages, [pageId, "access"], 1);
await this.pageService.patchPage(workspaceSlug, projectId, pageId, { access: 1 });
} catch (error) {
runInAction(() => {
set(this.pages, [pageId, "access"], 0);
throw error;
* Mark a page archived
* @param workspaceSlug
* @param projectId
* @param pageId
archivePage = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, pageId: string) =>
await this.pageService.archivePage(workspaceSlug, projectId, pageId).then(() => {
runInAction(() => {
set(this.archivedPages, [pageId], this.pages[pageId]);
set(this.archivedPages, [pageId, "archived_at"], renderFormattedPayloadDate(new Date()));
omit(this.pages, [pageId]);
* Restore a page from archived pages to pages
* @param workspaceSlug
* @param projectId
* @param pageId
restorePage = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, pageId: string) =>
await this.pageService.restorePage(workspaceSlug, projectId, pageId).then(() => {
runInAction(() => {
set(this.pages, [pageId], this.archivedPages[pageId]);
omit(this.archivedPages, [pageId]);