forked from github/plane
* chore: moved app & space from apps to root * chore: modified workspace configuration * chore: modified dockerfiles for space and web * chore: modified icons for space * feat: updated files for new svg icons supported by next-images * chore: added /spaces base path for next * chore: added compose config for space * chore: updated husky configuration * chore: updated workflows for new configuration * chore: changed app name to web * fix: resolved build errors with web * chore: reset file tracing root for both projects * chore: added nginx config for deploy * fix: eslint and tsconfig settings for space app * husky setup fixes based on new dir * eslint fixes * prettier formatting --------- Co-authored-by: Henit Chobisa <>
32 lines
2.9 KiB
32 lines
2.9 KiB
import React from "react";
type Props = {
width?: string;
height?: string;
className?: string;
color?: string;
export const ModulePausedIcon: React.FC<Props> = ({ width = "20", height = "20", className }) => (
viewBox="0 0 16 16"
<g clip-path="url(#clip0_4052_100275)">
d="M6.4435 10.34C6.6145 10.34 6.75667 10.2825 6.87 10.1675C6.98333 10.0525 7.04 9.91 7.04 9.74V6.24C7.04 6.07 6.98217 5.9275 6.8665 5.8125C6.75082 5.6975 6.60749 5.64 6.4365 5.64C6.2655 5.64 6.12333 5.6975 6.01 5.8125C5.89667 5.9275 5.84 6.07 5.84 6.24V9.74C5.84 9.91 5.89783 10.0525 6.0135 10.1675C6.12918 10.2825 6.27251 10.34 6.4435 10.34ZM9.5635 10.34C9.7345 10.34 9.87667 10.2825 9.99 10.1675C10.1033 10.0525 10.16 9.91 10.16 9.74V6.24C10.16 6.07 10.1022 5.9275 9.9865 5.8125C9.87082 5.6975 9.72749 5.64 9.5565 5.64C9.3855 5.64 9.24333 5.6975 9.13 5.8125C9.01667 5.9275 8.96 6.07 8.96 6.24V9.74C8.96 9.91 9.01783 10.0525 9.1335 10.1675C9.24918 10.2825 9.39251 10.34 9.5635 10.34ZM8 16C6.89333 16 5.85333 15.79 4.88 15.37C3.90667 14.95 3.06 14.38 2.34 13.66C1.62 12.94 1.05 12.0933 0.63 11.12C0.21 10.1467 0 9.10667 0 8C0 7.54667 0.0366667 7.09993 0.11 6.6598C0.183333 6.21965 0.293333 5.78639 0.44 5.36C0.493333 5.21333 0.593333 5.11667 0.74 5.07C0.886667 5.02333 1.02667 5.04199 1.16 5.12596C1.30285 5.20993 1.40523 5.33327 1.46714 5.49596C1.52905 5.65865 1.54 5.82 1.5 5.98C1.42 6.31333 1.35 6.64765 1.29 6.98294C1.23 7.31823 1.2 7.65725 1.2 8C1.2 9.89833 1.85875 11.5063 3.17624 12.8238C4.49375 14.1413 6.10167 14.8 8 14.8C9.89833 14.8 11.5063 14.1413 12.8238 12.8238C14.1413 11.5063 14.8 9.89833 14.8 8C14.8 6.10167 14.1413 4.49375 12.8238 3.17624C11.5063 1.85875 9.89833 1.2 8 1.2C7.63235 1.2 7.26852 1.22667 6.90852 1.28C6.54852 1.33333 6.19235 1.41333 5.84 1.52C5.68 1.57333 5.52 1.56667 5.36 1.5C5.2 1.43333 5.08667 1.32667 5.02 1.18C4.95333 1.03333 4.96 0.886667 5.04 0.74C5.12 0.593333 5.23333 0.493333 5.38 0.44C5.79333 0.306667 6.21333 0.2 6.64 0.12C7.06667 0.04 7.49333 0 7.92 0C9.02667 0 10.07 0.21 11.05 0.63C12.03 1.05 12.8863 1.62 13.6189 2.34C14.3516 3.06 14.9316 3.90667 15.3589 4.88C15.7863 5.85333 16 6.89333 16 8C16 9.10667 15.79 10.1467 15.37 11.12C14.95 12.0933 14.38 12.94 13.66 13.66C12.94 14.38 12.0933 14.95 11.12 15.37C10.1467 15.79 9.10667 16 8 16ZM2.65764 3.62C2.37921 3.62 2.14333 3.52255 1.95 3.32764C1.75667 3.13275 1.66 2.89608 1.66 2.61764C1.66 2.33921 1.75745 2.10333 1.95236 1.91C2.14725 1.71667 2.38392 1.62 2.66236 1.62C2.94079 1.62 3.17667 1.71745 3.37 1.91236C3.56333 2.10725 3.66 2.34392 3.66 2.62236C3.66 2.90079 3.56255 3.13667 3.36764 3.33C3.17275 3.52333 2.93608 3.62 2.65764 3.62Z"
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