forked from github/plane
* chore: moved app & space from apps to root * chore: modified workspace configuration * chore: modified dockerfiles for space and web * chore: modified icons for space * feat: updated files for new svg icons supported by next-images * chore: added /spaces base path for next * chore: added compose config for space * chore: updated husky configuration * chore: updated workflows for new configuration * chore: changed app name to web * fix: resolved build errors with web * chore: reset file tracing root for both projects * chore: added nginx config for deploy * fix: eslint and tsconfig settings for space app * husky setup fixes based on new dir * eslint fixes * prettier formatting --------- Co-authored-by: Henit Chobisa <>
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17 lines
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import React from "react";
import type { Props } from "./types";
export const ExclamationIcon: React.FC<Props> = ({ width, height, className }) => (
viewBox="0 0 15 15"
<path d="M7.55321 11.042C7.70668 11.042 7.83359 10.9918 7.93394 10.8915C8.03428 10.7911 8.08446 10.6642 8.08446 10.5107V7.30553C8.08446 7.16387 8.03133 7.04286 7.92508 6.94251C7.81883 6.84217 7.69487 6.79199 7.55321 6.79199C7.39973 6.79199 7.27283 6.84217 7.17248 6.94251C7.07213 7.04286 7.02196 7.16977 7.02196 7.32324V10.5285C7.02196 10.6701 7.07508 10.7911 7.18133 10.8915C7.28758 10.9918 7.41154 11.042 7.55321 11.042ZM7.50008 5.48158C7.66536 5.48158 7.80407 5.42845 7.91623 5.3222C8.02838 5.21595 8.08446 5.08019 8.08446 4.91491C8.08446 4.74963 8.02838 4.60796 7.91623 4.48991C7.80407 4.37185 7.66536 4.31283 7.50008 4.31283C7.3348 4.31283 7.19609 4.37185 7.08394 4.48991C6.97178 4.60796 6.91571 4.74963 6.91571 4.91491C6.91571 5.08019 6.97178 5.21595 7.08394 5.3222C7.19609 5.42845 7.3348 5.48158 7.50008 5.48158ZM7.50008 14.5837C6.49661 14.5837 5.56397 14.4036 4.70217 14.0436C3.84036 13.6835 3.09071 13.1847 2.45321 12.5472C1.81571 11.9097 1.31692 11.16 0.956852 10.2982C0.596783 9.43644 0.416748 8.5038 0.416748 7.50033C0.416748 6.50866 0.596783 5.58192 0.956852 4.72012C1.31692 3.85831 1.81571 3.10866 2.45321 2.47116C3.09071 1.83366 3.84036 1.33192 4.70217 0.965951C5.56397 0.599978 6.49661 0.416992 7.50008 0.416992C8.49175 0.416992 9.41848 0.599978 10.2803 0.965951C11.1421 1.33192 11.8917 1.83366 12.5292 2.47116C13.1667 3.10866 13.6685 3.85831 14.0345 4.72012C14.4004 5.58192 14.5834 6.50866 14.5834 7.50033C14.5834 8.5038 14.4004 9.43644 14.0345 10.2982C13.6685 11.16 13.1667 11.9097 12.5292 12.5472C11.8917 13.1847 11.1421 13.6835 10.2803 14.0436C9.41848 14.4036 8.49175 14.5837 7.50008 14.5837ZM7.50008 13.5212C9.15286 13.5212 10.5695 12.9309 11.7501 11.7503C12.9306 10.5698 13.5209 9.1531 13.5209 7.50033C13.5209 5.84755 12.9306 4.43088 11.7501 3.25033C10.5695 2.06977 9.15286 1.47949 7.50008 1.47949C5.8473 1.47949 4.43064 2.06977 3.25008 3.25033C2.06953 4.43088 1.47925 5.84755 1.47925 7.50033C1.47925 9.1531 2.06953 10.5698 3.25008 11.7503C4.43064 12.9309 5.8473 13.5212 7.50008 13.5212Z" />