forked from github/plane
* feat: filters in plane deploy implemented multi-level dropdown for plane deploy * style: spacing and fonts * feat: plane deploy implemented authentication/theming, created/modified all the required store & services * devL reactions, voting, comments and theme
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38 lines
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import React, { forwardRef, Ref } from "react";
// types
interface Props extends React.InputHTMLAttributes<HTMLInputElement> {
mode?: "primary" | "transparent" | "trueTransparent";
error?: boolean;
inputSize?: "rg" | "lg";
fullWidth?: boolean;
export const Input = forwardRef((props: Props, ref: Ref<HTMLInputElement>) => {
const { mode = "primary", error, className = "", type, fullWidth = true, id, inputSize = "rg", } = props;
return (
className={`block rounded-md bg-transparent text-sm focus:outline-none placeholder-custom-text-400 ${
mode === "primary"
? "rounded-md border border-custom-border-200"
: mode === "transparent"
? "rounded border-none bg-transparent ring-0 transition-all focus:ring-1 focus:ring-custom-primary"
: mode === "trueTransparent"
? "rounded border-none bg-transparent ring-0"
: ""
} ${error ? "border-red-500" : ""} ${error && mode === "primary" ? "bg-red-500/20" : ""} ${
fullWidth ? "w-full" : ""
} ${inputSize === "rg" ? "px-3 py-2" : inputSize === "lg" ? "p-3" : ""} ${className}`}
Input.displayName = "Input";
export default Input;