forked from github/plane
* chore: added a helper function to check if issue is peeked * chore: make the kanban block observer * chore: rename isIssuePeekd helper function
320 lines
15 KiB
320 lines
15 KiB
import { action, computed, makeObservable, observable } from "mobx";
// types
import {
} from "@plane/types";
import { IIssueRootStore } from "../";
import { IIssueActivityStore, IssueActivityStore, IIssueActivityStoreActions, TActivityLoader } from "./";
import { IIssueAttachmentStore, IssueAttachmentStore, IIssueAttachmentStoreActions } from "./";
import { IIssueCommentStore, IssueCommentStore, IIssueCommentStoreActions, TCommentLoader } from "./";
import {
} from "./";
import { IIssueStore, IssueStore, IIssueStoreActions } from "./";
import { IIssueLinkStore, IssueLinkStore, IIssueLinkStoreActions } from "./";
import { IIssueReactionStore, IssueReactionStore, IIssueReactionStoreActions } from "./";
import { IIssueRelationStore, IssueRelationStore, IIssueRelationStoreActions } from "./";
import { IIssueSubIssuesStore, IssueSubIssuesStore, IIssueSubIssuesStoreActions } from "./";
import { IIssueSubscriptionStore, IssueSubscriptionStore, IIssueSubscriptionStoreActions } from "./";
export type TPeekIssue = {
workspaceSlug: string;
projectId: string;
issueId: string;
export interface IIssueDetail
extends IIssueStoreActions,
IIssueCommentReactionStoreActions {
// observables
peekIssue: TPeekIssue | undefined;
isCreateIssueModalOpen: boolean;
isIssueLinkModalOpen: boolean;
isParentIssueModalOpen: boolean;
isDeleteIssueModalOpen: string | null;
isArchiveIssueModalOpen: boolean;
isRelationModalOpen: TIssueRelationTypes | null;
isSubIssuesModalOpen: boolean;
isDeleteAttachmentModalOpen: boolean;
// computed
isAnyModalOpen: boolean;
// helper actions
getIsIssuePeeked: (issueId: string) => boolean;
// actions
setPeekIssue: (peekIssue: TPeekIssue | undefined) => void;
toggleCreateIssueModal: (value: boolean) => void;
toggleIssueLinkModal: (value: boolean) => void;
toggleParentIssueModal: (value: boolean) => void;
toggleDeleteIssueModal: (issueId: string | null) => void;
toggleArchiveIssueModal: (value: boolean) => void;
toggleRelationModal: (relationType: TIssueRelationTypes | null) => void;
toggleSubIssuesModal: (value: boolean) => void;
toggleDeleteAttachmentModal: (value: boolean) => void;
// store
rootIssueStore: IIssueRootStore;
issue: IIssueStore;
reaction: IIssueReactionStore;
attachment: IIssueAttachmentStore;
activity: IIssueActivityStore;
comment: IIssueCommentStore;
commentReaction: IIssueCommentReactionStore;
subIssues: IIssueSubIssuesStore;
link: IIssueLinkStore;
subscription: IIssueSubscriptionStore;
relation: IIssueRelationStore;
export class IssueDetail implements IIssueDetail {
// observables
peekIssue: TPeekIssue | undefined = undefined;
isCreateIssueModalOpen: boolean = false;
isIssueLinkModalOpen: boolean = false;
isParentIssueModalOpen: boolean = false;
isDeleteIssueModalOpen: string | null = null;
isArchiveIssueModalOpen: boolean = false;
isRelationModalOpen: TIssueRelationTypes | null = null;
isSubIssuesModalOpen: boolean = false;
isDeleteAttachmentModalOpen: boolean = false;
// store
rootIssueStore: IIssueRootStore;
issue: IIssueStore;
reaction: IIssueReactionStore;
attachment: IIssueAttachmentStore;
subIssues: IIssueSubIssuesStore;
link: IIssueLinkStore;
subscription: IIssueSubscriptionStore;
relation: IIssueRelationStore;
activity: IIssueActivityStore;
comment: IIssueCommentStore;
commentReaction: IIssueCommentReactionStore;
constructor(rootStore: IIssueRootStore) {
makeObservable(this, {
// observables
peekIssue: observable,
isCreateIssueModalOpen: observable,
isIssueLinkModalOpen: observable.ref,
isParentIssueModalOpen: observable.ref,
isDeleteIssueModalOpen: observable.ref,
isArchiveIssueModalOpen: observable.ref,
isRelationModalOpen: observable.ref,
isSubIssuesModalOpen: observable.ref,
isDeleteAttachmentModalOpen: observable.ref,
// computed
isAnyModalOpen: computed,
// action
setPeekIssue: action,
toggleCreateIssueModal: action,
toggleIssueLinkModal: action,
toggleParentIssueModal: action,
toggleDeleteIssueModal: action,
toggleArchiveIssueModal: action,
toggleRelationModal: action,
toggleSubIssuesModal: action,
toggleDeleteAttachmentModal: action,
// store
this.rootIssueStore = rootStore;
this.issue = new IssueStore(this);
this.reaction = new IssueReactionStore(this);
this.attachment = new IssueAttachmentStore(this);
this.activity = new IssueActivityStore(this);
this.comment = new IssueCommentStore(this);
this.commentReaction = new IssueCommentReactionStore(this);
this.subIssues = new IssueSubIssuesStore(this);
| = new IssueLinkStore(this);
this.subscription = new IssueSubscriptionStore(this);
this.relation = new IssueRelationStore(this);
// computed
get isAnyModalOpen() {
return (
this.isCreateIssueModalOpen ||
this.isIssueLinkModalOpen ||
this.isParentIssueModalOpen ||
!!this.isDeleteIssueModalOpen ||
this.isArchiveIssueModalOpen ||
!!this.isRelationModalOpen ||
this.isSubIssuesModalOpen ||
// helper actions
getIsIssuePeeked = (issueId: string) => this.peekIssue?.issueId === issueId;
// actions
setPeekIssue = (peekIssue: TPeekIssue | undefined) => (this.peekIssue = peekIssue);
toggleCreateIssueModal = (value: boolean) => (this.isCreateIssueModalOpen = value);
toggleIssueLinkModal = (value: boolean) => (this.isIssueLinkModalOpen = value);
toggleParentIssueModal = (value: boolean) => (this.isParentIssueModalOpen = value);
toggleDeleteIssueModal = (issueId: string | null) => (this.isDeleteIssueModalOpen = issueId);
toggleArchiveIssueModal = (value: boolean) => (this.isArchiveIssueModalOpen = value);
toggleRelationModal = (relationType: TIssueRelationTypes | null) => (this.isRelationModalOpen = relationType);
toggleSubIssuesModal = (value: boolean) => (this.isSubIssuesModalOpen = value);
toggleDeleteAttachmentModal = (value: boolean) => (this.isDeleteAttachmentModalOpen = value);
// issue
fetchIssue = async (
workspaceSlug: string,
projectId: string,
issueId: string,
) => this.issue.fetchIssue(workspaceSlug, projectId, issueId, issueType);
updateIssue = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, issueId: string, data: Partial<TIssue>) =>
this.issue.updateIssue(workspaceSlug, projectId, issueId, data);
removeIssue = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, issueId: string) =>
this.issue.removeIssue(workspaceSlug, projectId, issueId);
archiveIssue = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, issueId: string) =>
this.issue.archiveIssue(workspaceSlug, projectId, issueId);
addIssueToCycle = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, cycleId: string, issueIds: string[]) =>
this.issue.addIssueToCycle(workspaceSlug, projectId, cycleId, issueIds);
removeIssueFromCycle = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, cycleId: string, issueId: string) =>
this.issue.removeIssueFromCycle(workspaceSlug, projectId, cycleId, issueId);
addModulesToIssue = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, issueId: string, moduleIds: string[]) =>
this.issue.addModulesToIssue(workspaceSlug, projectId, issueId, moduleIds);
removeModulesFromIssue = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, issueId: string, moduleIds: string[]) =>
this.issue.removeModulesFromIssue(workspaceSlug, projectId, issueId, moduleIds);
removeIssueFromModule = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, moduleId: string, issueId: string) =>
this.issue.removeIssueFromModule(workspaceSlug, projectId, moduleId, issueId);
// reactions
addReactions = (issueId: string, reactions: TIssueReaction[]) => this.reaction.addReactions(issueId, reactions);
fetchReactions = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, issueId: string) =>
this.reaction.fetchReactions(workspaceSlug, projectId, issueId);
createReaction = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, issueId: string, reaction: string) =>
this.reaction.createReaction(workspaceSlug, projectId, issueId, reaction);
removeReaction = async (
workspaceSlug: string,
projectId: string,
issueId: string,
reaction: string,
userId: string
) => this.reaction.removeReaction(workspaceSlug, projectId, issueId, reaction, userId);
// attachments
addAttachments = (issueId: string, attachments: TIssueAttachment[]) =>
this.attachment.addAttachments(issueId, attachments);
fetchAttachments = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, issueId: string) =>
this.attachment.fetchAttachments(workspaceSlug, projectId, issueId);
createAttachment = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, issueId: string, data: FormData) =>
this.attachment.createAttachment(workspaceSlug, projectId, issueId, data);
removeAttachment = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, issueId: string, attachmentId: string) =>
this.attachment.removeAttachment(workspaceSlug, projectId, issueId, attachmentId);
// link
addLinks = (issueId: string, links: TIssueLink[]) =>, links);
fetchLinks = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, issueId: string) =>
|, projectId, issueId);
createLink = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, issueId: string, data: Partial<TIssueLink>) =>
|, projectId, issueId, data);
updateLink = async (
workspaceSlug: string,
projectId: string,
issueId: string,
linkId: string,
data: Partial<TIssueLink>
) =>, projectId, issueId, linkId, data);
removeLink = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, issueId: string, linkId: string) =>
|, projectId, issueId, linkId);
// sub issues
fetchSubIssues = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, issueId: string) =>
this.subIssues.fetchSubIssues(workspaceSlug, projectId, issueId);
createSubIssues = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, parentIssueId: string, data: string[]) =>
this.subIssues.createSubIssues(workspaceSlug, projectId, parentIssueId, data);
updateSubIssue = async (
workspaceSlug: string,
projectId: string,
parentIssueId: string,
issueId: string,
issueData: Partial<TIssue>,
oldIssue?: Partial<TIssue>,
fromModal?: boolean
) => this.subIssues.updateSubIssue(workspaceSlug, projectId, parentIssueId, issueId, issueData, oldIssue, fromModal);
removeSubIssue = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, parentIssueId: string, issueId: string) =>
this.subIssues.removeSubIssue(workspaceSlug, projectId, parentIssueId, issueId);
deleteSubIssue = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, parentIssueId: string, issueId: string) =>
this.subIssues.deleteSubIssue(workspaceSlug, projectId, parentIssueId, issueId);
// subscription
addSubscription = (issueId: string, isSubscribed: boolean | undefined | null) =>
this.subscription.addSubscription(issueId, isSubscribed);
fetchSubscriptions = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, issueId: string) =>
this.subscription.fetchSubscriptions(workspaceSlug, projectId, issueId);
createSubscription = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, issueId: string) =>
this.subscription.createSubscription(workspaceSlug, projectId, issueId);
removeSubscription = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, issueId: string) =>
this.subscription.removeSubscription(workspaceSlug, projectId, issueId);
// relations
fetchRelations = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, issueId: string) =>
this.relation.fetchRelations(workspaceSlug, projectId, issueId);
createRelation = async (
workspaceSlug: string,
projectId: string,
issueId: string,
relationType: TIssueRelationTypes,
issues: string[]
) => this.relation.createRelation(workspaceSlug, projectId, issueId, relationType, issues);
removeRelation = async (
workspaceSlug: string,
projectId: string,
issueId: string,
relationType: TIssueRelationTypes,
relatedIssue: string
) => this.relation.removeRelation(workspaceSlug, projectId, issueId, relationType, relatedIssue);
// activity
fetchActivities = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, issueId: string, loaderType?: TActivityLoader) =>
this.activity.fetchActivities(workspaceSlug, projectId, issueId, loaderType);
// comment
fetchComments = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, issueId: string, loaderType?: TCommentLoader) =>
this.comment.fetchComments(workspaceSlug, projectId, issueId, loaderType);
createComment = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, issueId: string, data: Partial<TIssueComment>) =>
this.comment.createComment(workspaceSlug, projectId, issueId, data);
updateComment = async (
workspaceSlug: string,
projectId: string,
issueId: string,
commentId: string,
data: Partial<TIssueComment>
) => this.comment.updateComment(workspaceSlug, projectId, issueId, commentId, data);
removeComment = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, issueId: string, commentId: string) =>
this.comment.removeComment(workspaceSlug, projectId, issueId, commentId);
// comment reaction
fetchCommentReactions = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, commentId: string) =>
this.commentReaction.fetchCommentReactions(workspaceSlug, projectId, commentId);
applyCommentReactions = async (commentId: string, commentReactions: TIssueCommentReaction[]) =>
this.commentReaction.applyCommentReactions(commentId, commentReactions);
createCommentReaction = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, commentId: string, reaction: string) =>
this.commentReaction.createCommentReaction(workspaceSlug, projectId, commentId, reaction);
removeCommentReaction = async (
workspaceSlug: string,
projectId: string,
commentId: string,
reaction: string,
userId: string
) => this.commentReaction.removeCommentReaction(workspaceSlug, projectId, commentId, reaction, userId);