forked from github/plane
guru_sainath 621624e29f
[WEB-383] fix: rendering state and members from different projects in sub-issues ()
* fix: rendering the state and memebers from different projects in sub issues and exception handling while creating an issue from different project

* chore: handled different project issue properties in a new function handler
2024-03-20 18:07:35 +05:30

338 lines
12 KiB

import concat from "lodash/concat";
import pull from "lodash/pull";
import set from "lodash/set";
import uniq from "lodash/uniq";
import update from "lodash/update";
import { action, makeObservable, observable, runInAction } from "mobx";
// types
import {
} from "@plane/types";
// services
import { IssueService } from "@/services/issue";
// store
import { IIssueDetail } from "./root.store";
export interface IIssueSubIssuesStoreActions {
fetchSubIssues: (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, parentIssueId: string) => Promise<TIssueSubIssues>;
createSubIssues: (
workspaceSlug: string,
projectId: string,
parentIssueId: string,
issueIds: string[]
) => Promise<void>;
updateSubIssue: (
workspaceSlug: string,
projectId: string,
parentIssueId: string,
issueId: string,
issueData: Partial<TIssue>,
oldIssue?: Partial<TIssue>,
fromModal?: boolean
) => Promise<void>;
removeSubIssue: (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, parentIssueId: string, issueId: string) => Promise<void>;
deleteSubIssue: (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, parentIssueId: string, issueId: string) => Promise<void>;
type TSubIssueHelpersKeys = "issue_visibility" | "preview_loader" | "issue_loader";
type TSubIssueHelpers = Record<TSubIssueHelpersKeys, string[]>;
export interface IIssueSubIssuesStore extends IIssueSubIssuesStoreActions {
// observables
subIssuesStateDistribution: TIssueSubIssuesStateDistributionMap;
subIssues: TIssueSubIssuesIdMap;
subIssueHelpers: Record<string, TSubIssueHelpers>; // parent_issue_id -> TSubIssueHelpers
// helper methods
stateDistributionByIssueId: (issueId: string) => TSubIssuesStateDistribution | undefined;
subIssuesByIssueId: (issueId: string) => string[] | undefined;
subIssueHelpersByIssueId: (issueId: string) => TSubIssueHelpers;
// actions
fetchOtherProjectProperties: (workspaceSlug: string, projectIds: string[]) => Promise<void>;
setSubIssueHelpers: (parentIssueId: string, key: TSubIssueHelpersKeys, value: string) => void;
export class IssueSubIssuesStore implements IIssueSubIssuesStore {
// observables
subIssuesStateDistribution: TIssueSubIssuesStateDistributionMap = {};
subIssues: TIssueSubIssuesIdMap = {};
subIssueHelpers: Record<string, TSubIssueHelpers> = {};
// root store
rootIssueDetailStore: IIssueDetail;
// services
constructor(rootStore: IIssueDetail) {
makeObservable(this, {
// observables
subIssuesStateDistribution: observable,
subIssues: observable,
subIssueHelpers: observable,
// actions
setSubIssueHelpers: action,
fetchSubIssues: action,
createSubIssues: action,
updateSubIssue: action,
removeSubIssue: action,
deleteSubIssue: action,
fetchOtherProjectProperties: action,
// root store
this.rootIssueDetailStore = rootStore;
// services
this.issueService = new IssueService();
// helper methods
stateDistributionByIssueId = (issueId: string) => {
if (!issueId) return undefined;
return this.subIssuesStateDistribution[issueId] ?? undefined;
subIssuesByIssueId = (issueId: string) => {
if (!issueId) return undefined;
return this.subIssues[issueId] ?? undefined;
subIssueHelpersByIssueId = (issueId: string) => ({
preview_loader: this.subIssueHelpers?.[issueId]?.preview_loader || [],
issue_visibility: this.subIssueHelpers?.[issueId]?.issue_visibility || [],
issue_loader: this.subIssueHelpers?.[issueId]?.issue_loader || [],
// actions
setSubIssueHelpers = (parentIssueId: string, key: TSubIssueHelpersKeys, value: string) => {
if (!parentIssueId || !key || !value) return;
update(this.subIssueHelpers, [parentIssueId, key], (_subIssueHelpers: string[] = []) => {
if (_subIssueHelpers.includes(value)) return pull(_subIssueHelpers, value);
return concat(_subIssueHelpers, value);
fetchSubIssues = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, parentIssueId: string) => {
try {
const response = await this.issueService.subIssues(workspaceSlug, projectId, parentIssueId);
const subIssuesStateDistribution = response?.state_distribution ?? {};
const subIssues = (response.sub_issues ?? []) as TIssue[];
// fetch other issues states and members when sub-issues are from different project
if (subIssues && subIssues.length > 0) {
const otherProjectIds = uniq(subIssues.map((issue) => issue.project_id).filter((id) => id !== projectId));
this.fetchOtherProjectProperties(workspaceSlug, otherProjectIds);
runInAction(() => {
set(this.subIssuesStateDistribution, parentIssueId, subIssuesStateDistribution);
subIssues.map((issue) => issue.id)
return response;
} catch (error) {
throw error;
createSubIssues = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, parentIssueId: string, issueIds: string[]) => {
try {
const response = await this.issueService.addSubIssues(workspaceSlug, projectId, parentIssueId, {
sub_issue_ids: issueIds,
const subIssuesStateDistribution = response?.state_distribution;
const subIssues = response.sub_issues as TIssue[];
// fetch other issues states and members when sub-issues are from different project
if (subIssues && subIssues.length > 0) {
const otherProjectIds = uniq(subIssues.map((issue) => issue.project_id).filter((id) => id !== projectId));
this.fetchOtherProjectProperties(workspaceSlug, otherProjectIds);
runInAction(() => {
Object.keys(subIssuesStateDistribution).forEach((key) => {
const stateGroup = key as keyof TSubIssuesStateDistribution;
update(this.subIssuesStateDistribution, [parentIssueId, stateGroup], (stateDistribution) => {
if (!stateDistribution) return subIssuesStateDistribution[stateGroup];
return concat(stateDistribution, subIssuesStateDistribution[stateGroup]);
const issueIds = subIssues.map((issue) => issue.id);
update(this.subIssues, [parentIssueId], (issues) => {
if (!issues) return issueIds;
return concat(issues, issueIds);
} catch (error) {
throw error;
updateSubIssue = async (
workspaceSlug: string,
projectId: string,
parentIssueId: string,
issueId: string,
issueData: Partial<TIssue>,
oldIssue: Partial<TIssue> = {},
fromModal: boolean = false
) => {
try {
if (!fromModal)
await this.rootIssueDetailStore.rootIssueStore.projectIssues.updateIssue(
// parent update
if (issueData.hasOwnProperty("parent_id") && issueData.parent_id !== oldIssue.parent_id) {
runInAction(() => {
if (oldIssue.parent_id) pull(this.subIssues[oldIssue.parent_id], issueId);
if (issueData.parent_id)
set(this.subIssues, [issueData.parent_id], concat(this.subIssues[issueData.parent_id], issueId));
// state update
if (issueData.hasOwnProperty("state_id") && issueData.state_id !== oldIssue.state_id) {
let oldIssueStateGroup: string | undefined = undefined;
let issueStateGroup: string | undefined = undefined;
if (oldIssue.state_id) {
const state = this.rootIssueDetailStore.rootIssueStore.state.getStateById(oldIssue.state_id);
if (state?.group) oldIssueStateGroup = state.group;
if (issueData.state_id) {
const state = this.rootIssueDetailStore.rootIssueStore.state.getStateById(issueData.state_id);
if (state?.group) issueStateGroup = state.group;
if (oldIssueStateGroup && issueStateGroup && issueStateGroup !== oldIssueStateGroup) {
runInAction(() => {
if (oldIssueStateGroup)
update(this.subIssuesStateDistribution, [parentIssueId, oldIssueStateGroup], (stateDistribution) => {
if (!stateDistribution) return;
return pull(stateDistribution, issueId);
if (issueStateGroup)
update(this.subIssuesStateDistribution, [parentIssueId, issueStateGroup], (stateDistribution) => {
if (!stateDistribution) return [issueId];
return concat(stateDistribution, issueId);
} catch (error) {
throw error;
removeSubIssue = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, parentIssueId: string, issueId: string) => {
try {
await this.rootIssueDetailStore.rootIssueStore.projectIssues.updateIssue(workspaceSlug, projectId, issueId, {
parent_id: null,
const issue = this.rootIssueDetailStore.issue.getIssueById(issueId);
if (issue && issue.state_id) {
let issueStateGroup: string | undefined = undefined;
const state = this.rootIssueDetailStore.rootIssueStore.state.getStateById(issue.state_id);
if (state?.group) issueStateGroup = state.group;
if (issueStateGroup) {
runInAction(() => {
if (issueStateGroup)
update(this.subIssuesStateDistribution, [parentIssueId, issueStateGroup], (stateDistribution) => {
if (!stateDistribution) return;
return pull(stateDistribution, issueId);
runInAction(() => {
pull(this.subIssues[parentIssueId], issueId);
} catch (error) {
throw error;
deleteSubIssue = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, parentIssueId: string, issueId: string) => {
try {
await this.rootIssueDetailStore.rootIssueStore.projectIssues.removeIssue(workspaceSlug, projectId, issueId);
const issue = this.rootIssueDetailStore.issue.getIssueById(issueId);
if (issue && issue.state_id) {
let issueStateGroup: string | undefined = undefined;
const state = this.rootIssueDetailStore.rootIssueStore.state.getStateById(issue.state_id);
if (state?.group) issueStateGroup = state.group;
if (issueStateGroup) {
runInAction(() => {
if (issueStateGroup)
update(this.subIssuesStateDistribution, [parentIssueId, issueStateGroup], (stateDistribution) => {
if (!stateDistribution) return;
return pull(stateDistribution, issueId);
runInAction(() => {
pull(this.subIssues[parentIssueId], issueId);
} catch (error) {
throw error;
fetchOtherProjectProperties = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectIds: string[]) => {
try {
if (projectIds.length > 0) {
for (const projectId of projectIds) {
// fetching other project states
this.rootIssueDetailStore.rootIssueStore.rootStore.state.fetchProjectStates(workspaceSlug, projectId);
// fetching other project members
// fetching other project labels
this.rootIssueDetailStore.rootIssueStore.rootStore.label.fetchProjectLabels(workspaceSlug, projectId);
// fetching other project cycles
this.rootIssueDetailStore.rootIssueStore.rootStore.cycle.fetchAllCycles(workspaceSlug, projectId);
// fetching other project modules
this.rootIssueDetailStore.rootIssueStore.rootStore.module.fetchModules(workspaceSlug, projectId);
// fetching other project estimates
this.rootIssueDetailStore.rootIssueStore.rootStore.estimate.fetchProjectEstimates(workspaceSlug, projectId);
} catch (error) {
throw error;