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sidebar_label: Frame.waitForFunction
# Frame.waitForFunction() method
class Frame {waitForFunction<Params extends unknown[], Func extends EvaluateFunc<Params> = EvaluateFunc<Params>>(pageFunction: Func | string, options?: FrameWaitForFunctionOptions, ...args: Params): Promise<HandleFor<Awaited<ReturnType<Func>>>>;}
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| pageFunction | Func \| string | the function to evaluate in the frame context. |
| options | [FrameWaitForFunctionOptions](./puppeteer.framewaitforfunctionoptions.md) | <i>(Optional)</i> options to configure the polling method and timeout. |
| args | Params | arguments to pass to the <code>pageFunction</code>. |
the promise which resolve when the `pageFunction` returns a truthy value.
## Remarks
## Example
The `waitForFunction` can be used to observe viewport size change:
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
(async () => {
. const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
. const page = await browser.newPage();
. const watchDog = page.mainFrame().waitForFunction('window.innerWidth < 100');
. page.setViewport({width: 50, height: 50});
. await watchDog;
. await browser.close();
To pass arguments from Node.js to the predicate of `page.waitForFunction` function:
const selector = '.foo';
await frame.waitForFunction(
selector => !!document.querySelector(selector),
{}, // empty options object