| [Accessibility](./puppeteer.accessibility.md) | The Accessibility class provides methods for inspecting Chromium's accessibility tree. The accessibility tree is used by assistive technology such as [screen readers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screen_reader) or [switches](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Switch_access)<!-- -->. |
| [Browser](./puppeteer.browser.md) | A Browser is created when Puppeteer connects to a Chromium instance, either through [Puppeteer.launch()](./puppeteer.puppeteer.launch.md) or [Puppeteer.connect()](./puppeteer.puppeteer.connect.md)<!-- -->. |
| [BrowserContext](./puppeteer.browsercontext.md) | BrowserContexts provide a way to operate multiple independent browser sessions. When a browser is launched, it has a single BrowserContext used by default. The method [Browser.newPage](./puppeteer.browser.newpage.md) creates a page in the default browser context. |
| [Coverage](./puppeteer.coverage.md) | The Coverage class provides methods to gathers information about parts of JavaScript and CSS that were used by the page. |
| [ExecutionContext](./puppeteer.executioncontext.md) | This class represents a context for JavaScript execution. A \[Page\] might have many execution contexts: - each [frame](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/iframe) has "default" execution context that is always created after frame is attached to DOM. This context is returned by the method. - [Extension](https://developer.chrome.com/extensions)<!-- -->'s content scripts create additional execution contexts.<!-- -->Besides pages, execution contexts can be found in [workers](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API)<!-- -->. |
| [Frame](./puppeteer.frame.md) | At every point of time, page exposes its current frame tree via the [page.mainFrame](./puppeteer.page.mainframe.md) and [frame.childFrames](./puppeteer.frame.childframes.md) methods. |
| [HTTPResponse](./puppeteer.httpresponse.md) | The HTTPResponse class represents responses which are received by the [Page](./puppeteer.page.md) class. |
| [JSHandle](./puppeteer.jshandle.md) | Represents an in-page JavaScript object. JSHandles can be created with the [page.evaluateHandle](./puppeteer.page.evaluatehandle.md) method. |
| [Keyboard](./puppeteer.keyboard.md) | Keyboard provides an api for managing a virtual keyboard. The high level api is [Keyboard.type()](./puppeteer.keyboard.type.md)<!-- -->, which takes raw characters and generates proper keydown, keypress/input, and keyup events on your page. |
| [Page](./puppeteer.page.md) | Page provides methods to interact with a single tab or [extension background page](https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/background_pages) in Chromium. |
| [Puppeteer](./puppeteer.puppeteer.md) | The main Puppeteer class. Provides the [launch](./puppeteer.puppeteer.launch.md) method to launch a browser.<!-- -->When you <code>require</code> or <code>import</code> the Puppeteer npm package you get back an instance of this class. |
| [SecurityDetails](./puppeteer.securitydetails.md) | The SecurityDetails class represents the security details of a response that was received over a secure connection. |
| [Target](./puppeteer.target.md) | |
| [TimeoutError](./puppeteer.timeouterror.md) | TimeoutError is emitted whenever certain operations are terminated due to timeout. |
| [WebWorker](./puppeteer.webworker.md) | The WebWorker class represents a [WebWorker](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API)<!-- -->. |
| [CustomQueryHandler](./puppeteer.customqueryhandler.md) | Contains two functions <code>queryOne</code> and <code>queryAll</code> that can be [registered](./puppeteer.puppeteer.__experimental_registercustomqueryhandler.md) as alternative querying strategies. The functions <code>queryOne</code> and <code>queryAll</code> are executed in the page context. <code>queryOne</code> should take an <code>Element</code> and a selector string as argument and return a single <code>Element</code> or <code>null</code> if no element is found. <code>queryAll</code> takes the same arguments but should instead return a <code>NodeListOf<Element></code> or <code>Array<Element></code> with all the elements that match the given query selector. |
| [KeyInput](./puppeteer.keyinput.md) | All the valid keys that can be passed to functions that take user input, such as [keyboard.press](./puppeteer.keyboard.press.md) |