chore(firefox): mark all Puppeteer tests that are failing on FF (#3924)
This patch: - introduces new testRunner methods `addTestDSL` and `addSuiteDSL` to add annotated test / suite. - introduces new test/suite declaration methods: `it_fails_ffox` and `describe_fails_ffox`. These are equal to `it`/`describe` for chromium tests and to `xit`/`xdescribe` for firefox. - marks all unsupported tests with `it_fails_ffox` - adds a new command-line flag `'--firefox-status'` to `//test/test.js`. This flag dumps current amount of tests that are intentionally skipped for Firefox. End goal: get rid of all `it_fails_ffox` and `describe_fails_ffox` tests. Drive-By: remove cookie tests "afterEach" hook that was removing cookies - it's not needed any more since every test is run in a designated browser context. References #3889
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,11 +15,11 @@
module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect}) {
const {describe, xdescribe, fdescribe} = testRunner;
const {describe, xdescribe, fdescribe, describe_fails_ffox} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit} = testRunner;
const {beforeAll, beforeEach, afterAll, afterEach} = testRunner;
describe('Accessibility', function() {
describe_fails_ffox('Accessibility', function() {
it('should work', async function({page}) {
await page.setContent(`
@ -14,13 +14,13 @@
* limitations under the License.
module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, headless, puppeteer, FFOX}) {
module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, headless, puppeteer}) {
const {describe, xdescribe, fdescribe} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit, it_fails_ffox} = testRunner;
const {beforeAll, beforeEach, afterAll, afterEach} = testRunner;
describe('', function() {
it('should return browser target', async({browser}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should return browser target', async({browser}) => {
const target =;
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, headless, puppeteer, FFO
const process = await browser.process();
(FFOX ? xit : it)('should not return child_process for remote browser', async function({browser}) {
it_fails_ffox('should not return child_process for remote browser', async function({browser}) {
const browserWSEndpoint = browser.wsEndpoint();
const remoteBrowser = await puppeteer.connect({browserWSEndpoint});
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ const utils = require('./utils');
module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, puppeteer, Errors}) {
const {describe, xdescribe, fdescribe} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit, it_fails_ffox} = testRunner;
const {beforeAll, beforeEach, afterAll, afterEach} = testRunner;
const {TimeoutError} = Errors;
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, puppeteer, Errors}) {
it('should work across sessions', async function({browser, server}) {
it_fails_ffox('should work across sessions', async function({browser, server}) {
const context = await browser.createIncognitoBrowserContext();
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ const iPhone = DeviceDescriptors['iPhone 6'];
module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect}) {
const {describe, xdescribe, fdescribe} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit, it_fails_ffox} = testRunner;
const {beforeAll, beforeEach, afterAll, afterEach} = testRunner;
describe('', function() {
it('should click the button', async({page, server}) => {
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect}) {
expect(await page.evaluate(() => result)).toBe('Clicked');
it('should click the button if window.Node is removed', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should click the button if window.Node is removed', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/button.html');
await page.evaluate(() => delete window.Node);
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect}) {
expect(await page.evaluate(() => result)).toBe('Clicked');
it('should click with disabled javascript', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should click with disabled javascript', async({page, server}) => {
await page.setJavaScriptEnabled(false);
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/wrappedlink.html');
await Promise.all([
@ -15,16 +15,11 @@
module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect}) {
const {describe, xdescribe, fdescribe} = testRunner;
const {describe, xdescribe, fdescribe, describe_fails_ffox} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit} = testRunner;
const {beforeAll, beforeEach, afterAll, afterEach} = testRunner;
describe('Cookies', function() {
afterEach(async({page, server}) => {
const cookies = await page.cookies(server.PREFIX + '/grid.html', server.CROSS_PROCESS_PREFIX);
for (const cookie of cookies)
await page.deleteCookie(cookie);
describe_fails_ffox('Cookies', function() {
it('should set and get cookies', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/grid.html');
expect(await page.cookies()).toEqual([]);
@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
const utils = require('./utils');
module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect}) {
const {describe, xdescribe, fdescribe} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit} = testRunner;
const {describe, xdescribe, fdescribe, describe_fails_ffox} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit, it_fails_ffox} = testRunner;
const {beforeAll, beforeEach, afterAll, afterEach} = testRunner;
describe('ElementHandle.boundingBox', function() {
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect}) {
const box = await elementHandle.boundingBox();
expect(box).toEqual({ x: 100, y: 50, width: 50, height: 50 });
it('should handle nested frames', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should handle nested frames', async({page, server}) => {
await page.setViewport({width: 500, height: 500});
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/frames/nested-frames.html');
const nestedFrame = page.frames()[1].childFrames()[1];
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect}) {
describe('ElementHandle.boxModel', function() {
describe_fails_ffox('ElementHandle.boxModel', function() {
it('should work', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/resetcss.html');
@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ const iPhone = DeviceDescriptors['iPhone 6'];
const iPhoneLandscape = DeviceDescriptors['iPhone 6 landscape'];
module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, product}) {
const {describe, xdescribe, fdescribe} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit} = testRunner;
const {describe, xdescribe, fdescribe, describe_fails_ffox} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit, it_fails_ffox} = testRunner;
const {beforeAll, beforeEach, afterAll, afterEach} = testRunner;
describe('Page.viewport', function() {
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, product}) {
await page.addScriptTag({url: server.PREFIX + '/modernizr.js'});
expect(await page.evaluate(() => Modernizr.touchevents)).toBe(true);
it('should support landscape emulation', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should support landscape emulation', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/mobile.html');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => screen.orientation.type)).toBe('portrait-primary');
await page.setViewport(iPhoneLandscape.viewport);
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, product}) {
describe('Page.emulate', function() {
describe_fails_ffox('Page.emulate', function() {
it('should work', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/mobile.html');
await page.emulate(iPhone);
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, product}) {
describe('Page.emulateMedia', function() {
describe_fails_ffox('Page.emulateMedia', function() {
it('should work', async({page, server}) => {
expect(await page.evaluate(() => window.matchMedia('screen').matches)).toBe(true);
expect(await page.evaluate(() => window.matchMedia('print').matches)).toBe(false);
@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ try {
asyncawait = false;
module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, FFOX}) {
module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect}) {
const {describe, xdescribe, fdescribe} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit, it_fails_ffox} = testRunner;
const {beforeAll, beforeEach, afterAll, afterEach} = testRunner;
describe('Page.evaluate', function() {
@ -65,10 +65,10 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, FFOX}) {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/global-var.html');
expect(await page.evaluate('globalVar')).toBe(123);
(FFOX ? xit : it)('should return undefined for objects with symbols', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should return undefined for objects with symbols', async({page, server}) => {
expect(await page.evaluate(() => [Symbol('foo4')])).toBe(undefined);
(asyncawait ? it : xit)('should work with function shorthands', async({page, server}) => {
(asyncawait ? it_fails_ffox : xit)('should work with function shorthands', async({page, server}) => {
// trick node6 transpiler to not touch our object.
// TODO(lushnikov): remove eval once Node6 is dropped.
const a = eval(`({
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, FFOX}) {
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
expect(await frameEvaluation).toBe(42);
it('should work from-inside an exposed function', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should work from-inside an exposed function', async({page, server}) => {
// Setup inpage callback, which calls Page.evaluate
await page.exposeFunction('callController', async function(a, b) {
return await page.evaluate((a, b) => a * b, a, b);
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, FFOX}) {
it('should properly serialize null fields', async({page}) => {
expect(await page.evaluate(() => ({a: undefined}))).toEqual({});
it('should return undefined for non-serializable objects', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should return undefined for non-serializable objects', async({page, server}) => {
expect(await page.evaluate(() => window)).toBe(undefined);
expect(await page.evaluate(() => [Symbol('foo4')])).toBe(undefined);
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, FFOX}) {
const text = await page.evaluate(e => e.textContent, element);
it('should throw if underlying element was disposed', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should throw if underlying element was disposed', async({page, server}) => {
await page.setContent('<section>39</section>');
const element = await page.$('section');
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, FFOX}) {
await page.evaluate(e => e.textContent, element).catch(e => error = e);
expect(error.message).toContain('JSHandle is disposed');
it('should throw if elementHandles are from other frames', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should throw if elementHandles are from other frames', async({page, server}) => {
await utils.attachFrame(page, 'frame1', server.EMPTY_PAGE);
const bodyHandle = await page.frames()[1].$('body');
let error = null;
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, FFOX}) {
expect(error.message).toContain('JSHandles can be evaluated only in the context they were created');
it('should simulate a user gesture', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should simulate a user gesture', async({page, server}) => {
await page.evaluate(playAudio);
// also test evaluating strings
await page.evaluate(`(${playAudio})()`);
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, FFOX}) {
it('should throw a nice error after a navigation', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should throw a nice error after a navigation', async({page, server}) => {
const executionContext = await page.mainFrame().executionContext();
await Promise.all([
@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ const utils = require('./utils');
module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect}) {
const {describe, xdescribe, fdescribe} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit, it_fails_ffox} = testRunner;
const {beforeAll, beforeEach, afterAll, afterEach} = testRunner;
describe('Frame.executionContext', function() {
it('should work', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should work', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
await utils.attachFrame(page, 'frame1', server.EMPTY_PAGE);
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect}) {
describe('Frame.evaluate', function() {
it('should throw for detached frames', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should throw for detached frames', async({page, server}) => {
const frame1 = await utils.attachFrame(page, 'frame1', server.EMPTY_PAGE);
await utils.detachFrame(page, 'frame1');
let error = null;
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect}) {
describe('Frame Management', function() {
it('should handle nested frames', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should handle nested frames', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/frames/nested-frames.html');
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, defaultBrowserOptions, puppeteer}) {
const {describe, xdescribe, fdescribe} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit, it_fails_ffox} = testRunner;
const {beforeAll, beforeEach, afterAll, afterEach} = testRunner;
describe('ignoreHTTPSErrors', function() {
beforeAll(async state => {
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, defaultBrowserOptions, p
it('should work', async({page, httpsServer}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should work', async({page, httpsServer}) => {
let error = null;
const response = await page.goto(httpsServer.EMPTY_PAGE).catch(e => error = e);
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, defaultBrowserOptions, p
expect(response.securityDetails().protocol()).toBe('TLS 1.2');
it('Network redirects should report SecurityDetails', async({page, httpsServer}) => {
it_fails_ffox('Network redirects should report SecurityDetails', async({page, httpsServer}) => {
httpsServer.setRedirect('/plzredirect', '/empty.html');
const responses = [];
page.on('response', response => responses.push(response));
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, defaultBrowserOptions, p
const securityDetails = responses[0].securityDetails();
expect(securityDetails.protocol()).toBe('TLS 1.2');
it('should work with request interception', async({page, server, httpsServer}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should work with request interception', async({page, server, httpsServer}) => {
await page.setRequestInterception(true);
page.on('request', request => request.continue());
const response = await page.goto(httpsServer.EMPTY_PAGE);
@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ const path = require('path');
module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect}) {
const {describe, xdescribe, fdescribe} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit, it_fails_ffox} = testRunner;
const {beforeAll, beforeEach, afterAll, afterEach} = testRunner;
describe('input', function() {
it('should upload the file', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should upload the file', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/fileupload.html');
const filePath = path.relative(process.cwd(), __dirname + '/assets/file-to-upload.txt');
const input = await page.$('input');
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect}) {
return promise.then(() => reader.result);
}, input)).toBe('contents of the file');
it('keyboard.modifiers()', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('keyboard.modifiers()', async({page, server}) => {
const keyboard = page.keyboard;
await keyboard.down('Shift');
@ -16,11 +16,11 @@
module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect}) {
const {describe, xdescribe, fdescribe} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit, it_fails_ffox} = testRunner;
const {beforeAll, beforeEach, afterAll, afterEach} = testRunner;
describe('Page.evaluateHandle', function() {
it('should work', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should work', async({page, server}) => {
const windowHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => window);
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect}) {
const isFive = await page.evaluate(e =>, 5), aHandle);
it('should warn on nested object handles', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should warn on nested object handles', async({page, server}) => {
const aHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => document.body);
let error = null;
await page.evaluateHandle(
@ -81,12 +81,12 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect}) {
const json = await aHandle.jsonValue();
expect(json).toEqual({foo: 'bar'});
it('should not work with dates', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should not work with dates', async({page, server}) => {
const dateHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => new Date('2017-09-26T00:00:00.000Z'));
const json = await dateHandle.jsonValue();
it('should throw for circular objects', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should throw for circular objects', async({page, server}) => {
const windowHandle = await page.evaluateHandle('window');
let error = null;
await windowHandle.jsonValue().catch(e => error = e);
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ const os = require('os');
module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, FFOX}) {
const {describe, xdescribe, fdescribe} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit, it_fails_ffox} = testRunner;
const {beforeAll, beforeEach, afterAll, afterEach} = testRunner;
describe('Keyboard', function() {
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, FFOX}) {
expect(await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('textarea').value)).toBe('Hello World!');
it('should send a character with', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should send a character with', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/textarea.html');
const textarea = await page.$('textarea');
await'a', {text: 'f'});
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, FFOX}) {
await page.keyboard.sendCharacter('a');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('textarea').value)).toBe('嗨a');
it('should report shiftKey', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should report shiftKey', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/keyboard.html');
const keyboard = page.keyboard;
const codeForKey = {'Shift': 16, 'Alt': 18, 'Meta': 91, 'Control': 17};
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, FFOX}) {
expect(await page.evaluate(() => getResult())).toBe('Keyup: ' + modifierKey + ' ' + modifierKey + 'Left ' + codeForKey[modifierKey] + ' []');
it('should report multiple modifiers', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should report multiple modifiers', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/keyboard.html');
const keyboard = page.keyboard;
await keyboard.down('Control');
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, FFOX}) {
await keyboard.up('Meta');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => getResult())).toBe('Keyup: Meta MetaLeft 91 []');
it('should send proper codes while typing', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should send proper codes while typing', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/keyboard.html');
await page.keyboard.type('!');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => getResult())).toBe(
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, FFOX}) {
'Keypress: ^ Digit6 94 94 94 []',
'Keyup: ^ Digit6 54 []'].join('\n'));
it('should send proper codes while typing with shift', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should send proper codes while typing with shift', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/keyboard.html');
const keyboard = page.keyboard;
await keyboard.down('Shift');
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, FFOX}) {
'Keyup: ~ Backquote 192 [Shift]'].join('\n'));
await keyboard.up('Shift');
it('should not type canceled events', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should not type canceled events', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/textarea.html');
await page.focus('textarea');
await page.evaluate(() => {
@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ const TMP_FOLDER = path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'pptr_tmp_folder-');
const utils = require('./utils');
module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, defaultBrowserOptions, puppeteer}) {
const {describe, xdescribe, fdescribe} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit} = testRunner;
const {describe, xdescribe, fdescribe, describe_fails_ffox} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit, it_fails_ffox} = testRunner;
const {beforeAll, beforeEach, afterAll, afterEach} = testRunner;
describe('Puppeteer', function() {
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, defaultBrowserOptions, p
await rmAsync(downloadsFolder);
describe('Browser.disconnect', function() {
describe_fails_ffox('Browser.disconnect', function() {
it('should reject navigation when browser closes', async({server}) => {
server.setRoute('/one-style.css', () => {});
const browser = await puppeteer.launch(defaultBrowserOptions);
@ -94,13 +94,13 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, defaultBrowserOptions, p
await neverResolves;
expect(error.message).toContain('Protocol error');
it('should reject if executable path is invalid', async({server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should reject if executable path is invalid', async({server}) => {
let waitError = null;
const options = Object.assign({}, defaultBrowserOptions, {executablePath: 'random-invalid-path'});
await puppeteer.launch(options).catch(e => waitError = e);
expect(waitError.message.startsWith('Failed to launch chrome! spawn random-invalid-path ENOENT')).toBe(true);
it('userDataDir option', async({server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('userDataDir option', async({server}) => {
const userDataDir = await mkdtempAsync(TMP_FOLDER);
const options = Object.assign({userDataDir}, defaultBrowserOptions);
const browser = await puppeteer.launch(options);
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, defaultBrowserOptions, p
// This might throw. See
await rmAsync(userDataDir).catch(e => {});
it('userDataDir argument', async({server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('userDataDir argument', async({server}) => {
const userDataDir = await mkdtempAsync(TMP_FOLDER);
const options = Object.assign({}, defaultBrowserOptions);
options.args = [`--user-data-dir=${userDataDir}`].concat(options.args || []);
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, defaultBrowserOptions, p
// This might throw. See
await rmAsync(userDataDir).catch(e => {});
it('userDataDir option should restore state', async({server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('userDataDir option should restore state', async({server}) => {
const userDataDir = await mkdtempAsync(TMP_FOLDER);
const options = Object.assign({userDataDir}, defaultBrowserOptions);
const browser = await puppeteer.launch(options);
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, defaultBrowserOptions, p
// This might throw. See
await rmAsync(userDataDir).catch(e => {});
it('userDataDir option should restore cookies', async({server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('userDataDir option should restore cookies', async({server}) => {
const userDataDir = await mkdtempAsync(TMP_FOLDER);
const options = Object.assign({userDataDir}, defaultBrowserOptions);
const browser = await puppeteer.launch(options);
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, defaultBrowserOptions, p
// This might throw. See
await rmAsync(userDataDir).catch(e => {});
it('should return the default chrome arguments', async() => {
it_fails_ffox('should return the default chrome arguments', async() => {
expect(puppeteer.defaultArgs({headless: false})).not.toContain('--headless');
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, defaultBrowserOptions, p
it('should close the browser when the node process closes', async({ server }) => {
it_fails_ffox('should close the browser when the node process closes', async({ server }) => {
const {spawn, execSync} = require('child_process');
const res = spawn('node', [path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'closeme.js'), utils.projectRoot(), JSON.stringify(defaultBrowserOptions)]);
let wsEndPointCallback;
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, defaultBrowserOptions, p
await Promise.all(promises);
it('should support the pipe option', async() => {
it_fails_ffox('should support the pipe option', async() => {
const options = Object.assign({pipe: true}, defaultBrowserOptions);
const browser = await puppeteer.launch(options);
expect((await browser.pages()).length).toBe(1);
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, defaultBrowserOptions, p
await page.close();
await browser.close();
it('should support the pipe argument', async() => {
it_fails_ffox('should support the pipe argument', async() => {
const options = Object.assign({}, defaultBrowserOptions);
options.args = ['--remote-debugging-pipe'].concat(options.args || []);
const browser = await puppeteer.launch(options);
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, defaultBrowserOptions, p
await page.close();
await browser.close();
it('should fire "disconnected" when closing with pipe', async() => {
it_fails_ffox('should fire "disconnected" when closing with pipe', async() => {
const options = Object.assign({pipe: true}, defaultBrowserOptions);
const browser = await puppeteer.launch(options);
const disconnectedEventPromise = new Promise(resolve => browser.once('disconnected', resolve));
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, defaultBrowserOptions, p
await page.close();
await browser.close();
it('should filter out ignored default arguments', async() => {
it_fails_ffox('should filter out ignored default arguments', async() => {
// Make sure we launch with `--enable-automation` by default.
const defaultArgs = puppeteer.defaultArgs();
const browser = await puppeteer.launch(Object.assign({}, defaultBrowserOptions, {
@ -246,13 +246,13 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, defaultBrowserOptions, p
await browser.close();
it('should have default url when launching browser', async function() {
it_fails_ffox('should have default url when launching browser', async function() {
const browser = await puppeteer.launch(defaultBrowserOptions);
const pages = (await browser.pages()).map(page => page.url());
await browser.close();
it('should have custom url when launching browser', async function({server}) {
it_fails_ffox('should have custom url when launching browser', async function({server}) {
const customUrl = server.PREFIX + '/empty.html';
const options = Object.assign({}, defaultBrowserOptions);
options.args = [customUrl].concat(options.args || []);
@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, defaultBrowserOptions, p
await browser.close();
describe('Puppeteer.connect', function() {
describe_fails_ffox('Puppeteer.connect', function() {
it('should be able to connect multiple times to the same browser', async({server}) => {
const originalBrowser = await puppeteer.launch(defaultBrowserOptions);
const browser = await puppeteer.connect({
@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, defaultBrowserOptions, p
describe('Browser.Events.disconnected', function() {
describe_fails_ffox('Browser.Events.disconnected', function() {
it('should be emitted when: browser gets closed, disconnected or underlying websocket gets closed', async() => {
const originalBrowser = await puppeteer.launch(defaultBrowserOptions);
const browserWSEndpoint = originalBrowser.wsEndpoint();
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ function dimensions() {
module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, FFOX}) {
const {describe, xdescribe, fdescribe} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit, it_fails_ffox} = testRunner;
const {beforeAll, beforeEach, afterAll, afterEach} = testRunner;
describe('Mouse', function() {
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, FFOX}) {
it('should resize the textarea', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should resize the textarea', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/textarea.html');
const {x, y, width, height} = await page.evaluate(dimensions);
const mouse = page.mouse;
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, FFOX}) {
expect(newDimensions.width).toBe(width + 104);
expect(newDimensions.height).toBe(height + 104);
it('should select the text with mouse', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should select the text with mouse', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/textarea.html');
await page.focus('textarea');
const text = 'This is the text that we are going to try to select. Let\'s see how it goes.';
@ -88,13 +88,13 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, FFOX}) {
await page.hover('#button-91');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('button:hover').id)).toBe('button-91');
it('should trigger hover state with removed window.Node', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should trigger hover state with removed window.Node', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/scrollable.html');
await page.evaluate(() => delete window.Node);
await page.hover('#button-6');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('button:hover').id)).toBe('button-6');
it('should set modifier keys on click', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should set modifier keys on click', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/scrollable.html');
await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('#button-3').addEventListener('mousedown', e => window.lastEvent = e, true));
const modifiers = {'Shift': 'shiftKey', 'Control': 'ctrlKey', 'Alt': 'altKey', 'Meta': 'metaKey'};
@ -16,9 +16,9 @@
const utils = require('./utils');
module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, Errors, FFOX}) {
module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, Errors}) {
const {describe, xdescribe, fdescribe} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit, it_fails_ffox} = testRunner;
const {beforeAll, beforeEach, afterAll, afterEach} = testRunner;
const {TimeoutError} = Errors;
@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, Errors, FFOX}) {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/redirect/1.html');
it('should navigate to about:blank', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should navigate to about:blank', async({page, server}) => {
const response = await page.goto('about:blank');
it('should return response when page changes its URL after load', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should return response when page changes its URL after load', async({page, server}) => {
const response = await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/historyapi.html');
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, Errors, FFOX}) {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/frames/one-frame.html');
it('should fail when server returns 204', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should fail when server returns 204', async({page, server}) => {
server.setRoute('/empty.html', (req, res) => {
res.statusCode = 204;
@ -58,12 +58,12 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, Errors, FFOX}) {
it('should navigate to empty page with domcontentloaded', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should navigate to empty page with domcontentloaded', async({page, server}) => {
const response = await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE, {waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded'});
it('should work when page calls history API in beforeunload', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should work when page calls history API in beforeunload', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
await page.evaluate(() => {
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', () => history.replaceState(null, 'initial', window.location.href), false);
@ -71,20 +71,20 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, Errors, FFOX}) {
const response = await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/grid.html');
(FFOX ? xit : it)('should navigate to empty page with networkidle0', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should navigate to empty page with networkidle0', async({page, server}) => {
const response = await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE, {waitUntil: 'networkidle0'});
(FFOX ? xit : it)('should navigate to empty page with networkidle2', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should navigate to empty page with networkidle2', async({page, server}) => {
const response = await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE, {waitUntil: 'networkidle2'});
it('should fail when navigating to bad url', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should fail when navigating to bad url', async({page, server}) => {
let error = null;
await page.goto('asdfasdf').catch(e => error = e);
expect(error.message).toContain('Cannot navigate to invalid URL');
it('should fail when navigating to bad SSL', async({page, httpsServer}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should fail when navigating to bad SSL', async({page, httpsServer}) => {
// Make sure that network events do not emit 'undefined'.
// @see
page.on('request', request => expect(request).toBeTruthy());
@ -94,19 +94,19 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, Errors, FFOX}) {
await page.goto(httpsServer.EMPTY_PAGE).catch(e => error = e);
it('should fail when navigating to bad SSL after redirects', async({page, server, httpsServer}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should fail when navigating to bad SSL after redirects', async({page, server, httpsServer}) => {
server.setRedirect('/redirect/1.html', '/redirect/2.html');
server.setRedirect('/redirect/2.html', '/empty.html');
let error = null;
await page.goto(httpsServer.PREFIX + '/redirect/1.html').catch(e => error = e);
it('should throw if networkidle is passed as an option', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should throw if networkidle is passed as an option', async({page, server}) => {
let error = null;
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE, {waitUntil: 'networkidle'}).catch(err => error = err);
expect(error.message).toContain('"networkidle" option is no longer supported');
it('should fail when main resources failed to load', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should fail when main resources failed to load', async({page, server}) => {
let error = null;
await page.goto('http://localhost:44123/non-existing-url').catch(e => error = e);
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, Errors, FFOX}) {
expect(error.message).toContain('Navigation Timeout Exceeded: 1ms');
it('should fail when exceeding default maximum navigation timeout', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should fail when exceeding default maximum navigation timeout', async({page, server}) => {
// Hang for request to the empty.html
server.setRoute('/empty.html', (req, res) => { });
let error = null;
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, Errors, FFOX}) {
expect(error.message).toContain('Navigation Timeout Exceeded: 1ms');
it('should fail when exceeding default maximum timeout', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should fail when exceeding default maximum timeout', async({page, server}) => {
// Hang for request to the empty.html
server.setRoute('/empty.html', (req, res) => { });
let error = null;
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, Errors, FFOX}) {
expect(error.message).toContain('Navigation Timeout Exceeded: 1ms');
it('should prioritize default navigation timeout over default timeout', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should prioritize default navigation timeout over default timeout', async({page, server}) => {
// Hang for request to the empty.html
server.setRoute('/empty.html', (req, res) => { });
let error = null;
@ -155,20 +155,20 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, Errors, FFOX}) {
it('should work when navigating to valid url', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should work when navigating to valid url', async({page, server}) => {
const response = await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
it('should work when navigating to data url', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should work when navigating to data url', async({page, server}) => {
const response = await page.goto('data:text/html,hello');
it('should work when navigating to 404', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should work when navigating to 404', async({page, server}) => {
const response = await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/not-found');
it('should return last response in redirect chain', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should return last response in redirect chain', async({page, server}) => {
server.setRedirect('/redirect/1.html', '/redirect/2.html');
server.setRedirect('/redirect/2.html', '/redirect/3.html');
server.setRedirect('/redirect/3.html', server.EMPTY_PAGE);
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, Errors, FFOX}) {
(FFOX ? xit : it)('should wait for network idle to succeed navigation', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should wait for network idle to succeed navigation', async({page, server}) => {
let responses = [];
// Hold on to a bunch of requests without answering.
server.setRoute('/fetch-request-a.js', (req, res) => responses.push(res));
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, Errors, FFOX}) {
process.removeListener('warning', warningHandler);
it('should not leak listeners during bad navigation', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should not leak listeners during bad navigation', async({page, server}) => {
let warning = null;
const warningHandler = w => warning = w;
process.on('warning', warningHandler);
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, Errors, FFOX}) {
process.removeListener('warning', warningHandler);
it('should not leak listeners during navigation of 11 pages', async({page, context, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should not leak listeners during navigation of 11 pages', async({page, context, server}) => {
let warning = null;
const warningHandler = w => warning = w;
process.on('warning', warningHandler);
@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, Errors, FFOX}) {
process.removeListener('warning', warningHandler);
it('should navigate to dataURL and fire dataURL requests', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should navigate to dataURL and fire dataURL requests', async({page, server}) => {
const requests = [];
page.on('request', request => requests.push(request));
const dataURL = 'data:text/html,<div>yo</div>';
@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, Errors, FFOX}) {
it('should navigate to URL with hash and fire requests without hash', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should navigate to URL with hash and fire requests without hash', async({page, server}) => {
const requests = [];
page.on('request', request => requests.push(request));
const response = await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE + '#hash');
@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, Errors, FFOX}) {
it('should work with self requesting page', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should work with self requesting page', async({page, server}) => {
const response = await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/self-request.html');
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, Errors, FFOX}) {
it('should send referer', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should send referer', async({page, server}) => {
const [request1, request2] = await Promise.all([
@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, Errors, FFOX}) {
describe('Page.waitForNavigation', function() {
it('should work', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should work', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
const [response] = await Promise.all([
@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, Errors, FFOX}) {
await bothFiredPromise;
await navigationPromise;
it('should work with clicking on anchor links', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should work with clicking on anchor links', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
await page.setContent(`<a href='#foobar'>foobar</a>`);
const [response] = await Promise.all([
@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, Errors, FFOX}) {
expect(page.url()).toBe(server.EMPTY_PAGE + '#foobar');
it('should work with history.pushState()', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should work with history.pushState()', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
await page.setContent(`
<a onclick='javascript:pushState()'>SPA</a>
@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, Errors, FFOX}) {
expect(page.url()).toBe(server.PREFIX + '/wow.html');
it('should work with history.replaceState()', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should work with history.replaceState()', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
await page.setContent(`
<a onclick='javascript:replaceState()'>SPA</a>
@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, Errors, FFOX}) {
expect(page.url()).toBe(server.PREFIX + '/replaced.html');
it('should work with DOM history.back()/history.forward()', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should work with DOM history.back()/history.forward()', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
await page.setContent(`
<a id=back onclick='javascript:goBack()'>back</a>
@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, Errors, FFOX}) {
describe('Page.goBack', function() {
it('should work', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should work', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/grid.html');
@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, Errors, FFOX}) {
describe('Frame.goto', function() {
it('should navigate subframes', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should navigate subframes', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/frames/one-frame.html');
@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, Errors, FFOX}) {
it('should reject when frame detaches', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should reject when frame detaches', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/frames/one-frame.html');
server.setRoute('/empty.html', () => {});
@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, Errors, FFOX}) {
const error = await navigationPromise;
expect(error.message).toBe('Navigating frame was detached');
it('should return matching responses', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should return matching responses', async({page, server}) => {
// Disable cache: otherwise, chromium will cache similar requests.
await page.setCacheEnabled(false);
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, Errors, FFOX}) {
describe('Frame.waitForNavigation', function() {
it('should work', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should work', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/frames/one-frame.html');
const frame = page.frames()[1];
const [response] = await Promise.all([
@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, Errors, FFOX}) {
it('should reject when frame detaches', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should reject when frame detaches', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/frames/one-frame.html');
const frame = page.frames()[1];
@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ const path = require('path');
const utils = require('./utils');
module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect}) {
const {describe, xdescribe, fdescribe} = testRunner;
const {describe, xdescribe, fdescribe, describe_fails_ffox} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit} = testRunner;
const {beforeAll, beforeEach, afterAll, afterEach} = testRunner;
describe('Network Events', function() {
describe_fails_ffox('Network Events', function() {
it('Page.Events.Request', async({page, server}) => {
const requests = [];
page.on('request', request => requests.push(request));
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect}) {
describe('Request.isNavigationRequest', () => {
describe_fails_ffox('Request.isNavigationRequest', () => {
it('should work', async({page, server}) => {
const requests = new Map();
page.on('request', request => requests.set(request.url().split('/').pop(), request));
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect}) {
describe('Page.setRequestInterception', function() {
describe_fails_ffox('Page.setRequestInterception', function() {
it('should intercept', async({page, server}) => {
await page.setRequestInterception(true);
page.on('request', request => {
@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect}) {
describe('Request.respond', function() {
describe_fails_ffox('Request.respond', function() {
it('should work', async({page, server}) => {
await page.setRequestInterception(true);
page.on('request', request => {
@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect}) {
describe('Page.Events.Request', function() {
describe_fails_ffox('Page.Events.Request', function() {
it('should fire', async({page, server}) => {
const requests = [];
page.on('request', request => requests.push(request));
@ -648,7 +648,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect}) {
describe('Page.setExtraHTTPHeaders', function() {
describe_fails_ffox('Page.setExtraHTTPHeaders', function() {
it('should work', async({page, server}) => {
await page.setExtraHTTPHeaders({
foo: 'bar'
@ -670,7 +670,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect}) {
describe('Page.authenticate', function() {
describe_fails_ffox('Page.authenticate', function() {
it('should work', async({page, server}) => {
server.setAuth('/empty.html', 'user', 'pass');
let response = await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ try {
module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, headless, Errors, DeviceDescriptors}) {
const {describe, xdescribe, fdescribe} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit} = testRunner;
const {describe, xdescribe, fdescribe, describe_fails_ffox} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit, it_fails_ffox} = testRunner;
const {beforeAll, beforeEach, afterAll, afterEach} = testRunner;
const {TimeoutError} = Errors;
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, headless, Errors, Device
await newPage.close();
expect(await browser.pages()).not.toContain(newPage);
it('should run beforeunload if asked for', async({context, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should run beforeunload if asked for', async({context, server}) => {
const newPage = await context.newPage();
await newPage.goto(server.PREFIX + '/beforeunload.html');
// We have to interact with a page so that 'beforeunload' handlers
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, headless, Errors, Device
(asyncawait ? describe : xdescribe)('Async stacks', () => {
(asyncawait ? describe_fails_ffox : xdescribe)('Async stacks', () => {
it('should work', async({page, server}) => {
server.setRoute('/empty.html', (req, res) => {
res.statusCode = 204;
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, headless, Errors, Device
describe('Page.Events.error', function() {
describe_fails_ffox('Page.Events.error', function() {
it('should throw when page crashes', async({page}) => {
let error = null;
page.on('error', err => error = err);
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, headless, Errors, Device
describe('Page.Events.Popup', function() {
describe_fails_ffox('Page.Events.Popup', function() {
it('should work', async({page}) => {
const [popup] = await Promise.all([
new Promise(x => page.once('popup', x)),
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, headless, Errors, Device
describe('BrowserContext.overridePermissions', function() {
describe_fails_ffox('BrowserContext.overridePermissions', function() {
function getPermission(page, name) {
return page.evaluate(name => navigator.permissions.query({name}).then(result => result.state), name);
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, headless, Errors, Device
describe('Page.setGeolocation', function() {
describe_fails_ffox('Page.setGeolocation', function() {
it('should work', async({page, server, context}) => {
await context.overridePermissions(server.PREFIX, ['geolocation']);
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, headless, Errors, Device
describe('Page.setOfflineMode', function() {
describe_fails_ffox('Page.setOfflineMode', function() {
it('should work', async({page, server}) => {
await page.setOfflineMode(true);
let error = null;
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, headless, Errors, Device
describe('ExecutionContext.queryObjects', function() {
describe_fails_ffox('ExecutionContext.queryObjects', function() {
it('should work', async({page, server}) => {
// Instantiate an object
await page.evaluate(() => window.set = new Set(['hello', 'world']));
@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, headless, Errors, Device
it('should trigger correct Log', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should trigger correct Log', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto('about:blank');
const [message] = await Promise.all([
waitEvent(page, 'console'),
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, headless, Errors, Device
expect(message.text()).toContain('No \'Access-Control-Allow-Origin\'');
it('should have location when fetch fails', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should have location when fetch fails', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
const [message] = await Promise.all([
waitEvent(page, 'console'),
@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, headless, Errors, Device
lineNumber: undefined
it('should have location for console API calls', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should have location for console API calls', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
const [message] = await Promise.all([
waitEvent(page, 'console'),
@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, headless, Errors, Device
// @see
it('should not throw when there are console messages in detached iframes', async({browser, page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should not throw when there are console messages in detached iframes', async({browser, page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
await page.evaluate(async() => {
// 1. Create a popup that Puppeteer is not connected to.
@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, headless, Errors, Device
describe('Page.metrics', function() {
describe_fails_ffox('Page.metrics', function() {
it('should get metrics from a page', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto('about:blank');
const metrics = await page.metrics();
@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, headless, Errors, Device
describe('Page.waitForRequest', function() {
describe_fails_ffox('Page.waitForRequest', function() {
it('should work', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
const [request] = await Promise.all([
@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, headless, Errors, Device
describe('Page.waitForResponse', function() {
describe_fails_ffox('Page.waitForResponse', function() {
it('should work', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
const [response] = await Promise.all([
@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, headless, Errors, Device
describe('Page.exposeFunction', function() {
describe_fails_ffox('Page.exposeFunction', function() {
it('should work', async({page, server}) => {
await page.exposeFunction('compute', function(a, b) {
return a * b;
@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, headless, Errors, Device
describe('Page.setUserAgent', function() {
describe_fails_ffox('Page.setUserAgent', function() {
it('should work', async({page, server}) => {
expect(await page.evaluate(() => navigator.userAgent)).toContain('Mozilla');
@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, headless, Errors, Device
const result = await page.content();
it('should respect timeout', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should respect timeout', async({page, server}) => {
const imgPath = '/img.png';
// stall for image
server.setRoute(imgPath, (req, res) => {});
@ -674,7 +674,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, headless, Errors, Device
await page.setContent(`<img src="${server.PREFIX + imgPath}"></img>`, {timeout: 1}).catch(e => error = e);
it('should respect default navigation timeout', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should respect default navigation timeout', async({page, server}) => {
const imgPath = '/img.png';
// stall for image
@ -683,7 +683,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, headless, Errors, Device
await page.setContent(`<img src="${server.PREFIX + imgPath}"></img>`).catch(e => error = e);
it('should await resources to load', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should await resources to load', async({page, server}) => {
const imgPath = '/img.png';
let imgResponse = null;
server.setRoute(imgPath, (req, res) => imgResponse = res);
@ -700,7 +700,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, headless, Errors, Device
describe('Page.setBypassCSP', function() {
describe_fails_ffox('Page.setBypassCSP', function() {
it('should bypass CSP meta tag', async({page, server}) => {
// Make sure CSP prohibits addScriptTag.
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/csp.html');
@ -810,7 +810,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, headless, Errors, Device
expect(await page.evaluate(() => __injected)).toBe(35);
it('should throw when added with content to the CSP page', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should throw when added with content to the CSP page', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/csp.html');
let error = null;
await page.addScriptTag({ content: 'window.__injected = 35;' }).catch(e => error = e);
@ -876,7 +876,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, headless, Errors, Device
expect(await page.evaluate(`window.getComputedStyle(document.querySelector('body')).getPropertyValue('background-color')`)).toBe('rgb(0, 128, 0)');
it('should throw when added with content to the CSP page', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should throw when added with content to the CSP page', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/csp.html');
let error = null;
await page.addStyleTag({ content: 'body { background-color: green; }' }).catch(e => error = e);
@ -899,7 +899,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, headless, Errors, Device
describe('Page.setJavaScriptEnabled', function() {
describe_fails_ffox('Page.setJavaScriptEnabled', function() {
it('should work', async({page, server}) => {
await page.setJavaScriptEnabled(false);
await page.goto('data:text/html, <script>var something = "forbidden"</script>');
@ -913,7 +913,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, headless, Errors, Device
describe('Page.setCacheEnabled', function() {
describe_fails_ffox('Page.setCacheEnabled', function() {
it('should enable or disable the cache based on the state passed', async({page, server}) => {
const responses = new Map();
page.on('response', r => responses.set(r.url().split('/').pop(), r));
@ -929,7 +929,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, headless, Errors, Device
// Printing to pdf is currently only supported in headless
(headless ? describe : xdescribe)('Page.pdf', function() {
(headless ? describe_fails_ffox : xdescribe)('Page.pdf', function() {
it('should be able to save file', async({page, server}) => {
const outputFile = __dirname + '/assets/output.pdf';
await page.pdf({path: outputFile});
@ -1022,7 +1022,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, headless, Errors, Device
expect(error.message).toContain('Values must be strings');
// @see
it('should work when re-defining top-level Event class', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should work when re-defining top-level Event class', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/select.html');
await page.evaluate(() => window.Event = null);
await'select', 'blue');
@ -1031,7 +1031,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, headless, Errors, Device
describe('Connection', function() {
describe_fails_ffox('Connection', function() {
it('should throw nice errors', async function({page}) {
const error = await theSourceOfTheProblems().catch(error => error);
@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, headless, Errors, Device
describe('Page.browserContext', function() {
describe_fails_ffox('Page.browserContext', function() {
it('should return the correct browser instance', async function({page, context, browser}) {
@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ const YELLOW_COLOR = '\x1b[33m';
const RESET_COLOR = '\x1b[0m';
module.exports.addTests = ({testRunner, product, puppeteer, Errors, DeviceDescriptors}) => {
const {describe, xdescribe, fdescribe} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit} = testRunner;
const {describe, xdescribe, fdescribe, describe_fails_ffox} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit, it_fails_ffox} = testRunner;
const {beforeAll, beforeEach, afterAll, afterEach} = testRunner;
const CHROME = product === 'Chromium';
@ -117,8 +117,10 @@ module.exports.addTests = ({testRunner, product, puppeteer, Errors, DeviceDescri
// Page-level tests that are given a browser, a context and a page.
// Each test is launched in a new browser context.
@ -129,19 +131,17 @@ module.exports.addTests = ({testRunner, product, puppeteer, Errors, DeviceDescri
if (CHROME) {
} else {
@ -15,11 +15,11 @@
module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, product}) {
const {describe, xdescribe, fdescribe} = testRunner;
const {describe, xdescribe, fdescribe, describe_fails_ffox} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit} = testRunner;
const {beforeAll, beforeEach, afterAll, afterEach} = testRunner;
describe('Page.screenshot', function() {
describe_fails_ffox('Page.screenshot', function() {
it('should work', async({page, server}) => {
await page.setViewport({width: 500, height: 500});
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/grid.html');
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, product}) {
describe('ElementHandle.screenshot', function() {
describe_fails_ffox('ElementHandle.screenshot', function() {
it('should work', async({page, server}) => {
await page.setViewport({width: 500, height: 500});
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/grid.html');
@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ const {waitEvent} = utils;
module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, puppeteer, Errors}) {
const {describe, xdescribe, fdescribe} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit, it_fails_ffox} = testRunner;
const {beforeAll, beforeEach, afterAll, afterEach} = testRunner;
const {TimeoutError} = Errors;
describe('Target', function() {
it('Browser.targets should return all of the targets', async({page, server, browser}) => {
it_fails_ffox('Browser.targets should return all of the targets', async({page, server, browser}) => {
// The pages will be the testing page and the original newtab page
const targets = browser.targets();
expect(targets.some(target => target.type() === 'page' &&
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, puppeteer, Errors}) {
it('should contain browser target', async({browser}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should contain browser target', async({browser}) => {
const targets = browser.targets();
const browserTarget = targets.find(target => target.type() === 'browser');
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, puppeteer, Errors}) {
expect(await originalPage.evaluate(() => ['Hello', 'world'].join(' '))).toBe('Hello world');
expect(await originalPage.$('body')).toBeTruthy();
it('should report when a new page is created and closed', async({page, server, context}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should report when a new page is created and closed', async({page, server, context}) => {
const otherPagePromise = new Promise(fulfill => context.once('targetcreated', target => fulfill(;
await page.evaluate(url =>, server.CROSS_PROCESS_PREFIX);
const otherPage = await otherPagePromise;
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, puppeteer, Errors}) {
it('should report when a service worker is created and destroyed', async({page, server, context}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should report when a service worker is created and destroyed', async({page, server, context}) => {
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
const createdTarget = new Promise(fulfill => context.once('targetcreated', target => fulfill(target)));
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, puppeteer, Errors}) {
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
expect((await changedTarget).url()).toBe(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
it('should not report uninitialized pages', async({page, server, context}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should not report uninitialized pages', async({page, server, context}) => {
let targetChanged = false;
const listener = () => targetChanged = true;
context.on('targetchanged', listener);
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, puppeteer, Errors}) {
// Cleanup.
await newPage.close();
it('should have an opener', async({page, server, context}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should have an opener', async({page, server, context}) => {
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
const [createdTarget] = await Promise.all([
new Promise(fulfill => context.once('targetcreated', target => fulfill(target))),
@ -79,6 +79,8 @@ const CHROMIUM_NO_COVERAGE = new Set([
if (process.env.BROWSER !== 'firefox') {
testRunner.addTestDSL('it_fails_ffox', 'run');
testRunner.addSuiteDSL('describe_fails_ffox', 'run');
describe('Chromium', () => {
product: 'Chromium',
@ -91,6 +93,9 @@ if (process.env.BROWSER !== 'firefox') {
utils.recordAPICoverage(testRunner, require('../lib/api'), CHROMIUM_NO_COVERAGE);
} else {
testRunner.addTestDSL('it_fails_ffox', 'skip', FFOX_SKIPPED_TESTS);
testRunner.addSuiteDSL('describe_fails_ffox', 'skip', FFOX_SKIPPED_TESTS);
describe('Firefox', () => {
product: 'Firefox',
@ -100,6 +105,24 @@ if (process.env.BROWSER !== 'firefox') {
if (process.argv.indexOf('--firefox-status') !== -1) {
const allTests = testRunner.tests();
const ffoxTests = allTests.filter(test => {
if (test.comment === FFOX_SKIPPED_TESTS)
return false;
for (let suite = test.suite; suite; suite = suite.parentSuite) {
if (suite.comment === FFOX_SKIPPED_TESTS)
return false;
return true;
allTests: allTests.length,
firefoxTests: ffoxTests.length
if (process.env.CI && testRunner.hasFocusedTestsOrSuites()) {
@ -16,10 +16,10 @@
module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect}) {
const {describe, xdescribe, fdescribe} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit, it_fails_ffox} = testRunner;
const {beforeAll, beforeEach, afterAll, afterEach} = testRunner;
describe('Touchscreen', function() {
it('should tap the button', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should tap the button', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/button.html');
await page.tap('button');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => result)).toBe('Clicked');
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ try {
module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, product, Errors}) {
const {describe, xdescribe, fdescribe} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit, it_fails_ffox} = testRunner;
const {beforeAll, beforeEach, afterAll, afterEach} = testRunner;
const {TimeoutError} = Errors;
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, product, Errors}) {
await page.waitFor(timeout);
expect( - startTime).not.toBeLessThan(timeout / 2);
it('should work with multiline body', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should work with multiline body', async({page, server}) => {
const result = await page.waitForFunction(`
(() => true)()
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, product, Errors}) {
await page.evaluate(() => window.__FOO = 'hit');
await watchdog;
it('should work with strict CSP policy', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should work with strict CSP policy', async({page, server}) => {
server.setCSP('/empty.html', 'script-src ' + server.PREFIX);
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
let error = null;
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, product, Errors}) {
expect(error.message).toContain('waiting for function failed: timeout');
it('should respect default timeout', async({page}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should respect default timeout', async({page}) => {
let error = null;
await page.waitForFunction('false').catch(e => error = e);
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, product, Errors}) {
await frame.waitForSelector('div');
it('should work with removed MutationObserver', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should work with removed MutationObserver', async({page, server}) => {
await page.evaluate(() => delete window.MutationObserver);
const [handle] = await Promise.all([
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, product, Errors}) {
await watchdog;
it('Page.waitForSelector is shortcut for main frame', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('Page.waitForSelector is shortcut for main frame', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
await utils.attachFrame(page, 'frame1', server.EMPTY_PAGE2);
const otherFrame = page.frames()[1];
@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, product, Errors}) {
it('should run in specified frame', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should run in specified frame', async({page, server}) => {
await utils.attachFrame(page, 'frame1', server.EMPTY_PAGE2);
await utils.attachFrame(page, 'frame2', server.EMPTY_PAGE2);
const frame1 = page.frames()[1];
@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, product, Errors}) {
expect(await waitForSelector).toBe(true);
it('should return null if waiting to hide non-existing element', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should return null if waiting to hide non-existing element', async({page, server}) => {
const handle = await page.waitForSelector('non-existing', { hidden: true });
@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, product, Errors}) {
expect(error.message).toContain('waiting for XPath "//div" failed: timeout');
it('should run in specified frame', async({page, server}) => {
it_fails_ffox('should run in specified frame', async({page, server}) => {
await utils.attachFrame(page, 'frame1', server.EMPTY_PAGE);
await utils.attachFrame(page, 'frame2', server.EMPTY_PAGE);
const frame1 = page.frames()[1];
@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ const utils = require('./utils');
const {waitEvent} = utils;
module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect}) {
const {describe, xdescribe, fdescribe} = testRunner;
const {describe, xdescribe, fdescribe, describe_fails_ffox} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit} = testRunner;
const {beforeAll, beforeEach, afterAll, afterEach} = testRunner;
describe('Workers', function() {
describe_fails_ffox('Workers', function() {
it('Page.workers', async function({page, server}) {
await Promise.all([
new Promise(x => page.once('workercreated', x)),
@ -97,13 +97,14 @@ const TestResult = {
class Test {
constructor(suite, name, callback, declaredMode, timeout) {
constructor(suite, name, callback, declaredMode, timeout, comment) {
this.suite = suite;
|||| = name;
this.fullName = (suite.fullName + ' ' + name).trim();
this.declaredMode = declaredMode;
this._userCallback = new UserCallback(callback, timeout);
this.location = this._userCallback.location;
this.comment = comment;
// Test results
this.result = null;
@ -114,11 +115,12 @@ class Test {
class Suite {
constructor(parentSuite, name, declaredMode) {
constructor(parentSuite, name, declaredMode, comment) {
this.parentSuite = parentSuite;
|||| = name;
this.fullName = (parentSuite ? parentSuite.fullName + ' ' + name : name).trim();
this.declaredMode = declaredMode;
this.comment = comment;
/** @type {!Array<(!Test|!Suite)>} */
this.children = [];
@ -283,32 +285,40 @@ class TestRunner extends EventEmitter {
// bind methods so that they can be used as a DSL.
this.describe = this._addSuite.bind(this, TestMode.Run);
this.fdescribe = this._addSuite.bind(this, TestMode.Focus);
this.xdescribe = this._addSuite.bind(this, TestMode.Skip);
|||| = this._addTest.bind(this, TestMode.Run);
|||| = this._addTest.bind(this, TestMode.Focus);
this.xit = this._addTest.bind(this, TestMode.Skip);
this.describe = this._addSuite.bind(this, TestMode.Run, '');
this.fdescribe = this._addSuite.bind(this, TestMode.Focus, '');
this.xdescribe = this._addSuite.bind(this, TestMode.Skip, '');
|||| = this._addTest.bind(this, TestMode.Run, '');
|||| = this._addTest.bind(this, TestMode.Focus, '');
this.xit = this._addTest.bind(this, TestMode.Skip, '');
this.beforeAll = this._addHook.bind(this, 'beforeAll');
this.beforeEach = this._addHook.bind(this, 'beforeEach');
this.afterAll = this._addHook.bind(this, 'afterAll');
this.afterEach = this._addHook.bind(this, 'afterEach');
_addTest(mode, name, callback) {
addTestDSL(dslName, mode, comment) {
this[dslName] = this._addTest.bind(this, mode, comment);
addSuiteDSL(dslName, mode, comment) {
this[dslName] = this._addSuite.bind(this, mode, comment);
_addTest(mode, comment, name, callback) {
let suite = this._currentSuite;
let isSkipped = suite.declaredMode === TestMode.Skip;
while ((suite = suite.parentSuite))
isSkipped |= suite.declaredMode === TestMode.Skip;
const test = new Test(this._currentSuite, name, callback, isSkipped ? TestMode.Skip : mode, this._timeout);
const test = new Test(this._currentSuite, name, callback, isSkipped ? TestMode.Skip : mode, this._timeout, comment);
this._hasFocusedTestsOrSuites = this._hasFocusedTestsOrSuites || mode === TestMode.Focus;
_addSuite(mode, name, callback) {
_addSuite(mode, comment, name, callback) {
const oldSuite = this._currentSuite;
const suite = new Suite(this._currentSuite, name, mode);
const suite = new Suite(this._currentSuite, name, mode, comment);
this._currentSuite = suite;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user