diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 0a5f044b..f4beee07 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,6 +1,3 @@ - - - # Puppeteer diff --git a/docs/api/index.md b/docs/api/index.md index b3d92a08..11bf9a8a 100644 --- a/docs/api/index.md +++ b/docs/api/index.md @@ -1,166 +1,166 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: API ---- -# API Reference - -## Classes - -| Class | Description | -| --- | --- | -| [Accessibility](./puppeteer.accessibility.md) | The Accessibility class provides methods for inspecting Chromium's accessibility tree. The accessibility tree is used by assistive technology such as [screen readers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screen_reader) or [switches](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Switch_access). | -| [Browser](./puppeteer.browser.md) | A Browser is created when Puppeteer connects to a Chromium instance, either through [PuppeteerNode.launch()](./puppeteer.puppeteernode.launch.md) or [Puppeteer.connect()](./puppeteer.puppeteer.connect.md). | -| [BrowserContext](./puppeteer.browsercontext.md) | BrowserContexts provide a way to operate multiple independent browser sessions. When a browser is launched, it has a single BrowserContext used by default. The method [Browser.newPage](./puppeteer.browser.newpage.md) creates a page in the default browser context. | -| [BrowserFetcher](./puppeteer.browserfetcher.md) | BrowserFetcher can download and manage different versions of Chromium and Firefox. | -| [CDPSession](./puppeteer.cdpsession.md) | The CDPSession instances are used to talk raw Chrome Devtools Protocol. | -| [Connection](./puppeteer.connection.md) | | -| [ConsoleMessage](./puppeteer.consolemessage.md) | ConsoleMessage objects are dispatched by page via the 'console' event. | -| [Coverage](./puppeteer.coverage.md) | The Coverage class provides methods to gathers information about parts of JavaScript and CSS that were used by the page. | -| [CSSCoverage](./puppeteer.csscoverage.md) | | -| [CustomError](./puppeteer.customerror.md) | | -| [Dialog](./puppeteer.dialog.md) | Dialog instances are dispatched by the [Page](./puppeteer.page.md) via the dialog event. | -| [ElementHandle](./puppeteer.elementhandle.md) | ElementHandle represents an in-page DOM element. | -| [EventEmitter](./puppeteer.eventemitter.md) | The EventEmitter class that many Puppeteer classes extend. | -| [ExecutionContext](./puppeteer.executioncontext.md) |

This class represents a context for JavaScript execution. A \[Page\] might have many execution contexts: - each [frame](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/iframe) has "default" execution context that is always created after frame is attached to DOM. This context is returned by the [Frame.executionContext()](./puppeteer.frame.executioncontext.md) method. - [Extension](https://developer.chrome.com/extensions)'s content scripts create additional execution contexts.

Besides pages, execution contexts can be found in [workers](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API).

| -| [FileChooser](./puppeteer.filechooser.md) | File choosers let you react to the page requesting for a file. | -| [Frame](./puppeteer.frame.md) | At every point of time, page exposes its current frame tree via the [page.mainFrame](./puppeteer.page.mainframe.md) and [frame.childFrames](./puppeteer.frame.childframes.md) methods. | -| [HTTPRequest](./puppeteer.httprequest.md) | Represents an HTTP request sent by a page. | -| [HTTPResponse](./puppeteer.httpresponse.md) | The HTTPResponse class represents responses which are received by the [Page](./puppeteer.page.md) class. | -| [JSCoverage](./puppeteer.jscoverage.md) | | -| [JSHandle](./puppeteer.jshandle.md) | Represents an in-page JavaScript object. JSHandles can be created with the [page.evaluateHandle](./puppeteer.page.evaluatehandle.md) method. | -| [Keyboard](./puppeteer.keyboard.md) | Keyboard provides an api for managing a virtual keyboard. The high level api is [Keyboard.type()](./puppeteer.keyboard.type.md), which takes raw characters and generates proper keydown, keypress/input, and keyup events on your page. | -| [Mouse](./puppeteer.mouse.md) | The Mouse class operates in main-frame CSS pixels relative to the top-left corner of the viewport. | -| [Page](./puppeteer.page.md) |

Page provides methods to interact with a single tab or [extension background page](https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/background_pages) in Chromium.


One Browser instance might have multiple Page instances.


| -| [ProtocolError](./puppeteer.protocolerror.md) | ProtocolError is emitted whenever there is an error from the protocol. | -| [Puppeteer](./puppeteer.puppeteer.md) |

The main Puppeteer class.

IMPORTANT: if you are using Puppeteer in a Node environment, you will get an instance of [PuppeteerNode](./puppeteer.puppeteernode.md) when you import or require puppeteer. That class extends Puppeteer, so has all the methods documented below as well as all that are defined on [PuppeteerNode](./puppeteer.puppeteernode.md).

| -| [PuppeteerNode](./puppeteer.puppeteernode.md) |

Extends the main [Puppeteer](./puppeteer.puppeteer.md) class with Node specific behaviour for fetching and downloading browsers.

If you're using Puppeteer in a Node environment, this is the class you'll get when you run require('puppeteer') (or the equivalent ES import).

| -| [SecurityDetails](./puppeteer.securitydetails.md) | The SecurityDetails class represents the security details of a response that was received over a secure connection. | -| [Target](./puppeteer.target.md) | | -| [TimeoutError](./puppeteer.timeouterror.md) | TimeoutError is emitted whenever certain operations are terminated due to timeout. | -| [Touchscreen](./puppeteer.touchscreen.md) | The Touchscreen class exposes touchscreen events. | -| [Tracing](./puppeteer.tracing.md) | The Tracing class exposes the tracing audit interface. | -| [WebWorker](./puppeteer.webworker.md) | The WebWorker class represents a [WebWorker](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API). | - -## Enumerations - -| Enumeration | Description | -| --- | --- | -| [BrowserContextEmittedEvents](./puppeteer.browsercontextemittedevents.md) | | -| [BrowserEmittedEvents](./puppeteer.browseremittedevents.md) | All the events a [browser instance](./puppeteer.browser.md) may emit. | -| [InterceptResolutionAction](./puppeteer.interceptresolutionaction.md) | | -| [PageEmittedEvents](./puppeteer.pageemittedevents.md) | All the events that a page instance may emit. | - -## Functions - -| Function | Description | -| --- | --- | -| [clearCustomQueryHandlers()](./puppeteer.clearcustomqueryhandlers.md) | Clears all registered handlers. | -| [customQueryHandlerNames()](./puppeteer.customqueryhandlernames.md) | | -| [registerCustomQueryHandler(name, handler)](./puppeteer.registercustomqueryhandler.md) | Registers a [custom query handler](./puppeteer.customqueryhandler.md). | -| [unregisterCustomQueryHandler(name)](./puppeteer.unregistercustomqueryhandler.md) | | - -## Interfaces - -| Interface | Description | -| --- | --- | -| [BoundingBox](./puppeteer.boundingbox.md) | | -| [BoxModel](./puppeteer.boxmodel.md) | | -| [BrowserConnectOptions](./puppeteer.browserconnectoptions.md) | Generic browser options that can be passed when launching any browser or when connecting to an existing browser instance. | -| [BrowserContextOptions](./puppeteer.browsercontextoptions.md) | BrowserContext options. | -| [BrowserFetcherOptions](./puppeteer.browserfetcheroptions.md) | | -| [BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo](./puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.md) | | -| [BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions](./puppeteer.browserlaunchargumentoptions.md) | Launcher options that only apply to Chrome. | -| [CDPSessionOnMessageObject](./puppeteer.cdpsessiononmessageobject.md) | | -| [ClickOptions](./puppeteer.clickoptions.md) | | -| [CommonEventEmitter](./puppeteer.commoneventemitter.md) | | -| [ConnectionCallback](./puppeteer.connectioncallback.md) | | -| [ConnectionTransport](./puppeteer.connectiontransport.md) | | -| [ConnectOptions](./puppeteer.connectoptions.md) | | -| [ConsoleMessageLocation](./puppeteer.consolemessagelocation.md) | | -| [ContinueRequestOverrides](./puppeteer.continuerequestoverrides.md) | | -| [CoverageEntry](./puppeteer.coverageentry.md) | The CoverageEntry class represents one entry of the coverage report. | -| [Credentials](./puppeteer.credentials.md) | | -| [CSSCoverageOptions](./puppeteer.csscoverageoptions.md) | Set of configurable options for CSS coverage. | -| [CustomQueryHandler](./puppeteer.customqueryhandler.md) | Contains two functions queryOne and queryAll that can be [registered](./puppeteer.registercustomqueryhandler.md) as alternative querying strategies. The functions queryOne and queryAll are executed in the page context. queryOne should take an Element and a selector string as argument and return a single Element or null if no element is found. queryAll takes the same arguments but should instead return a NodeListOf<Element> or Array<Element> with all the elements that match the given query selector. | -| [Device](./puppeteer.device.md) | | -| [FrameAddScriptTagOptions](./puppeteer.frameaddscripttagoptions.md) | | -| [FrameAddStyleTagOptions](./puppeteer.frameaddstyletagoptions.md) | | -| [FrameWaitForFunctionOptions](./puppeteer.framewaitforfunctionoptions.md) | | -| [GeolocationOptions](./puppeteer.geolocationoptions.md) | | -| [InterceptResolutionState](./puppeteer.interceptresolutionstate.md) | | -| [InternalNetworkConditions](./puppeteer.internalnetworkconditions.md) | | -| [JSCoverageEntry](./puppeteer.jscoverageentry.md) | The CoverageEntry class for JavaScript | -| [JSCoverageOptions](./puppeteer.jscoverageoptions.md) | Set of configurable options for JS coverage. | -| [LaunchOptions](./puppeteer.launchoptions.md) | Generic launch options that can be passed when launching any browser. | -| [MediaFeature](./puppeteer.mediafeature.md) | | -| [Metrics](./puppeteer.metrics.md) | | -| [MouseOptions](./puppeteer.mouseoptions.md) | | -| [MouseWheelOptions](./puppeteer.mousewheeloptions.md) | | -| [NetworkConditions](./puppeteer.networkconditions.md) | | -| [Offset](./puppeteer.offset.md) | | -| [PageEventObject](./puppeteer.pageeventobject.md) |

Denotes the objects received by callback functions for page events.

See [PageEmittedEvents](./puppeteer.pageemittedevents.md) for more detail on the events and when they are emitted.

| -| [PDFMargin](./puppeteer.pdfmargin.md) | | -| [PDFOptions](./puppeteer.pdfoptions.md) | Valid options to configure PDF generation via [Page.pdf()](./puppeteer.page.pdf.md). | -| [Point](./puppeteer.point.md) | | -| [PressOptions](./puppeteer.pressoptions.md) | | -| [ProductLauncher](./puppeteer.productlauncher.md) | Describes a launcher - a class that is able to create and launch a browser instance. | -| [PuppeteerErrors](./puppeteer.puppeteererrors.md) | | -| [PuppeteerLaunchOptions](./puppeteer.puppeteerlaunchoptions.md) | | -| [RemoteAddress](./puppeteer.remoteaddress.md) | | -| [ResponseForRequest](./puppeteer.responseforrequest.md) | Required response data to fulfill a request with. | -| [ScreenshotClip](./puppeteer.screenshotclip.md) | | -| [ScreenshotOptions](./puppeteer.screenshotoptions.md) | | -| [SerializedAXNode](./puppeteer.serializedaxnode.md) | Represents a Node and the properties of it that are relevant to Accessibility. | -| [SnapshotOptions](./puppeteer.snapshotoptions.md) | | -| [TracingOptions](./puppeteer.tracingoptions.md) | | -| [Viewport](./puppeteer.viewport.md) | Sets the viewport of the page. | -| [WaitForOptions](./puppeteer.waitforoptions.md) | | -| [WaitForSelectorOptions](./puppeteer.waitforselectoroptions.md) | | -| [WaitForTargetOptions](./puppeteer.waitfortargetoptions.md) | | -| [WaitTimeoutOptions](./puppeteer.waittimeoutoptions.md) | | - -## Variables - -| Variable | Description | -| --- | --- | -| [connect](./puppeteer.connect.md) | | -| [createBrowserFetcher](./puppeteer.createbrowserfetcher.md) | | -| [DEFAULT\_INTERCEPT\_RESOLUTION\_PRIORITY](./puppeteer.default_intercept_resolution_priority.md) | The default cooperative request interception resolution priority | -| [defaultArgs](./puppeteer.defaultargs.md) | | -| [devices](./puppeteer.devices.md) | A list of devices to be used with page.emulate(options). Actual list of devices can be found in [src/common/DeviceDescriptors.ts](https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/blob/main/src/common/DeviceDescriptors.ts). | -| [errors](./puppeteer.errors.md) |

Puppeteer methods might throw errors if they are unable to fulfill a request. For example, page.waitForSelector(selector[, options]) might fail if the selector doesn't match any nodes during the given timeframe.

For certain types of errors Puppeteer uses specific error classes. These classes are available via puppeteer.errors.

| -| [EVALUATION\_SCRIPT\_URL](./puppeteer.evaluation_script_url.md) | | -| [executablePath](./puppeteer.executablepath.md) | | -| [launch](./puppeteer.launch.md) | | -| [networkConditions](./puppeteer.networkconditions.md) | A list of network conditions to be used with page.emulateNetworkConditions(networkConditions). Actual list of predefined conditions can be found in [src/common/NetworkConditions.ts](https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/blob/main/src/common/NetworkConditions.ts). | - -## Type Aliases - -| Type Alias | Description | -| --- | --- | -| [ActionResult](./puppeteer.actionresult.md) | | -| [Awaitable](./puppeteer.awaitable.md) | | -| [ChromeReleaseChannel](./puppeteer.chromereleasechannel.md) | | -| [ConsoleMessageType](./puppeteer.consolemessagetype.md) | The supported types for console messages. | -| [DevicesMap](./puppeteer.devicesmap.md) | | -| [ErrorCode](./puppeteer.errorcode.md) | | -| [EvaluateFunc](./puppeteer.evaluatefunc.md) | | -| [EventType](./puppeteer.eventtype.md) | | -| [FlattenHandle](./puppeteer.flattenhandle.md) | | -| [HandleFor](./puppeteer.handlefor.md) | | -| [HandleOr](./puppeteer.handleor.md) | | -| [Handler](./puppeteer.handler.md) | | -| [InnerParams](./puppeteer.innerparams.md) | | -| [InterceptResolutionStrategy](./puppeteer.interceptresolutionstrategy.md) | | -| [KeyInput](./puppeteer.keyinput.md) | All the valid keys that can be passed to functions that take user input, such as [keyboard.press](./puppeteer.keyboard.press.md) | -| [LowerCasePaperFormat](./puppeteer.lowercasepaperformat.md) | | -| [MouseButton](./puppeteer.mousebutton.md) | | -| [PaperFormat](./puppeteer.paperformat.md) | All the valid paper format types when printing a PDF. | -| [Permission](./puppeteer.permission.md) | | -| [Platform](./puppeteer.platform.md) | Supported platforms. | -| [Product](./puppeteer.product.md) | Supported products. | -| [ProtocolLifeCycleEvent](./puppeteer.protocollifecycleevent.md) | | -| [PuppeteerLifeCycleEvent](./puppeteer.puppeteerlifecycleevent.md) | | -| [PuppeteerNodeLaunchOptions](./puppeteer.puppeteernodelaunchoptions.md) | Utility type exposed to enable users to define options that can be passed to puppeteer.launch without having to list the set of all types. | -| [ResourceType](./puppeteer.resourcetype.md) | Resource types for HTTPRequests as perceived by the rendering engine. | -| [TargetFilterCallback](./puppeteer.targetfiltercallback.md) | | - +--- +sidebar_label: API +--- + +# API Reference + +## Classes + +| Class | Description | +| --------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| [Accessibility](./puppeteer.accessibility.md) | The Accessibility class provides methods for inspecting Chromium's accessibility tree. The accessibility tree is used by assistive technology such as [screen readers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screen_reader) or [switches](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Switch_access). | +| [Browser](./puppeteer.browser.md) | A Browser is created when Puppeteer connects to a Chromium instance, either through [PuppeteerNode.launch()](./puppeteer.puppeteernode.launch.md) or [Puppeteer.connect()](./puppeteer.puppeteer.connect.md). | +| [BrowserContext](./puppeteer.browsercontext.md) | BrowserContexts provide a way to operate multiple independent browser sessions. When a browser is launched, it has a single BrowserContext used by default. The method [Browser.newPage](./puppeteer.browser.newpage.md) creates a page in the default browser context. | +| [BrowserFetcher](./puppeteer.browserfetcher.md) | BrowserFetcher can download and manage different versions of Chromium and Firefox. | +| [CDPSession](./puppeteer.cdpsession.md) | The CDPSession instances are used to talk raw Chrome Devtools Protocol. | +| [Connection](./puppeteer.connection.md) | | +| [ConsoleMessage](./puppeteer.consolemessage.md) | ConsoleMessage objects are dispatched by page via the 'console' event. | +| [Coverage](./puppeteer.coverage.md) | The Coverage class provides methods to gathers information about parts of JavaScript and CSS that were used by the page. | +| [CSSCoverage](./puppeteer.csscoverage.md) | | +| [CustomError](./puppeteer.customerror.md) | | +| [Dialog](./puppeteer.dialog.md) | Dialog instances are dispatched by the [Page](./puppeteer.page.md) via the dialog event. | +| [ElementHandle](./puppeteer.elementhandle.md) | ElementHandle represents an in-page DOM element. | +| [EventEmitter](./puppeteer.eventemitter.md) | The EventEmitter class that many Puppeteer classes extend. | +| [ExecutionContext](./puppeteer.executioncontext.md) |

This class represents a context for JavaScript execution. A \[Page\] might have many execution contexts: - each [frame](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/iframe) has "default" execution context that is always created after frame is attached to DOM. This context is returned by the [Frame.executionContext()](./puppeteer.frame.executioncontext.md) method. - [Extension](https://developer.chrome.com/extensions)'s content scripts create additional execution contexts.

Besides pages, execution contexts can be found in [workers](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API).

| +| [FileChooser](./puppeteer.filechooser.md) | File choosers let you react to the page requesting for a file. | +| [Frame](./puppeteer.frame.md) | At every point of time, page exposes its current frame tree via the [page.mainFrame](./puppeteer.page.mainframe.md) and [frame.childFrames](./puppeteer.frame.childframes.md) methods. | +| [HTTPRequest](./puppeteer.httprequest.md) | Represents an HTTP request sent by a page. | +| [HTTPResponse](./puppeteer.httpresponse.md) | The HTTPResponse class represents responses which are received by the [Page](./puppeteer.page.md) class. | +| [JSCoverage](./puppeteer.jscoverage.md) | | +| [JSHandle](./puppeteer.jshandle.md) | Represents an in-page JavaScript object. JSHandles can be created with the [page.evaluateHandle](./puppeteer.page.evaluatehandle.md) method. | +| [Keyboard](./puppeteer.keyboard.md) | Keyboard provides an api for managing a virtual keyboard. The high level api is [Keyboard.type()](./puppeteer.keyboard.type.md), which takes raw characters and generates proper keydown, keypress/input, and keyup events on your page. | +| [Mouse](./puppeteer.mouse.md) | The Mouse class operates in main-frame CSS pixels relative to the top-left corner of the viewport. | +| [Page](./puppeteer.page.md) |

Page provides methods to interact with a single tab or [extension background page](https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/background_pages) in Chromium.


One Browser instance might have multiple Page instances.


| +| [ProtocolError](./puppeteer.protocolerror.md) | ProtocolError is emitted whenever there is an error from the protocol. | +| [Puppeteer](./puppeteer.puppeteer.md) |

The main Puppeteer class.

IMPORTANT: if you are using Puppeteer in a Node environment, you will get an instance of [PuppeteerNode](./puppeteer.puppeteernode.md) when you import or require puppeteer. That class extends Puppeteer, so has all the methods documented below as well as all that are defined on [PuppeteerNode](./puppeteer.puppeteernode.md).

| +| [PuppeteerNode](./puppeteer.puppeteernode.md) |

Extends the main [Puppeteer](./puppeteer.puppeteer.md) class with Node specific behaviour for fetching and downloading browsers.

If you're using Puppeteer in a Node environment, this is the class you'll get when you run require('puppeteer') (or the equivalent ES import).

| +| [SecurityDetails](./puppeteer.securitydetails.md) | The SecurityDetails class represents the security details of a response that was received over a secure connection. | +| [Target](./puppeteer.target.md) | | +| [TimeoutError](./puppeteer.timeouterror.md) | TimeoutError is emitted whenever certain operations are terminated due to timeout. | +| [Touchscreen](./puppeteer.touchscreen.md) | The Touchscreen class exposes touchscreen events. | +| [Tracing](./puppeteer.tracing.md) | The Tracing class exposes the tracing audit interface. | +| [WebWorker](./puppeteer.webworker.md) | The WebWorker class represents a [WebWorker](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API). | + +## Enumerations + +| Enumeration | Description | +| ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| [BrowserContextEmittedEvents](./puppeteer.browsercontextemittedevents.md) | | +| [BrowserEmittedEvents](./puppeteer.browseremittedevents.md) | All the events a [browser instance](./puppeteer.browser.md) may emit. | +| [InterceptResolutionAction](./puppeteer.interceptresolutionaction.md) | | +| [PageEmittedEvents](./puppeteer.pageemittedevents.md) | All the events that a page instance may emit. | + +## Functions + +| Function | Description | +| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| [clearCustomQueryHandlers()](./puppeteer.clearcustomqueryhandlers.md) | Clears all registered handlers. | +| [customQueryHandlerNames()](./puppeteer.customqueryhandlernames.md) | | +| [registerCustomQueryHandler(name, handler)](./puppeteer.registercustomqueryhandler.md) | Registers a [custom query handler](./puppeteer.customqueryhandler.md). | +| [unregisterCustomQueryHandler(name)](./puppeteer.unregistercustomqueryhandler.md) | | + +## Interfaces + +| Interface | Description | +| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| [BoundingBox](./puppeteer.boundingbox.md) | | +| [BoxModel](./puppeteer.boxmodel.md) | | +| [BrowserConnectOptions](./puppeteer.browserconnectoptions.md) | Generic browser options that can be passed when launching any browser or when connecting to an existing browser instance. | +| [BrowserContextOptions](./puppeteer.browsercontextoptions.md) | BrowserContext options. | +| [BrowserFetcherOptions](./puppeteer.browserfetcheroptions.md) | | +| [BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo](./puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.md) | | +| [BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions](./puppeteer.browserlaunchargumentoptions.md) | Launcher options that only apply to Chrome. | +| [CDPSessionOnMessageObject](./puppeteer.cdpsessiononmessageobject.md) | | +| [ClickOptions](./puppeteer.clickoptions.md) | | +| [CommonEventEmitter](./puppeteer.commoneventemitter.md) | | +| [ConnectionCallback](./puppeteer.connectioncallback.md) | | +| [ConnectionTransport](./puppeteer.connectiontransport.md) | | +| [ConnectOptions](./puppeteer.connectoptions.md) | | +| [ConsoleMessageLocation](./puppeteer.consolemessagelocation.md) | | +| [ContinueRequestOverrides](./puppeteer.continuerequestoverrides.md) | | +| [CoverageEntry](./puppeteer.coverageentry.md) | The CoverageEntry class represents one entry of the coverage report. | +| [Credentials](./puppeteer.credentials.md) | | +| [CSSCoverageOptions](./puppeteer.csscoverageoptions.md) | Set of configurable options for CSS coverage. | +| [CustomQueryHandler](./puppeteer.customqueryhandler.md) | Contains two functions queryOne and queryAll that can be [registered](./puppeteer.registercustomqueryhandler.md) as alternative querying strategies. The functions queryOne and queryAll are executed in the page context. queryOne should take an Element and a selector string as argument and return a single Element or null if no element is found. queryAll takes the same arguments but should instead return a NodeListOf<Element> or Array<Element> with all the elements that match the given query selector. | +| [Device](./puppeteer.device.md) | | +| [FrameAddScriptTagOptions](./puppeteer.frameaddscripttagoptions.md) | | +| [FrameAddStyleTagOptions](./puppeteer.frameaddstyletagoptions.md) | | +| [FrameWaitForFunctionOptions](./puppeteer.framewaitforfunctionoptions.md) | | +| [GeolocationOptions](./puppeteer.geolocationoptions.md) | | +| [InterceptResolutionState](./puppeteer.interceptresolutionstate.md) | | +| [InternalNetworkConditions](./puppeteer.internalnetworkconditions.md) | | +| [JSCoverageEntry](./puppeteer.jscoverageentry.md) | The CoverageEntry class for JavaScript | +| [JSCoverageOptions](./puppeteer.jscoverageoptions.md) | Set of configurable options for JS coverage. | +| [LaunchOptions](./puppeteer.launchoptions.md) | Generic launch options that can be passed when launching any browser. | +| [MediaFeature](./puppeteer.mediafeature.md) | | +| [Metrics](./puppeteer.metrics.md) | | +| [MouseOptions](./puppeteer.mouseoptions.md) | | +| [MouseWheelOptions](./puppeteer.mousewheeloptions.md) | | +| [NetworkConditions](./puppeteer.networkconditions.md) | | +| [Offset](./puppeteer.offset.md) | | +| [PageEventObject](./puppeteer.pageeventobject.md) |

Denotes the objects received by callback functions for page events.

See [PageEmittedEvents](./puppeteer.pageemittedevents.md) for more detail on the events and when they are emitted.

| +| [PDFMargin](./puppeteer.pdfmargin.md) | | +| [PDFOptions](./puppeteer.pdfoptions.md) | Valid options to configure PDF generation via [Page.pdf()](./puppeteer.page.pdf.md). | +| [Point](./puppeteer.point.md) | | +| [PressOptions](./puppeteer.pressoptions.md) | | +| [ProductLauncher](./puppeteer.productlauncher.md) | Describes a launcher - a class that is able to create and launch a browser instance. | +| [PuppeteerErrors](./puppeteer.puppeteererrors.md) | | +| [PuppeteerLaunchOptions](./puppeteer.puppeteerlaunchoptions.md) | | +| [RemoteAddress](./puppeteer.remoteaddress.md) | | +| [ResponseForRequest](./puppeteer.responseforrequest.md) | Required response data to fulfill a request with. | +| [ScreenshotClip](./puppeteer.screenshotclip.md) | | +| [ScreenshotOptions](./puppeteer.screenshotoptions.md) | | +| [SerializedAXNode](./puppeteer.serializedaxnode.md) | Represents a Node and the properties of it that are relevant to Accessibility. | +| [SnapshotOptions](./puppeteer.snapshotoptions.md) | | +| [TracingOptions](./puppeteer.tracingoptions.md) | | +| [Viewport](./puppeteer.viewport.md) | Sets the viewport of the page. | +| [WaitForOptions](./puppeteer.waitforoptions.md) | | +| [WaitForSelectorOptions](./puppeteer.waitforselectoroptions.md) | | +| [WaitForTargetOptions](./puppeteer.waitfortargetoptions.md) | | +| [WaitTimeoutOptions](./puppeteer.waittimeoutoptions.md) | | + +## Variables + +| Variable | Description | +| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| [connect](./puppeteer.connect.md) | | +| [createBrowserFetcher](./puppeteer.createbrowserfetcher.md) | | +| [DEFAULT_INTERCEPT_RESOLUTION_PRIORITY](./puppeteer.default_intercept_resolution_priority.md) | The default cooperative request interception resolution priority | +| [defaultArgs](./puppeteer.defaultargs.md) | | +| [devices](./puppeteer.devices.md) | A list of devices to be used with page.emulate(options). Actual list of devices can be found in [src/common/DeviceDescriptors.ts](https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/blob/main/src/common/DeviceDescriptors.ts). | +| [errors](./puppeteer.errors.md) |

Puppeteer methods might throw errors if they are unable to fulfill a request. For example, page.waitForSelector(selector[, options]) might fail if the selector doesn't match any nodes during the given timeframe.

For certain types of errors Puppeteer uses specific error classes. These classes are available via puppeteer.errors.

| +| [EVALUATION_SCRIPT_URL](./puppeteer.evaluation_script_url.md) | | +| [executablePath](./puppeteer.executablepath.md) | | +| [launch](./puppeteer.launch.md) | | +| [networkConditions](./puppeteer.networkconditions.md) | A list of network conditions to be used with page.emulateNetworkConditions(networkConditions). Actual list of predefined conditions can be found in [src/common/NetworkConditions.ts](https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/blob/main/src/common/NetworkConditions.ts). | + +## Type Aliases + +| Type Alias | Description | +| ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| [ActionResult](./puppeteer.actionresult.md) | | +| [Awaitable](./puppeteer.awaitable.md) | | +| [ChromeReleaseChannel](./puppeteer.chromereleasechannel.md) | | +| [ConsoleMessageType](./puppeteer.consolemessagetype.md) | The supported types for console messages. | +| [DevicesMap](./puppeteer.devicesmap.md) | | +| [ErrorCode](./puppeteer.errorcode.md) | | +| [EvaluateFunc](./puppeteer.evaluatefunc.md) | | +| [EventType](./puppeteer.eventtype.md) | | +| [FlattenHandle](./puppeteer.flattenhandle.md) | | +| [HandleFor](./puppeteer.handlefor.md) | | +| [HandleOr](./puppeteer.handleor.md) | | +| [Handler](./puppeteer.handler.md) | | +| [InnerParams](./puppeteer.innerparams.md) | | +| [InterceptResolutionStrategy](./puppeteer.interceptresolutionstrategy.md) | | +| [KeyInput](./puppeteer.keyinput.md) | All the valid keys that can be passed to functions that take user input, such as [keyboard.press](./puppeteer.keyboard.press.md) | +| [LowerCasePaperFormat](./puppeteer.lowercasepaperformat.md) | | +| [MouseButton](./puppeteer.mousebutton.md) | | +| [PaperFormat](./puppeteer.paperformat.md) | All the valid paper format types when printing a PDF. | +| [Permission](./puppeteer.permission.md) | | +| [Platform](./puppeteer.platform.md) | Supported platforms. | +| [Product](./puppeteer.product.md) | Supported products. | +| [ProtocolLifeCycleEvent](./puppeteer.protocollifecycleevent.md) | | +| [PuppeteerLifeCycleEvent](./puppeteer.puppeteerlifecycleevent.md) | | +| [PuppeteerNodeLaunchOptions](./puppeteer.puppeteernodelaunchoptions.md) | Utility type exposed to enable users to define options that can be passed to puppeteer.launch without having to list the set of all types. | +| [ResourceType](./puppeteer.resourcetype.md) | Resource types for HTTPRequests as perceived by the rendering engine. | +| [TargetFilterCallback](./puppeteer.targetfiltercallback.md) | | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.accessibility.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.accessibility.md index 3a252c65..ae6178dc 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.accessibility.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.accessibility.md @@ -1,29 +1,29 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Accessibility ---- -# Accessibility class - -The Accessibility class provides methods for inspecting Chromium's accessibility tree. The accessibility tree is used by assistive technology such as [screen readers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screen_reader) or [switches](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Switch_access). - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export declare class Accessibility -``` - -## Remarks - -Accessibility is a very platform-specific thing. On different platforms, there are different screen readers that might have wildly different output. - -Blink - Chrome's rendering engine - has a concept of "accessibility tree", which is then translated into different platform-specific APIs. Accessibility namespace gives users access to the Blink Accessibility Tree. - -Most of the accessibility tree gets filtered out when converting from Blink AX Tree to Platform-specific AX-Tree or by assistive technologies themselves. By default, Puppeteer tries to approximate this filtering, exposing only the "interesting" nodes of the tree. - -The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `Accessibility` class. - -## Methods - -| Method | Modifiers | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| [snapshot(options)](./puppeteer.accessibility.snapshot.md) | | Captures the current state of the accessibility tree. The returned object represents the root accessible node of the page. | - +--- +sidebar_label: Accessibility +--- + +# Accessibility class + +The Accessibility class provides methods for inspecting Chromium's accessibility tree. The accessibility tree is used by assistive technology such as [screen readers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screen_reader) or [switches](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Switch_access). + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export declare class Accessibility +``` + +## Remarks + +Accessibility is a very platform-specific thing. On different platforms, there are different screen readers that might have wildly different output. + +Blink - Chrome's rendering engine - has a concept of "accessibility tree", which is then translated into different platform-specific APIs. Accessibility namespace gives users access to the Blink Accessibility Tree. + +Most of the accessibility tree gets filtered out when converting from Blink AX Tree to Platform-specific AX-Tree or by assistive technologies themselves. By default, Puppeteer tries to approximate this filtering, exposing only the "interesting" nodes of the tree. + +The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `Accessibility` class. + +## Methods + +| Method | Modifiers | Description | +| ---------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| [snapshot(options)](./puppeteer.accessibility.snapshot.md) | | Captures the current state of the accessibility tree. The returned object represents the root accessible node of the page. | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.accessibility.snapshot.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.accessibility.snapshot.md index 0ff0e6eb..9b0a2057 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.accessibility.snapshot.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.accessibility.snapshot.md @@ -1,58 +1,59 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Accessibility.snapshot ---- -# Accessibility.snapshot() method - -Captures the current state of the accessibility tree. The returned object represents the root accessible node of the page. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Accessibility {snapshot(options?: SnapshotOptions): Promise;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| options | [SnapshotOptions](./puppeteer.snapshotoptions.md) | (Optional) | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<[SerializedAXNode](./puppeteer.serializedaxnode.md) \| null> - -An AXNode object representing the snapshot. - -## Remarks - -\*\*NOTE\*\* The Chromium accessibility tree contains nodes that go unused on most platforms and by most screen readers. Puppeteer will discard them as well for an easier to process tree, unless `interestingOnly` is set to `false`. - -## Example 1 - -An example of dumping the entire accessibility tree: - -```ts -const snapshot = await page.accessibility.snapshot(); -console.log(snapshot); -``` - -## Example 2 - -An example of logging the focused node's name: - -```ts -const snapshot = await page.accessibility.snapshot(); -const node = findFocusedNode(snapshot); -console.log(node && node.name); - -function findFocusedNode(node) { - if (node.focused) - return node; - for (const child of node.children || []) { - const foundNode = findFocusedNode(child); - return foundNode; - } - return null; -} -``` - +--- +sidebar_label: Accessibility.snapshot +--- + +# Accessibility.snapshot() method + +Captures the current state of the accessibility tree. The returned object represents the root accessible node of the page. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Accessibility { + snapshot(options?: SnapshotOptions): Promise; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ------------------------------------------------- | ----------------- | +| options | [SnapshotOptions](./puppeteer.snapshotoptions.md) | (Optional) | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<[SerializedAXNode](./puppeteer.serializedaxnode.md) \| null> + +An AXNode object representing the snapshot. + +## Remarks + +\*\*NOTE\*\* The Chromium accessibility tree contains nodes that go unused on most platforms and by most screen readers. Puppeteer will discard them as well for an easier to process tree, unless `interestingOnly` is set to `false`. + +## Example 1 + +An example of dumping the entire accessibility tree: + +```ts +const snapshot = await page.accessibility.snapshot(); +console.log(snapshot); +``` + +## Example 2 + +An example of logging the focused node's name: + +```ts +const snapshot = await page.accessibility.snapshot(); +const node = findFocusedNode(snapshot); +console.log(node && node.name); + +function findFocusedNode(node) { + if (node.focused) return node; + for (const child of node.children || []) { + const foundNode = findFocusedNode(child); + return foundNode; + } + return null; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.actionresult.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.actionresult.md index 22ae32ec..a5d3dd2c 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.actionresult.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.actionresult.md @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ActionResult ---- -# ActionResult type - - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export declare type ActionResult = 'continue' | 'abort' | 'respond'; -``` +--- +sidebar_label: ActionResult +--- + +# ActionResult type + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export declare type ActionResult = 'continue' | 'abort' | 'respond'; +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.awaitable.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.awaitable.md index b33561ea..9f9e3222 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.awaitable.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.awaitable.md @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Awaitable ---- -# Awaitable type - - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export declare type Awaitable = T | PromiseLike; -``` +--- +sidebar_label: Awaitable +--- + +# Awaitable type + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export declare type Awaitable = T | PromiseLike; +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.boundingbox.height.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.boundingbox.height.md index d5a567cd..50234295 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.boundingbox.height.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.boundingbox.height.md @@ -1,12 +1,15 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BoundingBox.height ---- -# BoundingBox.height property - -the height of the element in pixels. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface BoundingBox {height: number;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: BoundingBox.height +--- + +# BoundingBox.height property + +the height of the element in pixels. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface BoundingBox { + height: number; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.boundingbox.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.boundingbox.md index 1fe1f005..0912f5c9 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.boundingbox.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.boundingbox.md @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BoundingBox ---- -# BoundingBox interface - - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export interface BoundingBox extends Point -``` -**Extends:** [Point](./puppeteer.point.md) - -## Properties - -| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | --- | -| [height](./puppeteer.boundingbox.height.md) | | number | the height of the element in pixels. | -| [width](./puppeteer.boundingbox.width.md) | | number | the width of the element in pixels. | - +--- +sidebar_label: BoundingBox +--- + +# BoundingBox interface + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export interface BoundingBox extends Point +``` + +**Extends:** [Point](./puppeteer.point.md) + +## Properties + +| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description | +| ------------------------------------------- | --------- | ------ | ------------------------------------ | +| [height](./puppeteer.boundingbox.height.md) | | number | the height of the element in pixels. | +| [width](./puppeteer.boundingbox.width.md) | | number | the width of the element in pixels. | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.boundingbox.width.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.boundingbox.width.md index fee5e34e..61411f3c 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.boundingbox.width.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.boundingbox.width.md @@ -1,12 +1,15 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BoundingBox.width ---- -# BoundingBox.width property - -the width of the element in pixels. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface BoundingBox {width: number;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: BoundingBox.width +--- + +# BoundingBox.width property + +the width of the element in pixels. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface BoundingBox { + width: number; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.boxmodel.border.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.boxmodel.border.md index ebc6ec31..91ba7342 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.boxmodel.border.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.boxmodel.border.md @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BoxModel.border ---- -# BoxModel.border property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface BoxModel {border: Point[];} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: BoxModel.border +--- + +# BoxModel.border property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface BoxModel { + border: Point[]; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.boxmodel.content.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.boxmodel.content.md index bf809236..b7234210 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.boxmodel.content.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.boxmodel.content.md @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BoxModel.content ---- -# BoxModel.content property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface BoxModel {content: Point[];} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: BoxModel.content +--- + +# BoxModel.content property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface BoxModel { + content: Point[]; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.boxmodel.height.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.boxmodel.height.md index abf3e9ad..8f957033 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.boxmodel.height.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.boxmodel.height.md @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BoxModel.height ---- -# BoxModel.height property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface BoxModel {height: number;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: BoxModel.height +--- + +# BoxModel.height property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface BoxModel { + height: number; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.boxmodel.margin.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.boxmodel.margin.md index 1129d07e..59d3ef93 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.boxmodel.margin.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.boxmodel.margin.md @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BoxModel.margin ---- -# BoxModel.margin property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface BoxModel {margin: Point[];} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: BoxModel.margin +--- + +# BoxModel.margin property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface BoxModel { + margin: Point[]; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.boxmodel.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.boxmodel.md index 31f8900f..00c083c4 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.boxmodel.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.boxmodel.md @@ -1,23 +1,22 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BoxModel ---- -# BoxModel interface - - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export interface BoxModel -``` - -## Properties - -| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | --- | -| [border](./puppeteer.boxmodel.border.md) | | [Point](./puppeteer.point.md)\[\] | | -| [content](./puppeteer.boxmodel.content.md) | | [Point](./puppeteer.point.md)\[\] | | -| [height](./puppeteer.boxmodel.height.md) | | number | | -| [margin](./puppeteer.boxmodel.margin.md) | | [Point](./puppeteer.point.md)\[\] | | -| [padding](./puppeteer.boxmodel.padding.md) | | [Point](./puppeteer.point.md)\[\] | | -| [width](./puppeteer.boxmodel.width.md) | | number | | - +--- +sidebar_label: BoxModel +--- + +# BoxModel interface + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export interface BoxModel +``` + +## Properties + +| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description | +| ------------------------------------------ | --------- | --------------------------------- | ----------- | +| [border](./puppeteer.boxmodel.border.md) | | [Point](./puppeteer.point.md)\[\] | | +| [content](./puppeteer.boxmodel.content.md) | | [Point](./puppeteer.point.md)\[\] | | +| [height](./puppeteer.boxmodel.height.md) | | number | | +| [margin](./puppeteer.boxmodel.margin.md) | | [Point](./puppeteer.point.md)\[\] | | +| [padding](./puppeteer.boxmodel.padding.md) | | [Point](./puppeteer.point.md)\[\] | | +| [width](./puppeteer.boxmodel.width.md) | | number | | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.boxmodel.padding.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.boxmodel.padding.md index 3a7311cc..d0c8c4d4 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.boxmodel.padding.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.boxmodel.padding.md @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BoxModel.padding ---- -# BoxModel.padding property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface BoxModel {padding: Point[];} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: BoxModel.padding +--- + +# BoxModel.padding property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface BoxModel { + padding: Point[]; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.boxmodel.width.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.boxmodel.width.md index 10d84da4..518c9fd1 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.boxmodel.width.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.boxmodel.width.md @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BoxModel.width ---- -# BoxModel.width property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface BoxModel {width: number;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: BoxModel.width +--- + +# BoxModel.width property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface BoxModel { + width: number; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.browsercontexts.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.browsercontexts.md index 2ab8be10..65b916c9 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.browsercontexts.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.browsercontexts.md @@ -1,16 +1,19 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Browser.browserContexts ---- -# Browser.browserContexts() method - -Returns an array of all open browser contexts. In a newly created browser, this will return a single instance of [BrowserContext](./puppeteer.browsercontext.md). - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Browser {browserContexts(): BrowserContext[];} -``` -**Returns:** - -[BrowserContext](./puppeteer.browsercontext.md)\[\] - +--- +sidebar_label: Browser.browserContexts +--- + +# Browser.browserContexts() method + +Returns an array of all open browser contexts. In a newly created browser, this will return a single instance of [BrowserContext](./puppeteer.browsercontext.md). + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Browser { + browserContexts(): BrowserContext[]; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +[BrowserContext](./puppeteer.browsercontext.md)\[\] diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.close.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.close.md index ef0313db..239a6bce 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.close.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.close.md @@ -1,16 +1,19 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Browser.close ---- -# Browser.close() method - -Closes Chromium and all of its pages (if any were opened). The [Browser](./puppeteer.browser.md) object itself is considered to be disposed and cannot be used anymore. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Browser {close(): Promise;} -``` -**Returns:** - -Promise<void> - +--- +sidebar_label: Browser.close +--- + +# Browser.close() method + +Closes Chromium and all of its pages (if any were opened). The [Browser](./puppeteer.browser.md) object itself is considered to be disposed and cannot be used anymore. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Browser { + close(): Promise; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +Promise<void> diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.createincognitobrowsercontext.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.createincognitobrowsercontext.md index 20fcb646..45c0ada2 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.createincognitobrowsercontext.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.createincognitobrowsercontext.md @@ -1,38 +1,41 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Browser.createIncognitoBrowserContext ---- -# Browser.createIncognitoBrowserContext() method - -Creates a new incognito browser context. This won't share cookies/cache with other browser contexts. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Browser {createIncognitoBrowserContext(options?: BrowserContextOptions): Promise;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| options | [BrowserContextOptions](./puppeteer.browsercontextoptions.md) | (Optional) | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<[BrowserContext](./puppeteer.browsercontext.md)> - -## Example - - -```ts -(async () => { - const browser = await puppeteer.launch(); - // Create a new incognito browser context. - const context = await browser.createIncognitoBrowserContext(); - // Create a new page in a pristine context. - const page = await context.newPage(); - // Do stuff - await page.goto('https://example.com'); -})(); -``` - +--- +sidebar_label: Browser.createIncognitoBrowserContext +--- + +# Browser.createIncognitoBrowserContext() method + +Creates a new incognito browser context. This won't share cookies/cache with other browser contexts. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Browser { + createIncognitoBrowserContext( + options?: BrowserContextOptions + ): Promise; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------- | +| options | [BrowserContextOptions](./puppeteer.browsercontextoptions.md) | (Optional) | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<[BrowserContext](./puppeteer.browsercontext.md)> + +## Example + +```ts +(async () => { + const browser = await puppeteer.launch(); + // Create a new incognito browser context. + const context = await browser.createIncognitoBrowserContext(); + // Create a new page in a pristine context. + const page = await context.newPage(); + // Do stuff + await page.goto('https://example.com'); +})(); +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.defaultbrowsercontext.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.defaultbrowsercontext.md index a2496ad1..2b18461f 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.defaultbrowsercontext.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.defaultbrowsercontext.md @@ -1,16 +1,19 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Browser.defaultBrowserContext ---- -# Browser.defaultBrowserContext() method - -Returns the default browser context. The default browser context cannot be closed. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Browser {defaultBrowserContext(): BrowserContext;} -``` -**Returns:** - -[BrowserContext](./puppeteer.browsercontext.md) - +--- +sidebar_label: Browser.defaultBrowserContext +--- + +# Browser.defaultBrowserContext() method + +Returns the default browser context. The default browser context cannot be closed. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Browser { + defaultBrowserContext(): BrowserContext; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +[BrowserContext](./puppeteer.browsercontext.md) diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.disconnect.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.disconnect.md index 7d916134..7ee1ae56 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.disconnect.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.disconnect.md @@ -1,16 +1,19 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Browser.disconnect ---- -# Browser.disconnect() method - -Disconnects Puppeteer from the browser, but leaves the Chromium process running. After calling `disconnect`, the [Browser](./puppeteer.browser.md) object is considered disposed and cannot be used anymore. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Browser {disconnect(): void;} -``` -**Returns:** - -void - +--- +sidebar_label: Browser.disconnect +--- + +# Browser.disconnect() method + +Disconnects Puppeteer from the browser, but leaves the Chromium process running. After calling `disconnect`, the [Browser](./puppeteer.browser.md) object is considered disposed and cannot be used anymore. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Browser { + disconnect(): void; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +void diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.isconnected.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.isconnected.md index 5f4347cb..cbcdee36 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.isconnected.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.isconnected.md @@ -1,16 +1,19 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Browser.isConnected ---- -# Browser.isConnected() method - -Indicates that the browser is connected. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Browser {isConnected(): boolean;} -``` -**Returns:** - -boolean - +--- +sidebar_label: Browser.isConnected +--- + +# Browser.isConnected() method + +Indicates that the browser is connected. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Browser { + isConnected(): boolean; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +boolean diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.md index ec2ab550..f56e6bc1 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.md @@ -1,76 +1,77 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Browser ---- -# Browser class - -A Browser is created when Puppeteer connects to a Chromium instance, either through [PuppeteerNode.launch()](./puppeteer.puppeteernode.launch.md) or [Puppeteer.connect()](./puppeteer.puppeteer.connect.md). - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export declare class Browser extends EventEmitter -``` -**Extends:** [EventEmitter](./puppeteer.eventemitter.md) - -## Remarks - -The Browser class extends from Puppeteer's [EventEmitter](./puppeteer.eventemitter.md) class and will emit various events which are documented in the [BrowserEmittedEvents](./puppeteer.browseremittedevents.md) enum. - -The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `Browser` class. - -## Example 1 - -An example of using a [Browser](./puppeteer.browser.md) to create a [Page](./puppeteer.page.md): - -```ts -const puppeteer = require('puppeteer'); - -(async () => { - const browser = await puppeteer.launch(); - const page = await browser.newPage(); - await page.goto('https://example.com'); - await browser.close(); -})(); -``` - -## Example 2 - -An example of disconnecting from and reconnecting to a [Browser](./puppeteer.browser.md): - -```ts -const puppeteer = require('puppeteer'); - -(async () => { - const browser = await puppeteer.launch(); - // Store the endpoint to be able to reconnect to Chromium - const browserWSEndpoint = browser.wsEndpoint(); - // Disconnect puppeteer from Chromium - browser.disconnect(); - - // Use the endpoint to reestablish a connection - const browser2 = await puppeteer.connect({browserWSEndpoint}); - // Close Chromium - await browser2.close(); -})(); -``` - -## Methods - -| Method | Modifiers | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| [browserContexts()](./puppeteer.browser.browsercontexts.md) | | Returns an array of all open browser contexts. In a newly created browser, this will return a single instance of [BrowserContext](./puppeteer.browsercontext.md). | -| [close()](./puppeteer.browser.close.md) | | Closes Chromium and all of its pages (if any were opened). The [Browser](./puppeteer.browser.md) object itself is considered to be disposed and cannot be used anymore. | -| [createIncognitoBrowserContext(options)](./puppeteer.browser.createincognitobrowsercontext.md) | | Creates a new incognito browser context. This won't share cookies/cache with other browser contexts. | -| [defaultBrowserContext()](./puppeteer.browser.defaultbrowsercontext.md) | | Returns the default browser context. The default browser context cannot be closed. | -| [disconnect()](./puppeteer.browser.disconnect.md) | | Disconnects Puppeteer from the browser, but leaves the Chromium process running. After calling disconnect, the [Browser](./puppeteer.browser.md) object is considered disposed and cannot be used anymore. | -| [isConnected()](./puppeteer.browser.isconnected.md) | | Indicates that the browser is connected. | -| [newPage()](./puppeteer.browser.newpage.md) | | Promise which resolves to a new [Page](./puppeteer.page.md) object. The Page is created in a default browser context. | -| [pages()](./puppeteer.browser.pages.md) | | An array of all open pages inside the Browser. | -| [process()](./puppeteer.browser.process.md) | | The spawned browser process. Returns null if the browser instance was created with [Puppeteer.connect()](./puppeteer.puppeteer.connect.md). | -| [target()](./puppeteer.browser.target.md) | | The target associated with the browser. | -| [targets()](./puppeteer.browser.targets.md) | | All active targets inside the Browser. In case of multiple browser contexts, returns an array with all the targets in all browser contexts. | -| [userAgent()](./puppeteer.browser.useragent.md) | | The browser's original user agent. Pages can override the browser user agent with [Page.setUserAgent()](./puppeteer.page.setuseragent.md). | -| [version()](./puppeteer.browser.version.md) | | A string representing the browser name and version. | -| [waitForTarget(predicate, options)](./puppeteer.browser.waitfortarget.md) | | Searches for a target in all browser contexts. | -| [wsEndpoint()](./puppeteer.browser.wsendpoint.md) | | The browser websocket endpoint which can be used as an argument to [Puppeteer.connect()](./puppeteer.puppeteer.connect.md). | - +--- +sidebar_label: Browser +--- + +# Browser class + +A Browser is created when Puppeteer connects to a Chromium instance, either through [PuppeteerNode.launch()](./puppeteer.puppeteernode.launch.md) or [Puppeteer.connect()](./puppeteer.puppeteer.connect.md). + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export declare class Browser extends EventEmitter +``` + +**Extends:** [EventEmitter](./puppeteer.eventemitter.md) + +## Remarks + +The Browser class extends from Puppeteer's [EventEmitter](./puppeteer.eventemitter.md) class and will emit various events which are documented in the [BrowserEmittedEvents](./puppeteer.browseremittedevents.md) enum. + +The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `Browser` class. + +## Example 1 + +An example of using a [Browser](./puppeteer.browser.md) to create a [Page](./puppeteer.page.md): + +```ts +const puppeteer = require('puppeteer'); + +(async () => { + const browser = await puppeteer.launch(); + const page = await browser.newPage(); + await page.goto('https://example.com'); + await browser.close(); +})(); +``` + +## Example 2 + +An example of disconnecting from and reconnecting to a [Browser](./puppeteer.browser.md): + +```ts +const puppeteer = require('puppeteer'); + +(async () => { + const browser = await puppeteer.launch(); + // Store the endpoint to be able to reconnect to Chromium + const browserWSEndpoint = browser.wsEndpoint(); + // Disconnect puppeteer from Chromium + browser.disconnect(); + + // Use the endpoint to reestablish a connection + const browser2 = await puppeteer.connect({browserWSEndpoint}); + // Close Chromium + await browser2.close(); +})(); +``` + +## Methods + +| Method | Modifiers | Description | +| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| [browserContexts()](./puppeteer.browser.browsercontexts.md) | | Returns an array of all open browser contexts. In a newly created browser, this will return a single instance of [BrowserContext](./puppeteer.browsercontext.md). | +| [close()](./puppeteer.browser.close.md) | | Closes Chromium and all of its pages (if any were opened). The [Browser](./puppeteer.browser.md) object itself is considered to be disposed and cannot be used anymore. | +| [createIncognitoBrowserContext(options)](./puppeteer.browser.createincognitobrowsercontext.md) | | Creates a new incognito browser context. This won't share cookies/cache with other browser contexts. | +| [defaultBrowserContext()](./puppeteer.browser.defaultbrowsercontext.md) | | Returns the default browser context. The default browser context cannot be closed. | +| [disconnect()](./puppeteer.browser.disconnect.md) | | Disconnects Puppeteer from the browser, but leaves the Chromium process running. After calling disconnect, the [Browser](./puppeteer.browser.md) object is considered disposed and cannot be used anymore. | +| [isConnected()](./puppeteer.browser.isconnected.md) | | Indicates that the browser is connected. | +| [newPage()](./puppeteer.browser.newpage.md) | | Promise which resolves to a new [Page](./puppeteer.page.md) object. The Page is created in a default browser context. | +| [pages()](./puppeteer.browser.pages.md) | | An array of all open pages inside the Browser. | +| [process()](./puppeteer.browser.process.md) | | The spawned browser process. Returns null if the browser instance was created with [Puppeteer.connect()](./puppeteer.puppeteer.connect.md). | +| [target()](./puppeteer.browser.target.md) | | The target associated with the browser. | +| [targets()](./puppeteer.browser.targets.md) | | All active targets inside the Browser. In case of multiple browser contexts, returns an array with all the targets in all browser contexts. | +| [userAgent()](./puppeteer.browser.useragent.md) | | The browser's original user agent. Pages can override the browser user agent with [Page.setUserAgent()](./puppeteer.page.setuseragent.md). | +| [version()](./puppeteer.browser.version.md) | | A string representing the browser name and version. | +| [waitForTarget(predicate, options)](./puppeteer.browser.waitfortarget.md) | | Searches for a target in all browser contexts. | +| [wsEndpoint()](./puppeteer.browser.wsendpoint.md) | | The browser websocket endpoint which can be used as an argument to [Puppeteer.connect()](./puppeteer.puppeteer.connect.md). | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.newpage.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.newpage.md index 416158e6..37841600 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.newpage.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.newpage.md @@ -1,16 +1,19 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Browser.newPage ---- -# Browser.newPage() method - -Promise which resolves to a new [Page](./puppeteer.page.md) object. The Page is created in a default browser context. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Browser {newPage(): Promise;} -``` -**Returns:** - -Promise<[Page](./puppeteer.page.md)> - +--- +sidebar_label: Browser.newPage +--- + +# Browser.newPage() method + +Promise which resolves to a new [Page](./puppeteer.page.md) object. The Page is created in a default browser context. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Browser { + newPage(): Promise; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +Promise<[Page](./puppeteer.page.md)> diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.pages.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.pages.md index c55aa233..e6c53196 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.pages.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.pages.md @@ -1,20 +1,23 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Browser.pages ---- -# Browser.pages() method - -An array of all open pages inside the Browser. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Browser {pages(): Promise;} -``` -**Returns:** - -Promise<[Page](./puppeteer.page.md)\[\]> - -## Remarks - -In case of multiple browser contexts, returns an array with all the pages in all browser contexts. Non-visible pages, such as `"background_page"`, will not be listed here. You can find them using [Target.page()](./puppeteer.target.page.md). - +--- +sidebar_label: Browser.pages +--- + +# Browser.pages() method + +An array of all open pages inside the Browser. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Browser { + pages(): Promise; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +Promise<[Page](./puppeteer.page.md)\[\]> + +## Remarks + +In case of multiple browser contexts, returns an array with all the pages in all browser contexts. Non-visible pages, such as `"background_page"`, will not be listed here. You can find them using [Target.page()](./puppeteer.target.page.md). diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.process.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.process.md index b0837df0..3bd33c69 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.process.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.process.md @@ -1,16 +1,19 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Browser.process ---- -# Browser.process() method - -The spawned browser process. Returns `null` if the browser instance was created with [Puppeteer.connect()](./puppeteer.puppeteer.connect.md). - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Browser {process(): ChildProcess | null;} -``` -**Returns:** - -ChildProcess \| null - +--- +sidebar_label: Browser.process +--- + +# Browser.process() method + +The spawned browser process. Returns `null` if the browser instance was created with [Puppeteer.connect()](./puppeteer.puppeteer.connect.md). + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Browser { + process(): ChildProcess | null; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +ChildProcess \| null diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.target.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.target.md index c7d7e8c5..b4f9477b 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.target.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.target.md @@ -1,16 +1,19 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Browser.target ---- -# Browser.target() method - -The target associated with the browser. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Browser {target(): Target;} -``` -**Returns:** - -[Target](./puppeteer.target.md) - +--- +sidebar_label: Browser.target +--- + +# Browser.target() method + +The target associated with the browser. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Browser { + target(): Target; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +[Target](./puppeteer.target.md) diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.targets.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.targets.md index 81b05076..52286026 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.targets.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.targets.md @@ -1,16 +1,19 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Browser.targets ---- -# Browser.targets() method - -All active targets inside the Browser. In case of multiple browser contexts, returns an array with all the targets in all browser contexts. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Browser {targets(): Target[];} -``` -**Returns:** - -[Target](./puppeteer.target.md)\[\] - +--- +sidebar_label: Browser.targets +--- + +# Browser.targets() method + +All active targets inside the Browser. In case of multiple browser contexts, returns an array with all the targets in all browser contexts. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Browser { + targets(): Target[]; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +[Target](./puppeteer.target.md)\[\] diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.useragent.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.useragent.md index f9ab3919..1497cf48 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.useragent.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.useragent.md @@ -1,16 +1,19 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Browser.userAgent ---- -# Browser.userAgent() method - -The browser's original user agent. Pages can override the browser user agent with [Page.setUserAgent()](./puppeteer.page.setuseragent.md). - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Browser {userAgent(): Promise;} -``` -**Returns:** - -Promise<string> - +--- +sidebar_label: Browser.userAgent +--- + +# Browser.userAgent() method + +The browser's original user agent. Pages can override the browser user agent with [Page.setUserAgent()](./puppeteer.page.setuseragent.md). + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Browser { + userAgent(): Promise; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +Promise<string> diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.version.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.version.md index d209e322..dbd489c6 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.version.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.version.md @@ -1,22 +1,25 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Browser.version ---- -# Browser.version() method - -A string representing the browser name and version. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Browser {version(): Promise;} -``` -**Returns:** - -Promise<string> - -## Remarks - -For headless Chromium, this is similar to `HeadlessChrome/61.0.3153.0`. For non-headless, this is similar to `Chrome/61.0.3153.0`. - -The format of browser.version() might change with future releases of Chromium. - +--- +sidebar_label: Browser.version +--- + +# Browser.version() method + +A string representing the browser name and version. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Browser { + version(): Promise; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +Promise<string> + +## Remarks + +For headless Chromium, this is similar to `HeadlessChrome/61.0.3153.0`. For non-headless, this is similar to `Chrome/61.0.3153.0`. + +The format of browser.version() might change with future releases of Chromium. diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.waitfortarget.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.waitfortarget.md index 3cc7c983..c8708d16 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.waitfortarget.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.waitfortarget.md @@ -1,35 +1,42 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Browser.waitForTarget ---- -# Browser.waitForTarget() method - -Searches for a target in all browser contexts. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Browser {waitForTarget(predicate: (x: Target) => boolean | Promise, options?: WaitForTargetOptions): Promise;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| predicate | (x: [Target](./puppeteer.target.md)) => boolean \| Promise<boolean> | A function to be run for every target. | -| options | [WaitForTargetOptions](./puppeteer.waitfortargetoptions.md) | (Optional) | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<[Target](./puppeteer.target.md)> - -The first target found that matches the `predicate` function. - -## Example - -An example of finding a target for a page opened via `window.open`: - -```ts -await page.evaluate(() => window.open('https://www.example.com/')); -const newWindowTarget = await browser.waitForTarget(target => target.url() === 'https://www.example.com/'); -``` - +--- +sidebar_label: Browser.waitForTarget +--- + +# Browser.waitForTarget() method + +Searches for a target in all browser contexts. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Browser { + waitForTarget( + predicate: (x: Target) => boolean | Promise, + options?: WaitForTargetOptions + ): Promise; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- | +| predicate | (x: [Target](./puppeteer.target.md)) => boolean \| Promise<boolean> | A function to be run for every target. | +| options | [WaitForTargetOptions](./puppeteer.waitfortargetoptions.md) | (Optional) | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<[Target](./puppeteer.target.md)> + +The first target found that matches the `predicate` function. + +## Example + +An example of finding a target for a page opened via `window.open`: + +```ts +await page.evaluate(() => window.open('https://www.example.com/')); +const newWindowTarget = await browser.waitForTarget( + target => target.url() === 'https://www.example.com/' +); +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.wsendpoint.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.wsendpoint.md index 24e52a61..af522a6f 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.wsendpoint.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browser.wsendpoint.md @@ -1,24 +1,27 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Browser.wsEndpoint ---- -# Browser.wsEndpoint() method - -The browser websocket endpoint which can be used as an argument to [Puppeteer.connect()](./puppeteer.puppeteer.connect.md). - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Browser {wsEndpoint(): string;} -``` -**Returns:** - -string - -The Browser websocket url. - -## Remarks - -The format is `ws://${host}:${port}/devtools/browser/`. - -You can find the `webSocketDebuggerUrl` from `http://${host}:${port}/json/version`. Learn more about the [devtools protocol](https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol) and the [browser endpoint](https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/#how-do-i-access-the-browser-target). - +--- +sidebar_label: Browser.wsEndpoint +--- + +# Browser.wsEndpoint() method + +The browser websocket endpoint which can be used as an argument to [Puppeteer.connect()](./puppeteer.puppeteer.connect.md). + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Browser { + wsEndpoint(): string; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +string + +The Browser websocket url. + +## Remarks + +The format is `ws://${host}:${port}/devtools/browser/`. + +You can find the `webSocketDebuggerUrl` from `http://${host}:${port}/json/version`. Learn more about the [devtools protocol](https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol) and the [browser endpoint](https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/#how-do-i-access-the-browser-target). diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserconnectoptions.defaultviewport.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserconnectoptions.defaultviewport.md index f58906b0..c3ead5be 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserconnectoptions.defaultviewport.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserconnectoptions.defaultviewport.md @@ -1,12 +1,15 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserConnectOptions.defaultViewport ---- -# BrowserConnectOptions.defaultViewport property - -Sets the viewport for each page. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface BrowserConnectOptions {defaultViewport?: Viewport | null;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserConnectOptions.defaultViewport +--- + +# BrowserConnectOptions.defaultViewport property + +Sets the viewport for each page. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface BrowserConnectOptions { + defaultViewport?: Viewport | null; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserconnectoptions.ignorehttpserrors.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserconnectoptions.ignorehttpserrors.md index 5638a8ed..72534446 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserconnectoptions.ignorehttpserrors.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserconnectoptions.ignorehttpserrors.md @@ -1,12 +1,15 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserConnectOptions.ignoreHTTPSErrors ---- -# BrowserConnectOptions.ignoreHTTPSErrors property - -Whether to ignore HTTPS errors during navigation. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface BrowserConnectOptions {ignoreHTTPSErrors?: boolean;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserConnectOptions.ignoreHTTPSErrors +--- + +# BrowserConnectOptions.ignoreHTTPSErrors property + +Whether to ignore HTTPS errors during navigation. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface BrowserConnectOptions { + ignoreHTTPSErrors?: boolean; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserconnectoptions.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserconnectoptions.md index ba409f87..bfcacef5 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserconnectoptions.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserconnectoptions.md @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserConnectOptions ---- -# BrowserConnectOptions interface - -Generic browser options that can be passed when launching any browser or when connecting to an existing browser instance. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export interface BrowserConnectOptions -``` - -## Properties - -| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | --- | -| [defaultViewport?](./puppeteer.browserconnectoptions.defaultviewport.md) | | [Viewport](./puppeteer.viewport.md) \| null | (Optional) Sets the viewport for each page. | -| [ignoreHTTPSErrors?](./puppeteer.browserconnectoptions.ignorehttpserrors.md) | | boolean | (Optional) Whether to ignore HTTPS errors during navigation. | -| [slowMo?](./puppeteer.browserconnectoptions.slowmo.md) | | number | (Optional) Slows down Puppeteer operations by the specified amount of milliseconds to aid debugging. | -| [targetFilter?](./puppeteer.browserconnectoptions.targetfilter.md) | | [TargetFilterCallback](./puppeteer.targetfiltercallback.md) | (Optional) Callback to decide if Puppeteer should connect to a given target or not. | - +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserConnectOptions +--- + +# BrowserConnectOptions interface + +Generic browser options that can be passed when launching any browser or when connecting to an existing browser instance. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export interface BrowserConnectOptions +``` + +## Properties + +| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description | +| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| [defaultViewport?](./puppeteer.browserconnectoptions.defaultviewport.md) | | [Viewport](./puppeteer.viewport.md) \| null | (Optional) Sets the viewport for each page. | +| [ignoreHTTPSErrors?](./puppeteer.browserconnectoptions.ignorehttpserrors.md) | | boolean | (Optional) Whether to ignore HTTPS errors during navigation. | +| [slowMo?](./puppeteer.browserconnectoptions.slowmo.md) | | number | (Optional) Slows down Puppeteer operations by the specified amount of milliseconds to aid debugging. | +| [targetFilter?](./puppeteer.browserconnectoptions.targetfilter.md) | | [TargetFilterCallback](./puppeteer.targetfiltercallback.md) | (Optional) Callback to decide if Puppeteer should connect to a given target or not. | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserconnectoptions.slowmo.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserconnectoptions.slowmo.md index b60ae0bc..b89d37a8 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserconnectoptions.slowmo.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserconnectoptions.slowmo.md @@ -1,12 +1,15 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserConnectOptions.slowMo ---- -# BrowserConnectOptions.slowMo property - -Slows down Puppeteer operations by the specified amount of milliseconds to aid debugging. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface BrowserConnectOptions {slowMo?: number;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserConnectOptions.slowMo +--- + +# BrowserConnectOptions.slowMo property + +Slows down Puppeteer operations by the specified amount of milliseconds to aid debugging. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface BrowserConnectOptions { + slowMo?: number; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserconnectoptions.targetfilter.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserconnectoptions.targetfilter.md index b5b0366b..b3b16e0b 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserconnectoptions.targetfilter.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserconnectoptions.targetfilter.md @@ -1,12 +1,15 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserConnectOptions.targetFilter ---- -# BrowserConnectOptions.targetFilter property - -Callback to decide if Puppeteer should connect to a given target or not. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface BrowserConnectOptions {targetFilter?: TargetFilterCallback;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserConnectOptions.targetFilter +--- + +# BrowserConnectOptions.targetFilter property + +Callback to decide if Puppeteer should connect to a given target or not. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface BrowserConnectOptions { + targetFilter?: TargetFilterCallback; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontext.browser.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontext.browser.md index 04595a3b..1a33d29a 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontext.browser.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontext.browser.md @@ -1,16 +1,19 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserContext.browser ---- -# BrowserContext.browser() method - -The browser this browser context belongs to. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class BrowserContext {browser(): Browser;} -``` -**Returns:** - -[Browser](./puppeteer.browser.md) - +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserContext.browser +--- + +# BrowserContext.browser() method + +The browser this browser context belongs to. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class BrowserContext { + browser(): Browser; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +[Browser](./puppeteer.browser.md) diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontext.clearpermissionoverrides.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontext.clearpermissionoverrides.md index cd3c33c3..d1627f08 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontext.clearpermissionoverrides.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontext.clearpermissionoverrides.md @@ -1,26 +1,28 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserContext.clearPermissionOverrides ---- -# BrowserContext.clearPermissionOverrides() method - -Clears all permission overrides for the browser context. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class BrowserContext {clearPermissionOverrides(): Promise;} -``` -**Returns:** - -Promise<void> - -## Example - - -```ts -const context = browser.defaultBrowserContext(); -context.overridePermissions('https://example.com', ['clipboard-read']); -// do stuff .. -context.clearPermissionOverrides(); -``` - +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserContext.clearPermissionOverrides +--- + +# BrowserContext.clearPermissionOverrides() method + +Clears all permission overrides for the browser context. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class BrowserContext { + clearPermissionOverrides(): Promise; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +Promise<void> + +## Example + +```ts +const context = browser.defaultBrowserContext(); +context.overridePermissions('https://example.com', ['clipboard-read']); +// do stuff .. +context.clearPermissionOverrides(); +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontext.close.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontext.close.md index c2e9fadc..f6fc7ec9 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontext.close.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontext.close.md @@ -1,20 +1,23 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserContext.close ---- -# BrowserContext.close() method - -Closes the browser context. All the targets that belong to the browser context will be closed. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class BrowserContext {close(): Promise;} -``` -**Returns:** - -Promise<void> - -## Remarks - -Only incognito browser contexts can be closed. - +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserContext.close +--- + +# BrowserContext.close() method + +Closes the browser context. All the targets that belong to the browser context will be closed. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class BrowserContext { + close(): Promise; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +Promise<void> + +## Remarks + +Only incognito browser contexts can be closed. diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontext.isincognito.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontext.isincognito.md index 0ed267ef..259925f0 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontext.isincognito.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontext.isincognito.md @@ -1,20 +1,23 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserContext.isIncognito ---- -# BrowserContext.isIncognito() method - -Returns whether BrowserContext is incognito. The default browser context is the only non-incognito browser context. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class BrowserContext {isIncognito(): boolean;} -``` -**Returns:** - -boolean - -## Remarks - -The default browser context cannot be closed. - +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserContext.isIncognito +--- + +# BrowserContext.isIncognito() method + +Returns whether BrowserContext is incognito. The default browser context is the only non-incognito browser context. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class BrowserContext { + isIncognito(): boolean; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +boolean + +## Remarks + +The default browser context cannot be closed. diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontext.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontext.md index 22b924fa..2374e40c 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontext.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontext.md @@ -1,52 +1,52 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserContext ---- -# BrowserContext class - -BrowserContexts provide a way to operate multiple independent browser sessions. When a browser is launched, it has a single BrowserContext used by default. The method [Browser.newPage](./puppeteer.browser.newpage.md) creates a page in the default browser context. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export declare class BrowserContext extends EventEmitter -``` -**Extends:** [EventEmitter](./puppeteer.eventemitter.md) - -## Remarks - -The Browser class extends from Puppeteer's [EventEmitter](./puppeteer.eventemitter.md) class and will emit various events which are documented in the [BrowserContextEmittedEvents](./puppeteer.browsercontextemittedevents.md) enum. - -If a page opens another page, e.g. with a `window.open` call, the popup will belong to the parent page's browser context. - -Puppeteer allows creation of "incognito" browser contexts with [Browser.createIncognitoBrowserContext](./puppeteer.browser.createincognitobrowsercontext.md) method. "Incognito" browser contexts don't write any browsing data to disk. - -The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `BrowserContext` class. - -## Example - - -```ts -// Create a new incognito browser context -const context = await browser.createIncognitoBrowserContext(); -// Create a new page inside context. -const page = await context.newPage(); -// ... do stuff with page ... -await page.goto('https://example.com'); -// Dispose context once it's no longer needed. -await context.close(); -``` - -## Methods - -| Method | Modifiers | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| [browser()](./puppeteer.browsercontext.browser.md) | | The browser this browser context belongs to. | -| [clearPermissionOverrides()](./puppeteer.browsercontext.clearpermissionoverrides.md) | | Clears all permission overrides for the browser context. | -| [close()](./puppeteer.browsercontext.close.md) | | Closes the browser context. All the targets that belong to the browser context will be closed. | -| [isIncognito()](./puppeteer.browsercontext.isincognito.md) | | Returns whether BrowserContext is incognito. The default browser context is the only non-incognito browser context. | -| [newPage()](./puppeteer.browsercontext.newpage.md) | | Creates a new page in the browser context. | -| [overridePermissions(origin, permissions)](./puppeteer.browsercontext.overridepermissions.md) | | | -| [pages()](./puppeteer.browsercontext.pages.md) | | An array of all pages inside the browser context. | -| [targets()](./puppeteer.browsercontext.targets.md) | | An array of all active targets inside the browser context. | -| [waitForTarget(predicate, options)](./puppeteer.browsercontext.waitfortarget.md) | | This searches for a target in this specific browser context. | - +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserContext +--- + +# BrowserContext class + +BrowserContexts provide a way to operate multiple independent browser sessions. When a browser is launched, it has a single BrowserContext used by default. The method [Browser.newPage](./puppeteer.browser.newpage.md) creates a page in the default browser context. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export declare class BrowserContext extends EventEmitter +``` + +**Extends:** [EventEmitter](./puppeteer.eventemitter.md) + +## Remarks + +The Browser class extends from Puppeteer's [EventEmitter](./puppeteer.eventemitter.md) class and will emit various events which are documented in the [BrowserContextEmittedEvents](./puppeteer.browsercontextemittedevents.md) enum. + +If a page opens another page, e.g. with a `window.open` call, the popup will belong to the parent page's browser context. + +Puppeteer allows creation of "incognito" browser contexts with [Browser.createIncognitoBrowserContext](./puppeteer.browser.createincognitobrowsercontext.md) method. "Incognito" browser contexts don't write any browsing data to disk. + +The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `BrowserContext` class. + +## Example + +```ts +// Create a new incognito browser context +const context = await browser.createIncognitoBrowserContext(); +// Create a new page inside context. +const page = await context.newPage(); +// ... do stuff with page ... +await page.goto('https://example.com'); +// Dispose context once it's no longer needed. +await context.close(); +``` + +## Methods + +| Method | Modifiers | Description | +| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| [browser()](./puppeteer.browsercontext.browser.md) | | The browser this browser context belongs to. | +| [clearPermissionOverrides()](./puppeteer.browsercontext.clearpermissionoverrides.md) | | Clears all permission overrides for the browser context. | +| [close()](./puppeteer.browsercontext.close.md) | | Closes the browser context. All the targets that belong to the browser context will be closed. | +| [isIncognito()](./puppeteer.browsercontext.isincognito.md) | | Returns whether BrowserContext is incognito. The default browser context is the only non-incognito browser context. | +| [newPage()](./puppeteer.browsercontext.newpage.md) | | Creates a new page in the browser context. | +| [overridePermissions(origin, permissions)](./puppeteer.browsercontext.overridepermissions.md) | | | +| [pages()](./puppeteer.browsercontext.pages.md) | | An array of all pages inside the browser context. | +| [targets()](./puppeteer.browsercontext.targets.md) | | An array of all active targets inside the browser context. | +| [waitForTarget(predicate, options)](./puppeteer.browsercontext.waitfortarget.md) | | This searches for a target in this specific browser context. | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontext.newpage.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontext.newpage.md index 5704fad5..a32b8f3b 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontext.newpage.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontext.newpage.md @@ -1,16 +1,19 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserContext.newPage ---- -# BrowserContext.newPage() method - -Creates a new page in the browser context. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class BrowserContext {newPage(): Promise;} -``` -**Returns:** - -Promise<[Page](./puppeteer.page.md)> - +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserContext.newPage +--- + +# BrowserContext.newPage() method + +Creates a new page in the browser context. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class BrowserContext { + newPage(): Promise; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +Promise<[Page](./puppeteer.page.md)> diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontext.overridepermissions.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontext.overridepermissions.md index 0a88ef4d..3baa631e 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontext.overridepermissions.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontext.overridepermissions.md @@ -1,30 +1,31 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserContext.overridePermissions ---- -# BrowserContext.overridePermissions() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class BrowserContext {overridePermissions(origin: string, permissions: Permission[]): Promise;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| origin | string | The origin to grant permissions to, e.g. "https://example.com". | -| permissions | [Permission](./puppeteer.permission.md)\[\] | An array of permissions to grant. All permissions that are not listed here will be automatically denied. | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<void> - -## Example - - -```ts -const context = browser.defaultBrowserContext(); -await context.overridePermissions('https://html5demos.com', ['geolocation']); -``` - +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserContext.overridePermissions +--- + +# BrowserContext.overridePermissions() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class BrowserContext { + overridePermissions(origin: string, permissions: Permission[]): Promise; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| ----------- | ------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| origin | string | The origin to grant permissions to, e.g. "https://example.com". | +| permissions | [Permission](./puppeteer.permission.md)\[\] | An array of permissions to grant. All permissions that are not listed here will be automatically denied. | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<void> + +## Example + +```ts +const context = browser.defaultBrowserContext(); +await context.overridePermissions('https://html5demos.com', ['geolocation']); +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontext.pages.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontext.pages.md index df1e856f..02b0b3f5 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontext.pages.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontext.pages.md @@ -1,18 +1,21 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserContext.pages ---- -# BrowserContext.pages() method - -An array of all pages inside the browser context. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class BrowserContext {pages(): Promise;} -``` -**Returns:** - -Promise<[Page](./puppeteer.page.md)\[\]> - -Promise which resolves to an array of all open pages. Non visible pages, such as `"background_page"`, will not be listed here. You can find them using [the target page](./puppeteer.target.page.md). - +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserContext.pages +--- + +# BrowserContext.pages() method + +An array of all pages inside the browser context. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class BrowserContext { + pages(): Promise; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +Promise<[Page](./puppeteer.page.md)\[\]> + +Promise which resolves to an array of all open pages. Non visible pages, such as `"background_page"`, will not be listed here. You can find them using [the target page](./puppeteer.target.page.md). diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontext.targets.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontext.targets.md index 6732b793..563b28b4 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontext.targets.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontext.targets.md @@ -1,16 +1,19 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserContext.targets ---- -# BrowserContext.targets() method - -An array of all active targets inside the browser context. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class BrowserContext {targets(): Target[];} -``` -**Returns:** - -[Target](./puppeteer.target.md)\[\] - +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserContext.targets +--- + +# BrowserContext.targets() method + +An array of all active targets inside the browser context. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class BrowserContext { + targets(): Target[]; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +[Target](./puppeteer.target.md)\[\] diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontext.waitfortarget.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontext.waitfortarget.md index e4ce83c3..0f07854c 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontext.waitfortarget.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontext.waitfortarget.md @@ -1,37 +1,44 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserContext.waitForTarget ---- -# BrowserContext.waitForTarget() method - -This searches for a target in this specific browser context. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class BrowserContext {waitForTarget(predicate: (x: Target) => boolean | Promise, options?: { - timeout?: number; - }): Promise;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| predicate | (x: [Target](./puppeteer.target.md)) => boolean \| Promise<boolean> | A function to be run for every target | -| options | { timeout?: number; } | (Optional) An object of options. Accepts a timout, which is the maximum wait time in milliseconds. Pass 0 to disable the timeout. Defaults to 30 seconds. | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<[Target](./puppeteer.target.md)> - -Promise which resolves to the first target found that matches the `predicate` function. - -## Example - -An example of finding a target for a page opened via `window.open`: - -```ts -await page.evaluate(() => window.open('https://www.example.com/')); -const newWindowTarget = await browserContext.waitForTarget(target => target.url() === 'https://www.example.com/'); -``` - +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserContext.waitForTarget +--- + +# BrowserContext.waitForTarget() method + +This searches for a target in this specific browser context. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class BrowserContext { + waitForTarget( + predicate: (x: Target) => boolean | Promise, + options?: { + timeout?: number; + } + ): Promise; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| predicate | (x: [Target](./puppeteer.target.md)) => boolean \| Promise<boolean> | A function to be run for every target | +| options | { timeout?: number; } | (Optional) An object of options. Accepts a timout, which is the maximum wait time in milliseconds. Pass 0 to disable the timeout. Defaults to 30 seconds. | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<[Target](./puppeteer.target.md)> + +Promise which resolves to the first target found that matches the `predicate` function. + +## Example + +An example of finding a target for a page opened via `window.open`: + +```ts +await page.evaluate(() => window.open('https://www.example.com/')); +const newWindowTarget = await browserContext.waitForTarget( + target => target.url() === 'https://www.example.com/' +); +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontextemittedevents.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontextemittedevents.md index 149bbaab..045f69b8 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontextemittedevents.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontextemittedevents.md @@ -1,20 +1,19 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserContextEmittedEvents ---- -# BrowserContextEmittedEvents enum - - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export declare const enum BrowserContextEmittedEvents -``` - -## Enumeration Members - -| Member | Value | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| TargetChanged | "targetchanged" | Emitted when the url of a target inside the browser context changes. Contains a [Target](./puppeteer.target.md) instance. | -| TargetCreated | "targetcreated" |

Emitted when a target is created within the browser context, for example when a new page is opened by [window.open](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/open) or by [browserContext.newPage](./puppeteer.browsercontext.newpage.md)

Contains a [Target](./puppeteer.target.md) instance.

| -| TargetDestroyed | "targetdestroyed" | Emitted when a target is destroyed within the browser context, for example when a page is closed. Contains a [Target](./puppeteer.target.md) instance. | - +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserContextEmittedEvents +--- + +# BrowserContextEmittedEvents enum + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export declare const enum BrowserContextEmittedEvents +``` + +## Enumeration Members + +| Member | Value | Description | +| --------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| TargetChanged | "targetchanged" | Emitted when the url of a target inside the browser context changes. Contains a [Target](./puppeteer.target.md) instance. | +| TargetCreated | "targetcreated" |

Emitted when a target is created within the browser context, for example when a new page is opened by [window.open](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/open) or by [browserContext.newPage](./puppeteer.browsercontext.newpage.md)

Contains a [Target](./puppeteer.target.md) instance.

| +| TargetDestroyed | "targetdestroyed" | Emitted when a target is destroyed within the browser context, for example when a page is closed. Contains a [Target](./puppeteer.target.md) instance. | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontextoptions.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontextoptions.md index 84488037..0bf82737 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontextoptions.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontextoptions.md @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserContextOptions ---- -# BrowserContextOptions interface - -BrowserContext options. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export interface BrowserContextOptions -``` - -## Properties - -| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | --- | -| [proxyBypassList?](./puppeteer.browsercontextoptions.proxybypasslist.md) | | string\[\] | (Optional) Bypass the proxy for the given semi-colon-separated list of hosts. | -| [proxyServer?](./puppeteer.browsercontextoptions.proxyserver.md) | | string | (Optional) Proxy server with optional port to use for all requests. Username and password can be set in Page.authenticate. | - +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserContextOptions +--- + +# BrowserContextOptions interface + +BrowserContext options. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export interface BrowserContextOptions +``` + +## Properties + +| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description | +| ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | --------- | ---------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| [proxyBypassList?](./puppeteer.browsercontextoptions.proxybypasslist.md) | | string\[\] | (Optional) Bypass the proxy for the given semi-colon-separated list of hosts. | +| [proxyServer?](./puppeteer.browsercontextoptions.proxyserver.md) | | string | (Optional) Proxy server with optional port to use for all requests. Username and password can be set in Page.authenticate. | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontextoptions.proxybypasslist.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontextoptions.proxybypasslist.md index 71251f41..42f9d077 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontextoptions.proxybypasslist.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontextoptions.proxybypasslist.md @@ -1,12 +1,15 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserContextOptions.proxyBypassList ---- -# BrowserContextOptions.proxyBypassList property - -Bypass the proxy for the given semi-colon-separated list of hosts. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface BrowserContextOptions {proxyBypassList?: string[];} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserContextOptions.proxyBypassList +--- + +# BrowserContextOptions.proxyBypassList property + +Bypass the proxy for the given semi-colon-separated list of hosts. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface BrowserContextOptions { + proxyBypassList?: string[]; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontextoptions.proxyserver.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontextoptions.proxyserver.md index 1f48a0ff..4ae31585 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontextoptions.proxyserver.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browsercontextoptions.proxyserver.md @@ -1,12 +1,15 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserContextOptions.proxyServer ---- -# BrowserContextOptions.proxyServer property - -Proxy server with optional port to use for all requests. Username and password can be set in `Page.authenticate`. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface BrowserContextOptions {proxyServer?: string;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserContextOptions.proxyServer +--- + +# BrowserContextOptions.proxyServer property + +Proxy server with optional port to use for all requests. Username and password can be set in `Page.authenticate`. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface BrowserContextOptions { + proxyServer?: string; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browseremittedevents.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browseremittedevents.md index 591a7300..255ecc99 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browseremittedevents.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browseremittedevents.md @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserEmittedEvents ---- -# BrowserEmittedEvents enum - -All the events a [browser instance](./puppeteer.browser.md) may emit. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export declare const enum BrowserEmittedEvents -``` - -## Enumeration Members - -| Member | Value | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| Disconnected | "disconnected" |

Emitted when Puppeteer gets disconnected from the Chromium instance. This might happen because of one of the following:

- Chromium is closed or crashed

- The [browser.disconnect](./puppeteer.browser.disconnect.md) method was called.

| -| TargetChanged | "targetchanged" | Emitted when the url of a target changes. Contains a [Target](./puppeteer.target.md) instance. | -| TargetCreated | "targetcreated" |

Emitted when a target is created, for example when a new page is opened by [window.open](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/open) or by [browser.newPage](./puppeteer.browser.newpage.md)

Contains a [Target](./puppeteer.target.md) instance.

| -| TargetDestroyed | "targetdestroyed" | Emitted when a target is destroyed, for example when a page is closed. Contains a [Target](./puppeteer.target.md) instance. | - +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserEmittedEvents +--- + +# BrowserEmittedEvents enum + +All the events a [browser instance](./puppeteer.browser.md) may emit. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export declare const enum BrowserEmittedEvents +``` + +## Enumeration Members + +| Member | Value | Description | +| --------------- | ---------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| Disconnected | "disconnected" |

Emitted when Puppeteer gets disconnected from the Chromium instance. This might happen because of one of the following:

- Chromium is closed or crashed

- The [browser.disconnect](./puppeteer.browser.disconnect.md) method was called.

| +| TargetChanged | "targetchanged" | Emitted when the url of a target changes. Contains a [Target](./puppeteer.target.md) instance. | +| TargetCreated | "targetcreated" |

Emitted when a target is created, for example when a new page is opened by [window.open](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/open) or by [browser.newPage](./puppeteer.browser.newpage.md)

Contains a [Target](./puppeteer.target.md) instance.

| +| TargetDestroyed | "targetdestroyed" | Emitted when a target is destroyed, for example when a page is closed. Contains a [Target](./puppeteer.target.md) instance. | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcher.candownload.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcher.candownload.md index 2a95ec91..172092d6 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcher.candownload.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcher.candownload.md @@ -1,29 +1,31 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserFetcher.canDownload ---- -# BrowserFetcher.canDownload() method - -Initiates a HEAD request to check if the revision is available. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class BrowserFetcher {canDownload(revision: string): Promise;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| revision | string | The revision to check availability for. | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<boolean> - -A promise that resolves to `true` if the revision could be downloaded from the host. - -## Remarks - -This method is affected by the current `product`. - +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserFetcher.canDownload +--- + +# BrowserFetcher.canDownload() method + +Initiates a HEAD request to check if the revision is available. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class BrowserFetcher { + canDownload(revision: string): Promise; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ------ | --------------------------------------- | +| revision | string | The revision to check availability for. | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<boolean> + +A promise that resolves to `true` if the revision could be downloaded from the host. + +## Remarks + +This method is affected by the current `product`. diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcher.download.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcher.download.md index 3493c393..950f10f3 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcher.download.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcher.download.md @@ -1,30 +1,35 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserFetcher.download ---- -# BrowserFetcher.download() method - -Initiates a GET request to download the revision from the host. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class BrowserFetcher {download(revision: string, progressCallback?: (x: number, y: number) => void): Promise;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| revision | string | The revision to download. | -| progressCallback | (x: number, y: number) => void | (Optional) A function that will be called with two arguments: How many bytes have been downloaded and the total number of bytes of the download. | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<[BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo](./puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.md) \| undefined> - -A promise with revision information when the revision is downloaded and extracted. - -## Remarks - -This method is affected by the current `product`. - +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserFetcher.download +--- + +# BrowserFetcher.download() method + +Initiates a GET request to download the revision from the host. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class BrowserFetcher { + download( + revision: string, + progressCallback?: (x: number, y: number) => void + ): Promise; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| ---------------- | --------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| revision | string | The revision to download. | +| progressCallback | (x: number, y: number) => void | (Optional) A function that will be called with two arguments: How many bytes have been downloaded and the total number of bytes of the download. | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<[BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo](./puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.md) \| undefined> + +A promise with revision information when the revision is downloaded and extracted. + +## Remarks + +This method is affected by the current `product`. diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcher.host.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcher.host.md index 593db886..c866ea62 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcher.host.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcher.host.md @@ -1,16 +1,19 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserFetcher.host ---- -# BrowserFetcher.host() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class BrowserFetcher {host(): string;} -``` -**Returns:** - -string - -The download host being used. - +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserFetcher.host +--- + +# BrowserFetcher.host() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class BrowserFetcher { + host(): string; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +string + +The download host being used. diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcher.localrevisions.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcher.localrevisions.md index e27fe4f6..8f62f6bc 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcher.localrevisions.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcher.localrevisions.md @@ -1,20 +1,23 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserFetcher.localRevisions ---- -# BrowserFetcher.localRevisions() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class BrowserFetcher {localRevisions(): Promise;} -``` -**Returns:** - -Promise<string\[\]> - -A promise with a list of all revision strings (for the current `product`) available locally on disk. - -## Remarks - -This method is affected by the current `product`. - +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserFetcher.localRevisions +--- + +# BrowserFetcher.localRevisions() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class BrowserFetcher { + localRevisions(): Promise; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +Promise<string\[\]> + +A promise with a list of all revision strings (for the current `product`) available locally on disk. + +## Remarks + +This method is affected by the current `product`. diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcher.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcher.md index 348ff82f..5c9c876f 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcher.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcher.md @@ -1,43 +1,46 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserFetcher ---- -# BrowserFetcher class - -BrowserFetcher can download and manage different versions of Chromium and Firefox. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export declare class BrowserFetcher -``` - -## Remarks - -BrowserFetcher operates on revision strings that specify a precise version of Chromium, e.g. `"533271"`. Revision strings can be obtained from [omahaproxy.appspot.com](http://omahaproxy.appspot.com/). In the Firefox case, BrowserFetcher downloads Firefox Nightly and operates on version numbers such as `"75"`. - -The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `BrowserFetcher` class. - -## Example - -An example of using BrowserFetcher to download a specific version of Chromium and running Puppeteer against it: - -```ts -const browserFetcher = puppeteer.createBrowserFetcher(); -const revisionInfo = await browserFetcher.download('533271'); -const browser = await puppeteer.launch({executablePath: revisionInfo.executablePath}) -``` -\*\*NOTE\*\* BrowserFetcher is not designed to work concurrently with other instances of BrowserFetcher that share the same downloads directory. - -## Methods - -| Method | Modifiers | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| [canDownload(revision)](./puppeteer.browserfetcher.candownload.md) | | Initiates a HEAD request to check if the revision is available. | -| [download(revision, progressCallback)](./puppeteer.browserfetcher.download.md) | | Initiates a GET request to download the revision from the host. | -| [host()](./puppeteer.browserfetcher.host.md) | | | -| [localRevisions()](./puppeteer.browserfetcher.localrevisions.md) | | | -| [platform()](./puppeteer.browserfetcher.platform.md) | | | -| [product()](./puppeteer.browserfetcher.product.md) | | | -| [remove(revision)](./puppeteer.browserfetcher.remove.md) | | | -| [revisionInfo(revision)](./puppeteer.browserfetcher.revisioninfo.md) | | | - +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserFetcher +--- + +# BrowserFetcher class + +BrowserFetcher can download and manage different versions of Chromium and Firefox. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export declare class BrowserFetcher +``` + +## Remarks + +BrowserFetcher operates on revision strings that specify a precise version of Chromium, e.g. `"533271"`. Revision strings can be obtained from [omahaproxy.appspot.com](http://omahaproxy.appspot.com/). In the Firefox case, BrowserFetcher downloads Firefox Nightly and operates on version numbers such as `"75"`. + +The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `BrowserFetcher` class. + +## Example + +An example of using BrowserFetcher to download a specific version of Chromium and running Puppeteer against it: + +```ts +const browserFetcher = puppeteer.createBrowserFetcher(); +const revisionInfo = await browserFetcher.download('533271'); +const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ + executablePath: revisionInfo.executablePath, +}); +``` + +\*\*NOTE\*\* BrowserFetcher is not designed to work concurrently with other instances of BrowserFetcher that share the same downloads directory. + +## Methods + +| Method | Modifiers | Description | +| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | --------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- | +| [canDownload(revision)](./puppeteer.browserfetcher.candownload.md) | | Initiates a HEAD request to check if the revision is available. | +| [download(revision, progressCallback)](./puppeteer.browserfetcher.download.md) | | Initiates a GET request to download the revision from the host. | +| [host()](./puppeteer.browserfetcher.host.md) | | | +| [localRevisions()](./puppeteer.browserfetcher.localrevisions.md) | | | +| [platform()](./puppeteer.browserfetcher.platform.md) | | | +| [product()](./puppeteer.browserfetcher.product.md) | | | +| [remove(revision)](./puppeteer.browserfetcher.remove.md) | | | +| [revisionInfo(revision)](./puppeteer.browserfetcher.revisioninfo.md) | | | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcher.platform.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcher.platform.md index 34be47a6..f4db9721 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcher.platform.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcher.platform.md @@ -1,16 +1,19 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserFetcher.platform ---- -# BrowserFetcher.platform() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class BrowserFetcher {platform(): Platform;} -``` -**Returns:** - -[Platform](./puppeteer.platform.md) - -Returns the current `Platform`, which is one of `mac`, `linux`, `win32` or `win64`. - +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserFetcher.platform +--- + +# BrowserFetcher.platform() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class BrowserFetcher { + platform(): Platform; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +[Platform](./puppeteer.platform.md) + +Returns the current `Platform`, which is one of `mac`, `linux`, `win32` or `win64`. diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcher.product.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcher.product.md index 9b906231..1219cd0e 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcher.product.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcher.product.md @@ -1,16 +1,19 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserFetcher.product ---- -# BrowserFetcher.product() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class BrowserFetcher {product(): Product;} -``` -**Returns:** - -[Product](./puppeteer.product.md) - -Returns the current `Product`, which is one of `chrome` or `firefox`. - +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserFetcher.product +--- + +# BrowserFetcher.product() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class BrowserFetcher { + product(): Product; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +[Product](./puppeteer.product.md) + +Returns the current `Product`, which is one of `chrome` or `firefox`. diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcher.remove.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcher.remove.md index 3f9c076b..6cb2b3bf 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcher.remove.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcher.remove.md @@ -1,27 +1,29 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserFetcher.remove ---- -# BrowserFetcher.remove() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class BrowserFetcher {remove(revision: string): Promise;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| revision | string | A revision to remove for the current product. | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<void> - -A promise that resolves when the revision has been removes or throws if the revision has not been downloaded. - -## Remarks - -This method is affected by the current `product`. - +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserFetcher.remove +--- + +# BrowserFetcher.remove() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class BrowserFetcher { + remove(revision: string): Promise; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ------ | ---------------------------------------------------------- | +| revision | string | A revision to remove for the current product. | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<void> + +A promise that resolves when the revision has been removes or throws if the revision has not been downloaded. + +## Remarks + +This method is affected by the current `product`. diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcher.revisioninfo.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcher.revisioninfo.md index e9cdcf95..ea18abd4 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcher.revisioninfo.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcher.revisioninfo.md @@ -1,23 +1,25 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserFetcher.revisionInfo ---- -# BrowserFetcher.revisionInfo() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class BrowserFetcher {revisionInfo(revision: string): BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| revision | string | The revision to get info for. | - -**Returns:** - -[BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo](./puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.md) - -The revision info for the given revision. - +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserFetcher.revisionInfo +--- + +# BrowserFetcher.revisionInfo() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class BrowserFetcher { + revisionInfo(revision: string): BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ------ | ----------------------------- | +| revision | string | The revision to get info for. | + +**Returns:** + +[BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo](./puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.md) + +The revision info for the given revision. diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcheroptions.host.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcheroptions.host.md index a79eebef..7dd3a981 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcheroptions.host.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcheroptions.host.md @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserFetcherOptions.host ---- -# BrowserFetcherOptions.host property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface BrowserFetcherOptions {host?: string;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserFetcherOptions.host +--- + +# BrowserFetcherOptions.host property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface BrowserFetcherOptions { + host?: string; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcheroptions.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcheroptions.md index 2a8ad75b..af16c571 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcheroptions.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcheroptions.md @@ -1,21 +1,20 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserFetcherOptions ---- -# BrowserFetcherOptions interface - - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export interface BrowserFetcherOptions -``` - -## Properties - -| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | --- | -| [host?](./puppeteer.browserfetcheroptions.host.md) | | string | (Optional) | -| [path?](./puppeteer.browserfetcheroptions.path.md) | | string | (Optional) | -| [platform?](./puppeteer.browserfetcheroptions.platform.md) | | [Platform](./puppeteer.platform.md) | (Optional) | -| [product?](./puppeteer.browserfetcheroptions.product.md) | | string | (Optional) | - +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserFetcherOptions +--- + +# BrowserFetcherOptions interface + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export interface BrowserFetcherOptions +``` + +## Properties + +| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description | +| ---------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | ----------------------------------- | ----------------- | +| [host?](./puppeteer.browserfetcheroptions.host.md) | | string | (Optional) | +| [path?](./puppeteer.browserfetcheroptions.path.md) | | string | (Optional) | +| [platform?](./puppeteer.browserfetcheroptions.platform.md) | | [Platform](./puppeteer.platform.md) | (Optional) | +| [product?](./puppeteer.browserfetcheroptions.product.md) | | string | (Optional) | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcheroptions.path.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcheroptions.path.md index 131cbebb..5c44969e 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcheroptions.path.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcheroptions.path.md @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserFetcherOptions.path ---- -# BrowserFetcherOptions.path property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface BrowserFetcherOptions {path?: string;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserFetcherOptions.path +--- + +# BrowserFetcherOptions.path property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface BrowserFetcherOptions { + path?: string; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcheroptions.platform.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcheroptions.platform.md index 50c4a2c3..c2fc22a3 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcheroptions.platform.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcheroptions.platform.md @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserFetcherOptions.platform ---- -# BrowserFetcherOptions.platform property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface BrowserFetcherOptions {platform?: Platform;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserFetcherOptions.platform +--- + +# BrowserFetcherOptions.platform property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface BrowserFetcherOptions { + platform?: Platform; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcheroptions.product.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcheroptions.product.md index a3f26a11..a009bae1 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcheroptions.product.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcheroptions.product.md @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserFetcherOptions.product ---- -# BrowserFetcherOptions.product property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface BrowserFetcherOptions {product?: string;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserFetcherOptions.product +--- + +# BrowserFetcherOptions.product property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface BrowserFetcherOptions { + product?: string; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.executablepath.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.executablepath.md index 53cb94b6..2dd3218e 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.executablepath.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.executablepath.md @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo.executablePath ---- -# BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo.executablePath property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo {executablePath: string;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo.executablePath +--- + +# BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo.executablePath property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo { + executablePath: string; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.folderpath.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.folderpath.md index aa7f105f..afaa567c 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.folderpath.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.folderpath.md @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo.folderPath ---- -# BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo.folderPath property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo {folderPath: string;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo.folderPath +--- + +# BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo.folderPath property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo { + folderPath: string; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.local.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.local.md index b477e85e..78aebaef 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.local.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.local.md @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo.local ---- -# BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo.local property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo {local: boolean;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo.local +--- + +# BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo.local property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo { + local: boolean; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.md index 8ba0e1ff..feb82cc9 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.md @@ -1,23 +1,22 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo ---- -# BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo interface - - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export interface BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo -``` - -## Properties - -| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | --- | -| [executablePath](./puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.executablepath.md) | | string | | -| [folderPath](./puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.folderpath.md) | | string | | -| [local](./puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.local.md) | | boolean | | -| [product](./puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.product.md) | | string | | -| [revision](./puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.revision.md) | | string | | -| [url](./puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.url.md) | | string | | - +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo +--- + +# BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo interface + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export interface BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo +``` + +## Properties + +| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description | +| -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | ------- | ----------- | +| [executablePath](./puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.executablepath.md) | | string | | +| [folderPath](./puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.folderpath.md) | | string | | +| [local](./puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.local.md) | | boolean | | +| [product](./puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.product.md) | | string | | +| [revision](./puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.revision.md) | | string | | +| [url](./puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.url.md) | | string | | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.product.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.product.md index 7e234a6c..d7a0952c 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.product.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.product.md @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo.product ---- -# BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo.product property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo {product: string;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo.product +--- + +# BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo.product property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo { + product: string; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.revision.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.revision.md index 540bc3f5..c9a62390 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.revision.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.revision.md @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo.revision ---- -# BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo.revision property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo {revision: string;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo.revision +--- + +# BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo.revision property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo { + revision: string; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.url.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.url.md index 25ff203d..30852361 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.url.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserfetcherrevisioninfo.url.md @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo.url ---- -# BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo.url property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo {url: string;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo.url +--- + +# BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo.url property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo { + url: string; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserlaunchargumentoptions.args.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserlaunchargumentoptions.args.md index 292052a5..a5ab226a 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserlaunchargumentoptions.args.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserlaunchargumentoptions.args.md @@ -1,12 +1,15 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions.args ---- -# BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions.args property - -Additional command line arguments to pass to the browser instance. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions {args?: string[];} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions.args +--- + +# BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions.args property + +Additional command line arguments to pass to the browser instance. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions { + args?: string[]; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserlaunchargumentoptions.debuggingport.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserlaunchargumentoptions.debuggingport.md index 1a702a7e..8cae9b31 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserlaunchargumentoptions.debuggingport.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserlaunchargumentoptions.debuggingport.md @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions.debuggingPort ---- -# BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions.debuggingPort property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions {debuggingPort?: number;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions.debuggingPort +--- + +# BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions.debuggingPort property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions { + debuggingPort?: number; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserlaunchargumentoptions.devtools.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserlaunchargumentoptions.devtools.md index 1ba404de..4459ff0d 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserlaunchargumentoptions.devtools.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserlaunchargumentoptions.devtools.md @@ -1,12 +1,15 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions.devtools ---- -# BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions.devtools property - -Whether to auto-open a DevTools panel for each tab. If this is set to `true`, then `headless` will be forced to `false`. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions {devtools?: boolean;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions.devtools +--- + +# BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions.devtools property + +Whether to auto-open a DevTools panel for each tab. If this is set to `true`, then `headless` will be forced to `false`. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions { + devtools?: boolean; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserlaunchargumentoptions.headless.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserlaunchargumentoptions.headless.md index c019f1c8..2a090d09 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserlaunchargumentoptions.headless.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserlaunchargumentoptions.headless.md @@ -1,12 +1,15 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions.headless ---- -# BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions.headless property - -Whether to run the browser in headless mode. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions {headless?: boolean | 'chrome';} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions.headless +--- + +# BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions.headless property + +Whether to run the browser in headless mode. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions { + headless?: boolean | 'chrome'; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserlaunchargumentoptions.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserlaunchargumentoptions.md index 30fd5d46..ee56708f 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserlaunchargumentoptions.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserlaunchargumentoptions.md @@ -1,23 +1,23 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions ---- -# BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions interface - -Launcher options that only apply to Chrome. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export interface BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions -``` - -## Properties - -| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | --- | -| [args?](./puppeteer.browserlaunchargumentoptions.args.md) | | string\[\] | (Optional) Additional command line arguments to pass to the browser instance. | -| [debuggingPort?](./puppeteer.browserlaunchargumentoptions.debuggingport.md) | | number | (Optional) | -| [devtools?](./puppeteer.browserlaunchargumentoptions.devtools.md) | | boolean | (Optional) Whether to auto-open a DevTools panel for each tab. If this is set to true, then headless will be forced to false. | -| [headless?](./puppeteer.browserlaunchargumentoptions.headless.md) | | boolean \| 'chrome' | (Optional) Whether to run the browser in headless mode. | -| [userDataDir?](./puppeteer.browserlaunchargumentoptions.userdatadir.md) | | string | (Optional) Path to a user data directory. [see the Chromium docs](https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/refs/heads/main/docs/user_data_dir.md) for more info. | - +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions +--- + +# BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions interface + +Launcher options that only apply to Chrome. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export interface BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions +``` + +## Properties + +| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description | +| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | ------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| [args?](./puppeteer.browserlaunchargumentoptions.args.md) | | string\[\] | (Optional) Additional command line arguments to pass to the browser instance. | +| [debuggingPort?](./puppeteer.browserlaunchargumentoptions.debuggingport.md) | | number | (Optional) | +| [devtools?](./puppeteer.browserlaunchargumentoptions.devtools.md) | | boolean | (Optional) Whether to auto-open a DevTools panel for each tab. If this is set to true, then headless will be forced to false. | +| [headless?](./puppeteer.browserlaunchargumentoptions.headless.md) | | boolean \| 'chrome' | (Optional) Whether to run the browser in headless mode. | +| [userDataDir?](./puppeteer.browserlaunchargumentoptions.userdatadir.md) | | string | (Optional) Path to a user data directory. [see the Chromium docs](https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/refs/heads/main/docs/user_data_dir.md) for more info. | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserlaunchargumentoptions.userdatadir.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserlaunchargumentoptions.userdatadir.md index 8fbc8272..ca039914 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.browserlaunchargumentoptions.userdatadir.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.browserlaunchargumentoptions.userdatadir.md @@ -1,12 +1,15 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions.userDataDir ---- -# BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions.userDataDir property - -Path to a user data directory. [see the Chromium docs](https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/refs/heads/main/docs/user_data_dir.md) for more info. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions {userDataDir?: string;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions.userDataDir +--- + +# BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions.userDataDir property + +Path to a user data directory. [see the Chromium docs](https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/refs/heads/main/docs/user_data_dir.md) for more info. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions { + userDataDir?: string; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsession.connection.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsession.connection.md index 5d655b46..e05b5f6d 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsession.connection.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsession.connection.md @@ -1,14 +1,17 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: CDPSession.connection ---- -# CDPSession.connection() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class CDPSession {connection(): Connection | undefined;} -``` -**Returns:** - -[Connection](./puppeteer.connection.md) \| undefined - +--- +sidebar_label: CDPSession.connection +--- + +# CDPSession.connection() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class CDPSession { + connection(): Connection | undefined; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +[Connection](./puppeteer.connection.md) \| undefined diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsession.detach.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsession.detach.md index 52b035b9..e153ba2e 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsession.detach.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsession.detach.md @@ -1,16 +1,19 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: CDPSession.detach ---- -# CDPSession.detach() method - -Detaches the cdpSession from the target. Once detached, the cdpSession object won't emit any events and can't be used to send messages. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class CDPSession {detach(): Promise;} -``` -**Returns:** - -Promise<void> - +--- +sidebar_label: CDPSession.detach +--- + +# CDPSession.detach() method + +Detaches the cdpSession from the target. Once detached, the cdpSession object won't emit any events and can't be used to send messages. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class CDPSession { + detach(): Promise; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +Promise<void> diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsession.id.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsession.id.md index a901cfcc..6b28e780 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsession.id.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsession.id.md @@ -1,16 +1,19 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: CDPSession.id ---- -# CDPSession.id() method - -Returns the session's id. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class CDPSession {id(): string;} -``` -**Returns:** - -string - +--- +sidebar_label: CDPSession.id +--- + +# CDPSession.id() method + +Returns the session's id. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class CDPSession { + id(): string; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +string diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsession.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsession.md index 1185b845..28e37731 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsession.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsession.md @@ -1,45 +1,47 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: CDPSession ---- -# CDPSession class - -The `CDPSession` instances are used to talk raw Chrome Devtools Protocol. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export declare class CDPSession extends EventEmitter -``` -**Extends:** [EventEmitter](./puppeteer.eventemitter.md) - -## Remarks - -Protocol methods can be called with [CDPSession.send()](./puppeteer.cdpsession.send.md) method and protocol events can be subscribed to with `CDPSession.on` method. - -Useful links: [DevTools Protocol Viewer](https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/) and [Getting Started with DevTools Protocol](https://github.com/aslushnikov/getting-started-with-cdp/blob/HEAD/README.md). - -The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `CDPSession` class. - -## Example - - -```ts -const client = await page.target().createCDPSession(); -await client.send('Animation.enable'); -client.on('Animation.animationCreated', () => console.log('Animation created!')); -const response = await client.send('Animation.getPlaybackRate'); -console.log('playback rate is ' + response.playbackRate); -await client.send('Animation.setPlaybackRate', { - playbackRate: response.playbackRate / 2 -}); -``` - -## Methods - -| Method | Modifiers | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| [connection()](./puppeteer.cdpsession.connection.md) | | | -| [detach()](./puppeteer.cdpsession.detach.md) | | Detaches the cdpSession from the target. Once detached, the cdpSession object won't emit any events and can't be used to send messages. | -| [id()](./puppeteer.cdpsession.id.md) | | Returns the session's id. | -| [send(method, paramArgs)](./puppeteer.cdpsession.send.md) | | | - +--- +sidebar_label: CDPSession +--- + +# CDPSession class + +The `CDPSession` instances are used to talk raw Chrome Devtools Protocol. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export declare class CDPSession extends EventEmitter +``` + +**Extends:** [EventEmitter](./puppeteer.eventemitter.md) + +## Remarks + +Protocol methods can be called with [CDPSession.send()](./puppeteer.cdpsession.send.md) method and protocol events can be subscribed to with `CDPSession.on` method. + +Useful links: [DevTools Protocol Viewer](https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/) and [Getting Started with DevTools Protocol](https://github.com/aslushnikov/getting-started-with-cdp/blob/HEAD/README.md). + +The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `CDPSession` class. + +## Example + +```ts +const client = await page.target().createCDPSession(); +await client.send('Animation.enable'); +client.on('Animation.animationCreated', () => + console.log('Animation created!') +); +const response = await client.send('Animation.getPlaybackRate'); +console.log('playback rate is ' + response.playbackRate); +await client.send('Animation.setPlaybackRate', { + playbackRate: response.playbackRate / 2, +}); +``` + +## Methods + +| Method | Modifiers | Description | +| --------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| [connection()](./puppeteer.cdpsession.connection.md) | | | +| [detach()](./puppeteer.cdpsession.detach.md) | | Detaches the cdpSession from the target. Once detached, the cdpSession object won't emit any events and can't be used to send messages. | +| [id()](./puppeteer.cdpsession.id.md) | | Returns the session's id. | +| [send(method, paramArgs)](./puppeteer.cdpsession.send.md) | | | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsession.send.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsession.send.md index 9a73d28c..5fbe00c6 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsession.send.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsession.send.md @@ -1,22 +1,27 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: CDPSession.send ---- -# CDPSession.send() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class CDPSession {send(method: T, ...paramArgs: ProtocolMapping.Commands[T]['paramsType']): Promise;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| method | T | | -| paramArgs | ProtocolMapping.Commands\[T\]\['paramsType'\] | | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<ProtocolMapping.Commands\[T\]\['returnType'\]> - +--- +sidebar_label: CDPSession.send +--- + +# CDPSession.send() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class CDPSession { + send( + method: T, + ...paramArgs: ProtocolMapping.Commands[T]['paramsType'] + ): Promise; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | --------------------------------------------- | ----------- | +| method | T | | +| paramArgs | ProtocolMapping.Commands\[T\]\['paramsType'\] | | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<ProtocolMapping.Commands\[T\]\['returnType'\]> diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsessiononmessageobject.error.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsessiononmessageobject.error.md index 76465098..72697d96 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsessiononmessageobject.error.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsessiononmessageobject.error.md @@ -1,14 +1,17 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: CDPSessionOnMessageObject.error ---- -# CDPSessionOnMessageObject.error property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface CDPSessionOnMessageObject {error: { - message: string; - data: any; - code: number; - };} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: CDPSessionOnMessageObject.error +--- + +# CDPSessionOnMessageObject.error property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface CDPSessionOnMessageObject { + error: { + message: string; + data: any; + code: number; + }; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsessiononmessageobject.id.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsessiononmessageobject.id.md index cb0c984c..6b2b14aa 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsessiononmessageobject.id.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsessiononmessageobject.id.md @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: CDPSessionOnMessageObject.id ---- -# CDPSessionOnMessageObject.id property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface CDPSessionOnMessageObject {id?: number;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: CDPSessionOnMessageObject.id +--- + +# CDPSessionOnMessageObject.id property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface CDPSessionOnMessageObject { + id?: number; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsessiononmessageobject.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsessiononmessageobject.md index 9c5460f0..f3ec87b0 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsessiononmessageobject.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsessiononmessageobject.md @@ -1,22 +1,21 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: CDPSessionOnMessageObject ---- -# CDPSessionOnMessageObject interface - - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export interface CDPSessionOnMessageObject -``` - -## Properties - -| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | --- | -| [error](./puppeteer.cdpsessiononmessageobject.error.md) | | { message: string; data: any; code: number; } | | -| [id?](./puppeteer.cdpsessiononmessageobject.id.md) | | number | (Optional) | -| [method](./puppeteer.cdpsessiononmessageobject.method.md) | | string | | -| [params](./puppeteer.cdpsessiononmessageobject.params.md) | | Record<string, unknown> | | -| [result?](./puppeteer.cdpsessiononmessageobject.result.md) | | any | (Optional) | - +--- +sidebar_label: CDPSessionOnMessageObject +--- + +# CDPSessionOnMessageObject interface + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export interface CDPSessionOnMessageObject +``` + +## Properties + +| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description | +| ---------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | --------------------------------------------- | ----------------- | +| [error](./puppeteer.cdpsessiononmessageobject.error.md) | | { message: string; data: any; code: number; } | | +| [id?](./puppeteer.cdpsessiononmessageobject.id.md) | | number | (Optional) | +| [method](./puppeteer.cdpsessiononmessageobject.method.md) | | string | | +| [params](./puppeteer.cdpsessiononmessageobject.params.md) | | Record<string, unknown> | | +| [result?](./puppeteer.cdpsessiononmessageobject.result.md) | | any | (Optional) | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsessiononmessageobject.method.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsessiononmessageobject.method.md index f7d582eb..04d9e897 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsessiononmessageobject.method.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsessiononmessageobject.method.md @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: CDPSessionOnMessageObject.method ---- -# CDPSessionOnMessageObject.method property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface CDPSessionOnMessageObject {method: string;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: CDPSessionOnMessageObject.method +--- + +# CDPSessionOnMessageObject.method property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface CDPSessionOnMessageObject { + method: string; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsessiononmessageobject.params.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsessiononmessageobject.params.md index 9905929a..ab7f84bb 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsessiononmessageobject.params.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsessiononmessageobject.params.md @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: CDPSessionOnMessageObject.params ---- -# CDPSessionOnMessageObject.params property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface CDPSessionOnMessageObject {params: Record;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: CDPSessionOnMessageObject.params +--- + +# CDPSessionOnMessageObject.params property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface CDPSessionOnMessageObject { + params: Record; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsessiononmessageobject.result.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsessiononmessageobject.result.md index 5a331114..7097bdff 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsessiononmessageobject.result.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.cdpsessiononmessageobject.result.md @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: CDPSessionOnMessageObject.result ---- -# CDPSessionOnMessageObject.result property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface CDPSessionOnMessageObject {result?: any;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: CDPSessionOnMessageObject.result +--- + +# CDPSessionOnMessageObject.result property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface CDPSessionOnMessageObject { + result?: any; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.chromereleasechannel.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.chromereleasechannel.md index 9fdd76c9..3021c39d 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.chromereleasechannel.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.chromereleasechannel.md @@ -1,11 +1,15 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ChromeReleaseChannel ---- -# ChromeReleaseChannel type - - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export declare type ChromeReleaseChannel = 'chrome' | 'chrome-beta' | 'chrome-canary' | 'chrome-dev'; -``` +--- +sidebar_label: ChromeReleaseChannel +--- + +# ChromeReleaseChannel type + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export declare type ChromeReleaseChannel = + | 'chrome' + | 'chrome-beta' + | 'chrome-canary' + | 'chrome-dev'; +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.clearcustomqueryhandlers.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.clearcustomqueryhandlers.md index 96b34903..8dcf2c26 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.clearcustomqueryhandlers.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.clearcustomqueryhandlers.md @@ -1,16 +1,17 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: clearCustomQueryHandlers ---- -# clearCustomQueryHandlers() function - -Clears all registered handlers. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export declare function clearCustomQueryHandlers(): void; -``` -**Returns:** - -void - +--- +sidebar_label: clearCustomQueryHandlers +--- + +# clearCustomQueryHandlers() function + +Clears all registered handlers. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export declare function clearCustomQueryHandlers(): void; +``` + +**Returns:** + +void diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.clickoptions.button.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.clickoptions.button.md index ff38ab3d..38f90a93 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.clickoptions.button.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.clickoptions.button.md @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ClickOptions.button ---- -# ClickOptions.button property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface ClickOptions {button?: MouseButton;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: ClickOptions.button +--- + +# ClickOptions.button property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface ClickOptions { + button?: MouseButton; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.clickoptions.clickcount.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.clickoptions.clickcount.md index 567ae14c..fd606419 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.clickoptions.clickcount.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.clickoptions.clickcount.md @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ClickOptions.clickCount ---- -# ClickOptions.clickCount property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface ClickOptions {clickCount?: number;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: ClickOptions.clickCount +--- + +# ClickOptions.clickCount property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface ClickOptions { + clickCount?: number; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.clickoptions.delay.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.clickoptions.delay.md index 61e68fa4..cac255d8 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.clickoptions.delay.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.clickoptions.delay.md @@ -1,12 +1,15 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ClickOptions.delay ---- -# ClickOptions.delay property - -Time to wait between `mousedown` and `mouseup` in milliseconds. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface ClickOptions {delay?: number;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: ClickOptions.delay +--- + +# ClickOptions.delay property + +Time to wait between `mousedown` and `mouseup` in milliseconds. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface ClickOptions { + delay?: number; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.clickoptions.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.clickoptions.md index 11c6e1cf..bc0f0c16 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.clickoptions.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.clickoptions.md @@ -1,21 +1,20 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ClickOptions ---- -# ClickOptions interface - - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export interface ClickOptions -``` - -## Properties - -| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | --- | -| [button?](./puppeteer.clickoptions.button.md) | | [MouseButton](./puppeteer.mousebutton.md) | (Optional) | -| [clickCount?](./puppeteer.clickoptions.clickcount.md) | | number | (Optional) | -| [delay?](./puppeteer.clickoptions.delay.md) | | number | (Optional) Time to wait between mousedown and mouseup in milliseconds. | -| [offset?](./puppeteer.clickoptions.offset.md) | | [Offset](./puppeteer.offset.md) | (Optional) Offset for the clickable point relative to the top-left corder of the border box. | - +--- +sidebar_label: ClickOptions +--- + +# ClickOptions interface + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export interface ClickOptions +``` + +## Properties + +| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description | +| ----------------------------------------------------- | --------- | ----------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| [button?](./puppeteer.clickoptions.button.md) | | [MouseButton](./puppeteer.mousebutton.md) | (Optional) | +| [clickCount?](./puppeteer.clickoptions.clickcount.md) | | number | (Optional) | +| [delay?](./puppeteer.clickoptions.delay.md) | | number | (Optional) Time to wait between mousedown and mouseup in milliseconds. | +| [offset?](./puppeteer.clickoptions.offset.md) | | [Offset](./puppeteer.offset.md) | (Optional) Offset for the clickable point relative to the top-left corder of the border box. | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.clickoptions.offset.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.clickoptions.offset.md index 052dd45c..40bd8710 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.clickoptions.offset.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.clickoptions.offset.md @@ -1,12 +1,15 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ClickOptions.offset ---- -# ClickOptions.offset property - -Offset for the clickable point relative to the top-left corder of the border box. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface ClickOptions {offset?: Offset;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: ClickOptions.offset +--- + +# ClickOptions.offset property + +Offset for the clickable point relative to the top-left corder of the border box. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface ClickOptions { + offset?: Offset; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.commoneventemitter.addlistener.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.commoneventemitter.addlistener.md index 35914a37..021b4bf8 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.commoneventemitter.addlistener.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.commoneventemitter.addlistener.md @@ -1,22 +1,24 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: CommonEventEmitter.addListener ---- -# CommonEventEmitter.addListener() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface CommonEventEmitter {addListener(event: EventType, handler: Handler): CommonEventEmitter;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| event | [EventType](./puppeteer.eventtype.md) | | -| handler | [Handler](./puppeteer.handler.md) | | - -**Returns:** - -[CommonEventEmitter](./puppeteer.commoneventemitter.md) - +--- +sidebar_label: CommonEventEmitter.addListener +--- + +# CommonEventEmitter.addListener() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface CommonEventEmitter { + addListener(event: EventType, handler: Handler): CommonEventEmitter; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ------------------------------------- | ----------- | +| event | [EventType](./puppeteer.eventtype.md) | | +| handler | [Handler](./puppeteer.handler.md) | | + +**Returns:** + +[CommonEventEmitter](./puppeteer.commoneventemitter.md) diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.commoneventemitter.emit.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.commoneventemitter.emit.md index 1b794948..631d6f7f 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.commoneventemitter.emit.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.commoneventemitter.emit.md @@ -1,22 +1,24 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: CommonEventEmitter.emit ---- -# CommonEventEmitter.emit() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface CommonEventEmitter {emit(event: EventType, eventData?: unknown): boolean;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| event | [EventType](./puppeteer.eventtype.md) | | -| eventData | unknown | (Optional) | - -**Returns:** - -boolean - +--- +sidebar_label: CommonEventEmitter.emit +--- + +# CommonEventEmitter.emit() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface CommonEventEmitter { + emit(event: EventType, eventData?: unknown): boolean; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ------------------------------------- | ----------------- | +| event | [EventType](./puppeteer.eventtype.md) | | +| eventData | unknown | (Optional) | + +**Returns:** + +boolean diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.commoneventemitter.listenercount.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.commoneventemitter.listenercount.md index 08a899f6..fe4fdfcc 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.commoneventemitter.listenercount.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.commoneventemitter.listenercount.md @@ -1,21 +1,23 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: CommonEventEmitter.listenerCount ---- -# CommonEventEmitter.listenerCount() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface CommonEventEmitter {listenerCount(event: string): number;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| event | string | | - -**Returns:** - -number - +--- +sidebar_label: CommonEventEmitter.listenerCount +--- + +# CommonEventEmitter.listenerCount() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface CommonEventEmitter { + listenerCount(event: string): number; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ------ | ----------- | +| event | string | | + +**Returns:** + +number diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.commoneventemitter.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.commoneventemitter.md index 68030218..c3b80729 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.commoneventemitter.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.commoneventemitter.md @@ -1,25 +1,24 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: CommonEventEmitter ---- -# CommonEventEmitter interface - - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export interface CommonEventEmitter -``` - -## Methods - -| Method | Description | -| --- | --- | -| [addListener(event, handler)](./puppeteer.commoneventemitter.addlistener.md) | | -| [emit(event, eventData)](./puppeteer.commoneventemitter.emit.md) | | -| [listenerCount(event)](./puppeteer.commoneventemitter.listenercount.md) | | -| [off(event, handler)](./puppeteer.commoneventemitter.off.md) | | -| [on(event, handler)](./puppeteer.commoneventemitter.on.md) | | -| [once(event, handler)](./puppeteer.commoneventemitter.once.md) | | -| [removeAllListeners(event)](./puppeteer.commoneventemitter.removealllisteners.md) | | -| [removeListener(event, handler)](./puppeteer.commoneventemitter.removelistener.md) | | - +--- +sidebar_label: CommonEventEmitter +--- + +# CommonEventEmitter interface + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export interface CommonEventEmitter +``` + +## Methods + +| Method | Description | +| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | +| [addListener(event, handler)](./puppeteer.commoneventemitter.addlistener.md) | | +| [emit(event, eventData)](./puppeteer.commoneventemitter.emit.md) | | +| [listenerCount(event)](./puppeteer.commoneventemitter.listenercount.md) | | +| [off(event, handler)](./puppeteer.commoneventemitter.off.md) | | +| [on(event, handler)](./puppeteer.commoneventemitter.on.md) | | +| [once(event, handler)](./puppeteer.commoneventemitter.once.md) | | +| [removeAllListeners(event)](./puppeteer.commoneventemitter.removealllisteners.md) | | +| [removeListener(event, handler)](./puppeteer.commoneventemitter.removelistener.md) | | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.commoneventemitter.off.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.commoneventemitter.off.md index 72a32455..f9f36156 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.commoneventemitter.off.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.commoneventemitter.off.md @@ -1,22 +1,24 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: CommonEventEmitter.off ---- -# CommonEventEmitter.off() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface CommonEventEmitter {off(event: EventType, handler: Handler): CommonEventEmitter;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| event | [EventType](./puppeteer.eventtype.md) | | -| handler | [Handler](./puppeteer.handler.md) | | - -**Returns:** - -[CommonEventEmitter](./puppeteer.commoneventemitter.md) - +--- +sidebar_label: CommonEventEmitter.off +--- + +# CommonEventEmitter.off() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface CommonEventEmitter { + off(event: EventType, handler: Handler): CommonEventEmitter; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ------------------------------------- | ----------- | +| event | [EventType](./puppeteer.eventtype.md) | | +| handler | [Handler](./puppeteer.handler.md) | | + +**Returns:** + +[CommonEventEmitter](./puppeteer.commoneventemitter.md) diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.commoneventemitter.on.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.commoneventemitter.on.md index 91a2a01b..bd2c4dff 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.commoneventemitter.on.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.commoneventemitter.on.md @@ -1,22 +1,24 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: CommonEventEmitter.on ---- -# CommonEventEmitter.on() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface CommonEventEmitter {on(event: EventType, handler: Handler): CommonEventEmitter;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| event | [EventType](./puppeteer.eventtype.md) | | -| handler | [Handler](./puppeteer.handler.md) | | - -**Returns:** - -[CommonEventEmitter](./puppeteer.commoneventemitter.md) - +--- +sidebar_label: CommonEventEmitter.on +--- + +# CommonEventEmitter.on() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface CommonEventEmitter { + on(event: EventType, handler: Handler): CommonEventEmitter; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ------------------------------------- | ----------- | +| event | [EventType](./puppeteer.eventtype.md) | | +| handler | [Handler](./puppeteer.handler.md) | | + +**Returns:** + +[CommonEventEmitter](./puppeteer.commoneventemitter.md) diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.commoneventemitter.once.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.commoneventemitter.once.md index 4906df05..ec8ce3bd 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.commoneventemitter.once.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.commoneventemitter.once.md @@ -1,22 +1,24 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: CommonEventEmitter.once ---- -# CommonEventEmitter.once() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface CommonEventEmitter {once(event: EventType, handler: Handler): CommonEventEmitter;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| event | [EventType](./puppeteer.eventtype.md) | | -| handler | [Handler](./puppeteer.handler.md) | | - -**Returns:** - -[CommonEventEmitter](./puppeteer.commoneventemitter.md) - +--- +sidebar_label: CommonEventEmitter.once +--- + +# CommonEventEmitter.once() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface CommonEventEmitter { + once(event: EventType, handler: Handler): CommonEventEmitter; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ------------------------------------- | ----------- | +| event | [EventType](./puppeteer.eventtype.md) | | +| handler | [Handler](./puppeteer.handler.md) | | + +**Returns:** + +[CommonEventEmitter](./puppeteer.commoneventemitter.md) diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.commoneventemitter.removealllisteners.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.commoneventemitter.removealllisteners.md index 7fa722d4..ae577130 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.commoneventemitter.removealllisteners.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.commoneventemitter.removealllisteners.md @@ -1,21 +1,23 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: CommonEventEmitter.removeAllListeners ---- -# CommonEventEmitter.removeAllListeners() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface CommonEventEmitter {removeAllListeners(event?: EventType): CommonEventEmitter;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| event | [EventType](./puppeteer.eventtype.md) | (Optional) | - -**Returns:** - -[CommonEventEmitter](./puppeteer.commoneventemitter.md) - +--- +sidebar_label: CommonEventEmitter.removeAllListeners +--- + +# CommonEventEmitter.removeAllListeners() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface CommonEventEmitter { + removeAllListeners(event?: EventType): CommonEventEmitter; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ------------------------------------- | ----------------- | +| event | [EventType](./puppeteer.eventtype.md) | (Optional) | + +**Returns:** + +[CommonEventEmitter](./puppeteer.commoneventemitter.md) diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.commoneventemitter.removelistener.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.commoneventemitter.removelistener.md index 4a14d08d..fab78044 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.commoneventemitter.removelistener.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.commoneventemitter.removelistener.md @@ -1,22 +1,24 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: CommonEventEmitter.removeListener ---- -# CommonEventEmitter.removeListener() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface CommonEventEmitter {removeListener(event: EventType, handler: Handler): CommonEventEmitter;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| event | [EventType](./puppeteer.eventtype.md) | | -| handler | [Handler](./puppeteer.handler.md) | | - -**Returns:** - -[CommonEventEmitter](./puppeteer.commoneventemitter.md) - +--- +sidebar_label: CommonEventEmitter.removeListener +--- + +# CommonEventEmitter.removeListener() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface CommonEventEmitter { + removeListener(event: EventType, handler: Handler): CommonEventEmitter; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ------------------------------------- | ----------- | +| event | [EventType](./puppeteer.eventtype.md) | | +| handler | [Handler](./puppeteer.handler.md) | | + +**Returns:** + +[CommonEventEmitter](./puppeteer.commoneventemitter.md) diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.connect.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.connect.md index cc27023f..9201297a 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.connect.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.connect.md @@ -1,10 +1,11 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: connect ---- -# connect variable - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -connect: (options: import("./types.js").ConnectOptions) => Promise -``` +--- +sidebar_label: connect +--- + +# connect variable + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +connect: (options: import("./types.js").ConnectOptions) => Promise +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.connection._constructor_.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.connection._constructor_.md index eb3f429d..c2d54bf4 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.connection._constructor_.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.connection._constructor_.md @@ -1,21 +1,23 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Connection.(constructor) ---- -# Connection.(constructor) - -Constructs a new instance of the `Connection` class - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Connection {constructor(url: string, transport: ConnectionTransport, delay?: number);} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| url | string | | -| transport | [ConnectionTransport](./puppeteer.connectiontransport.md) | | -| delay | number | (Optional) | - +--- +sidebar_label: Connection.(constructor) +--- + +# Connection.(constructor) + +Constructs a new instance of the `Connection` class + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Connection { + constructor(url: string, transport: ConnectionTransport, delay?: number); +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | --------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------- | +| url | string | | +| transport | [ConnectionTransport](./puppeteer.connectiontransport.md) | | +| delay | number | (Optional) | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.connection.createsession.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.connection.createsession.md index 363a25a2..f59974a1 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.connection.createsession.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.connection.createsession.md @@ -1,23 +1,25 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Connection.createSession ---- -# Connection.createSession() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Connection {createSession(targetInfo: Protocol.Target.TargetInfo): Promise;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| targetInfo | Protocol.Target.TargetInfo | The target info | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<[CDPSession](./puppeteer.cdpsession.md)> - -The CDP session that is created - +--- +sidebar_label: Connection.createSession +--- + +# Connection.createSession() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Connection { + createSession(targetInfo: Protocol.Target.TargetInfo): Promise; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| ---------- | -------------------------- | --------------- | +| targetInfo | Protocol.Target.TargetInfo | The target info | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<[CDPSession](./puppeteer.cdpsession.md)> + +The CDP session that is created diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.connection.dispose.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.connection.dispose.md index f975abf8..9e875948 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.connection.dispose.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.connection.dispose.md @@ -1,14 +1,17 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Connection.dispose ---- -# Connection.dispose() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Connection {dispose(): void;} -``` -**Returns:** - -void - +--- +sidebar_label: Connection.dispose +--- + +# Connection.dispose() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Connection { + dispose(): void; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +void diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.connection.fromsession.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.connection.fromsession.md index da7d0c81..c69aad31 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.connection.fromsession.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.connection.fromsession.md @@ -1,21 +1,23 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Connection.fromSession ---- -# Connection.fromSession() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Connection {static fromSession(session: CDPSession): Connection | undefined;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| session | [CDPSession](./puppeteer.cdpsession.md) | | - -**Returns:** - -[Connection](./puppeteer.connection.md) \| undefined - +--- +sidebar_label: Connection.fromSession +--- + +# Connection.fromSession() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Connection { + static fromSession(session: CDPSession): Connection | undefined; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | --------------------------------------- | ----------- | +| session | [CDPSession](./puppeteer.cdpsession.md) | | + +**Returns:** + +[Connection](./puppeteer.connection.md) \| undefined diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.connection.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.connection.md index 85b75388..4e64fb7a 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.connection.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.connection.md @@ -1,30 +1,30 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Connection ---- -# Connection class - - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export declare class Connection extends EventEmitter -``` -**Extends:** [EventEmitter](./puppeteer.eventemitter.md) - -## Constructors - -| Constructor | Modifiers | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| [(constructor)(url, transport, delay)](./puppeteer.connection._constructor_.md) | | Constructs a new instance of the Connection class | - -## Methods - -| Method | Modifiers | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| [createSession(targetInfo)](./puppeteer.connection.createsession.md) | | | -| [dispose()](./puppeteer.connection.dispose.md) | | | -| [fromSession(session)](./puppeteer.connection.fromsession.md) | static | | -| [send(method, paramArgs)](./puppeteer.connection.send.md) | | | -| [session(sessionId)](./puppeteer.connection.session.md) | | | -| [url()](./puppeteer.connection.url.md) | | | - +--- +sidebar_label: Connection +--- + +# Connection class + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export declare class Connection extends EventEmitter +``` + +**Extends:** [EventEmitter](./puppeteer.eventemitter.md) + +## Constructors + +| Constructor | Modifiers | Description | +| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- | +| [(constructor)(url, transport, delay)](./puppeteer.connection._constructor_.md) | | Constructs a new instance of the Connection class | + +## Methods + +| Method | Modifiers | Description | +| -------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------- | ----------- | +| [createSession(targetInfo)](./puppeteer.connection.createsession.md) | | | +| [dispose()](./puppeteer.connection.dispose.md) | | | +| [fromSession(session)](./puppeteer.connection.fromsession.md) | static | | +| [send(method, paramArgs)](./puppeteer.connection.send.md) | | | +| [session(sessionId)](./puppeteer.connection.session.md) | | | +| [url()](./puppeteer.connection.url.md) | | | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.connection.send.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.connection.send.md index dfb8ffd8..6bbfae94 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.connection.send.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.connection.send.md @@ -1,22 +1,27 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Connection.send ---- -# Connection.send() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Connection {send(method: T, ...paramArgs: ProtocolMapping.Commands[T]['paramsType']): Promise;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| method | T | | -| paramArgs | ProtocolMapping.Commands\[T\]\['paramsType'\] | | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<ProtocolMapping.Commands\[T\]\['returnType'\]> - +--- +sidebar_label: Connection.send +--- + +# Connection.send() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Connection { + send( + method: T, + ...paramArgs: ProtocolMapping.Commands[T]['paramsType'] + ): Promise; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | --------------------------------------------- | ----------- | +| method | T | | +| paramArgs | ProtocolMapping.Commands\[T\]\['paramsType'\] | | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<ProtocolMapping.Commands\[T\]\['returnType'\]> diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.connection.session.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.connection.session.md index ffeefb3f..f047ca98 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.connection.session.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.connection.session.md @@ -1,23 +1,25 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Connection.session ---- -# Connection.session() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Connection {session(sessionId: string): CDPSession | null;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| sessionId | string | The session id | - -**Returns:** - -[CDPSession](./puppeteer.cdpsession.md) \| null - -The current CDP session if it exists - +--- +sidebar_label: Connection.session +--- + +# Connection.session() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Connection { + session(sessionId: string): CDPSession | null; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ------ | -------------- | +| sessionId | string | The session id | + +**Returns:** + +[CDPSession](./puppeteer.cdpsession.md) \| null + +The current CDP session if it exists diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.connection.url.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.connection.url.md index 31dbf9bd..34798c2c 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.connection.url.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.connection.url.md @@ -1,14 +1,17 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Connection.url ---- -# Connection.url() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Connection {url(): string;} -``` -**Returns:** - -string - +--- +sidebar_label: Connection.url +--- + +# Connection.url() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Connection { + url(): string; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +string diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.connectioncallback.error.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.connectioncallback.error.md index fcb0f1c2..584c0ca9 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.connectioncallback.error.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.connectioncallback.error.md @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ConnectionCallback.error ---- -# ConnectionCallback.error property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface ConnectionCallback {error: ProtocolError;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: ConnectionCallback.error +--- + +# ConnectionCallback.error property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface ConnectionCallback { + error: ProtocolError; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.connectioncallback.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.connectioncallback.md index cc6c31ff..fc82eff2 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.connectioncallback.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.connectioncallback.md @@ -1,26 +1,25 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ConnectionCallback ---- -# ConnectionCallback interface - - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export interface ConnectionCallback -``` - -## Properties - -| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | --- | -| [error](./puppeteer.connectioncallback.error.md) | | [ProtocolError](./puppeteer.protocolerror.md) | | -| [method](./puppeteer.connectioncallback.method.md) | | string | | - -## Methods - -| Method | Description | -| --- | --- | -| [reject(args)](./puppeteer.connectioncallback.reject.md) | | -| [resolve(args)](./puppeteer.connectioncallback.resolve.md) | | - +--- +sidebar_label: ConnectionCallback +--- + +# ConnectionCallback interface + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export interface ConnectionCallback +``` + +## Properties + +| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description | +| -------------------------------------------------- | --------- | --------------------------------------------- | ----------- | +| [error](./puppeteer.connectioncallback.error.md) | | [ProtocolError](./puppeteer.protocolerror.md) | | +| [method](./puppeteer.connectioncallback.method.md) | | string | | + +## Methods + +| Method | Description | +| ---------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | +| [reject(args)](./puppeteer.connectioncallback.reject.md) | | +| [resolve(args)](./puppeteer.connectioncallback.resolve.md) | | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.connectioncallback.method.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.connectioncallback.method.md index 7c528bf1..f30bb609 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.connectioncallback.method.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.connectioncallback.method.md @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ConnectionCallback.method ---- -# ConnectionCallback.method property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface ConnectionCallback {method: string;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: ConnectionCallback.method +--- + +# ConnectionCallback.method property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface ConnectionCallback { + method: string; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.connectioncallback.reject.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.connectioncallback.reject.md index a480288a..47a44bf4 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.connectioncallback.reject.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.connectioncallback.reject.md @@ -1,21 +1,23 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ConnectionCallback.reject ---- -# ConnectionCallback.reject() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface ConnectionCallback {reject(args: unknown): void;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| args | unknown | | - -**Returns:** - -void - +--- +sidebar_label: ConnectionCallback.reject +--- + +# ConnectionCallback.reject() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface ConnectionCallback { + reject(args: unknown): void; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ------- | ----------- | +| args | unknown | | + +**Returns:** + +void diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.connectioncallback.resolve.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.connectioncallback.resolve.md index d2a51a02..07e1aee3 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.connectioncallback.resolve.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.connectioncallback.resolve.md @@ -1,21 +1,23 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ConnectionCallback.resolve ---- -# ConnectionCallback.resolve() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface ConnectionCallback {resolve(args: unknown): void;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| args | unknown | | - -**Returns:** - -void - +--- +sidebar_label: ConnectionCallback.resolve +--- + +# ConnectionCallback.resolve() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface ConnectionCallback { + resolve(args: unknown): void; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ------- | ----------- | +| args | unknown | | + +**Returns:** + +void diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.connectiontransport.close.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.connectiontransport.close.md index a0b39b2a..964ee599 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.connectiontransport.close.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.connectiontransport.close.md @@ -1,14 +1,17 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ConnectionTransport.close ---- -# ConnectionTransport.close() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface ConnectionTransport {close(): void;} -``` -**Returns:** - -void - +--- +sidebar_label: ConnectionTransport.close +--- + +# ConnectionTransport.close() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface ConnectionTransport { + close(): void; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +void diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.connectiontransport.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.connectiontransport.md index fcac5128..761a15fb 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.connectiontransport.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.connectiontransport.md @@ -1,26 +1,25 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ConnectionTransport ---- -# ConnectionTransport interface - - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export interface ConnectionTransport -``` - -## Properties - -| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | --- | -| [onclose?](./puppeteer.connectiontransport.onclose.md) | | () => void | (Optional) | -| [onmessage?](./puppeteer.connectiontransport.onmessage.md) | | (message: string) => void | (Optional) | - -## Methods - -| Method | Description | -| --- | --- | -| [close()](./puppeteer.connectiontransport.close.md) | | -| [send(message)](./puppeteer.connectiontransport.send.md) | | - +--- +sidebar_label: ConnectionTransport +--- + +# ConnectionTransport interface + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export interface ConnectionTransport +``` + +## Properties + +| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description | +| ---------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | ---------------------------- | ----------------- | +| [onclose?](./puppeteer.connectiontransport.onclose.md) | | () => void | (Optional) | +| [onmessage?](./puppeteer.connectiontransport.onmessage.md) | | (message: string) => void | (Optional) | + +## Methods + +| Method | Description | +| -------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | +| [close()](./puppeteer.connectiontransport.close.md) | | +| [send(message)](./puppeteer.connectiontransport.send.md) | | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.connectiontransport.onclose.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.connectiontransport.onclose.md index 3f31c0c1..1bda6671 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.connectiontransport.onclose.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.connectiontransport.onclose.md @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ConnectionTransport.onclose ---- -# ConnectionTransport.onclose property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface ConnectionTransport {onclose?: () => void;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: ConnectionTransport.onclose +--- + +# ConnectionTransport.onclose property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface ConnectionTransport { + onclose?: () => void; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.connectiontransport.onmessage.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.connectiontransport.onmessage.md index d02fde3d..c85de25d 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.connectiontransport.onmessage.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.connectiontransport.onmessage.md @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ConnectionTransport.onmessage ---- -# ConnectionTransport.onmessage property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface ConnectionTransport {onmessage?: (message: string) => void;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: ConnectionTransport.onmessage +--- + +# ConnectionTransport.onmessage property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface ConnectionTransport { + onmessage?: (message: string) => void; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.connectiontransport.send.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.connectiontransport.send.md index a6a0dd1d..60ddf8fb 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.connectiontransport.send.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.connectiontransport.send.md @@ -1,21 +1,23 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ConnectionTransport.send ---- -# ConnectionTransport.send() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface ConnectionTransport {send(message: string): void;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| message | string | | - -**Returns:** - -void - +--- +sidebar_label: ConnectionTransport.send +--- + +# ConnectionTransport.send() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface ConnectionTransport { + send(message: string): void; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ------ | ----------- | +| message | string | | + +**Returns:** + +void diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.connectoptions.browserurl.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.connectoptions.browserurl.md index 3b443dd2..0c16cc5c 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.connectoptions.browserurl.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.connectoptions.browserurl.md @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ConnectOptions.browserURL ---- -# ConnectOptions.browserURL property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface ConnectOptions {browserURL?: string;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: ConnectOptions.browserURL +--- + +# ConnectOptions.browserURL property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface ConnectOptions { + browserURL?: string; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.connectoptions.browserwsendpoint.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.connectoptions.browserwsendpoint.md index 8ad0d1fd..80374e2f 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.connectoptions.browserwsendpoint.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.connectoptions.browserwsendpoint.md @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ConnectOptions.browserWSEndpoint ---- -# ConnectOptions.browserWSEndpoint property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface ConnectOptions {browserWSEndpoint?: string;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: ConnectOptions.browserWSEndpoint +--- + +# ConnectOptions.browserWSEndpoint property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface ConnectOptions { + browserWSEndpoint?: string; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.connectoptions.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.connectoptions.md index b59028bd..f8db000b 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.connectoptions.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.connectoptions.md @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ConnectOptions ---- -# ConnectOptions interface - - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export interface ConnectOptions extends BrowserConnectOptions -``` -**Extends:** [BrowserConnectOptions](./puppeteer.browserconnectoptions.md) - -## Properties - -| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | --- | -| [browserURL?](./puppeteer.connectoptions.browserurl.md) | | string | (Optional) | -| [browserWSEndpoint?](./puppeteer.connectoptions.browserwsendpoint.md) | | string | (Optional) | -| [product?](./puppeteer.connectoptions.product.md) | | [Product](./puppeteer.product.md) | (Optional) | -| [transport?](./puppeteer.connectoptions.transport.md) | | [ConnectionTransport](./puppeteer.connectiontransport.md) | (Optional) | - +--- +sidebar_label: ConnectOptions +--- + +# ConnectOptions interface + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export interface ConnectOptions extends BrowserConnectOptions +``` + +**Extends:** [BrowserConnectOptions](./puppeteer.browserconnectoptions.md) + +## Properties + +| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description | +| --------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | --------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------- | +| [browserURL?](./puppeteer.connectoptions.browserurl.md) | | string | (Optional) | +| [browserWSEndpoint?](./puppeteer.connectoptions.browserwsendpoint.md) | | string | (Optional) | +| [product?](./puppeteer.connectoptions.product.md) | | [Product](./puppeteer.product.md) | (Optional) | +| [transport?](./puppeteer.connectoptions.transport.md) | | [ConnectionTransport](./puppeteer.connectiontransport.md) | (Optional) | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.connectoptions.product.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.connectoptions.product.md index ca9d18b2..d3f4d3b2 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.connectoptions.product.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.connectoptions.product.md @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ConnectOptions.product ---- -# ConnectOptions.product property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface ConnectOptions {product?: Product;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: ConnectOptions.product +--- + +# ConnectOptions.product property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface ConnectOptions { + product?: Product; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.connectoptions.transport.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.connectoptions.transport.md index a3ba24a0..d3faf628 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.connectoptions.transport.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.connectoptions.transport.md @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ConnectOptions.transport ---- -# ConnectOptions.transport property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface ConnectOptions {transport?: ConnectionTransport;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: ConnectOptions.transport +--- + +# ConnectOptions.transport property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface ConnectOptions { + transport?: ConnectionTransport; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessage._constructor_.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessage._constructor_.md index ebf2aab1..4614d2be 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessage._constructor_.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessage._constructor_.md @@ -1,22 +1,29 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ConsoleMessage.(constructor) ---- -# ConsoleMessage.(constructor) - -Constructs a new instance of the `ConsoleMessage` class - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class ConsoleMessage {constructor(type: ConsoleMessageType, text: string, args: JSHandle[], stackTraceLocations: ConsoleMessageLocation[]);} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| type | [ConsoleMessageType](./puppeteer.consolemessagetype.md) | | -| text | string | | -| args | [JSHandle](./puppeteer.jshandle.md)\[\] | | -| stackTraceLocations | [ConsoleMessageLocation](./puppeteer.consolemessagelocation.md)\[\] | | - +--- +sidebar_label: ConsoleMessage.(constructor) +--- + +# ConsoleMessage.(constructor) + +Constructs a new instance of the `ConsoleMessage` class + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ConsoleMessage { + constructor( + type: ConsoleMessageType, + text: string, + args: JSHandle[], + stackTraceLocations: ConsoleMessageLocation[] + ); +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| ------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | +| type | [ConsoleMessageType](./puppeteer.consolemessagetype.md) | | +| text | string | | +| args | [JSHandle](./puppeteer.jshandle.md)\[\] | | +| stackTraceLocations | [ConsoleMessageLocation](./puppeteer.consolemessagelocation.md)\[\] | | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessage.args.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessage.args.md index d0f08065..20400631 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessage.args.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessage.args.md @@ -1,16 +1,19 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ConsoleMessage.args ---- -# ConsoleMessage.args() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class ConsoleMessage {args(): JSHandle[];} -``` -**Returns:** - -[JSHandle](./puppeteer.jshandle.md)\[\] - -An array of arguments passed to the console. - +--- +sidebar_label: ConsoleMessage.args +--- + +# ConsoleMessage.args() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ConsoleMessage { + args(): JSHandle[]; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +[JSHandle](./puppeteer.jshandle.md)\[\] + +An array of arguments passed to the console. diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessage.location.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessage.location.md index 482257e2..009e12bb 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessage.location.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessage.location.md @@ -1,16 +1,19 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ConsoleMessage.location ---- -# ConsoleMessage.location() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class ConsoleMessage {location(): ConsoleMessageLocation;} -``` -**Returns:** - -[ConsoleMessageLocation](./puppeteer.consolemessagelocation.md) - -The location of the console message. - +--- +sidebar_label: ConsoleMessage.location +--- + +# ConsoleMessage.location() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ConsoleMessage { + location(): ConsoleMessageLocation; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +[ConsoleMessageLocation](./puppeteer.consolemessagelocation.md) + +The location of the console message. diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessage.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessage.md index 46ab89ac..b5b0818d 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessage.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessage.md @@ -1,29 +1,29 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ConsoleMessage ---- -# ConsoleMessage class - -ConsoleMessage objects are dispatched by page via the 'console' event. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export declare class ConsoleMessage -``` - -## Constructors - -| Constructor | Modifiers | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| [(constructor)(type, text, args, stackTraceLocations)](./puppeteer.consolemessage._constructor_.md) | | Constructs a new instance of the ConsoleMessage class | - -## Methods - -| Method | Modifiers | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| [args()](./puppeteer.consolemessage.args.md) | | | -| [location()](./puppeteer.consolemessage.location.md) | | | -| [stackTrace()](./puppeteer.consolemessage.stacktrace.md) | | | -| [text()](./puppeteer.consolemessage.text.md) | | | -| [type()](./puppeteer.consolemessage.type.md) | | | - +--- +sidebar_label: ConsoleMessage +--- + +# ConsoleMessage class + +ConsoleMessage objects are dispatched by page via the 'console' event. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export declare class ConsoleMessage +``` + +## Constructors + +| Constructor | Modifiers | Description | +| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| [(constructor)(type, text, args, stackTraceLocations)](./puppeteer.consolemessage._constructor_.md) | | Constructs a new instance of the ConsoleMessage class | + +## Methods + +| Method | Modifiers | Description | +| -------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | ----------- | +| [args()](./puppeteer.consolemessage.args.md) | | | +| [location()](./puppeteer.consolemessage.location.md) | | | +| [stackTrace()](./puppeteer.consolemessage.stacktrace.md) | | | +| [text()](./puppeteer.consolemessage.text.md) | | | +| [type()](./puppeteer.consolemessage.type.md) | | | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessage.stacktrace.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessage.stacktrace.md index 1131ad12..0dbd6997 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessage.stacktrace.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessage.stacktrace.md @@ -1,16 +1,19 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ConsoleMessage.stackTrace ---- -# ConsoleMessage.stackTrace() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class ConsoleMessage {stackTrace(): ConsoleMessageLocation[];} -``` -**Returns:** - -[ConsoleMessageLocation](./puppeteer.consolemessagelocation.md)\[\] - -The array of locations on the stack of the console message. - +--- +sidebar_label: ConsoleMessage.stackTrace +--- + +# ConsoleMessage.stackTrace() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ConsoleMessage { + stackTrace(): ConsoleMessageLocation[]; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +[ConsoleMessageLocation](./puppeteer.consolemessagelocation.md)\[\] + +The array of locations on the stack of the console message. diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessage.text.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessage.text.md index a360eea3..b757bee5 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessage.text.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessage.text.md @@ -1,16 +1,19 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ConsoleMessage.text ---- -# ConsoleMessage.text() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class ConsoleMessage {text(): string;} -``` -**Returns:** - -string - -The text of the console message. - +--- +sidebar_label: ConsoleMessage.text +--- + +# ConsoleMessage.text() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ConsoleMessage { + text(): string; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +string + +The text of the console message. diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessage.type.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessage.type.md index 7819846f..4e473ce7 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessage.type.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessage.type.md @@ -1,16 +1,19 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ConsoleMessage.type ---- -# ConsoleMessage.type() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class ConsoleMessage {type(): ConsoleMessageType;} -``` -**Returns:** - -[ConsoleMessageType](./puppeteer.consolemessagetype.md) - -The type of the console message. - +--- +sidebar_label: ConsoleMessage.type +--- + +# ConsoleMessage.type() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ConsoleMessage { + type(): ConsoleMessageType; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +[ConsoleMessageType](./puppeteer.consolemessagetype.md) + +The type of the console message. diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessagelocation.columnnumber.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessagelocation.columnnumber.md index 2bbcb813..147b26db 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessagelocation.columnnumber.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessagelocation.columnnumber.md @@ -1,12 +1,15 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ConsoleMessageLocation.columnNumber ---- -# ConsoleMessageLocation.columnNumber property - -0-based column number in the resource if known or `undefined` otherwise. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface ConsoleMessageLocation {columnNumber?: number;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: ConsoleMessageLocation.columnNumber +--- + +# ConsoleMessageLocation.columnNumber property + +0-based column number in the resource if known or `undefined` otherwise. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface ConsoleMessageLocation { + columnNumber?: number; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessagelocation.linenumber.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessagelocation.linenumber.md index 7302fa4a..a1a1a3d4 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessagelocation.linenumber.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessagelocation.linenumber.md @@ -1,12 +1,15 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ConsoleMessageLocation.lineNumber ---- -# ConsoleMessageLocation.lineNumber property - -0-based line number in the resource if known or `undefined` otherwise. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface ConsoleMessageLocation {lineNumber?: number;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: ConsoleMessageLocation.lineNumber +--- + +# ConsoleMessageLocation.lineNumber property + +0-based line number in the resource if known or `undefined` otherwise. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface ConsoleMessageLocation { + lineNumber?: number; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessagelocation.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessagelocation.md index 5ba60b71..15aa75d8 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessagelocation.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessagelocation.md @@ -1,20 +1,19 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ConsoleMessageLocation ---- -# ConsoleMessageLocation interface - - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export interface ConsoleMessageLocation -``` - -## Properties - -| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | --- | -| [columnNumber?](./puppeteer.consolemessagelocation.columnnumber.md) | | number | (Optional) 0-based column number in the resource if known or undefined otherwise. | -| [lineNumber?](./puppeteer.consolemessagelocation.linenumber.md) | | number | (Optional) 0-based line number in the resource if known or undefined otherwise. | -| [url?](./puppeteer.consolemessagelocation.url.md) | | string | (Optional) URL of the resource if known or undefined otherwise. | - +--- +sidebar_label: ConsoleMessageLocation +--- + +# ConsoleMessageLocation interface + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export interface ConsoleMessageLocation +``` + +## Properties + +| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description | +| ------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | ------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| [columnNumber?](./puppeteer.consolemessagelocation.columnnumber.md) | | number | (Optional) 0-based column number in the resource if known or undefined otherwise. | +| [lineNumber?](./puppeteer.consolemessagelocation.linenumber.md) | | number | (Optional) 0-based line number in the resource if known or undefined otherwise. | +| [url?](./puppeteer.consolemessagelocation.url.md) | | string | (Optional) URL of the resource if known or undefined otherwise. | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessagelocation.url.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessagelocation.url.md index a24a6dfc..0e460007 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessagelocation.url.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessagelocation.url.md @@ -1,12 +1,15 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ConsoleMessageLocation.url ---- -# ConsoleMessageLocation.url property - -URL of the resource if known or `undefined` otherwise. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface ConsoleMessageLocation {url?: string;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: ConsoleMessageLocation.url +--- + +# ConsoleMessageLocation.url property + +URL of the resource if known or `undefined` otherwise. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface ConsoleMessageLocation { + url?: string; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessagetype.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessagetype.md index 298b1d8a..295ea8fd 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessagetype.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.consolemessagetype.md @@ -1,12 +1,32 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ConsoleMessageType ---- -# ConsoleMessageType type - -The supported types for console messages. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export declare type ConsoleMessageType = 'log' | 'debug' | 'info' | 'error' | 'warning' | 'dir' | 'dirxml' | 'table' | 'trace' | 'clear' | 'startGroup' | 'startGroupCollapsed' | 'endGroup' | 'assert' | 'profile' | 'profileEnd' | 'count' | 'timeEnd' | 'verbose'; -``` +--- +sidebar_label: ConsoleMessageType +--- + +# ConsoleMessageType type + +The supported types for console messages. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export declare type ConsoleMessageType = + | 'log' + | 'debug' + | 'info' + | 'error' + | 'warning' + | 'dir' + | 'dirxml' + | 'table' + | 'trace' + | 'clear' + | 'startGroup' + | 'startGroupCollapsed' + | 'endGroup' + | 'assert' + | 'profile' + | 'profileEnd' + | 'count' + | 'timeEnd' + | 'verbose'; +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.continuerequestoverrides.headers.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.continuerequestoverrides.headers.md index a01a3b79..fd0816cd 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.continuerequestoverrides.headers.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.continuerequestoverrides.headers.md @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ContinueRequestOverrides.headers ---- -# ContinueRequestOverrides.headers property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface ContinueRequestOverrides {headers?: Record;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: ContinueRequestOverrides.headers +--- + +# ContinueRequestOverrides.headers property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface ContinueRequestOverrides { + headers?: Record; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.continuerequestoverrides.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.continuerequestoverrides.md index 810773f1..ce2ed1b0 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.continuerequestoverrides.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.continuerequestoverrides.md @@ -1,21 +1,20 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ContinueRequestOverrides ---- -# ContinueRequestOverrides interface - - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export interface ContinueRequestOverrides -``` - -## Properties - -| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | --- | -| [headers?](./puppeteer.continuerequestoverrides.headers.md) | | Record<string, string> | (Optional) | -| [method?](./puppeteer.continuerequestoverrides.method.md) | | string | (Optional) | -| [postData?](./puppeteer.continuerequestoverrides.postdata.md) | | string | (Optional) | -| [url?](./puppeteer.continuerequestoverrides.url.md) | | string | (Optional) If set, the request URL will change. This is not a redirect. | - +--- +sidebar_label: ContinueRequestOverrides +--- + +# ContinueRequestOverrides interface + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export interface ContinueRequestOverrides +``` + +## Properties + +| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description | +| ------------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | ---------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| [headers?](./puppeteer.continuerequestoverrides.headers.md) | | Record<string, string> | (Optional) | +| [method?](./puppeteer.continuerequestoverrides.method.md) | | string | (Optional) | +| [postData?](./puppeteer.continuerequestoverrides.postdata.md) | | string | (Optional) | +| [url?](./puppeteer.continuerequestoverrides.url.md) | | string | (Optional) If set, the request URL will change. This is not a redirect. | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.continuerequestoverrides.method.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.continuerequestoverrides.method.md index 8fb3b0da..10b6fa43 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.continuerequestoverrides.method.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.continuerequestoverrides.method.md @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ContinueRequestOverrides.method ---- -# ContinueRequestOverrides.method property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface ContinueRequestOverrides {method?: string;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: ContinueRequestOverrides.method +--- + +# ContinueRequestOverrides.method property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface ContinueRequestOverrides { + method?: string; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.continuerequestoverrides.postdata.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.continuerequestoverrides.postdata.md index 3b6c586c..bb27166a 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.continuerequestoverrides.postdata.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.continuerequestoverrides.postdata.md @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ContinueRequestOverrides.postData ---- -# ContinueRequestOverrides.postData property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface ContinueRequestOverrides {postData?: string;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: ContinueRequestOverrides.postData +--- + +# ContinueRequestOverrides.postData property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface ContinueRequestOverrides { + postData?: string; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.continuerequestoverrides.url.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.continuerequestoverrides.url.md index c66b03d1..b5d92a3d 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.continuerequestoverrides.url.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.continuerequestoverrides.url.md @@ -1,12 +1,15 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ContinueRequestOverrides.url ---- -# ContinueRequestOverrides.url property - -If set, the request URL will change. This is not a redirect. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface ContinueRequestOverrides {url?: string;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: ContinueRequestOverrides.url +--- + +# ContinueRequestOverrides.url property + +If set, the request URL will change. This is not a redirect. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface ContinueRequestOverrides { + url?: string; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.coverage._constructor_.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.coverage._constructor_.md index a80aa1f0..bd805209 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.coverage._constructor_.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.coverage._constructor_.md @@ -1,19 +1,21 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Coverage.(constructor) ---- -# Coverage.(constructor) - -Constructs a new instance of the `Coverage` class - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Coverage {constructor(client: CDPSession);} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| client | [CDPSession](./puppeteer.cdpsession.md) | | - +--- +sidebar_label: Coverage.(constructor) +--- + +# Coverage.(constructor) + +Constructs a new instance of the `Coverage` class + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Coverage { + constructor(client: CDPSession); +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | --------------------------------------- | ----------- | +| client | [CDPSession](./puppeteer.cdpsession.md) | | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.coverage.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.coverage.md index 0f3ab919..433355ab 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.coverage.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.coverage.md @@ -1,60 +1,59 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Coverage ---- -# Coverage class - -The Coverage class provides methods to gathers information about parts of JavaScript and CSS that were used by the page. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export declare class Coverage -``` - -## Remarks - -To output coverage in a form consumable by [Istanbul](https://github.com/istanbuljs), see [puppeteer-to-istanbul](https://github.com/istanbuljs/puppeteer-to-istanbul). - -## Example - -An example of using JavaScript and CSS coverage to get percentage of initially executed code: - -```ts -// Enable both JavaScript and CSS coverage -await Promise.all([ - page.coverage.startJSCoverage(), - page.coverage.startCSSCoverage() -]); -// Navigate to page -await page.goto('https://example.com'); -// Disable both JavaScript and CSS coverage -const [jsCoverage, cssCoverage] = await Promise.all([ - page.coverage.stopJSCoverage(), - page.coverage.stopCSSCoverage(), -]); -let totalBytes = 0; -let usedBytes = 0; -const coverage = [...jsCoverage, ...cssCoverage]; -for (const entry of coverage) { - totalBytes += entry.text.length; - for (const range of entry.ranges) - usedBytes += range.end - range.start - 1; -} -console.log(`Bytes used: ${usedBytes / totalBytes * 100}%`); -``` - -## Constructors - -| Constructor | Modifiers | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| [(constructor)(client)](./puppeteer.coverage._constructor_.md) | | Constructs a new instance of the Coverage class | - -## Methods - -| Method | Modifiers | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| [startCSSCoverage(options)](./puppeteer.coverage.startcsscoverage.md) | | | -| [startJSCoverage(options)](./puppeteer.coverage.startjscoverage.md) | | | -| [stopCSSCoverage()](./puppeteer.coverage.stopcsscoverage.md) | | | -| [stopJSCoverage()](./puppeteer.coverage.stopjscoverage.md) | | | - +--- +sidebar_label: Coverage +--- + +# Coverage class + +The Coverage class provides methods to gathers information about parts of JavaScript and CSS that were used by the page. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export declare class Coverage +``` + +## Remarks + +To output coverage in a form consumable by [Istanbul](https://github.com/istanbuljs), see [puppeteer-to-istanbul](https://github.com/istanbuljs/puppeteer-to-istanbul). + +## Example + +An example of using JavaScript and CSS coverage to get percentage of initially executed code: + +```ts +// Enable both JavaScript and CSS coverage +await Promise.all([ + page.coverage.startJSCoverage(), + page.coverage.startCSSCoverage(), +]); +// Navigate to page +await page.goto('https://example.com'); +// Disable both JavaScript and CSS coverage +const [jsCoverage, cssCoverage] = await Promise.all([ + page.coverage.stopJSCoverage(), + page.coverage.stopCSSCoverage(), +]); +let totalBytes = 0; +let usedBytes = 0; +const coverage = [...jsCoverage, ...cssCoverage]; +for (const entry of coverage) { + totalBytes += entry.text.length; + for (const range of entry.ranges) usedBytes += range.end - range.start - 1; +} +console.log(`Bytes used: ${(usedBytes / totalBytes) * 100}%`); +``` + +## Constructors + +| Constructor | Modifiers | Description | +| -------------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | +| [(constructor)(client)](./puppeteer.coverage._constructor_.md) | | Constructs a new instance of the Coverage class | + +## Methods + +| Method | Modifiers | Description | +| --------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | ----------- | +| [startCSSCoverage(options)](./puppeteer.coverage.startcsscoverage.md) | | | +| [startJSCoverage(options)](./puppeteer.coverage.startjscoverage.md) | | | +| [stopCSSCoverage()](./puppeteer.coverage.stopcsscoverage.md) | | | +| [stopJSCoverage()](./puppeteer.coverage.stopjscoverage.md) | | | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.coverage.startcsscoverage.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.coverage.startcsscoverage.md index 3f88268c..59597829 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.coverage.startcsscoverage.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.coverage.startcsscoverage.md @@ -1,23 +1,25 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Coverage.startCSSCoverage ---- -# Coverage.startCSSCoverage() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Coverage {startCSSCoverage(options?: CSSCoverageOptions): Promise;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| options | [CSSCoverageOptions](./puppeteer.csscoverageoptions.md) | (Optional) Set of configurable options for coverage, defaults to resetOnNavigation : true | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<void> - -Promise that resolves when coverage is started. - +--- +sidebar_label: Coverage.startCSSCoverage +--- + +# Coverage.startCSSCoverage() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Coverage { + startCSSCoverage(options?: CSSCoverageOptions): Promise; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| options | [CSSCoverageOptions](./puppeteer.csscoverageoptions.md) | (Optional) Set of configurable options for coverage, defaults to resetOnNavigation : true | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<void> + +Promise that resolves when coverage is started. diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.coverage.startjscoverage.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.coverage.startjscoverage.md index b28554b3..041897d0 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.coverage.startjscoverage.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.coverage.startjscoverage.md @@ -1,27 +1,29 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Coverage.startJSCoverage ---- -# Coverage.startJSCoverage() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Coverage {startJSCoverage(options?: JSCoverageOptions): Promise;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| options | [JSCoverageOptions](./puppeteer.jscoverageoptions.md) | (Optional) Set of configurable options for coverage defaults to resetOnNavigation : true, reportAnonymousScripts : false | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<void> - -Promise that resolves when coverage is started. - -## Remarks - -Anonymous scripts are ones that don't have an associated url. These are scripts that are dynamically created on the page using `eval` or `new Function`. If `reportAnonymousScripts` is set to `true`, anonymous scripts will have `pptr://__puppeteer_evaluation_script__` as their URL. - +--- +sidebar_label: Coverage.startJSCoverage +--- + +# Coverage.startJSCoverage() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Coverage { + startJSCoverage(options?: JSCoverageOptions): Promise; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ----------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| options | [JSCoverageOptions](./puppeteer.jscoverageoptions.md) | (Optional) Set of configurable options for coverage defaults to resetOnNavigation : true, reportAnonymousScripts : false | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<void> + +Promise that resolves when coverage is started. + +## Remarks + +Anonymous scripts are ones that don't have an associated url. These are scripts that are dynamically created on the page using `eval` or `new Function`. If `reportAnonymousScripts` is set to `true`, anonymous scripts will have `pptr://__puppeteer_evaluation_script__` as their URL. diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.coverage.stopcsscoverage.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.coverage.stopcsscoverage.md index 5d3352b5..51b1bdc4 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.coverage.stopcsscoverage.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.coverage.stopcsscoverage.md @@ -1,20 +1,23 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Coverage.stopCSSCoverage ---- -# Coverage.stopCSSCoverage() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Coverage {stopCSSCoverage(): Promise;} -``` -**Returns:** - -Promise<[CoverageEntry](./puppeteer.coverageentry.md)\[\]> - -Promise that resolves to the array of coverage reports for all stylesheets. - -## Remarks - -CSS Coverage doesn't include dynamically injected style tags without sourceURLs. - +--- +sidebar_label: Coverage.stopCSSCoverage +--- + +# Coverage.stopCSSCoverage() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Coverage { + stopCSSCoverage(): Promise; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +Promise<[CoverageEntry](./puppeteer.coverageentry.md)\[\]> + +Promise that resolves to the array of coverage reports for all stylesheets. + +## Remarks + +CSS Coverage doesn't include dynamically injected style tags without sourceURLs. diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.coverage.stopjscoverage.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.coverage.stopjscoverage.md index 649d6990..2ceeb5e1 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.coverage.stopjscoverage.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.coverage.stopjscoverage.md @@ -1,20 +1,23 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Coverage.stopJSCoverage ---- -# Coverage.stopJSCoverage() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Coverage {stopJSCoverage(): Promise;} -``` -**Returns:** - -Promise<[JSCoverageEntry](./puppeteer.jscoverageentry.md)\[\]> - -Promise that resolves to the array of coverage reports for all scripts. - -## Remarks - -JavaScript Coverage doesn't include anonymous scripts by default. However, scripts with sourceURLs are reported. - +--- +sidebar_label: Coverage.stopJSCoverage +--- + +# Coverage.stopJSCoverage() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Coverage { + stopJSCoverage(): Promise; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +Promise<[JSCoverageEntry](./puppeteer.jscoverageentry.md)\[\]> + +Promise that resolves to the array of coverage reports for all scripts. + +## Remarks + +JavaScript Coverage doesn't include anonymous scripts by default. However, scripts with sourceURLs are reported. diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.coverageentry.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.coverageentry.md index b6aa2b4b..1833f932 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.coverageentry.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.coverageentry.md @@ -1,21 +1,21 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: CoverageEntry ---- -# CoverageEntry interface - -The CoverageEntry class represents one entry of the coverage report. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export interface CoverageEntry -``` - -## Properties - -| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | --- | -| [ranges](./puppeteer.coverageentry.ranges.md) | | Array<{ start: number; end: number; }> | The covered range as start and end positions. | -| [text](./puppeteer.coverageentry.text.md) | | string | The content of the style sheet or script. | -| [url](./puppeteer.coverageentry.url.md) | | string | The URL of the style sheet or script. | - +--- +sidebar_label: CoverageEntry +--- + +# CoverageEntry interface + +The CoverageEntry class represents one entry of the coverage report. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export interface CoverageEntry +``` + +## Properties + +| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description | +| --------------------------------------------- | --------- | -------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------- | +| [ranges](./puppeteer.coverageentry.ranges.md) | | Array<{ start: number; end: number; }> | The covered range as start and end positions. | +| [text](./puppeteer.coverageentry.text.md) | | string | The content of the style sheet or script. | +| [url](./puppeteer.coverageentry.url.md) | | string | The URL of the style sheet or script. | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.coverageentry.ranges.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.coverageentry.ranges.md index e280ec1d..18dbd743 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.coverageentry.ranges.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.coverageentry.ranges.md @@ -1,15 +1,18 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: CoverageEntry.ranges ---- -# CoverageEntry.ranges property - -The covered range as start and end positions. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface CoverageEntry {ranges: Array<{ - start: number; - end: number; - }>;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: CoverageEntry.ranges +--- + +# CoverageEntry.ranges property + +The covered range as start and end positions. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface CoverageEntry { + ranges: Array<{ + start: number; + end: number; + }>; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.coverageentry.text.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.coverageentry.text.md index e191cc97..0fde8e65 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.coverageentry.text.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.coverageentry.text.md @@ -1,12 +1,15 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: CoverageEntry.text ---- -# CoverageEntry.text property - -The content of the style sheet or script. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface CoverageEntry {text: string;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: CoverageEntry.text +--- + +# CoverageEntry.text property + +The content of the style sheet or script. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface CoverageEntry { + text: string; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.coverageentry.url.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.coverageentry.url.md index 915f903e..4a2d4ed2 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.coverageentry.url.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.coverageentry.url.md @@ -1,12 +1,15 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: CoverageEntry.url ---- -# CoverageEntry.url property - -The URL of the style sheet or script. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface CoverageEntry {url: string;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: CoverageEntry.url +--- + +# CoverageEntry.url property + +The URL of the style sheet or script. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface CoverageEntry { + url: string; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.createbrowserfetcher.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.createbrowserfetcher.md index 8d13e5f6..315779a7 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.createbrowserfetcher.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.createbrowserfetcher.md @@ -1,10 +1,12 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: createBrowserFetcher ---- -# createBrowserFetcher variable - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -createBrowserFetcher: (options: import("./types.js").BrowserFetcherOptions) => import("./types.js").BrowserFetcher -``` +--- +sidebar_label: createBrowserFetcher +--- + +# createBrowserFetcher variable + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +createBrowserFetcher: (options: import('./types.js').BrowserFetcherOptions) => + import('./types.js').BrowserFetcher; +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.credentials.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.credentials.md index 1de4b1e0..6c579e44 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.credentials.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.credentials.md @@ -1,19 +1,18 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Credentials ---- -# Credentials interface - - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export interface Credentials -``` - -## Properties - -| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | --- | -| [password](./puppeteer.credentials.password.md) | | string | | -| [username](./puppeteer.credentials.username.md) | | string | | - +--- +sidebar_label: Credentials +--- + +# Credentials interface + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export interface Credentials +``` + +## Properties + +| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description | +| ----------------------------------------------- | --------- | ------ | ----------- | +| [password](./puppeteer.credentials.password.md) | | string | | +| [username](./puppeteer.credentials.username.md) | | string | | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.credentials.password.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.credentials.password.md index 04713681..6407abd9 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.credentials.password.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.credentials.password.md @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Credentials.password ---- -# Credentials.password property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface Credentials {password: string;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: Credentials.password +--- + +# Credentials.password property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface Credentials { + password: string; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.credentials.username.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.credentials.username.md index 47a84ace..bbe2fa69 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.credentials.username.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.credentials.username.md @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Credentials.username ---- -# Credentials.username property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface Credentials {username: string;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: Credentials.username +--- + +# Credentials.username property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface Credentials { + username: string; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.csscoverage._constructor_.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.csscoverage._constructor_.md index 1970d48f..ef61f54b 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.csscoverage._constructor_.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.csscoverage._constructor_.md @@ -1,19 +1,21 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: CSSCoverage.(constructor) ---- -# CSSCoverage.(constructor) - -Constructs a new instance of the `CSSCoverage` class - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class CSSCoverage {constructor(client: CDPSession);} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| client | [CDPSession](./puppeteer.cdpsession.md) | | - +--- +sidebar_label: CSSCoverage.(constructor) +--- + +# CSSCoverage.(constructor) + +Constructs a new instance of the `CSSCoverage` class + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class CSSCoverage { + constructor(client: CDPSession); +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | --------------------------------------- | ----------- | +| client | [CDPSession](./puppeteer.cdpsession.md) | | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.csscoverage.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.csscoverage.md index 2f3c07c9..e9c632db 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.csscoverage.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.csscoverage.md @@ -1,25 +1,24 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: CSSCoverage ---- -# CSSCoverage class - - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export declare class CSSCoverage -``` - -## Constructors - -| Constructor | Modifiers | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| [(constructor)(client)](./puppeteer.csscoverage._constructor_.md) | | Constructs a new instance of the CSSCoverage class | - -## Methods - -| Method | Modifiers | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| [start(options)](./puppeteer.csscoverage.start.md) | | | -| [stop()](./puppeteer.csscoverage.stop.md) | | | - +--- +sidebar_label: CSSCoverage +--- + +# CSSCoverage class + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export declare class CSSCoverage +``` + +## Constructors + +| Constructor | Modifiers | Description | +| ----------------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- | +| [(constructor)(client)](./puppeteer.csscoverage._constructor_.md) | | Constructs a new instance of the CSSCoverage class | + +## Methods + +| Method | Modifiers | Description | +| -------------------------------------------------- | --------- | ----------- | +| [start(options)](./puppeteer.csscoverage.start.md) | | | +| [stop()](./puppeteer.csscoverage.stop.md) | | | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.csscoverage.start.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.csscoverage.start.md index a0e1ec71..2bd4dfd8 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.csscoverage.start.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.csscoverage.start.md @@ -1,23 +1,23 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: CSSCoverage.start ---- -# CSSCoverage.start() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class CSSCoverage {start(options?: { - resetOnNavigation?: boolean; - }): Promise;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| options | { resetOnNavigation?: boolean; } | (Optional) | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<void> - +--- +sidebar_label: CSSCoverage.start +--- + +# CSSCoverage.start() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class CSSCoverage { + start(options?: {resetOnNavigation?: boolean}): Promise; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | -------------------------------- | ----------------- | +| options | { resetOnNavigation?: boolean; } | (Optional) | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<void> diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.csscoverage.stop.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.csscoverage.stop.md index ce09a7bd..5f9261d9 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.csscoverage.stop.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.csscoverage.stop.md @@ -1,14 +1,17 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: CSSCoverage.stop ---- -# CSSCoverage.stop() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class CSSCoverage {stop(): Promise;} -``` -**Returns:** - -Promise<[CoverageEntry](./puppeteer.coverageentry.md)\[\]> - +--- +sidebar_label: CSSCoverage.stop +--- + +# CSSCoverage.stop() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class CSSCoverage { + stop(): Promise; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +Promise<[CoverageEntry](./puppeteer.coverageentry.md)\[\]> diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.csscoverageoptions.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.csscoverageoptions.md index a5d1e06e..64f7b660 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.csscoverageoptions.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.csscoverageoptions.md @@ -1,19 +1,19 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: CSSCoverageOptions ---- -# CSSCoverageOptions interface - -Set of configurable options for CSS coverage. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export interface CSSCoverageOptions -``` - -## Properties - -| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | --- | -| [resetOnNavigation?](./puppeteer.csscoverageoptions.resetonnavigation.md) | | boolean | (Optional) Whether to reset coverage on every navigation. | - +--- +sidebar_label: CSSCoverageOptions +--- + +# CSSCoverageOptions interface + +Set of configurable options for CSS coverage. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export interface CSSCoverageOptions +``` + +## Properties + +| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description | +| ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | +| [resetOnNavigation?](./puppeteer.csscoverageoptions.resetonnavigation.md) | | boolean | (Optional) Whether to reset coverage on every navigation. | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.csscoverageoptions.resetonnavigation.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.csscoverageoptions.resetonnavigation.md index 5cd5371c..a559bde6 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.csscoverageoptions.resetonnavigation.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.csscoverageoptions.resetonnavigation.md @@ -1,12 +1,15 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: CSSCoverageOptions.resetOnNavigation ---- -# CSSCoverageOptions.resetOnNavigation property - -Whether to reset coverage on every navigation. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface CSSCoverageOptions {resetOnNavigation?: boolean;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: CSSCoverageOptions.resetOnNavigation +--- + +# CSSCoverageOptions.resetOnNavigation property + +Whether to reset coverage on every navigation. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface CSSCoverageOptions { + resetOnNavigation?: boolean; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.customerror._constructor_.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.customerror._constructor_.md index 02a0ade2..6283b96d 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.customerror._constructor_.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.customerror._constructor_.md @@ -1,19 +1,21 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: CustomError.(constructor) ---- -# CustomError.(constructor) - -Constructs a new instance of the `CustomError` class - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class CustomError {constructor(message?: string);} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| message | string | (Optional) | - +--- +sidebar_label: CustomError.(constructor) +--- + +# CustomError.(constructor) + +Constructs a new instance of the `CustomError` class + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class CustomError { + constructor(message?: string); +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ------ | ----------------- | +| message | string | (Optional) | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.customerror.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.customerror.md index b4afd94e..fd30b1ed 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.customerror.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.customerror.md @@ -1,19 +1,19 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: CustomError ---- -# CustomError class - - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export declare class CustomError extends Error -``` -**Extends:** Error - -## Constructors - -| Constructor | Modifiers | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| [(constructor)(message)](./puppeteer.customerror._constructor_.md) | | Constructs a new instance of the CustomError class | - +--- +sidebar_label: CustomError +--- + +# CustomError class + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export declare class CustomError extends Error +``` + +**Extends:** Error + +## Constructors + +| Constructor | Modifiers | Description | +| ------------------------------------------------------------------ | --------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- | +| [(constructor)(message)](./puppeteer.customerror._constructor_.md) | | Constructs a new instance of the CustomError class | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.customqueryhandler.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.customqueryhandler.md index 638f0c68..9a05a75a 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.customqueryhandler.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.customqueryhandler.md @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: CustomQueryHandler ---- -# CustomQueryHandler interface - -Contains two functions `queryOne` and `queryAll` that can be [registered](./puppeteer.registercustomqueryhandler.md) as alternative querying strategies. The functions `queryOne` and `queryAll` are executed in the page context. `queryOne` should take an `Element` and a selector string as argument and return a single `Element` or `null` if no element is found. `queryAll` takes the same arguments but should instead return a `NodeListOf` or `Array` with all the elements that match the given query selector. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export interface CustomQueryHandler -``` - -## Properties - -| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | --- | -| [queryAll?](./puppeteer.customqueryhandler.queryall.md) | | (element: Element \| Document, selector: string) => Element\[\] \| NodeListOf<Element> | (Optional) | -| [queryOne?](./puppeteer.customqueryhandler.queryone.md) | | (element: Element \| Document, selector: string) => Element \| null | (Optional) | - +--- +sidebar_label: CustomQueryHandler +--- + +# CustomQueryHandler interface + +Contains two functions `queryOne` and `queryAll` that can be [registered](./puppeteer.registercustomqueryhandler.md) as alternative querying strategies. The functions `queryOne` and `queryAll` are executed in the page context. `queryOne` should take an `Element` and a selector string as argument and return a single `Element` or `null` if no element is found. `queryAll` takes the same arguments but should instead return a `NodeListOf` or `Array` with all the elements that match the given query selector. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export interface CustomQueryHandler +``` + +## Properties + +| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description | +| ------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------- | +| [queryAll?](./puppeteer.customqueryhandler.queryall.md) | | (element: Element \| Document, selector: string) => Element\[\] \| NodeListOf<Element> | (Optional) | +| [queryOne?](./puppeteer.customqueryhandler.queryone.md) | | (element: Element \| Document, selector: string) => Element \| null | (Optional) | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.customqueryhandler.queryall.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.customqueryhandler.queryall.md index 152c54f6..df6b06b4 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.customqueryhandler.queryall.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.customqueryhandler.queryall.md @@ -1,10 +1,16 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: CustomQueryHandler.queryAll ---- -# CustomQueryHandler.queryAll property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface CustomQueryHandler {queryAll?: (element: Element | Document, selector: string) => Element[] | NodeListOf;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: CustomQueryHandler.queryAll +--- + +# CustomQueryHandler.queryAll property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface CustomQueryHandler { + queryAll?: ( + element: Element | Document, + selector: string + ) => Element[] | NodeListOf; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.customqueryhandler.queryone.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.customqueryhandler.queryone.md index 6d2533c5..3dd2be29 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.customqueryhandler.queryone.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.customqueryhandler.queryone.md @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: CustomQueryHandler.queryOne ---- -# CustomQueryHandler.queryOne property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface CustomQueryHandler {queryOne?: (element: Element | Document, selector: string) => Element | null;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: CustomQueryHandler.queryOne +--- + +# CustomQueryHandler.queryOne property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface CustomQueryHandler { + queryOne?: (element: Element | Document, selector: string) => Element | null; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.customqueryhandlernames.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.customqueryhandlernames.md index ec55fd89..9774e6a2 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.customqueryhandlernames.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.customqueryhandlernames.md @@ -1,16 +1,17 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: customQueryHandlerNames ---- -# customQueryHandlerNames() function - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export declare function customQueryHandlerNames(): string[]; -``` -**Returns:** - -string\[\] - -a list with the names of all registered custom query handlers. - +--- +sidebar_label: customQueryHandlerNames +--- + +# customQueryHandlerNames() function + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export declare function customQueryHandlerNames(): string[]; +``` + +**Returns:** + +string\[\] + +a list with the names of all registered custom query handlers. diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.default_intercept_resolution_priority.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.default_intercept_resolution_priority.md index 1a668ee1..e183caa3 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.default_intercept_resolution_priority.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.default_intercept_resolution_priority.md @@ -1,12 +1,13 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: DEFAULT_INTERCEPT_RESOLUTION_PRIORITY ---- -# DEFAULT\_INTERCEPT\_RESOLUTION\_PRIORITY variable - -The default cooperative request interception resolution priority - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -DEFAULT_INTERCEPT_RESOLUTION_PRIORITY = 0 -``` +--- +sidebar_label: DEFAULT_INTERCEPT_RESOLUTION_PRIORITY +--- + +# DEFAULT_INTERCEPT_RESOLUTION_PRIORITY variable + +The default cooperative request interception resolution priority + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +DEFAULT_INTERCEPT_RESOLUTION_PRIORITY = 0; +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.defaultargs.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.defaultargs.md index 1b4d1a03..053e0fb5 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.defaultargs.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.defaultargs.md @@ -1,10 +1,11 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: defaultArgs ---- -# defaultArgs variable - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -defaultArgs: (options?: import("./types.js").BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions) => string[] -``` +--- +sidebar_label: defaultArgs +--- + +# defaultArgs variable + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +defaultArgs: (options?: import("./types.js").BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions) => string[] +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.device.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.device.md index 3d5d09be..f284e7b0 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.device.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.device.md @@ -1,20 +1,19 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Device ---- -# Device interface - - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export interface Device -``` - -## Properties - -| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | --- | -| [name](./puppeteer.device.name.md) | | string | | -| [userAgent](./puppeteer.device.useragent.md) | | string | | -| [viewport](./puppeteer.device.viewport.md) | | { width: number; height: number; deviceScaleFactor: number; isMobile: boolean; hasTouch: boolean; isLandscape: boolean; } | | - +--- +sidebar_label: Device +--- + +# Device interface + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export interface Device +``` + +## Properties + +| Property | Modifiers | Type | Description | +| -------------------------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | +| [name](./puppeteer.device.name.md) | | string | | +| [userAgent](./puppeteer.device.useragent.md) | | string | | +| [viewport](./puppeteer.device.viewport.md) | | { width: number; height: number; deviceScaleFactor: number; isMobile: boolean; hasTouch: boolean; isLandscape: boolean; } | | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.device.name.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.device.name.md index aeda8d8a..467a6bd1 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.device.name.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.device.name.md @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Device.name ---- -# Device.name property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface Device {name: string;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: Device.name +--- + +# Device.name property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface Device { + name: string; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.device.useragent.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.device.useragent.md index 0ccdf6b9..b65382ca 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.device.useragent.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.device.useragent.md @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Device.userAgent ---- -# Device.userAgent property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface Device {userAgent: string;} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: Device.userAgent +--- + +# Device.userAgent property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface Device { + userAgent: string; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.device.viewport.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.device.viewport.md index ccce9b9f..5b3e8bd0 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.device.viewport.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.device.viewport.md @@ -1,17 +1,20 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Device.viewport ---- -# Device.viewport property - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -interface Device {viewport: { - width: number; - height: number; - deviceScaleFactor: number; - isMobile: boolean; - hasTouch: boolean; - isLandscape: boolean; - };} -``` +--- +sidebar_label: Device.viewport +--- + +# Device.viewport property + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +interface Device { + viewport: { + width: number; + height: number; + deviceScaleFactor: number; + isMobile: boolean; + hasTouch: boolean; + isLandscape: boolean; + }; +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.devices.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.devices.md index 916c7847..8b688a4f 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.devices.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.devices.md @@ -1,30 +1,29 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: devices ---- -# devices variable - -A list of devices to be used with `page.emulate(options)`. Actual list of devices can be found in [src/common/DeviceDescriptors.ts](https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/blob/main/src/common/DeviceDescriptors.ts). - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -devices: DevicesMap -``` - -## Example - - -```ts -const puppeteer = require('puppeteer'); -const iPhone = puppeteer.devices['iPhone 6']; - -(async () => { - const browser = await puppeteer.launch(); - const page = await browser.newPage(); - await page.emulate(iPhone); - await page.goto('https://www.google.com'); - // other actions... - await browser.close(); -})(); -``` - +--- +sidebar_label: devices +--- + +# devices variable + +A list of devices to be used with `page.emulate(options)`. Actual list of devices can be found in [src/common/DeviceDescriptors.ts](https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/blob/main/src/common/DeviceDescriptors.ts). + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +devices: DevicesMap; +``` + +## Example + +```ts +const puppeteer = require('puppeteer'); +const iPhone = puppeteer.devices['iPhone 6']; + +(async () => { + const browser = await puppeteer.launch(); + const page = await browser.newPage(); + await page.emulate(iPhone); + await page.goto('https://www.google.com'); + // other actions... + await browser.close(); +})(); +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.devicesmap.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.devicesmap.md index dc33ffaf..ec2b4a3d 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.devicesmap.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.devicesmap.md @@ -1,15 +1,15 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: DevicesMap ---- -# DevicesMap type - - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export declare type DevicesMap = { - [name: string]: Device; -}; -``` -**References:** [Device](./puppeteer.device.md) - +--- +sidebar_label: DevicesMap +--- + +# DevicesMap type + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export declare type DevicesMap = { + [name: string]: Device; +}; +``` + +**References:** [Device](./puppeteer.device.md) diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.dialog.accept.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.dialog.accept.md index 5cea372c..39d84e50 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.dialog.accept.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.dialog.accept.md @@ -1,23 +1,25 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Dialog.accept ---- -# Dialog.accept() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Dialog {accept(promptText?: string): Promise;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| promptText | string | (Optional) optional text that will be entered in the dialog prompt. Has no effect if the dialog's type is not prompt. | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<void> - -A promise that resolves when the dialog has been accepted. - +--- +sidebar_label: Dialog.accept +--- + +# Dialog.accept() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Dialog { + accept(promptText?: string): Promise; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| ---------- | ------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| promptText | string | (Optional) optional text that will be entered in the dialog prompt. Has no effect if the dialog's type is not prompt. | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<void> + +A promise that resolves when the dialog has been accepted. diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.dialog.defaultvalue.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.dialog.defaultvalue.md index 6e5a110f..4880551d 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.dialog.defaultvalue.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.dialog.defaultvalue.md @@ -1,16 +1,19 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Dialog.defaultValue ---- -# Dialog.defaultValue() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Dialog {defaultValue(): string;} -``` -**Returns:** - -string - -The default value of the prompt, or an empty string if the dialog is not a `prompt`. - +--- +sidebar_label: Dialog.defaultValue +--- + +# Dialog.defaultValue() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Dialog { + defaultValue(): string; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +string + +The default value of the prompt, or an empty string if the dialog is not a `prompt`. diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.dialog.dismiss.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.dialog.dismiss.md index 971b5536..097fda7e 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.dialog.dismiss.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.dialog.dismiss.md @@ -1,16 +1,19 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Dialog.dismiss ---- -# Dialog.dismiss() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Dialog {dismiss(): Promise;} -``` -**Returns:** - -Promise<void> - -A promise which will resolve once the dialog has been dismissed - +--- +sidebar_label: Dialog.dismiss +--- + +# Dialog.dismiss() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Dialog { + dismiss(): Promise; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +Promise<void> + +A promise which will resolve once the dialog has been dismissed diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.dialog.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.dialog.md index deb5022f..14a34f57 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.dialog.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.dialog.md @@ -1,45 +1,44 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Dialog ---- -# Dialog class - -Dialog instances are dispatched by the [Page](./puppeteer.page.md) via the `dialog` event. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export declare class Dialog -``` - -## Remarks - -The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `Dialog` class. - -## Example - - -```ts -const puppeteer = require('puppeteer'); - -(async () => { - const browser = await puppeteer.launch(); - const page = await browser.newPage(); - page.on('dialog', async dialog => { - console.log(dialog.message()); - await dialog.dismiss(); - await browser.close(); - }); - page.evaluate(() => alert('1')); -})(); -``` - -## Methods - -| Method | Modifiers | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| [accept(promptText)](./puppeteer.dialog.accept.md) | | | -| [defaultValue()](./puppeteer.dialog.defaultvalue.md) | | | -| [dismiss()](./puppeteer.dialog.dismiss.md) | | | -| [message()](./puppeteer.dialog.message.md) | | | -| [type()](./puppeteer.dialog.type.md) | | | - +--- +sidebar_label: Dialog +--- + +# Dialog class + +Dialog instances are dispatched by the [Page](./puppeteer.page.md) via the `dialog` event. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export declare class Dialog +``` + +## Remarks + +The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `Dialog` class. + +## Example + +```ts +const puppeteer = require('puppeteer'); + +(async () => { + const browser = await puppeteer.launch(); + const page = await browser.newPage(); + page.on('dialog', async dialog => { + console.log(dialog.message()); + await dialog.dismiss(); + await browser.close(); + }); + page.evaluate(() => alert('1')); +})(); +``` + +## Methods + +| Method | Modifiers | Description | +| ---------------------------------------------------- | --------- | ----------- | +| [accept(promptText)](./puppeteer.dialog.accept.md) | | | +| [defaultValue()](./puppeteer.dialog.defaultvalue.md) | | | +| [dismiss()](./puppeteer.dialog.dismiss.md) | | | +| [message()](./puppeteer.dialog.message.md) | | | +| [type()](./puppeteer.dialog.type.md) | | | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.dialog.message.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.dialog.message.md index 756ed07d..5e3b60a6 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.dialog.message.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.dialog.message.md @@ -1,16 +1,19 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Dialog.message ---- -# Dialog.message() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Dialog {message(): string;} -``` -**Returns:** - -string - -The message displayed in the dialog. - +--- +sidebar_label: Dialog.message +--- + +# Dialog.message() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Dialog { + message(): string; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +string + +The message displayed in the dialog. diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.dialog.type.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.dialog.type.md index fe0db35c..dabdb19a 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.dialog.type.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.dialog.type.md @@ -1,16 +1,19 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Dialog.type ---- -# Dialog.type() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Dialog {type(): Protocol.Page.DialogType;} -``` -**Returns:** - -Protocol.Page.DialogType - -The type of the dialog. - +--- +sidebar_label: Dialog.type +--- + +# Dialog.type() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Dialog { + type(): Protocol.Page.DialogType; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +Protocol.Page.DialogType + +The type of the dialog. diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle._.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle._.md index 31096511..4ca24f48 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle._.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle._.md @@ -1,29 +1,33 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ElementHandle.$ ---- -# ElementHandle.$() method - -Runs `element.querySelector` within the page. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class ElementHandle {$(selector: Selector): Promise | null>;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| selector | Selector | The selector to query with. | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<[ElementHandle](./puppeteer.elementhandle.md)<HTMLElementTagNameMap\[Selector\]> \| null> - -`null` if no element matches the selector. - -## Exceptions - -`Error` if the selector has no associated query handler. - +--- +sidebar_label: ElementHandle.$ +--- + +# ElementHandle.$() method + +Runs `element.querySelector` within the page. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ElementHandle { + $( + selector: Selector + ): Promise | null>; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | -------- | --------------------------- | +| selector | Selector | The selector to query with. | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<[ElementHandle](./puppeteer.elementhandle.md)<HTMLElementTagNameMap\[Selector\]> \| null> + +`null` if no element matches the selector. + +## Exceptions + +`Error` if the selector has no associated query handler. diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.__.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.__.md index ed51e6bd..ff433fc2 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.__.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.__.md @@ -1,29 +1,33 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ElementHandle.$$ ---- -# ElementHandle.$$() method - -Runs `element.querySelectorAll` within the page. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class ElementHandle {$$(selector: Selector): Promise[]>;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| selector | Selector | The selector to query with. | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<[ElementHandle](./puppeteer.elementhandle.md)<HTMLElementTagNameMap\[Selector\]>\[\]> - -`[]` if no element matches the selector. - -## Exceptions - -`Error` if the selector has no associated query handler. - +--- +sidebar_label: ElementHandle.$$ +--- + +# ElementHandle.$$() method + +Runs `element.querySelectorAll` within the page. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ElementHandle { + $$( + selector: Selector + ): Promise[]>; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | -------- | --------------------------- | +| selector | Selector | The selector to query with. | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<[ElementHandle](./puppeteer.elementhandle.md)<HTMLElementTagNameMap\[Selector\]>\[\]> + +`[]` if no element matches the selector. + +## Exceptions + +`Error` if the selector has no associated query handler. diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.__1.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.__1.md index d6f4c28c..76740ebd 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.__1.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.__1.md @@ -1,21 +1,23 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ElementHandle.$_1 ---- -# ElementHandle.$() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class ElementHandle {$(selector: string): Promise;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| selector | string | | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<[ElementHandle](./puppeteer.elementhandle.md) \| null> - +--- +sidebar_label: ElementHandle.$_1 +--- + +# ElementHandle.$() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ElementHandle { + $(selector: string): Promise; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ------ | ----------- | +| selector | string | | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<[ElementHandle](./puppeteer.elementhandle.md) \| null> diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.___1.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.___1.md index 7d6a715e..5eb3a866 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.___1.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.___1.md @@ -1,21 +1,23 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ElementHandle.$$_1 ---- -# ElementHandle.$$() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class ElementHandle {$$(selector: string): Promise;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| selector | string | | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<[ElementHandle](./puppeteer.elementhandle.md)\[\]> - +--- +sidebar_label: ElementHandle.$$_1 +--- + +# ElementHandle.$$() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ElementHandle { + $$(selector: string): Promise; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ------ | ----------- | +| selector | string | | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<[ElementHandle](./puppeteer.elementhandle.md)\[\]> diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.__eval.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.__eval.md index 90ba64e7..c084f8cb 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.__eval.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.__eval.md @@ -1,49 +1,57 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ElementHandle.$$eval ---- -# ElementHandle.$$eval() method - -This method runs `document.querySelectorAll` within the element and passes it as the first argument to `pageFunction`. If there's no element matching `selector`, the method throws an error. - -If `pageFunction` returns a Promise, then `frame.$$eval` would wait for the promise to resolve and return its value. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class ElementHandle {$$eval = EvaluateFunc<[HTMLElementTagNameMap[Selector][], ...Params]>>(selector: Selector, pageFunction: Func | string, ...args: Params): Promise>>;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| selector | Selector | | -| pageFunction | Func \| string | | -| args | Params | | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<Func>>> - -## Example 1 - - -```html -
-``` - -## Example 2 - - -```ts -const feedHandle = await page.$('.feed'); -expect(await feedHandle.$$eval('.tweet', nodes => nodes.map(n => n.innerText))) - .toEqual(['Hello!', 'Hi!']); -``` - +--- +sidebar_label: ElementHandle.$$eval +--- + +# ElementHandle.$$eval() method + +This method runs `document.querySelectorAll` within the element and passes it as the first argument to `pageFunction`. If there's no element matching `selector`, the method throws an error. + +If `pageFunction` returns a Promise, then `frame.$$eval` would wait for the promise to resolve and return its value. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ElementHandle { + $$eval< + Selector extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap, + Params extends unknown[], + Func extends EvaluateFunc< + [HTMLElementTagNameMap[Selector][], ...Params] + > = EvaluateFunc<[HTMLElementTagNameMap[Selector][], ...Params]> + >( + selector: Selector, + pageFunction: Func | string, + ...args: Params + ): Promise>>; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| ------------ | -------------- | ----------- | +| selector | Selector | | +| pageFunction | Func \| string | | +| args | Params | | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<Func>>> + +## Example 1 + +```html +
+``` + +## Example 2 + +```ts +const feedHandle = await page.$('.feed'); +expect( + await feedHandle.$$eval('.tweet', nodes => nodes.map(n => n.innerText)) +).toEqual(['Hello!', 'Hi!']); +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.__eval_1.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.__eval_1.md index fecff777..28d15548 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.__eval_1.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.__eval_1.md @@ -1,26 +1,34 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ElementHandle.$$eval_1 ---- -# ElementHandle.$$eval() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class ElementHandle {$$eval = EvaluateFunc<[ - Element[], - ...Params - ]>>(selector: string, pageFunction: Func | string, ...args: Params): Promise>>;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| selector | string | | -| pageFunction | Func \| string | | -| args | Params | | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<Func>>> - +--- +sidebar_label: ElementHandle.$$eval_1 +--- + +# ElementHandle.$$eval() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ElementHandle { + $$eval< + Params extends unknown[], + Func extends EvaluateFunc<[Element[], ...Params]> = EvaluateFunc< + [Element[], ...Params] + > + >( + selector: string, + pageFunction: Func | string, + ...args: Params + ): Promise>>; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| ------------ | -------------- | ----------- | +| selector | string | | +| pageFunction | Func \| string | | +| args | Params | | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<Func>>> diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle._eval.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle._eval.md index d09d1f2a..5f37cd95 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle._eval.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle._eval.md @@ -1,39 +1,47 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ElementHandle.$eval ---- -# ElementHandle.$eval() method - -This method runs `document.querySelector` within the element and passes it as the first argument to `pageFunction`. If there's no element matching `selector`, the method throws an error. - -If `pageFunction` returns a Promise, then `frame.$eval` would wait for the promise to resolve and return its value. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class ElementHandle {$eval = EvaluateFunc<[HTMLElementTagNameMap[Selector], ...Params]>>(selector: Selector, pageFunction: Func | string, ...args: Params): Promise>>;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| selector | Selector | | -| pageFunction | Func \| string | | -| args | Params | | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<Func>>> - -## Example - - -```ts -const tweetHandle = await page.$('.tweet'); -expect(await tweetHandle.$eval('.like', node => node.innerText)).toBe('100'); -expect(await tweetHandle.$eval('.retweets', node => node.innerText)).toBe('10'); -``` - +--- +sidebar_label: ElementHandle.$eval +--- + +# ElementHandle.$eval() method + +This method runs `document.querySelector` within the element and passes it as the first argument to `pageFunction`. If there's no element matching `selector`, the method throws an error. + +If `pageFunction` returns a Promise, then `frame.$eval` would wait for the promise to resolve and return its value. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ElementHandle { + $eval< + Selector extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap, + Params extends unknown[], + Func extends EvaluateFunc< + [HTMLElementTagNameMap[Selector], ...Params] + > = EvaluateFunc<[HTMLElementTagNameMap[Selector], ...Params]> + >( + selector: Selector, + pageFunction: Func | string, + ...args: Params + ): Promise>>; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| ------------ | -------------- | ----------- | +| selector | Selector | | +| pageFunction | Func \| string | | +| args | Params | | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<Func>>> + +## Example + +```ts +const tweetHandle = await page.$('.tweet'); +expect(await tweetHandle.$eval('.like', node => node.innerText)).toBe('100'); +expect(await tweetHandle.$eval('.retweets', node => node.innerText)).toBe('10'); +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle._eval_1.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle._eval_1.md index 7dafe1a2..d98ce8e8 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle._eval_1.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle._eval_1.md @@ -1,26 +1,34 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ElementHandle.$eval_1 ---- -# ElementHandle.$eval() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class ElementHandle {$eval = EvaluateFunc<[ - Element, - ...Params - ]>>(selector: string, pageFunction: Func | string, ...args: Params): Promise>>;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| selector | string | | -| pageFunction | Func \| string | | -| args | Params | | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<Func>>> - +--- +sidebar_label: ElementHandle.$eval_1 +--- + +# ElementHandle.$eval() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ElementHandle { + $eval< + Params extends unknown[], + Func extends EvaluateFunc<[Element, ...Params]> = EvaluateFunc< + [Element, ...Params] + > + >( + selector: string, + pageFunction: Func | string, + ...args: Params + ): Promise>>; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| ------------ | -------------- | ----------- | +| selector | string | | +| pageFunction | Func \| string | | +| args | Params | | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<Func>>> diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle._x.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle._x.md index 180fa4e7..038dfda4 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle._x.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle._x.md @@ -1,23 +1,25 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ElementHandle.$x ---- -# ElementHandle.$x() method - -The method evaluates the XPath expression relative to the elementHandle. If there are no such elements, the method will resolve to an empty array. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class ElementHandle {$x(expression: string): Promise;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| expression | string | Expression to [evaluate](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/evaluate) | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<[ElementHandle](./puppeteer.elementhandle.md)\[\]> - +--- +sidebar_label: ElementHandle.$x +--- + +# ElementHandle.$x() method + +The method evaluates the XPath expression relative to the elementHandle. If there are no such elements, the method will resolve to an empty array. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ElementHandle { + $x(expression: string): Promise; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| ---------- | ------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| expression | string | Expression to [evaluate](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/evaluate) | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<[ElementHandle](./puppeteer.elementhandle.md)\[\]> diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.aselement.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.aselement.md index 8927216e..8c55d209 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.aselement.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.aselement.md @@ -1,14 +1,17 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ElementHandle.asElement ---- -# ElementHandle.asElement() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class ElementHandle {asElement(): ElementHandle | null;} -``` -**Returns:** - -[ElementHandle](./puppeteer.elementhandle.md)<ElementType> \| null - +--- +sidebar_label: ElementHandle.asElement +--- + +# ElementHandle.asElement() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ElementHandle { + asElement(): ElementHandle | null; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +[ElementHandle](./puppeteer.elementhandle.md)<ElementType> \| null diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.boundingbox.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.boundingbox.md index 03d7a7e8..529d103f 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.boundingbox.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.boundingbox.md @@ -1,16 +1,19 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ElementHandle.boundingBox ---- -# ElementHandle.boundingBox() method - -This method returns the bounding box of the element (relative to the main frame), or `null` if the element is not visible. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class ElementHandle {boundingBox(): Promise;} -``` -**Returns:** - -Promise<[BoundingBox](./puppeteer.boundingbox.md) \| null> - +--- +sidebar_label: ElementHandle.boundingBox +--- + +# ElementHandle.boundingBox() method + +This method returns the bounding box of the element (relative to the main frame), or `null` if the element is not visible. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ElementHandle { + boundingBox(): Promise; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +Promise<[BoundingBox](./puppeteer.boundingbox.md) \| null> diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.boxmodel.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.boxmodel.md index 35162674..bcb74f71 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.boxmodel.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.boxmodel.md @@ -1,20 +1,23 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ElementHandle.boxModel ---- -# ElementHandle.boxModel() method - -This method returns boxes of the element, or `null` if the element is not visible. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class ElementHandle {boxModel(): Promise;} -``` -**Returns:** - -Promise<[BoxModel](./puppeteer.boxmodel.md) \| null> - -## Remarks - -Boxes are represented as an array of points; Each Point is an object `{x, y}`. Box points are sorted clock-wise. - +--- +sidebar_label: ElementHandle.boxModel +--- + +# ElementHandle.boxModel() method + +This method returns boxes of the element, or `null` if the element is not visible. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ElementHandle { + boxModel(): Promise; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +Promise<[BoxModel](./puppeteer.boxmodel.md) \| null> + +## Remarks + +Boxes are represented as an array of points; Each Point is an object `{x, y}`. Box points are sorted clock-wise. diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.click.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.click.md index 130f566b..3ee7e6d1 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.click.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.click.md @@ -1,23 +1,25 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ElementHandle.click ---- -# ElementHandle.click() method - -This method scrolls element into view if needed, and then uses [Page.mouse](./puppeteer.page.mouse.md) to click in the center of the element. If the element is detached from DOM, the method throws an error. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class ElementHandle {click(options?: ClickOptions): Promise;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| options | [ClickOptions](./puppeteer.clickoptions.md) | (Optional) | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<void> - +--- +sidebar_label: ElementHandle.click +--- + +# ElementHandle.click() method + +This method scrolls element into view if needed, and then uses [Page.mouse](./puppeteer.page.mouse.md) to click in the center of the element. If the element is detached from DOM, the method throws an error. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ElementHandle { + click(options?: ClickOptions): Promise; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ------------------------------------------- | ----------------- | +| options | [ClickOptions](./puppeteer.clickoptions.md) | (Optional) | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<void> diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.clickablepoint.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.clickablepoint.md index 77d51a55..a1371f0f 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.clickablepoint.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.clickablepoint.md @@ -1,23 +1,25 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ElementHandle.clickablePoint ---- -# ElementHandle.clickablePoint() method - -Returns the middle point within an element unless a specific offset is provided. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class ElementHandle {clickablePoint(offset?: Offset): Promise;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| offset | [Offset](./puppeteer.offset.md) | (Optional) | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<[Point](./puppeteer.point.md)> - +--- +sidebar_label: ElementHandle.clickablePoint +--- + +# ElementHandle.clickablePoint() method + +Returns the middle point within an element unless a specific offset is provided. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ElementHandle { + clickablePoint(offset?: Offset): Promise; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ------------------------------- | ----------------- | +| offset | [Offset](./puppeteer.offset.md) | (Optional) | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<[Point](./puppeteer.point.md)> diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.contentframe.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.contentframe.md index e4a66848..6ce9e88a 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.contentframe.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.contentframe.md @@ -1,16 +1,19 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ElementHandle.contentFrame ---- -# ElementHandle.contentFrame() method - -Resolves to the content frame for element handles referencing iframe nodes, or null otherwise - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class ElementHandle {contentFrame(): Promise;} -``` -**Returns:** - -Promise<[Frame](./puppeteer.frame.md) \| null> - +--- +sidebar_label: ElementHandle.contentFrame +--- + +# ElementHandle.contentFrame() method + +Resolves to the content frame for element handles referencing iframe nodes, or null otherwise + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ElementHandle { + contentFrame(): Promise; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +Promise<[Frame](./puppeteer.frame.md) \| null> diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.drag.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.drag.md index d804e4da..e70a0271 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.drag.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.drag.md @@ -1,23 +1,25 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ElementHandle.drag ---- -# ElementHandle.drag() method - -This method creates and captures a dragevent from the element. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class ElementHandle {drag(target: Point): Promise;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| target | [Point](./puppeteer.point.md) | | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<Protocol.Input.DragData> - +--- +sidebar_label: ElementHandle.drag +--- + +# ElementHandle.drag() method + +This method creates and captures a dragevent from the element. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ElementHandle { + drag(target: Point): Promise; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ----------------------------- | ----------- | +| target | [Point](./puppeteer.point.md) | | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<Protocol.Input.DragData> diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.draganddrop.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.draganddrop.md index 7cf54005..aaff3f87 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.draganddrop.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.draganddrop.md @@ -1,26 +1,31 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ElementHandle.dragAndDrop ---- -# ElementHandle.dragAndDrop() method - -This method triggers a dragenter, dragover, and drop on the element. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class ElementHandle {dragAndDrop(target: ElementHandle, options?: { - delay: number; - }): Promise;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| target | [ElementHandle](./puppeteer.elementhandle.md) | | -| options | { delay: number; } | (Optional) | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<void> - +--- +sidebar_label: ElementHandle.dragAndDrop +--- + +# ElementHandle.dragAndDrop() method + +This method triggers a dragenter, dragover, and drop on the element. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ElementHandle { + dragAndDrop( + target: ElementHandle, + options?: { + delay: number; + } + ): Promise; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | --------------------------------------------- | ----------------- | +| target | [ElementHandle](./puppeteer.elementhandle.md) | | +| options | { delay: number; } | (Optional) | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<void> diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.dragenter.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.dragenter.md index f65b1405..b30944d7 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.dragenter.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.dragenter.md @@ -1,23 +1,25 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ElementHandle.dragEnter ---- -# ElementHandle.dragEnter() method - -This method creates a `dragenter` event on the element. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class ElementHandle {dragEnter(data?: Protocol.Input.DragData): Promise;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| data | Protocol.Input.DragData | (Optional) | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<void> - +--- +sidebar_label: ElementHandle.dragEnter +--- + +# ElementHandle.dragEnter() method + +This method creates a `dragenter` event on the element. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ElementHandle { + dragEnter(data?: Protocol.Input.DragData): Promise; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ----------------------- | ----------------- | +| data | Protocol.Input.DragData | (Optional) | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<void> diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.dragover.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.dragover.md index 29826617..65126653 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.dragover.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.dragover.md @@ -1,23 +1,25 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ElementHandle.dragOver ---- -# ElementHandle.dragOver() method - -This method creates a `dragover` event on the element. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class ElementHandle {dragOver(data?: Protocol.Input.DragData): Promise;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| data | Protocol.Input.DragData | (Optional) | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<void> - +--- +sidebar_label: ElementHandle.dragOver +--- + +# ElementHandle.dragOver() method + +This method creates a `dragover` event on the element. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ElementHandle { + dragOver(data?: Protocol.Input.DragData): Promise; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ----------------------- | ----------------- | +| data | Protocol.Input.DragData | (Optional) | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<void> diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.drop.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.drop.md index fe12bbc8..0d9411b6 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.drop.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.drop.md @@ -1,23 +1,25 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ElementHandle.drop ---- -# ElementHandle.drop() method - -This method triggers a drop on the element. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class ElementHandle {drop(data?: Protocol.Input.DragData): Promise;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| data | Protocol.Input.DragData | (Optional) | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<void> - +--- +sidebar_label: ElementHandle.drop +--- + +# ElementHandle.drop() method + +This method triggers a drop on the element. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ElementHandle { + drop(data?: Protocol.Input.DragData): Promise; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ----------------------- | ----------------- | +| data | Protocol.Input.DragData | (Optional) | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<void> diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.focus.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.focus.md index d836fec8..6681a295 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.focus.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.focus.md @@ -1,16 +1,19 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ElementHandle.focus ---- -# ElementHandle.focus() method - -Calls [focus](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/focus) on the element. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class ElementHandle {focus(): Promise;} -``` -**Returns:** - -Promise<void> - +--- +sidebar_label: ElementHandle.focus +--- + +# ElementHandle.focus() method + +Calls [focus](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/focus) on the element. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ElementHandle { + focus(): Promise; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +Promise<void> diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.hover.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.hover.md index f0163663..70a55430 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.hover.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.hover.md @@ -1,16 +1,19 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ElementHandle.hover ---- -# ElementHandle.hover() method - -This method scrolls element into view if needed, and then uses [Page.mouse](./puppeteer.page.mouse.md) to hover over the center of the element. If the element is detached from DOM, the method throws an error. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class ElementHandle {hover(): Promise;} -``` -**Returns:** - -Promise<void> - +--- +sidebar_label: ElementHandle.hover +--- + +# ElementHandle.hover() method + +This method scrolls element into view if needed, and then uses [Page.mouse](./puppeteer.page.mouse.md) to hover over the center of the element. If the element is detached from DOM, the method throws an error. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ElementHandle { + hover(): Promise; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +Promise<void> diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.isintersectingviewport.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.isintersectingviewport.md index fc472304..62028891 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.isintersectingviewport.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.isintersectingviewport.md @@ -1,25 +1,25 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ElementHandle.isIntersectingViewport ---- -# ElementHandle.isIntersectingViewport() method - -Resolves to true if the element is visible in the current viewport. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class ElementHandle {isIntersectingViewport(options?: { - threshold?: number; - }): Promise;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| options | { threshold?: number; } | (Optional) | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<boolean> - +--- +sidebar_label: ElementHandle.isIntersectingViewport +--- + +# ElementHandle.isIntersectingViewport() method + +Resolves to true if the element is visible in the current viewport. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ElementHandle { + isIntersectingViewport(options?: {threshold?: number}): Promise; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ----------------------- | ----------------- | +| options | { threshold?: number; } | (Optional) | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<boolean> diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.md index 58f57abd..ae401607 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.md @@ -1,95 +1,99 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ElementHandle ---- -# ElementHandle class - -ElementHandle represents an in-page DOM element. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export declare class ElementHandle extends JSHandle -``` -**Extends:** [JSHandle](./puppeteer.jshandle.md) - -## Remarks - -ElementHandles can be created with the method. - -```ts -const puppeteer = require('puppeteer'); - -(async () => { - const browser = await puppeteer.launch(); - const page = await browser.newPage(); - await page.goto('https://example.com'); - const hrefElement = await page.$('a'); - await hrefElement.click(); - // ... -})(); -``` -ElementHandle prevents the DOM element from being garbage-collected unless the handle is [disposed](./puppeteer.jshandle.dispose.md). ElementHandles are auto-disposed when their origin frame gets navigated. - -ElementHandle instances can be used as arguments in and [Page.evaluate()](./puppeteer.page.evaluate.md) methods. - -If you're using TypeScript, ElementHandle takes a generic argument that denotes the type of element the handle is holding within. For example, if you have a handle to a `` element, you can type it as `ElementHandle` and you get some nicer type checks. + +The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `ElementHandle` class. + +## Methods + +| Method | Modifiers | Description | +| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| [$(selector)](./puppeteer.elementhandle._.md) | | Runs element.querySelector within the page. | +| [$(selector)](./puppeteer.elementhandle.__1.md) | | | +| [$$(selector)](./puppeteer.elementhandle.__.md) | | Runs element.querySelectorAll within the page. | +| [$$(selector)](./puppeteer.elementhandle.___1.md) | | | +| [$$eval(selector, pageFunction, args)](./puppeteer.elementhandle.__eval.md) | |

This method runs document.querySelectorAll within the element and passes it as the first argument to pageFunction. If there's no element matching selector, the method throws an error.

If pageFunction returns a Promise, then frame.$$eval would wait for the promise to resolve and return its value.

| +| [$$eval(selector, pageFunction, args)](./puppeteer.elementhandle.__eval_1.md) | | | +| [$eval(selector, pageFunction, args)](./puppeteer.elementhandle._eval.md) | |

This method runs document.querySelector within the element and passes it as the first argument to pageFunction. If there's no element matching selector, the method throws an error.

If pageFunction returns a Promise, then frame.$eval would wait for the promise to resolve and return its value.

| +| [$eval(selector, pageFunction, args)](./puppeteer.elementhandle._eval_1.md) | | | +| [$x(expression)](./puppeteer.elementhandle._x.md) | | The method evaluates the XPath expression relative to the elementHandle. If there are no such elements, the method will resolve to an empty array. | +| [asElement()](./puppeteer.elementhandle.aselement.md) | | | +| [boundingBox()](./puppeteer.elementhandle.boundingbox.md) | | This method returns the bounding box of the element (relative to the main frame), or null if the element is not visible. | +| [boxModel()](./puppeteer.elementhandle.boxmodel.md) | | This method returns boxes of the element, or null if the element is not visible. | +| [click(options)](./puppeteer.elementhandle.click.md) | | This method scrolls element into view if needed, and then uses [Page.mouse](./puppeteer.page.mouse.md) to click in the center of the element. If the element is detached from DOM, the method throws an error. | +| [clickablePoint(offset)](./puppeteer.elementhandle.clickablepoint.md) | | Returns the middle point within an element unless a specific offset is provided. | +| [contentFrame()](./puppeteer.elementhandle.contentframe.md) | | Resolves to the content frame for element handles referencing iframe nodes, or null otherwise | +| [drag(target)](./puppeteer.elementhandle.drag.md) | | This method creates and captures a dragevent from the element. | +| [dragAndDrop(target, options)](./puppeteer.elementhandle.draganddrop.md) | | This method triggers a dragenter, dragover, and drop on the element. | +| [dragEnter(data)](./puppeteer.elementhandle.dragenter.md) | | This method creates a dragenter event on the element. | +| [dragOver(data)](./puppeteer.elementhandle.dragover.md) | | This method creates a dragover event on the element. | +| [drop(data)](./puppeteer.elementhandle.drop.md) | | This method triggers a drop on the element. | +| [focus()](./puppeteer.elementhandle.focus.md) | | Calls [focus](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/focus) on the element. | +| [hover()](./puppeteer.elementhandle.hover.md) | | This method scrolls element into view if needed, and then uses [Page.mouse](./puppeteer.page.mouse.md) to hover over the center of the element. If the element is detached from DOM, the method throws an error. | +| [isIntersectingViewport(options)](./puppeteer.elementhandle.isintersectingviewport.md) | | Resolves to true if the element is visible in the current viewport. | +| [press(key, options)](./puppeteer.elementhandle.press.md) | | Focuses the element, and then uses [Keyboard.down()](./puppeteer.keyboard.down.md) and [Keyboard.up()](./puppeteer.keyboard.up.md). | +| [screenshot(options)](./puppeteer.elementhandle.screenshot.md) | | This method scrolls element into view if needed, and then uses [Page.screenshot()](./puppeteer.page.screenshot.md) to take a screenshot of the element. If the element is detached from DOM, the method throws an error. | +| [select(values)](./puppeteer.elementhandle.select.md) | | Triggers a change and input event once all the provided options have been selected. If there's no <select> element matching selector, the method throws an error. | +| [tap()](./puppeteer.elementhandle.tap.md) | | This method scrolls element into view if needed, and then uses [Touchscreen.tap()](./puppeteer.touchscreen.tap.md) to tap in the center of the element. If the element is detached from DOM, the method throws an error. | +| [type(text, options)](./puppeteer.elementhandle.type.md) | |

Focuses the element, and then sends a keydown, keypress/input, and keyup event for each character in the text.

To press a special key, like Control or ArrowDown, use [ElementHandle.press()](./puppeteer.elementhandle.press.md).

| +| [uploadFile(this, filePaths)](./puppeteer.elementhandle.uploadfile.md) | | This method expects elementHandle to point to an [input element](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input). | +| [waitForSelector(selector, options)](./puppeteer.elementhandle.waitforselector.md) | |

Wait for the selector to appear within the element. If at the moment of calling the method the selector already exists, the method will return immediately. If the selector doesn't appear after the timeout milliseconds of waiting, the function will throw.

This method does not work across navigations or if the element is detached from DOM.

| +| [waitForSelector(selector, options)](./puppeteer.elementhandle.waitforselector_1.md) | | | +| [waitForXPath(xpath, options)](./puppeteer.elementhandle.waitforxpath.md) | |

Wait for the xpath within the element. If at the moment of calling the method the xpath already exists, the method will return immediately. If the xpath doesn't appear after the timeout milliseconds of waiting, the function will throw.

If xpath starts with // instead of .//, the dot will be appended automatically.

This method works across navigation

| + +```ts +const puppeteer = require('puppeteer'); +(async () => { + const browser = await puppeteer.launch(); + const page = await browser.newPage(); + let currentURL; + page + .waitForXPath('//img') + .then(() => console.log('First URL with image: ' + currentURL)); + for (currentURL of [ + 'https://example.com', + 'https://google.com', + 'https://bbc.com', + ]) { + await page.goto(currentURL); + } + await browser.close(); +})(); +``` + +| diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.press.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.press.md index 1d3f543e..28f2928c 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.press.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.press.md @@ -1,30 +1,32 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ElementHandle.press ---- -# ElementHandle.press() method - -Focuses the element, and then uses [Keyboard.down()](./puppeteer.keyboard.down.md) and [Keyboard.up()](./puppeteer.keyboard.up.md). - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class ElementHandle {press(key: KeyInput, options?: PressOptions): Promise;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| key | [KeyInput](./puppeteer.keyinput.md) | Name of key to press, such as ArrowLeft. See [KeyInput](./puppeteer.keyinput.md) for a list of all key names. | -| options | [PressOptions](./puppeteer.pressoptions.md) | (Optional) | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<void> - -## Remarks - -If `key` is a single character and no modifier keys besides `Shift` are being held down, a `keypress`/`input` event will also be generated. The `text` option can be specified to force an input event to be generated. - -\*\*NOTE\*\* Modifier keys DO affect `elementHandle.press`. Holding down `Shift` will type the text in upper case. - +--- +sidebar_label: ElementHandle.press +--- + +# ElementHandle.press() method + +Focuses the element, and then uses [Keyboard.down()](./puppeteer.keyboard.down.md) and [Keyboard.up()](./puppeteer.keyboard.up.md). + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ElementHandle { + press(key: KeyInput, options?: PressOptions): Promise; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| key | [KeyInput](./puppeteer.keyinput.md) | Name of key to press, such as ArrowLeft. See [KeyInput](./puppeteer.keyinput.md) for a list of all key names. | +| options | [PressOptions](./puppeteer.pressoptions.md) | (Optional) | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<void> + +## Remarks + +If `key` is a single character and no modifier keys besides `Shift` are being held down, a `keypress`/`input` event will also be generated. The `text` option can be specified to force an input event to be generated. + +\*\*NOTE\*\* Modifier keys DO affect `elementHandle.press`. Holding down `Shift` will type the text in upper case. diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.screenshot.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.screenshot.md index 2272e8a0..1445c73b 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.screenshot.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.screenshot.md @@ -1,23 +1,25 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ElementHandle.screenshot ---- -# ElementHandle.screenshot() method - -This method scrolls element into view if needed, and then uses [Page.screenshot()](./puppeteer.page.screenshot.md) to take a screenshot of the element. If the element is detached from DOM, the method throws an error. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class ElementHandle {screenshot(options?: ScreenshotOptions): Promise;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| options | [ScreenshotOptions](./puppeteer.screenshotoptions.md) | (Optional) | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<string \| Buffer> - +--- +sidebar_label: ElementHandle.screenshot +--- + +# ElementHandle.screenshot() method + +This method scrolls element into view if needed, and then uses [Page.screenshot()](./puppeteer.page.screenshot.md) to take a screenshot of the element. If the element is detached from DOM, the method throws an error. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ElementHandle { + screenshot(options?: ScreenshotOptions): Promise; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ----------------------------------------------------- | ----------------- | +| options | [ScreenshotOptions](./puppeteer.screenshotoptions.md) | (Optional) | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<string \| Buffer> diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.select.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.select.md index 2a84e54d..10d3abc6 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.select.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.select.md @@ -1,31 +1,32 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ElementHandle.select ---- -# ElementHandle.select() method - -Triggers a `change` and `input` event once all the provided options have been selected. If there's no `` element matching `selector`, the method throws an error. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ElementHandle { + select(...values: string[]): Promise; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ---------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| values | string\[\] | Values of options to select. If the <select> has the multiple attribute, all values are considered, otherwise only the first one is taken into account. | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<string\[\]> + +## Example + +```ts +handle.select('blue'); // single selection +handle.select('red', 'green', 'blue'); // multiple selections +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.tap.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.tap.md index 7ec9f519..64b32158 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.tap.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.tap.md @@ -1,16 +1,19 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ElementHandle.tap ---- -# ElementHandle.tap() method - -This method scrolls element into view if needed, and then uses [Touchscreen.tap()](./puppeteer.touchscreen.tap.md) to tap in the center of the element. If the element is detached from DOM, the method throws an error. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class ElementHandle {tap(): Promise;} -``` -**Returns:** - -Promise<void> - +--- +sidebar_label: ElementHandle.tap +--- + +# ElementHandle.tap() method + +This method scrolls element into view if needed, and then uses [Touchscreen.tap()](./puppeteer.touchscreen.tap.md) to tap in the center of the element. If the element is detached from DOM, the method throws an error. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ElementHandle { + tap(): Promise; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +Promise<void> diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.type.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.type.md index 1ef25628..0b28ff0c 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.type.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.type.md @@ -1,46 +1,50 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ElementHandle.type ---- -# ElementHandle.type() method - -Focuses the element, and then sends a `keydown`, `keypress`/`input`, and `keyup` event for each character in the text. - -To press a special key, like `Control` or `ArrowDown`, use [ElementHandle.press()](./puppeteer.elementhandle.press.md). - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class ElementHandle {type(text: string, options?: { - delay: number; - }): Promise;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| text | string | | -| options | { delay: number; } | (Optional) | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<void> - -## Example 1 - - -```ts -await elementHandle.type('Hello'); // Types instantly -await elementHandle.type('World', {delay: 100}); // Types slower, like a user -``` - -## Example 2 - -An example of typing into a text field and then submitting the form: - -```ts -const elementHandle = await page.$('input'); -await elementHandle.type('some text'); -await elementHandle.press('Enter'); -``` - +--- +sidebar_label: ElementHandle.type +--- + +# ElementHandle.type() method + +Focuses the element, and then sends a `keydown`, `keypress`/`input`, and `keyup` event for each character in the text. + +To press a special key, like `Control` or `ArrowDown`, use [ElementHandle.press()](./puppeteer.elementhandle.press.md). + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ElementHandle { + type( + text: string, + options?: { + delay: number; + } + ): Promise; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ------------------ | ----------------- | +| text | string | | +| options | { delay: number; } | (Optional) | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<void> + +## Example 1 + +```ts +await elementHandle.type('Hello'); // Types instantly +await elementHandle.type('World', {delay: 100}); // Types slower, like a user +``` + +## Example 2 + +An example of typing into a text field and then submitting the form: + +```ts +const elementHandle = await page.$('input'); +await elementHandle.type('some text'); +await elementHandle.press('Enter'); +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.uploadfile.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.uploadfile.md index d0508652..5380171e 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.uploadfile.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.uploadfile.md @@ -1,24 +1,29 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ElementHandle.uploadFile ---- -# ElementHandle.uploadFile() method - -This method expects `elementHandle` to point to an [input element](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input). - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class ElementHandle {uploadFile(this: ElementHandle, ...filePaths: string[]): Promise;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| this | [ElementHandle](./puppeteer.elementhandle.md)<HTMLInputElement> | | -| filePaths | string\[\] | Sets the value of the file input to these paths. If a path is relative, then it is resolved against the [current working directory](https://nodejs.org/api/process.html#process_process_cwd). Note for locals script connecting to remote chrome environments, paths must be absolute. | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<void> - +--- +sidebar_label: ElementHandle.uploadFile +--- + +# ElementHandle.uploadFile() method + +This method expects `elementHandle` to point to an [input element](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input). + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ElementHandle { + uploadFile( + this: ElementHandle, + ...filePaths: string[] + ): Promise; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| this | [ElementHandle](./puppeteer.elementhandle.md)<HTMLInputElement> | | +| filePaths | string\[\] | Sets the value of the file input to these paths. If a path is relative, then it is resolved against the [current working directory](https://nodejs.org/api/process.html#process_process_cwd). Note for locals script connecting to remote chrome environments, paths must be absolute. | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<void> diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.waitforselector.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.waitforselector.md index 94ef13cc..9b6ffc3d 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.waitforselector.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.waitforselector.md @@ -1,38 +1,43 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ElementHandle.waitForSelector ---- -# ElementHandle.waitForSelector() method - -Wait for the `selector` to appear within the element. If at the moment of calling the method the `selector` already exists, the method will return immediately. If the `selector` doesn't appear after the `timeout` milliseconds of waiting, the function will throw. - -This method does not work across navigations or if the element is detached from DOM. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class ElementHandle {waitForSelector(selector: Selector, options?: Exclude): Promise | null>;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| selector | Selector | A [selector](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Selectors) of an element to wait for | -| options | Exclude<[WaitForSelectorOptions](./puppeteer.waitforselectoroptions.md), 'root'> | (Optional) Optional waiting parameters | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<[ElementHandle](./puppeteer.elementhandle.md)<HTMLElementTagNameMap\[Selector\]> \| null> - -Promise which resolves when element specified by selector string is added to DOM. Resolves to `null` if waiting for hidden: `true` and selector is not found in DOM. - -## Remarks - -The optional parameters in `options` are: - -- `visible`: wait for the selected element to be present in DOM and to be visible, i.e. to not have `display: none` or `visibility: hidden` CSS properties. Defaults to `false`. - -- `hidden`: wait for the selected element to not be found in the DOM or to be hidden, i.e. have `display: none` or `visibility: hidden` CSS properties. Defaults to `false`. - -- `timeout`: maximum time to wait in milliseconds. Defaults to `30000` (30 seconds). Pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [Page.setDefaultTimeout()](./puppeteer.page.setdefaulttimeout.md) method. - +--- +sidebar_label: ElementHandle.waitForSelector +--- + +# ElementHandle.waitForSelector() method + +Wait for the `selector` to appear within the element. If at the moment of calling the method the `selector` already exists, the method will return immediately. If the `selector` doesn't appear after the `timeout` milliseconds of waiting, the function will throw. + +This method does not work across navigations or if the element is detached from DOM. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ElementHandle { + waitForSelector( + selector: Selector, + options?: Exclude + ): Promise | null>; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| selector | Selector | A [selector](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Selectors) of an element to wait for | +| options | Exclude<[WaitForSelectorOptions](./puppeteer.waitforselectoroptions.md), 'root'> | (Optional) Optional waiting parameters | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<[ElementHandle](./puppeteer.elementhandle.md)<HTMLElementTagNameMap\[Selector\]> \| null> + +Promise which resolves when element specified by selector string is added to DOM. Resolves to `null` if waiting for hidden: `true` and selector is not found in DOM. + +## Remarks + +The optional parameters in `options` are: + +- `visible`: wait for the selected element to be present in DOM and to be visible, i.e. to not have `display: none` or `visibility: hidden` CSS properties. Defaults to `false`. + +- `hidden`: wait for the selected element to not be found in the DOM or to be hidden, i.e. have `display: none` or `visibility: hidden` CSS properties. Defaults to `false`. + +- `timeout`: maximum time to wait in milliseconds. Defaults to `30000` (30 seconds). Pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [Page.setDefaultTimeout()](./puppeteer.page.setdefaulttimeout.md) method. diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.waitforselector_1.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.waitforselector_1.md index 13efe2d7..55185a84 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.waitforselector_1.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.waitforselector_1.md @@ -1,22 +1,27 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ElementHandle.waitForSelector_1 ---- -# ElementHandle.waitForSelector() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class ElementHandle {waitForSelector(selector: string, options?: Exclude): Promise;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| selector | string | | -| options | Exclude<[WaitForSelectorOptions](./puppeteer.waitforselectoroptions.md), 'root'> | (Optional) | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<[ElementHandle](./puppeteer.elementhandle.md) \| null> - +--- +sidebar_label: ElementHandle.waitForSelector_1 +--- + +# ElementHandle.waitForSelector() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ElementHandle { + waitForSelector( + selector: string, + options?: Exclude + ): Promise; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------- | +| selector | string | | +| options | Exclude<[WaitForSelectorOptions](./puppeteer.waitforselectoroptions.md), 'root'> | (Optional) | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<[ElementHandle](./puppeteer.elementhandle.md) \| null> diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.waitforxpath.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.waitforxpath.md index ec352b2d..28753985 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.waitforxpath.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.elementhandle.waitforxpath.md @@ -1,64 +1,69 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ElementHandle.waitForXPath ---- -# ElementHandle.waitForXPath() method - -Wait for the `xpath` within the element. If at the moment of calling the method the `xpath` already exists, the method will return immediately. If the `xpath` doesn't appear after the `timeout` milliseconds of waiting, the function will throw. - -If `xpath` starts with `//` instead of `.//`, the dot will be appended automatically. - -This method works across navigation - -```ts -const puppeteer = require('puppeteer'); -(async () => { -const browser = await puppeteer.launch(); -const page = await browser.newPage(); -let currentURL; -page -.waitForXPath('//img') -.then(() => console.log('First URL with image: ' + currentURL)); -for (currentURL of [ -'https://example.com', -'https://google.com', -'https://bbc.com', -]) { -await page.goto(currentURL); -} -await browser.close(); -})(); -``` - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class ElementHandle {waitForXPath(xpath: string, options?: { - visible?: boolean; - hidden?: boolean; - timeout?: number; - }): Promise;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| xpath | string | A [xpath](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/XPath) of an element to wait for | -| options | { visible?: boolean; hidden?: boolean; timeout?: number; } | (Optional) Optional waiting parameters | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<[ElementHandle](./puppeteer.elementhandle.md) \| null> - -Promise which resolves when element specified by xpath string is added to DOM. Resolves to `null` if waiting for `hidden: true` and xpath is not found in DOM. - -## Remarks - -The optional Argument `options` have properties: - -- `visible`: A boolean to wait for element to be present in DOM and to be visible, i.e. to not have `display: none` or `visibility: hidden` CSS properties. Defaults to `false`. - -- `hidden`: A boolean wait for element to not be found in the DOM or to be hidden, i.e. have `display: none` or `visibility: hidden` CSS properties. Defaults to `false`. - -- `timeout`: A number which is maximum time to wait for in milliseconds. Defaults to `30000` (30 seconds). Pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [Page.setDefaultTimeout()](./puppeteer.page.setdefaulttimeout.md) method. - +--- +sidebar_label: ElementHandle.waitForXPath +--- + +# ElementHandle.waitForXPath() method + +Wait for the `xpath` within the element. If at the moment of calling the method the `xpath` already exists, the method will return immediately. If the `xpath` doesn't appear after the `timeout` milliseconds of waiting, the function will throw. + +If `xpath` starts with `//` instead of `.//`, the dot will be appended automatically. + +This method works across navigation + +```ts +const puppeteer = require('puppeteer'); +(async () => { + const browser = await puppeteer.launch(); + const page = await browser.newPage(); + let currentURL; + page + .waitForXPath('//img') + .then(() => console.log('First URL with image: ' + currentURL)); + for (currentURL of [ + 'https://example.com', + 'https://google.com', + 'https://bbc.com', + ]) { + await page.goto(currentURL); + } + await browser.close(); +})(); +``` + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ElementHandle { + waitForXPath( + xpath: string, + options?: { + visible?: boolean; + hidden?: boolean; + timeout?: number; + } + ): Promise; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| xpath | string | A [xpath](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/XPath) of an element to wait for | +| options | { visible?: boolean; hidden?: boolean; timeout?: number; } | (Optional) Optional waiting parameters | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<[ElementHandle](./puppeteer.elementhandle.md) \| null> + +Promise which resolves when element specified by xpath string is added to DOM. Resolves to `null` if waiting for `hidden: true` and xpath is not found in DOM. + +## Remarks + +The optional Argument `options` have properties: + +- `visible`: A boolean to wait for element to be present in DOM and to be visible, i.e. to not have `display: none` or `visibility: hidden` CSS properties. Defaults to `false`. + +- `hidden`: A boolean wait for element to not be found in the DOM or to be hidden, i.e. have `display: none` or `visibility: hidden` CSS properties. Defaults to `false`. + +- `timeout`: A number which is maximum time to wait for in milliseconds. Defaults to `30000` (30 seconds). Pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [Page.setDefaultTimeout()](./puppeteer.page.setdefaulttimeout.md) method. diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.errorcode.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.errorcode.md index 61eecf5e..75f971cf 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.errorcode.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.errorcode.md @@ -1,11 +1,25 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ErrorCode ---- -# ErrorCode type - - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export declare type ErrorCode = 'aborted' | 'accessdenied' | 'addressunreachable' | 'blockedbyclient' | 'blockedbyresponse' | 'connectionaborted' | 'connectionclosed' | 'connectionfailed' | 'connectionrefused' | 'connectionreset' | 'internetdisconnected' | 'namenotresolved' | 'timedout' | 'failed'; -``` +--- +sidebar_label: ErrorCode +--- + +# ErrorCode type + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export declare type ErrorCode = + | 'aborted' + | 'accessdenied' + | 'addressunreachable' + | 'blockedbyclient' + | 'blockedbyresponse' + | 'connectionaborted' + | 'connectionclosed' + | 'connectionfailed' + | 'connectionrefused' + | 'connectionreset' + | 'internetdisconnected' + | 'namenotresolved' + | 'timedout' + | 'failed'; +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.errors.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.errors.md index 00534e67..81ddf054 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.errors.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.errors.md @@ -1,29 +1,29 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: errors ---- -# errors variable - -Puppeteer methods might throw errors if they are unable to fulfill a request. For example, `page.waitForSelector(selector[, options])` might fail if the selector doesn't match any nodes during the given timeframe. - -For certain types of errors Puppeteer uses specific error classes. These classes are available via `puppeteer.errors`. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -errors: PuppeteerErrors -``` - -## Example - -An example of handling a timeout error: - -```ts -try { - await page.waitForSelector('.foo'); -} catch (e) { - if (e instanceof puppeteer.errors.TimeoutError) { - // Do something if this is a timeout. - } -} -``` - +--- +sidebar_label: errors +--- + +# errors variable + +Puppeteer methods might throw errors if they are unable to fulfill a request. For example, `page.waitForSelector(selector[, options])` might fail if the selector doesn't match any nodes during the given timeframe. + +For certain types of errors Puppeteer uses specific error classes. These classes are available via `puppeteer.errors`. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +errors: PuppeteerErrors; +``` + +## Example + +An example of handling a timeout error: + +```ts +try { + await page.waitForSelector('.foo'); +} catch (e) { + if (e instanceof puppeteer.errors.TimeoutError) { + // Do something if this is a timeout. + } +} +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.evaluatefunc.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.evaluatefunc.md index 1c8076f5..da317d11 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.evaluatefunc.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.evaluatefunc.md @@ -1,13 +1,15 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: EvaluateFunc ---- -# EvaluateFunc type - - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export declare type EvaluateFunc = (...params: InnerParams) => Awaitable; -``` -**References:** [InnerParams](./puppeteer.innerparams.md), [Awaitable](./puppeteer.awaitable.md) - +--- +sidebar_label: EvaluateFunc +--- + +# EvaluateFunc type + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export declare type EvaluateFunc = ( + ...params: InnerParams +) => Awaitable; +``` + +**References:** [InnerParams](./puppeteer.innerparams.md), [Awaitable](./puppeteer.awaitable.md) diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.evaluation_script_url.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.evaluation_script_url.md index d8c6549c..f75599ef 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.evaluation_script_url.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.evaluation_script_url.md @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: EVALUATION_SCRIPT_URL ---- -# EVALUATION\_SCRIPT\_URL variable - - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -EVALUATION_SCRIPT_URL = "pptr://__puppeteer_evaluation_script__" -``` +--- +sidebar_label: EVALUATION_SCRIPT_URL +--- + +# EVALUATION_SCRIPT_URL variable + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +EVALUATION_SCRIPT_URL = 'pptr://__puppeteer_evaluation_script__'; +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.eventemitter.addlistener.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.eventemitter.addlistener.md index 9680508a..9674b9d7 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.eventemitter.addlistener.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.eventemitter.addlistener.md @@ -1,29 +1,30 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: EventEmitter.addListener ---- -# EventEmitter.addListener() method - -> Warning: This API is now obsolete. -> -> please use [EventEmitter.on()](./puppeteer.eventemitter.on.md) instead. -> - -Add an event listener. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class EventEmitter {addListener(event: EventType, handler: Handler): EventEmitter;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| event | [EventType](./puppeteer.eventtype.md) | | -| handler | [Handler](./puppeteer.handler.md) | | - -**Returns:** - -[EventEmitter](./puppeteer.eventemitter.md) - +--- +sidebar_label: EventEmitter.addListener +--- + +# EventEmitter.addListener() method + +> Warning: This API is now obsolete. +> +> please use [EventEmitter.on()](./puppeteer.eventemitter.on.md) instead. + +Add an event listener. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class EventEmitter { + addListener(event: EventType, handler: Handler): EventEmitter; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ------------------------------------- | ----------- | +| event | [EventType](./puppeteer.eventtype.md) | | +| handler | [Handler](./puppeteer.handler.md) | | + +**Returns:** + +[EventEmitter](./puppeteer.eventemitter.md) diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.eventemitter.emit.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.eventemitter.emit.md index 9cb5729e..591e731d 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.eventemitter.emit.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.eventemitter.emit.md @@ -1,26 +1,28 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: EventEmitter.emit ---- -# EventEmitter.emit() method - -Emit an event and call any associated listeners. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class EventEmitter {emit(event: EventType, eventData?: unknown): boolean;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| event | [EventType](./puppeteer.eventtype.md) | the event you'd like to emit | -| eventData | unknown | (Optional) any data you'd like to emit with the event | - -**Returns:** - -boolean - -`true` if there are any listeners, `false` if there are not. - +--- +sidebar_label: EventEmitter.emit +--- + +# EventEmitter.emit() method + +Emit an event and call any associated listeners. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class EventEmitter { + emit(event: EventType, eventData?: unknown): boolean; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | +| event | [EventType](./puppeteer.eventtype.md) | the event you'd like to emit | +| eventData | unknown | (Optional) any data you'd like to emit with the event | + +**Returns:** + +boolean + +`true` if there are any listeners, `false` if there are not. diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.eventemitter.listenercount.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.eventemitter.listenercount.md index ba4b4ff8..d8ee480d 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.eventemitter.listenercount.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.eventemitter.listenercount.md @@ -1,25 +1,27 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: EventEmitter.listenerCount ---- -# EventEmitter.listenerCount() method - -Gets the number of listeners for a given event. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class EventEmitter {listenerCount(event: EventType): number;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| event | [EventType](./puppeteer.eventtype.md) | the event to get the listener count for | - -**Returns:** - -number - -the number of listeners bound to the given event - +--- +sidebar_label: EventEmitter.listenerCount +--- + +# EventEmitter.listenerCount() method + +Gets the number of listeners for a given event. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class EventEmitter { + listenerCount(event: EventType): number; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------- | +| event | [EventType](./puppeteer.eventtype.md) | the event to get the listener count for | + +**Returns:** + +number + +the number of listeners bound to the given event diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.eventemitter.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.eventemitter.md index 0e6413a2..86ec0748 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.eventemitter.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.eventemitter.md @@ -1,33 +1,34 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: EventEmitter ---- -# EventEmitter class - -The EventEmitter class that many Puppeteer classes extend. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export declare class EventEmitter implements CommonEventEmitter -``` -**Implements:** [CommonEventEmitter](./puppeteer.commoneventemitter.md) - -## Remarks - -This allows you to listen to events that Puppeteer classes fire and act accordingly. Therefore you'll mostly use [on](./puppeteer.eventemitter.on.md) and [off](./puppeteer.eventemitter.off.md) to bind and unbind to event listeners. - -The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `EventEmitter` class. - -## Methods - -| Method | Modifiers | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| [addListener(event, handler)](./puppeteer.eventemitter.addlistener.md) | | Add an event listener. | -| [emit(event, eventData)](./puppeteer.eventemitter.emit.md) | | Emit an event and call any associated listeners. | -| [listenerCount(event)](./puppeteer.eventemitter.listenercount.md) | | Gets the number of listeners for a given event. | -| [off(event, handler)](./puppeteer.eventemitter.off.md) | | Remove an event listener from firing. | -| [on(event, handler)](./puppeteer.eventemitter.on.md) | | Bind an event listener to fire when an event occurs. | -| [once(event, handler)](./puppeteer.eventemitter.once.md) | | Like on but the listener will only be fired once and then it will be removed. | -| [removeAllListeners(event)](./puppeteer.eventemitter.removealllisteners.md) | | Removes all listeners. If given an event argument, it will remove only listeners for that event. | -| [removeListener(event, handler)](./puppeteer.eventemitter.removelistener.md) | | Remove an event listener. | - +--- +sidebar_label: EventEmitter +--- + +# EventEmitter class + +The EventEmitter class that many Puppeteer classes extend. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export declare class EventEmitter implements CommonEventEmitter +``` + +**Implements:** [CommonEventEmitter](./puppeteer.commoneventemitter.md) + +## Remarks + +This allows you to listen to events that Puppeteer classes fire and act accordingly. Therefore you'll mostly use [on](./puppeteer.eventemitter.on.md) and [off](./puppeteer.eventemitter.off.md) to bind and unbind to event listeners. + +The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `EventEmitter` class. + +## Methods + +| Method | Modifiers | Description | +| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| [addListener(event, handler)](./puppeteer.eventemitter.addlistener.md) | | Add an event listener. | +| [emit(event, eventData)](./puppeteer.eventemitter.emit.md) | | Emit an event and call any associated listeners. | +| [listenerCount(event)](./puppeteer.eventemitter.listenercount.md) | | Gets the number of listeners for a given event. | +| [off(event, handler)](./puppeteer.eventemitter.off.md) | | Remove an event listener from firing. | +| [on(event, handler)](./puppeteer.eventemitter.on.md) | | Bind an event listener to fire when an event occurs. | +| [once(event, handler)](./puppeteer.eventemitter.once.md) | | Like on but the listener will only be fired once and then it will be removed. | +| [removeAllListeners(event)](./puppeteer.eventemitter.removealllisteners.md) | | Removes all listeners. If given an event argument, it will remove only listeners for that event. | +| [removeListener(event, handler)](./puppeteer.eventemitter.removelistener.md) | | Remove an event listener. | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.eventemitter.off.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.eventemitter.off.md index 000873a8..c6f20dcd 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.eventemitter.off.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.eventemitter.off.md @@ -1,26 +1,28 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: EventEmitter.off ---- -# EventEmitter.off() method - -Remove an event listener from firing. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class EventEmitter {off(event: EventType, handler: Handler): EventEmitter;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| event | [EventType](./puppeteer.eventtype.md) | the event type you'd like to stop listening to. | -| handler | [Handler](./puppeteer.handler.md) | the function that should be removed. | - -**Returns:** - -[EventEmitter](./puppeteer.eventemitter.md) - -`this` to enable you to chain method calls. - +--- +sidebar_label: EventEmitter.off +--- + +# EventEmitter.off() method + +Remove an event listener from firing. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class EventEmitter { + off(event: EventType, handler: Handler): EventEmitter; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- | +| event | [EventType](./puppeteer.eventtype.md) | the event type you'd like to stop listening to. | +| handler | [Handler](./puppeteer.handler.md) | the function that should be removed. | + +**Returns:** + +[EventEmitter](./puppeteer.eventemitter.md) + +`this` to enable you to chain method calls. diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.eventemitter.on.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.eventemitter.on.md index 49c423d8..e74533b1 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.eventemitter.on.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.eventemitter.on.md @@ -1,26 +1,28 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: EventEmitter.on ---- -# EventEmitter.on() method - -Bind an event listener to fire when an event occurs. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class EventEmitter {on(event: EventType, handler: Handler): EventEmitter;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| event | [EventType](./puppeteer.eventtype.md) | the event type you'd like to listen to. Can be a string or symbol. | -| handler | [Handler](./puppeteer.handler.md) | the function to be called when the event occurs. | - -**Returns:** - -[EventEmitter](./puppeteer.eventemitter.md) - -`this` to enable you to chain method calls. - +--- +sidebar_label: EventEmitter.on +--- + +# EventEmitter.on() method + +Bind an event listener to fire when an event occurs. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class EventEmitter { + on(event: EventType, handler: Handler): EventEmitter; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| event | [EventType](./puppeteer.eventtype.md) | the event type you'd like to listen to. Can be a string or symbol. | +| handler | [Handler](./puppeteer.handler.md) | the function to be called when the event occurs. | + +**Returns:** + +[EventEmitter](./puppeteer.eventemitter.md) + +`this` to enable you to chain method calls. diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.eventemitter.once.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.eventemitter.once.md index b017ba88..3334d197 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.eventemitter.once.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.eventemitter.once.md @@ -1,26 +1,28 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: EventEmitter.once ---- -# EventEmitter.once() method - -Like `on` but the listener will only be fired once and then it will be removed. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class EventEmitter {once(event: EventType, handler: Handler): EventEmitter;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| event | [EventType](./puppeteer.eventtype.md) | the event you'd like to listen to | -| handler | [Handler](./puppeteer.handler.md) | the handler function to run when the event occurs | - -**Returns:** - -[EventEmitter](./puppeteer.eventemitter.md) - -`this` to enable you to chain method calls. - +--- +sidebar_label: EventEmitter.once +--- + +# EventEmitter.once() method + +Like `on` but the listener will only be fired once and then it will be removed. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class EventEmitter { + once(event: EventType, handler: Handler): EventEmitter; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- | +| event | [EventType](./puppeteer.eventtype.md) | the event you'd like to listen to | +| handler | [Handler](./puppeteer.handler.md) | the handler function to run when the event occurs | + +**Returns:** + +[EventEmitter](./puppeteer.eventemitter.md) + +`this` to enable you to chain method calls. diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.eventemitter.removealllisteners.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.eventemitter.removealllisteners.md index f922d9d0..bccda48d 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.eventemitter.removealllisteners.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.eventemitter.removealllisteners.md @@ -1,25 +1,27 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: EventEmitter.removeAllListeners ---- -# EventEmitter.removeAllListeners() method - -Removes all listeners. If given an event argument, it will remove only listeners for that event. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class EventEmitter {removeAllListeners(event?: EventType): EventEmitter;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| event | [EventType](./puppeteer.eventtype.md) | (Optional) the event to remove listeners for. | - -**Returns:** - -[EventEmitter](./puppeteer.eventemitter.md) - -`this` to enable you to chain method calls. - +--- +sidebar_label: EventEmitter.removeAllListeners +--- + +# EventEmitter.removeAllListeners() method + +Removes all listeners. If given an event argument, it will remove only listeners for that event. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class EventEmitter { + removeAllListeners(event?: EventType): EventEmitter; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | +| event | [EventType](./puppeteer.eventtype.md) | (Optional) the event to remove listeners for. | + +**Returns:** + +[EventEmitter](./puppeteer.eventemitter.md) + +`this` to enable you to chain method calls. diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.eventemitter.removelistener.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.eventemitter.removelistener.md index 7b69d527..33d797f3 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.eventemitter.removelistener.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.eventemitter.removelistener.md @@ -1,29 +1,30 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: EventEmitter.removeListener ---- -# EventEmitter.removeListener() method - -> Warning: This API is now obsolete. -> -> please use [EventEmitter.off()](./puppeteer.eventemitter.off.md) instead. -> - -Remove an event listener. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class EventEmitter {removeListener(event: EventType, handler: Handler): EventEmitter;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| event | [EventType](./puppeteer.eventtype.md) | | -| handler | [Handler](./puppeteer.handler.md) | | - -**Returns:** - -[EventEmitter](./puppeteer.eventemitter.md) - +--- +sidebar_label: EventEmitter.removeListener +--- + +# EventEmitter.removeListener() method + +> Warning: This API is now obsolete. +> +> please use [EventEmitter.off()](./puppeteer.eventemitter.off.md) instead. + +Remove an event listener. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class EventEmitter { + removeListener(event: EventType, handler: Handler): EventEmitter; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ------------------------------------- | ----------- | +| event | [EventType](./puppeteer.eventtype.md) | | +| handler | [Handler](./puppeteer.handler.md) | | + +**Returns:** + +[EventEmitter](./puppeteer.eventemitter.md) diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.eventtype.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.eventtype.md index f574742d..f60bc202 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.eventtype.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.eventtype.md @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: EventType ---- -# EventType type - - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export declare type EventType = string | symbol; -``` +--- +sidebar_label: EventType +--- + +# EventType type + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export declare type EventType = string | symbol; +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.executablepath.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.executablepath.md index bbbc88f7..44cc2c6c 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.executablepath.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.executablepath.md @@ -1,10 +1,11 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: executablePath ---- -# executablePath variable - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -executablePath: (channel?: string | undefined) => string -``` +--- +sidebar_label: executablePath +--- + +# executablePath variable + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +executablePath: (channel?: string | undefined) => string; +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.executioncontext.evaluate.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.executioncontext.evaluate.md index 61a9d19c..3c7abd30 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.executioncontext.evaluate.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.executioncontext.evaluate.md @@ -1,60 +1,67 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ExecutionContext.evaluate ---- -# ExecutionContext.evaluate() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class ExecutionContext {evaluate = EvaluateFunc>(pageFunction: Func | string, ...args: Params): Promise>>;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| pageFunction | Func \| string | a function to be evaluated in the executionContext | -| args | Params | argument to pass to the page function | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<Func>>> - -A promise that resolves to the return value of the given function. - -## Remarks - -If the function passed to the `executionContext.evaluate` returns a Promise, then `executionContext.evaluate` would wait for the promise to resolve and return its value. If the function passed to the `executionContext.evaluate` returns a non-serializable value, then `executionContext.evaluate` resolves to `undefined`. DevTools Protocol also supports transferring some additional values that are not serializable by `JSON`: `-0`, `NaN`, `Infinity`, `-Infinity`, and bigint literals. - -## Example 1 - - -```ts -const executionContext = await page.mainFrame().executionContext(); -const result = await executionContext.evaluate(() => Promise.resolve(8 * 7))* ; -console.log(result); // prints "56" -``` - -## Example 2 - -A string can also be passed in instead of a function. - -```ts -console.log(await executionContext.evaluate('1 + 2')); // prints "3" -``` - -## Example 3 - -[JSHandle](./puppeteer.jshandle.md) instances can be passed as arguments to the `executionContext.* evaluate`: - -```ts -const oneHandle = await executionContext.evaluateHandle(() => 1); -const twoHandle = await executionContext.evaluateHandle(() => 2); -const result = await executionContext.evaluate( - (a, b) => a + b, oneHandle, * twoHandle -); -await oneHandle.dispose(); -await twoHandle.dispose(); -console.log(result); // prints '3'. -``` - +--- +sidebar_label: ExecutionContext.evaluate +--- + +# ExecutionContext.evaluate() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ExecutionContext { + evaluate< + Params extends unknown[], + Func extends EvaluateFunc = EvaluateFunc + >( + pageFunction: Func | string, + ...args: Params + ): Promise>>; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| ------------ | -------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- | +| pageFunction | Func \| string | a function to be evaluated in the executionContext | +| args | Params | argument to pass to the page function | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<Func>>> + +A promise that resolves to the return value of the given function. + +## Remarks + +If the function passed to the `executionContext.evaluate` returns a Promise, then `executionContext.evaluate` would wait for the promise to resolve and return its value. If the function passed to the `executionContext.evaluate` returns a non-serializable value, then `executionContext.evaluate` resolves to `undefined`. DevTools Protocol also supports transferring some additional values that are not serializable by `JSON`: `-0`, `NaN`, `Infinity`, `-Infinity`, and bigint literals. + +## Example 1 + +```ts +const executionContext = await page.mainFrame().executionContext(); +const result = await executionContext.evaluate(() => Promise.resolve(8 * 7))* ; +console.log(result); // prints "56" +``` + +## Example 2 + +A string can also be passed in instead of a function. + +```ts +console.log(await executionContext.evaluate('1 + 2')); // prints "3" +``` + +## Example 3 + +[JSHandle](./puppeteer.jshandle.md) instances can be passed as arguments to the `executionContext.* evaluate`: + +```ts +const oneHandle = await executionContext.evaluateHandle(() => 1); +const twoHandle = await executionContext.evaluateHandle(() => 2); +const result = await executionContext.evaluate( + (a, b) => a + b, oneHandle, * twoHandle +); +await oneHandle.dispose(); +await twoHandle.dispose(); +console.log(result); // prints '3'. +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.executioncontext.evaluatehandle.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.executioncontext.evaluatehandle.md index 870f4693..103b8d7e 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.executioncontext.evaluatehandle.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.executioncontext.evaluatehandle.md @@ -1,58 +1,65 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ExecutionContext.evaluateHandle ---- -# ExecutionContext.evaluateHandle() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class ExecutionContext {evaluateHandle = EvaluateFunc>(pageFunction: Func | string, ...args: Params): Promise>>>;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| pageFunction | Func \| string | a function to be evaluated in the executionContext | -| args | Params | argument to pass to the page function | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<[HandleFor](./puppeteer.handlefor.md)<Awaited<ReturnType<Func>>>> - -A promise that resolves to the return value of the given function as an in-page object (a [JSHandle](./puppeteer.jshandle.md)). - -## Remarks - -The only difference between `executionContext.evaluate` and `executionContext.evaluateHandle` is that `executionContext.evaluateHandle` returns an in-page object (a [JSHandle](./puppeteer.jshandle.md)). If the function passed to the `executionContext.evaluateHandle` returns a Promise, then `executionContext.evaluateHandle` would wait for the promise to resolve and return its value. - -## Example 1 - - -```ts -const context = await page.mainFrame().executionContext(); -const aHandle = await context.evaluateHandle(() => Promise.resolve(self)); -aHandle; // Handle for the global object. -``` - -## Example 2 - -A string can also be passed in instead of a function. - -```ts -// Handle for the '3' * object. -const aHandle = await context.evaluateHandle('1 + 2'); -``` - -## Example 3 - -JSHandle instances can be passed as arguments to the `executionContext.* evaluateHandle`: - -```ts -const aHandle = await context.evaluateHandle(() => document.body); -const resultHandle = await context.evaluateHandle(body => body.innerHTML, * aHandle); -console.log(await resultHandle.jsonValue()); // prints body's innerHTML -await aHandle.dispose(); -await resultHandle.dispose(); -``` - +--- +sidebar_label: ExecutionContext.evaluateHandle +--- + +# ExecutionContext.evaluateHandle() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ExecutionContext { + evaluateHandle< + Params extends unknown[], + Func extends EvaluateFunc = EvaluateFunc + >( + pageFunction: Func | string, + ...args: Params + ): Promise>>>; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| ------------ | -------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- | +| pageFunction | Func \| string | a function to be evaluated in the executionContext | +| args | Params | argument to pass to the page function | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<[HandleFor](./puppeteer.handlefor.md)<Awaited<ReturnType<Func>>>> + +A promise that resolves to the return value of the given function as an in-page object (a [JSHandle](./puppeteer.jshandle.md)). + +## Remarks + +The only difference between `executionContext.evaluate` and `executionContext.evaluateHandle` is that `executionContext.evaluateHandle` returns an in-page object (a [JSHandle](./puppeteer.jshandle.md)). If the function passed to the `executionContext.evaluateHandle` returns a Promise, then `executionContext.evaluateHandle` would wait for the promise to resolve and return its value. + +## Example 1 + +```ts +const context = await page.mainFrame().executionContext(); +const aHandle = await context.evaluateHandle(() => Promise.resolve(self)); +aHandle; // Handle for the global object. +``` + +## Example 2 + +A string can also be passed in instead of a function. + +```ts +// Handle for the '3' * object. +const aHandle = await context.evaluateHandle('1 + 2'); +``` + +## Example 3 + +JSHandle instances can be passed as arguments to the `executionContext.* evaluateHandle`: + +```ts +const aHandle = await context.evaluateHandle(() => document.body); +const resultHandle = await context.evaluateHandle(body => body.innerHTML, * aHandle); +console.log(await resultHandle.jsonValue()); // prints body's innerHTML +await aHandle.dispose(); +await resultHandle.dispose(); +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.executioncontext.frame.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.executioncontext.frame.md index 7b691b19..feef9b8d 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.executioncontext.frame.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.executioncontext.frame.md @@ -1,20 +1,23 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ExecutionContext.frame ---- -# ExecutionContext.frame() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class ExecutionContext {frame(): Frame | null;} -``` -**Returns:** - -[Frame](./puppeteer.frame.md) \| null - -The frame associated with this execution context. - -## Remarks - -Not every execution context is associated with a frame. For example, workers and extensions have execution contexts that are not associated with frames. - +--- +sidebar_label: ExecutionContext.frame +--- + +# ExecutionContext.frame() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ExecutionContext { + frame(): Frame | null; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +[Frame](./puppeteer.frame.md) \| null + +The frame associated with this execution context. + +## Remarks + +Not every execution context is associated with a frame. For example, workers and extensions have execution contexts that are not associated with frames. diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.executioncontext.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.executioncontext.md index b5eb0ba1..a0e5999b 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.executioncontext.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.executioncontext.md @@ -1,28 +1,28 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ExecutionContext ---- -# ExecutionContext class - -This class represents a context for JavaScript execution. A \[Page\] might have many execution contexts: - each [frame](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/iframe) has "default" execution context that is always created after frame is attached to DOM. This context is returned by the [Frame.executionContext()](./puppeteer.frame.executioncontext.md) method. - [Extension](https://developer.chrome.com/extensions)'s content scripts create additional execution contexts. - -Besides pages, execution contexts can be found in [workers](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API). - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export declare class ExecutionContext -``` - -## Remarks - -The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `ExecutionContext` class. - -## Methods - -| Method | Modifiers | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| [evaluate(pageFunction, args)](./puppeteer.executioncontext.evaluate.md) | | | -| [evaluateHandle(pageFunction, args)](./puppeteer.executioncontext.evaluatehandle.md) | | | -| [frame()](./puppeteer.executioncontext.frame.md) | | | -| [queryObjects(prototypeHandle)](./puppeteer.executioncontext.queryobjects.md) | | This method iterates the JavaScript heap and finds all the objects with the given prototype. | - +--- +sidebar_label: ExecutionContext +--- + +# ExecutionContext class + +This class represents a context for JavaScript execution. A \[Page\] might have many execution contexts: - each [frame](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/iframe) has "default" execution context that is always created after frame is attached to DOM. This context is returned by the [Frame.executionContext()](./puppeteer.frame.executioncontext.md) method. - [Extension](https://developer.chrome.com/extensions)'s content scripts create additional execution contexts. + +Besides pages, execution contexts can be found in [workers](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API). + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export declare class ExecutionContext +``` + +## Remarks + +The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `ExecutionContext` class. + +## Methods + +| Method | Modifiers | Description | +| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | --------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| [evaluate(pageFunction, args)](./puppeteer.executioncontext.evaluate.md) | | | +| [evaluateHandle(pageFunction, args)](./puppeteer.executioncontext.evaluatehandle.md) | | | +| [frame()](./puppeteer.executioncontext.frame.md) | | | +| [queryObjects(prototypeHandle)](./puppeteer.executioncontext.queryobjects.md) | | This method iterates the JavaScript heap and finds all the objects with the given prototype. | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.executioncontext.queryobjects.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.executioncontext.queryobjects.md index 9e21ed52..400fdb41 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.executioncontext.queryobjects.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.executioncontext.queryobjects.md @@ -1,44 +1,46 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: ExecutionContext.queryObjects ---- -# ExecutionContext.queryObjects() method - -This method iterates the JavaScript heap and finds all the objects with the given prototype. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class ExecutionContext {queryObjects(prototypeHandle: JSHandle): Promise>;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| prototypeHandle | [JSHandle](./puppeteer.jshandle.md)<Prototype> | a handle to the object prototype | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<[HandleFor](./puppeteer.handlefor.md)<Prototype\[\]>> - -A handle to an array of objects with the given prototype. - -## Remarks - - -## Example - - -```ts -// Create a Map object -await page.evaluate(() => window.map = new Map()); -// Get a handle to the Map object prototype -const mapPrototype = await page.evaluateHandle(() => Map.prototype); -// Query all map instances into an array -const mapInstances = await page.queryObjects(mapPrototype); -// Count amount of map objects in heap -const count = await page.evaluate(maps => maps.length, mapInstances); -await mapInstances.dispose(); -await mapPrototype.dispose(); -``` - +--- +sidebar_label: ExecutionContext.queryObjects +--- + +# ExecutionContext.queryObjects() method + +This method iterates the JavaScript heap and finds all the objects with the given prototype. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class ExecutionContext { + queryObjects( + prototypeHandle: JSHandle + ): Promise>; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------- | +| prototypeHandle | [JSHandle](./puppeteer.jshandle.md)<Prototype> | a handle to the object prototype | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<[HandleFor](./puppeteer.handlefor.md)<Prototype\[\]>> + +A handle to an array of objects with the given prototype. + +## Remarks + +## Example + +```ts +// Create a Map object +await page.evaluate(() => (window.map = new Map())); +// Get a handle to the Map object prototype +const mapPrototype = await page.evaluateHandle(() => Map.prototype); +// Query all map instances into an array +const mapInstances = await page.queryObjects(mapPrototype); +// Count amount of map objects in heap +const count = await page.evaluate(maps => maps.length, mapInstances); +await mapInstances.dispose(); +await mapPrototype.dispose(); +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.filechooser.accept.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.filechooser.accept.md index 8ffdf419..e1dfca40 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.filechooser.accept.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.filechooser.accept.md @@ -1,23 +1,25 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: FileChooser.accept ---- -# FileChooser.accept() method - -Accept the file chooser request with given paths. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class FileChooser {accept(filePaths: string[]): Promise;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| filePaths | string\[\] | If some of the filePaths are relative paths, then they are resolved relative to the [current working directory](https://nodejs.org/api/process.html#process_process_cwd). | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<void> - +--- +sidebar_label: FileChooser.accept +--- + +# FileChooser.accept() method + +Accept the file chooser request with given paths. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class FileChooser { + accept(filePaths: string[]): Promise; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ---------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| filePaths | string\[\] | If some of the filePaths are relative paths, then they are resolved relative to the [current working directory](https://nodejs.org/api/process.html#process_process_cwd). | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<void> diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.filechooser.cancel.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.filechooser.cancel.md index 5031a8e3..64065b42 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.filechooser.cancel.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.filechooser.cancel.md @@ -1,16 +1,19 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: FileChooser.cancel ---- -# FileChooser.cancel() method - -Closes the file chooser without selecting any files. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class FileChooser {cancel(): void;} -``` -**Returns:** - -void - +--- +sidebar_label: FileChooser.cancel +--- + +# FileChooser.cancel() method + +Closes the file chooser without selecting any files. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class FileChooser { + cancel(): void; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +void diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.filechooser.ismultiple.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.filechooser.ismultiple.md index 48dc6486..0f4735cb 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.filechooser.ismultiple.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.filechooser.ismultiple.md @@ -1,16 +1,19 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: FileChooser.isMultiple ---- -# FileChooser.isMultiple() method - -Whether file chooser allow for [multiple](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/file#attr-multiple) file selection. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class FileChooser {isMultiple(): boolean;} -``` -**Returns:** - -boolean - +--- +sidebar_label: FileChooser.isMultiple +--- + +# FileChooser.isMultiple() method + +Whether file chooser allow for [multiple](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/file#attr-multiple) file selection. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class FileChooser { + isMultiple(): boolean; +} +``` + +**Returns:** + +boolean diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.filechooser.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.filechooser.md index ae369404..8eaae182 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.filechooser.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.filechooser.md @@ -1,40 +1,41 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: FileChooser ---- -# FileChooser class - -File choosers let you react to the page requesting for a file. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export declare class FileChooser -``` - -## Remarks - -`FileChooser` objects are returned via the `page.waitForFileChooser` method. - -The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `FileChooser` class. - -## Example - -An example of using `FileChooser`: - -```ts -const [fileChooser] = await Promise.all([ - page.waitForFileChooser(), - page.click('#upload-file-button'), // some button that triggers file selection -]); -await fileChooser.accept(['/tmp/myfile.pdf']); -``` -\*\*NOTE\*\* In browsers, only one file chooser can be opened at a time. All file choosers must be accepted or canceled. Not doing so will prevent subsequent file choosers from appearing. - -## Methods - -| Method | Modifiers | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| [accept(filePaths)](./puppeteer.filechooser.accept.md) | | Accept the file chooser request with given paths. | -| [cancel()](./puppeteer.filechooser.cancel.md) | | Closes the file chooser without selecting any files. | -| [isMultiple()](./puppeteer.filechooser.ismultiple.md) | | Whether file chooser allow for [multiple](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/file#attr-multiple) file selection. | - +--- +sidebar_label: FileChooser +--- + +# FileChooser class + +File choosers let you react to the page requesting for a file. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export declare class FileChooser +``` + +## Remarks + +`FileChooser` objects are returned via the `page.waitForFileChooser` method. + +The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `FileChooser` class. + +## Example + +An example of using `FileChooser`: + +```ts +const [fileChooser] = await Promise.all([ + page.waitForFileChooser(), + page.click('#upload-file-button'), // some button that triggers file selection +]); +await fileChooser.accept(['/tmp/myfile.pdf']); +``` + +\*\*NOTE\*\* In browsers, only one file chooser can be opened at a time. All file choosers must be accepted or canceled. Not doing so will prevent subsequent file choosers from appearing. + +## Methods + +| Method | Modifiers | Description | +| ------------------------------------------------------ | --------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| [accept(filePaths)](./puppeteer.filechooser.accept.md) | | Accept the file chooser request with given paths. | +| [cancel()](./puppeteer.filechooser.cancel.md) | | Closes the file chooser without selecting any files. | +| [isMultiple()](./puppeteer.filechooser.ismultiple.md) | | Whether file chooser allow for [multiple](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/file#attr-multiple) file selection. | diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.flattenhandle.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.flattenhandle.md index b6dee6b2..227749ea 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.flattenhandle.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.flattenhandle.md @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: FlattenHandle ---- -# FlattenHandle type - - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -export declare type FlattenHandle = T extends HandleOr ? U : never; -``` -**References:** [HandleOr](./puppeteer.handleor.md) - +--- +sidebar_label: FlattenHandle +--- + +# FlattenHandle type + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +export declare type FlattenHandle = T extends HandleOr ? U : never; +``` + +**References:** [HandleOr](./puppeteer.handleor.md) diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.frame._.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.frame._.md index 1245eed9..034456d3 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.frame._.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.frame._.md @@ -1,25 +1,29 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Frame.$ ---- -# Frame.$() method - -This method queries the frame for the given selector. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Frame {$(selector: Selector): Promise | null>;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| selector | Selector | a selector to query for. | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<[ElementHandle](./puppeteer.elementhandle.md)<HTMLElementTagNameMap\[Selector\]> \| null> - -A promise which resolves to an `ElementHandle` pointing at the element, or `null` if it was not found. - +--- +sidebar_label: Frame.$ +--- + +# Frame.$() method + +This method queries the frame for the given selector. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Frame { + $( + selector: Selector + ): Promise | null>; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | -------- | ------------------------ | +| selector | Selector | a selector to query for. | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<[ElementHandle](./puppeteer.elementhandle.md)<HTMLElementTagNameMap\[Selector\]> \| null> + +A promise which resolves to an `ElementHandle` pointing at the element, or `null` if it was not found. diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.frame.__.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.frame.__.md index 5e825ce7..c02c5bbf 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.frame.__.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.frame.__.md @@ -1,25 +1,29 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Frame.$$ ---- -# Frame.$$() method - -This runs `document.querySelectorAll` in the frame and returns the result. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Frame {$$(selector: Selector): Promise[]>;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| selector | Selector | a selector to search for | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<[ElementHandle](./puppeteer.elementhandle.md)<HTMLElementTagNameMap\[Selector\]>\[\]> - -An array of element handles pointing to the found frame elements. - +--- +sidebar_label: Frame.$$ +--- + +# Frame.$$() method + +This runs `document.querySelectorAll` in the frame and returns the result. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Frame { + $$( + selector: Selector + ): Promise[]>; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | -------- | ------------------------ | +| selector | Selector | a selector to search for | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<[ElementHandle](./puppeteer.elementhandle.md)<HTMLElementTagNameMap\[Selector\]>\[\]> + +An array of element handles pointing to the found frame elements. diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.frame.__1.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.frame.__1.md index 0e62dea6..48ce3de5 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.frame.__1.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.frame.__1.md @@ -1,21 +1,23 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Frame.$_1 ---- -# Frame.$() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Frame {$(selector: string): Promise;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| selector | string | | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<[ElementHandle](./puppeteer.elementhandle.md) \| null> - +--- +sidebar_label: Frame.$_1 +--- + +# Frame.$() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Frame { + $(selector: string): Promise; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ------ | ----------- | +| selector | string | | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<[ElementHandle](./puppeteer.elementhandle.md) \| null> diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.frame.___1.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.frame.___1.md index af1b90b4..d148e9d0 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.frame.___1.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.frame.___1.md @@ -1,21 +1,23 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Frame.$$_1 ---- -# Frame.$$() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Frame {$$(selector: string): Promise;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| selector | string | | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<[ElementHandle](./puppeteer.elementhandle.md)\[\]> - +--- +sidebar_label: Frame.$$_1 +--- + +# Frame.$$() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Frame { + $$(selector: string): Promise; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --------- | ------ | ----------- | +| selector | string | | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<[ElementHandle](./puppeteer.elementhandle.md)\[\]> diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.frame.__eval.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.frame.__eval.md index 7d2e1265..8825657c 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.frame.__eval.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.frame.__eval.md @@ -1,39 +1,47 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Frame.$$eval ---- -# Frame.$$eval() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Frame {$$eval = EvaluateFunc<[HTMLElementTagNameMap[Selector][], ...Params]>>(selector: Selector, pageFunction: Func | string, ...args: Params): Promise>>;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| selector | Selector | the selector to query for | -| pageFunction | Func \| string | the function to be evaluated in the frame's context | -| args | Params | additional arguments to pass to pageFunction | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<Func>>> - -## Remarks - -This method runs `Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selector))` within the frame and passes it as the first argument to `pageFunction`. - -If `pageFunction` returns a Promise, then `frame.$$eval` would wait for the promise to resolve and return its value. - -## Example - - -```ts -const divsCounts = await frame.$$eval('div', divs => divs.length); -``` - +--- +sidebar_label: Frame.$$eval +--- + +# Frame.$$eval() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Frame { + $$eval< + Selector extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap, + Params extends unknown[], + Func extends EvaluateFunc< + [HTMLElementTagNameMap[Selector][], ...Params] + > = EvaluateFunc<[HTMLElementTagNameMap[Selector][], ...Params]> + >( + selector: Selector, + pageFunction: Func | string, + ...args: Params + ): Promise>>; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| ------------ | -------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- | +| selector | Selector | the selector to query for | +| pageFunction | Func \| string | the function to be evaluated in the frame's context | +| args | Params | additional arguments to pass to pageFunction | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<Func>>> + +## Remarks + +This method runs `Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selector))` within the frame and passes it as the first argument to `pageFunction`. + +If `pageFunction` returns a Promise, then `frame.$$eval` would wait for the promise to resolve and return its value. + +## Example + +```ts +const divsCounts = await frame.$$eval('div', divs => divs.length); +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.frame.__eval_1.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.frame.__eval_1.md index 8c60c9de..fd02722c 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.frame.__eval_1.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.frame.__eval_1.md @@ -1,26 +1,34 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Frame.$$eval_1 ---- -# Frame.$$eval() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Frame {$$eval = EvaluateFunc<[ - Element[], - ...Params - ]>>(selector: string, pageFunction: Func | string, ...args: Params): Promise>>;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| selector | string | | -| pageFunction | Func \| string | | -| args | Params | | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<Func>>> - +--- +sidebar_label: Frame.$$eval_1 +--- + +# Frame.$$eval() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Frame { + $$eval< + Params extends unknown[], + Func extends EvaluateFunc<[Element[], ...Params]> = EvaluateFunc< + [Element[], ...Params] + > + >( + selector: string, + pageFunction: Func | string, + ...args: Params + ): Promise>>; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| ------------ | -------------- | ----------- | +| selector | string | | +| pageFunction | Func \| string | | +| args | Params | | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<Func>>> diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.frame._eval.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.frame._eval.md index 4b0ebb79..ccaf91df 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.frame._eval.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.frame._eval.md @@ -1,39 +1,47 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Frame.$eval ---- -# Frame.$eval() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Frame {$eval = EvaluateFunc<[HTMLElementTagNameMap[Selector], ...Params]>>(selector: Selector, pageFunction: Func | string, ...args: Params): Promise>>;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| selector | Selector | the selector to query for | -| pageFunction | Func \| string | the function to be evaluated in the frame's context | -| args | Params | additional arguments to pass to pageFunction | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<Func>>> - -## Remarks - -This method runs `document.querySelector` within the frame and passes it as the first argument to `pageFunction`. - -If `pageFunction` returns a Promise, then `frame.$eval` would wait for the promise to resolve and return its value. - -## Example - - -```ts -const searchValue = await frame.$eval('#search', el => el.value); -``` - +--- +sidebar_label: Frame.$eval +--- + +# Frame.$eval() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Frame { + $eval< + Selector extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap, + Params extends unknown[], + Func extends EvaluateFunc< + [HTMLElementTagNameMap[Selector], ...Params] + > = EvaluateFunc<[HTMLElementTagNameMap[Selector], ...Params]> + >( + selector: Selector, + pageFunction: Func | string, + ...args: Params + ): Promise>>; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| ------------ | -------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- | +| selector | Selector | the selector to query for | +| pageFunction | Func \| string | the function to be evaluated in the frame's context | +| args | Params | additional arguments to pass to pageFunction | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<Func>>> + +## Remarks + +This method runs `document.querySelector` within the frame and passes it as the first argument to `pageFunction`. + +If `pageFunction` returns a Promise, then `frame.$eval` would wait for the promise to resolve and return its value. + +## Example + +```ts +const searchValue = await frame.$eval('#search', el => el.value); +``` diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.frame._eval_1.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.frame._eval_1.md index 2e19e201..9e149a07 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.frame._eval_1.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.frame._eval_1.md @@ -1,26 +1,34 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Frame.$eval_1 ---- -# Frame.$eval() method - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Frame {$eval = EvaluateFunc<[ - Element, - ...Params - ]>>(selector: string, pageFunction: Func | string, ...args: Params): Promise>>;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| selector | string | | -| pageFunction | Func \| string | | -| args | Params | | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<Func>>> - +--- +sidebar_label: Frame.$eval_1 +--- + +# Frame.$eval() method + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Frame { + $eval< + Params extends unknown[], + Func extends EvaluateFunc<[Element, ...Params]> = EvaluateFunc< + [Element, ...Params] + > + >( + selector: string, + pageFunction: Func | string, + ...args: Params + ): Promise>>; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| ------------ | -------------- | ----------- | +| selector | string | | +| pageFunction | Func \| string | | +| args | Params | | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<Func>>> diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.frame._x.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.frame._x.md index 272511be..edb13f7c 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.frame._x.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.frame._x.md @@ -1,23 +1,25 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Frame.$x ---- -# Frame.$x() method - -This method evaluates the given XPath expression and returns the results. - -**Signature:** - -```typescript -class Frame {$x(expression: string): Promise;} -``` - -## Parameters - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| expression | string | the XPath expression to evaluate. | - -**Returns:** - -Promise<[ElementHandle](./puppeteer.elementhandle.md)\[\]> - +--- +sidebar_label: Frame.$x +--- + +# Frame.$x() method + +This method evaluates the given XPath expression and returns the results. + +**Signature:** + +```typescript +class Frame { + $x(expression: string): Promise; +} +``` + +## Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| ---------- | ------ | --------------------------------- | +| expression | string | the XPath expression to evaluate. | + +**Returns:** + +Promise<[ElementHandle](./puppeteer.elementhandle.md)\[\]> diff --git a/docs/api/puppeteer.frame.addscripttag.md b/docs/api/puppeteer.frame.addscripttag.md index b60b3f3d..41fae9af 100644 --- a/docs/api/puppeteer.frame.addscripttag.md +++ b/docs/api/puppeteer.frame.addscripttag.md @@ -1,25 +1,27 @@ ---- -sidebar_label: Frame.addScriptTag ---- -# Frame.addScriptTag() method - -Adds a `