Tracing is working on a per-browser level, not per-page. In order
to paralellize these tests effectively and properly, each should run
a designated browser.
Drop requirement for matching "origin" and "content-type" headers
in requests and request interceptions. This way javascript redirects
that use form submission start working.
Apparently all the issues happen because we switched from
to So this enctryption key was generated with:
travis encrypt <KEY> --add deploy.api_key --com --repo
ExecutionContext.evaluateHandle accepts arguments that are either
serializable, or JSHandles. A potential confusion is that it *does not*
accept arguments that *contain* JSHandles.
This patch adds a log message warning when it encounters that situation.
Makes Running on Alpine up to date:
- Chrome is now available in LTS Node 10
- Chrome version is updated to the latest alpine `@edge`, 71
- Corresponding Puppeteer is updated to v1.9.0
- `harfbuzz` is now required by dynamic linking
This roll includes:
- - DevTools: support interception for file: schema
- - Complete the screen capture color space plumbing
This should allow us to switch to network service by default.
Note: We now have to force a specific color space since
tries to pick the system one.
This adds a proof-of-concept of `puppeteer-firefox`.
This consists of two parts:
- `//experimental/juggler` - patches to apply to Firefox.
- `//experimental/puppeteer-firefox` - front-end code to
be merged with Puppeteer.
As things become more stable, we'll gradually move it out of
the experimental folder.
The proposal adds a drop-down list in a similar fashion as Dependencies list since it feels a little weird to have list for a continuing detail as I assume that all the three options belong to the same level of information.
Very small change in light of operational experience while getting it running on Centos in Jenkins pipeline.
Without the `-p`, the permissions set in the `chmod` before this command are not carried over chrome cannot start.
This roll includes:
- - DevTools: force-detach worker sessions
on navigation
This should eliminate flakiness with our worker test.