sidebar_label: Frame.waitForXPath

# Frame.waitForXPath() method

> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
> Use [Frame.waitForSelector()](./puppeteer.frame.waitforselector.md) with the `xpath` prefix.
> Example: `await frame.waitForSelector('xpath/' + xpathExpression)`
> The method evaluates the XPath expression relative to the Frame. If `xpath` starts with `//` instead of `.//`, the dot will be appended automatically.
> Wait for the `xpath` to appear in page. If at the moment of calling the method the `xpath` already exists, the method will return immediately. If the xpath doesn't appear after the `timeout` milliseconds of waiting, the function will throw.
> For a code example, see the example for [Frame.waitForSelector()](./puppeteer.frame.waitforselector.md). That function behaves identically other than taking a CSS selector rather than an XPath.

#### Signature:

class Frame {
    xpath: string,
    options?: WaitForSelectorOptions
  ): Promise<ElementHandle<Node> | null>;

## Parameters

| Parameter | Type                                                            | Description                                                                                                  |
| --------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| xpath     | string                                                          | the XPath expression to wait for.                                                                            |
| options   | [WaitForSelectorOptions](./puppeteer.waitforselectoroptions.md) | <i>(Optional)</i> options to configure the visibility of the element and how long to wait before timing out. |


Promise&lt;[ElementHandle](./puppeteer.elementhandle.md)&lt;Node&gt; \| null&gt;