/** * Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ const utils = require('./utils'); const {waitEvent} = utils; const {TimeoutError} = require('../Errors'); module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, product}) { const {describe, xdescribe, fdescribe} = testRunner; const {it, fit, xit} = testRunner; const {beforeAll, beforeEach, afterAll, afterEach} = testRunner; describe('Target', function() { it('Browser.targets should return all of the targets', async({page, server, browser}) => { // The pages will be the testing page and the original newtab page const targets = browser.targets(); expect(targets.some(target => target.type() === 'page' && target.url() === 'about:blank')).toBeTruthy('Missing blank page'); }); it('Browser.pages should return all of the pages', async({page, server, browser}) => { // The pages will be the testing page const allPages = await browser.pages(); expect(allPages.length).toBe(2); expect(allPages).toContain(page); expect(allPages[0]).not.toBe(allPages[1]); }); it('should be able to use the default page in the browser', async({page, server, browser}) => { // The pages will be the testing page and the original newtab page const allPages = await browser.pages(); const originalPage = allPages.find(p => p !== page); expect(await originalPage.evaluate(() => ['Hello', 'world'].join(' '))).toBe('Hello world'); expect(await originalPage.$('body')).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should report when a new page is created and closed', async({page, server, browser}) => { const [otherPage] = await Promise.all([ browser.waitForTarget(target => target.url() === server.EMPTY_PAGE2).then(target => target.page()), page.evaluate(url => window.open(url), server.EMPTY_PAGE2), ]); expect(await otherPage.evaluate(() => ['Hello', 'world'].join(' '))).toBe('Hello world'); expect(await otherPage.$('body')).toBeTruthy(); let allPages = await browser.pages(); expect(allPages).toContain(page); expect(allPages).toContain(otherPage); const closePagePromise = new Promise(fulfill => browser.once('targetdestroyed', target => fulfill(target.page()))); await otherPage.close(); expect(await closePagePromise).toBe(otherPage); allPages = await Promise.all(browser.targets().map(target => target.page())); expect(allPages).toContain(page); expect(allPages).not.toContain(otherPage); }); it('should report when a target url changes', async({page, server, browser}) => { await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); let changedTarget = new Promise(fulfill => browser.once('targetchanged', target => fulfill(target))); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE2); expect((await changedTarget).url()).toBe(server.EMPTY_PAGE2); changedTarget = new Promise(fulfill => browser.once('targetchanged', target => fulfill(target))); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); expect((await changedTarget).url()).toBe(server.EMPTY_PAGE); }); }); describe('Browser.waitForTarget', () => { it('should wait for a target', async function({browser, server}) { let resolved = false; const targetPromise = browser.waitForTarget(target => target.url() === server.EMPTY_PAGE); targetPromise.then(() => resolved = true); const page = await browser.newPage(); expect(resolved).toBe(false); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); const target = await targetPromise; expect(await target.page()).toBe(page); await page.close(); }); it('should timeout waiting for a non-existent target', async function({browser, server}) { let error = null; await browser.waitForTarget(target => target.url() === server.EMPTY_PAGE, { timeout: 1 }).catch(e => error = e); expect(error).toBeInstanceOf(TimeoutError); }); }); };