/** * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import {Protocol} from 'devtools-protocol'; import {assert} from '../util/assert.js'; import {createDebuggableDeferredPromise} from '../util/DebuggableDeferredPromise.js'; import {DeferredPromise} from '../util/DeferredPromise.js'; import {isErrorLike} from '../util/ErrorLike.js'; import {CDPSession, isTargetClosedError} from './Connection.js'; import {EventEmitter} from './EventEmitter.js'; import {EVALUATION_SCRIPT_URL, ExecutionContext} from './ExecutionContext.js'; import {Frame} from './Frame.js'; import {IsolatedWorld, MAIN_WORLD, PUPPETEER_WORLD} from './IsolatedWorld.js'; import {NetworkManager} from './NetworkManager.js'; import {Page} from './Page.js'; import {Target} from './Target.js'; import {TimeoutSettings} from './TimeoutSettings.js'; import {debugError} from './util.js'; const UTILITY_WORLD_NAME = '__puppeteer_utility_world__'; /** * We use symbols to prevent external parties listening to these events. * They are internal to Puppeteer. * * @internal */ export const FrameManagerEmittedEvents = { FrameAttached: Symbol('FrameManager.FrameAttached'), FrameNavigated: Symbol('FrameManager.FrameNavigated'), FrameDetached: Symbol('FrameManager.FrameDetached'), FrameSwapped: Symbol('FrameManager.FrameSwapped'), LifecycleEvent: Symbol('FrameManager.LifecycleEvent'), FrameNavigatedWithinDocument: Symbol( 'FrameManager.FrameNavigatedWithinDocument' ), ExecutionContextCreated: Symbol('FrameManager.ExecutionContextCreated'), ExecutionContextDestroyed: Symbol('FrameManager.ExecutionContextDestroyed'), }; /** * A frame manager manages the frames for a given {@link Page | page}. * * @internal */ export class FrameManager extends EventEmitter { #page: Page; #networkManager: NetworkManager; #timeoutSettings: TimeoutSettings; #frames = new Map(); #contextIdToContext = new Map(); #isolatedWorlds = new Set(); #mainFrame?: Frame; #client: CDPSession; /** * Keeps track of OOPIF targets/frames (target ID == frame ID for OOPIFs) * that are being initialized. */ #framesPendingTargetInit = new Map>(); /** * Keeps track of frames that are in the process of being attached in #onFrameAttached. */ #framesPendingAttachment = new Map>(); get timeoutSettings(): TimeoutSettings { return this.#timeoutSettings; } get networkManager(): NetworkManager { return this.#networkManager; } get client(): CDPSession { return this.#client; } constructor( client: CDPSession, page: Page, ignoreHTTPSErrors: boolean, timeoutSettings: TimeoutSettings ) { super(); this.#client = client; this.#page = page; this.#networkManager = new NetworkManager(client, ignoreHTTPSErrors, this); this.#timeoutSettings = timeoutSettings; this.setupEventListeners(this.#client); } private setupEventListeners(session: CDPSession) { session.on('Page.frameAttached', event => { this.#onFrameAttached(session, event.frameId, event.parentFrameId); }); session.on('Page.frameNavigated', event => { this.#onFrameNavigated(event.frame); }); session.on('Page.navigatedWithinDocument', event => { this.#onFrameNavigatedWithinDocument(event.frameId, event.url); }); session.on( 'Page.frameDetached', (event: Protocol.Page.FrameDetachedEvent) => { this.#onFrameDetached( event.frameId, event.reason as Protocol.Page.FrameDetachedEventReason ); } ); session.on('Page.frameStartedLoading', event => { this.#onFrameStartedLoading(event.frameId); }); session.on('Page.frameStoppedLoading', event => { this.#onFrameStoppedLoading(event.frameId); }); session.on('Runtime.executionContextCreated', event => { this.#onExecutionContextCreated(event.context, session); }); session.on('Runtime.executionContextDestroyed', event => { this.#onExecutionContextDestroyed(event.executionContextId, session); }); session.on('Runtime.executionContextsCleared', () => { this.#onExecutionContextsCleared(session); }); session.on('Page.lifecycleEvent', event => { this.#onLifecycleEvent(event); }); } async initialize( targetId: string, client: CDPSession = this.#client ): Promise { try { if (!this.#framesPendingTargetInit.has(targetId)) { this.#framesPendingTargetInit.set( targetId, createDebuggableDeferredPromise( `Waiting for target frame ${targetId} failed` ) ); } const result = await Promise.all([ client.send('Page.enable'), client.send('Page.getFrameTree'), ]); const {frameTree} = result[1]; this.#handleFrameTree(client, frameTree); await Promise.all([ client.send('Page.setLifecycleEventsEnabled', {enabled: true}), client.send('Runtime.enable').then(() => { return this.#createIsolatedWorld(client, UTILITY_WORLD_NAME); }), // TODO: Network manager is not aware of OOP iframes yet. client === this.#client ? this.#networkManager.initialize() : Promise.resolve(), ]); } catch (error) { // The target might have been closed before the initialization finished. if (isErrorLike(error) && isTargetClosedError(error)) { return; } throw error; } finally { this.#framesPendingTargetInit.get(targetId)?.resolve(); this.#framesPendingTargetInit.delete(targetId); } } executionContextById( contextId: number, session: CDPSession = this.#client ): ExecutionContext { const key = `${session.id()}:${contextId}`; const context = this.#contextIdToContext.get(key); assert(context, 'INTERNAL ERROR: missing context with id = ' + contextId); return context; } page(): Page { return this.#page; } mainFrame(): Frame { assert(this.#mainFrame, 'Requesting main frame too early!'); return this.#mainFrame; } frames(): Frame[] { return Array.from(this.#frames.values()); } frame(frameId: string): Frame | null { return this.#frames.get(frameId) || null; } onAttachedToTarget(target: Target): void { if (target._getTargetInfo().type !== 'iframe') { return; } const frame = this.#frames.get(target._getTargetInfo().targetId); if (frame) { frame.updateClient(target._session()!); } this.setupEventListeners(target._session()!); this.initialize(target._getTargetInfo().targetId, target._session()); } onDetachedFromTarget(target: Target): void { const frame = this.#frames.get(target._targetId); if (frame && frame.isOOPFrame()) { // When an OOP iframe is removed from the page, it // will only get a Target.detachedFromTarget event. this.#removeFramesRecursively(frame); } } #onLifecycleEvent(event: Protocol.Page.LifecycleEventEvent): void { const frame = this.#frames.get(event.frameId); if (!frame) { return; } frame._onLifecycleEvent(event.loaderId, event.name); this.emit(FrameManagerEmittedEvents.LifecycleEvent, frame); } #onFrameStartedLoading(frameId: string): void { const frame = this.#frames.get(frameId); if (!frame) { return; } frame._onLoadingStarted(); } #onFrameStoppedLoading(frameId: string): void { const frame = this.#frames.get(frameId); if (!frame) { return; } frame._onLoadingStopped(); this.emit(FrameManagerEmittedEvents.LifecycleEvent, frame); } #handleFrameTree( session: CDPSession, frameTree: Protocol.Page.FrameTree ): void { if (frameTree.frame.parentId) { this.#onFrameAttached( session, frameTree.frame.id, frameTree.frame.parentId ); } this.#onFrameNavigated(frameTree.frame); if (!frameTree.childFrames) { return; } for (const child of frameTree.childFrames) { this.#handleFrameTree(session, child); } } #onFrameAttached( session: CDPSession, frameId: string, parentFrameId: string ): void { if (this.#frames.has(frameId)) { const frame = this.#frames.get(frameId)!; if (session && frame.isOOPFrame()) { // If an OOP iframes becomes a normal iframe again // it is first attached to the parent page before // the target is removed. frame.updateClient(session); } return; } const parentFrame = this.#frames.get(parentFrameId); const complete = (parentFrame: Frame) => { assert(parentFrame, `Parent frame ${parentFrameId} not found`); const frame = new Frame(this, parentFrame, frameId, session); this.#frames.set(frame._id, frame); this.emit(FrameManagerEmittedEvents.FrameAttached, frame); }; if (parentFrame) { return complete(parentFrame); } const frame = this.#framesPendingTargetInit.get(parentFrameId); if (frame) { if (!this.#framesPendingAttachment.has(frameId)) { this.#framesPendingAttachment.set( frameId, createDebuggableDeferredPromise( `Waiting for frame ${frameId} to attach failed` ) ); } frame.then(() => { complete(this.#frames.get(parentFrameId)!); this.#framesPendingAttachment.get(frameId)?.resolve(); this.#framesPendingAttachment.delete(frameId); }); return; } throw new Error(`Parent frame ${parentFrameId} not found`); } #onFrameNavigated(framePayload: Protocol.Page.Frame): void { const frameId = framePayload.id; const isMainFrame = !framePayload.parentId; const frame = isMainFrame ? this.#mainFrame : this.#frames.get(frameId); const complete = (frame?: Frame) => { assert( isMainFrame || frame, `Missing frame isMainFrame=${isMainFrame}, frameId=${frameId}` ); // Detach all child frames first. if (frame) { for (const child of frame.childFrames()) { this.#removeFramesRecursively(child); } } // Update or create main frame. if (isMainFrame) { if (frame) { // Update frame id to retain frame identity on cross-process navigation. this.#frames.delete(frame._id); frame._id = frameId; } else { // Initial main frame navigation. frame = new Frame(this, null, frameId, this.#client); } this.#frames.set(frameId, frame); this.#mainFrame = frame; } // Update frame payload. assert(frame); frame._navigated(framePayload); this.emit(FrameManagerEmittedEvents.FrameNavigated, frame); }; const pendingFrame = this.#framesPendingAttachment.get(frameId); if (pendingFrame) { pendingFrame.then(() => { complete(isMainFrame ? this.#mainFrame : this.#frames.get(frameId)); }); } else { complete(frame); } } async #createIsolatedWorld(session: CDPSession, name: string): Promise { const key = `${session.id()}:${name}`; if (this.#isolatedWorlds.has(key)) { return; } await session.send('Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument', { source: `//# sourceURL=${EVALUATION_SCRIPT_URL}`, worldName: name, }); await Promise.all( this.frames() .filter(frame => { return frame._client() === session; }) .map(frame => { // Frames might be removed before we send this, so we don't want to // throw an error. return session .send('Page.createIsolatedWorld', { frameId: frame._id, worldName: name, grantUniveralAccess: true, }) .catch(debugError); }) ); this.#isolatedWorlds.add(key); } #onFrameNavigatedWithinDocument(frameId: string, url: string): void { const frame = this.#frames.get(frameId); if (!frame) { return; } frame._navigatedWithinDocument(url); this.emit(FrameManagerEmittedEvents.FrameNavigatedWithinDocument, frame); this.emit(FrameManagerEmittedEvents.FrameNavigated, frame); } #onFrameDetached( frameId: string, reason: Protocol.Page.FrameDetachedEventReason ): void { const frame = this.#frames.get(frameId); if (reason === 'remove') { // Only remove the frame if the reason for the detached event is // an actual removement of the frame. // For frames that become OOP iframes, the reason would be 'swap'. if (frame) { this.#removeFramesRecursively(frame); } } else if (reason === 'swap') { this.emit(FrameManagerEmittedEvents.FrameSwapped, frame); } } #onExecutionContextCreated( contextPayload: Protocol.Runtime.ExecutionContextDescription, session: CDPSession ): void { const auxData = contextPayload.auxData as {frameId?: string} | undefined; const frameId = auxData && auxData.frameId; const frame = typeof frameId === 'string' ? this.#frames.get(frameId) : undefined; let world: IsolatedWorld | undefined; if (frame) { // Only care about execution contexts created for the current session. if (frame._client() !== session) { return; } if (contextPayload.auxData && !!contextPayload.auxData['isDefault']) { world = frame.worlds[MAIN_WORLD]; } else if ( contextPayload.name === UTILITY_WORLD_NAME && !frame.worlds[PUPPETEER_WORLD].hasContext() ) { // In case of multiple sessions to the same target, there's a race between // connections so we might end up creating multiple isolated worlds. // We can use either. world = frame.worlds[PUPPETEER_WORLD]; } } const context = new ExecutionContext( frame?._client() || this.#client, contextPayload, world ); if (world) { world.setContext(context); } const key = `${session.id()}:${contextPayload.id}`; this.#contextIdToContext.set(key, context); } #onExecutionContextDestroyed( executionContextId: number, session: CDPSession ): void { const key = `${session.id()}:${executionContextId}`; const context = this.#contextIdToContext.get(key); if (!context) { return; } this.#contextIdToContext.delete(key); if (context._world) { context._world.clearContext(); } } #onExecutionContextsCleared(session: CDPSession): void { for (const [key, context] of this.#contextIdToContext.entries()) { // Make sure to only clear execution contexts that belong // to the current session. if (context._client !== session) { continue; } if (context._world) { context._world.clearContext(); } this.#contextIdToContext.delete(key); } } #removeFramesRecursively(frame: Frame): void { for (const child of frame.childFrames()) { this.#removeFramesRecursively(child); } frame._detach(); this.#frames.delete(frame._id); this.emit(FrameManagerEmittedEvents.FrameDetached, frame); } }