/** * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ const EventEmitter = require('events'); const {helper, assert, debugError} = require('./helper'); const {Events} = require('./Events'); class NetworkManager extends EventEmitter { /** * @param {!Puppeteer.CDPSession} client * @param {!Puppeteer.FrameManager} frameManager */ constructor(client, ignoreHTTPSErrors, frameManager) { super(); this._client = client; this._ignoreHTTPSErrors = ignoreHTTPSErrors; this._frameManager = frameManager; /** @type {!Map<string, !Request>} */ this._requestIdToRequest = new Map(); /** @type {!Map<string, !Protocol.Network.requestWillBeSentPayload>} */ this._requestIdToRequestWillBeSentEvent = new Map(); /** @type {!Object<string, string>} */ this._extraHTTPHeaders = {}; this._offline = false; /** @type {?{username: string, password: string}} */ this._credentials = null; /** @type {!Set<string>} */ this._attemptedAuthentications = new Set(); this._userRequestInterceptionEnabled = false; this._protocolRequestInterceptionEnabled = false; this._userCacheDisabled = false; /** @type {!Map<string, string>} */ this._requestIdToInterceptionId = new Map(); this._client.on('Fetch.requestPaused', this._onRequestPaused.bind(this)); this._client.on('Fetch.authRequired', this._onAuthRequired.bind(this)); this._client.on('Network.requestWillBeSent', this._onRequestWillBeSent.bind(this)); this._client.on('Network.requestServedFromCache', this._onRequestServedFromCache.bind(this)); this._client.on('Network.responseReceived', this._onResponseReceived.bind(this)); this._client.on('Network.loadingFinished', this._onLoadingFinished.bind(this)); this._client.on('Network.loadingFailed', this._onLoadingFailed.bind(this)); } async initialize() { await this._client.send('Network.enable'); if (this._ignoreHTTPSErrors) await this._client.send('Security.setIgnoreCertificateErrors', {ignore: true}); } /** * @param {?{username: string, password: string}} credentials */ async authenticate(credentials) { this._credentials = credentials; await this._updateProtocolRequestInterception(); } /** * @param {!Object<string, string>} extraHTTPHeaders */ async setExtraHTTPHeaders(extraHTTPHeaders) { this._extraHTTPHeaders = {}; for (const key of Object.keys(extraHTTPHeaders)) { const value = extraHTTPHeaders[key]; assert(helper.isString(value), `Expected value of header "${key}" to be String, but "${typeof value}" is found.`); this._extraHTTPHeaders[key.toLowerCase()] = value; } await this._client.send('Network.setExtraHTTPHeaders', { headers: this._extraHTTPHeaders }); } /** * @return {!Object<string, string>} */ extraHTTPHeaders() { return Object.assign({}, this._extraHTTPHeaders); } /** * @param {boolean} value */ async setOfflineMode(value) { if (this._offline === value) return; this._offline = value; await this._client.send('Network.emulateNetworkConditions', { offline: this._offline, // values of 0 remove any active throttling. crbug.com/456324#c9 latency: 0, downloadThroughput: -1, uploadThroughput: -1 }); } /** * @param {string} userAgent */ async setUserAgent(userAgent) { await this._client.send('Network.setUserAgentOverride', { userAgent }); } /** * @param {boolean} enabled */ async setCacheEnabled(enabled) { this._userCacheDisabled = !enabled; await this._updateProtocolCacheDisabled(); } /** * @param {boolean} value */ async setRequestInterception(value) { this._userRequestInterceptionEnabled = value; await this._updateProtocolRequestInterception(); } async _updateProtocolRequestInterception() { const enabled = this._userRequestInterceptionEnabled || !!this._credentials; if (enabled === this._protocolRequestInterceptionEnabled) return; this._protocolRequestInterceptionEnabled = enabled; if (enabled) { await Promise.all([ this._updateProtocolCacheDisabled(), this._client.send('Fetch.enable', { handleAuthRequests: true, patterns: [{urlPattern: '*'}], }), ]); } else { await Promise.all([ this._updateProtocolCacheDisabled(), this._client.send('Fetch.disable') ]); } } async _updateProtocolCacheDisabled() { await this._client.send('Network.setCacheDisabled', { cacheDisabled: this._userCacheDisabled || this._protocolRequestInterceptionEnabled }); } /** * @param {!Protocol.Network.requestWillBeSentPayload} event */ _onRequestWillBeSent(event) { // Request interception doesn't happen for data URLs with Network Service. if (this._protocolRequestInterceptionEnabled && !event.request.url.startsWith('data:')) { const requestId = event.requestId; const interceptionId = this._requestIdToInterceptionId.get(requestId); if (interceptionId) { this._onRequest(event, interceptionId); this._requestIdToInterceptionId.delete(requestId); } else { this._requestIdToRequestWillBeSentEvent.set(event.requestId, event); } return; } this._onRequest(event, null); } /** * @param {!Protocol.Fetch.authRequiredPayload} event */ _onAuthRequired(event) { /** @type {"Default"|"CancelAuth"|"ProvideCredentials"} */ let response = 'Default'; if (this._attemptedAuthentications.has(event.requestId)) { response = 'CancelAuth'; } else if (this._credentials) { response = 'ProvideCredentials'; this._attemptedAuthentications.add(event.requestId); } const {username, password} = this._credentials || {username: undefined, password: undefined}; this._client.send('Fetch.continueWithAuth', { requestId: event.requestId, authChallengeResponse: { response, username, password }, }).catch(debugError); } /** * @param {!Protocol.Fetch.requestPausedPayload} event */ _onRequestPaused(event) { if (!this._userRequestInterceptionEnabled && this._protocolRequestInterceptionEnabled) { this._client.send('Fetch.continueRequest', { requestId: event.requestId }).catch(debugError); } const requestId = event.networkId; const interceptionId = event.requestId; if (requestId && this._requestIdToRequestWillBeSentEvent.has(requestId)) { const requestWillBeSentEvent = this._requestIdToRequestWillBeSentEvent.get(requestId); this._onRequest(requestWillBeSentEvent, interceptionId); this._requestIdToRequestWillBeSentEvent.delete(requestId); } else { this._requestIdToInterceptionId.set(requestId, interceptionId); } } /** * @param {!Protocol.Network.requestWillBeSentPayload} event * @param {?string} interceptionId */ _onRequest(event, interceptionId) { let redirectChain = []; if (event.redirectResponse) { const request = this._requestIdToRequest.get(event.requestId); // If we connect late to the target, we could have missed the requestWillBeSent event. if (request) { this._handleRequestRedirect(request, event.redirectResponse); redirectChain = request._redirectChain; } } const frame = event.frameId ? this._frameManager.frame(event.frameId) : null; const request = new Request(this._client, frame, interceptionId, this._userRequestInterceptionEnabled, event, redirectChain); this._requestIdToRequest.set(event.requestId, request); this.emit(Events.NetworkManager.Request, request); } /** * @param {!Protocol.Network.requestServedFromCachePayload} event */ _onRequestServedFromCache(event) { const request = this._requestIdToRequest.get(event.requestId); if (request) request._fromMemoryCache = true; } /** * @param {!Request} request * @param {!Protocol.Network.Response} responsePayload */ _handleRequestRedirect(request, responsePayload) { const response = new Response(this._client, request, responsePayload); request._response = response; request._redirectChain.push(request); response._bodyLoadedPromiseFulfill.call(null, new Error('Response body is unavailable for redirect responses')); this._requestIdToRequest.delete(request._requestId); this._attemptedAuthentications.delete(request._interceptionId); this.emit(Events.NetworkManager.Response, response); this.emit(Events.NetworkManager.RequestFinished, request); } /** * @param {!Protocol.Network.responseReceivedPayload} event */ _onResponseReceived(event) { const request = this._requestIdToRequest.get(event.requestId); // FileUpload sends a response without a matching request. if (!request) return; const response = new Response(this._client, request, event.response); request._response = response; this.emit(Events.NetworkManager.Response, response); } /** * @param {!Protocol.Network.loadingFinishedPayload} event */ _onLoadingFinished(event) { const request = this._requestIdToRequest.get(event.requestId); // For certain requestIds we never receive requestWillBeSent event. // @see https://crbug.com/750469 if (!request) return; // Under certain conditions we never get the Network.responseReceived // event from protocol. @see https://crbug.com/883475 if (request.response()) request.response()._bodyLoadedPromiseFulfill.call(null); this._requestIdToRequest.delete(request._requestId); this._attemptedAuthentications.delete(request._interceptionId); this.emit(Events.NetworkManager.RequestFinished, request); } /** * @param {!Protocol.Network.loadingFailedPayload} event */ _onLoadingFailed(event) { const request = this._requestIdToRequest.get(event.requestId); // For certain requestIds we never receive requestWillBeSent event. // @see https://crbug.com/750469 if (!request) return; request._failureText = event.errorText; const response = request.response(); if (response) response._bodyLoadedPromiseFulfill.call(null); this._requestIdToRequest.delete(request._requestId); this._attemptedAuthentications.delete(request._interceptionId); this.emit(Events.NetworkManager.RequestFailed, request); } } class Request { /** * @param {!Puppeteer.CDPSession} client * @param {?Puppeteer.Frame} frame * @param {string} interceptionId * @param {boolean} allowInterception * @param {!Protocol.Network.requestWillBeSentPayload} event * @param {!Array<!Request>} redirectChain */ constructor(client, frame, interceptionId, allowInterception, event, redirectChain) { this._client = client; this._requestId = event.requestId; this._isNavigationRequest = event.requestId === event.loaderId && event.type === 'Document'; this._interceptionId = interceptionId; this._allowInterception = allowInterception; this._interceptionHandled = false; this._response = null; this._failureText = null; this._url = event.request.url; this._resourceType = event.type.toLowerCase(); this._method = event.request.method; this._postData = event.request.postData; this._headers = {}; this._frame = frame; this._redirectChain = redirectChain; for (const key of Object.keys(event.request.headers)) this._headers[key.toLowerCase()] = event.request.headers[key]; this._fromMemoryCache = false; } /** * @return {string} */ url() { return this._url; } /** * @return {string} */ resourceType() { return this._resourceType; } /** * @return {string} */ method() { return this._method; } /** * @return {string|undefined} */ postData() { return this._postData; } /** * @return {!Object} */ headers() { return this._headers; } /** * @return {?Response} */ response() { return this._response; } /** * @return {?Puppeteer.Frame} */ frame() { return this._frame; } /** * @return {boolean} */ isNavigationRequest() { return this._isNavigationRequest; } /** * @return {!Array<!Request>} */ redirectChain() { return this._redirectChain.slice(); } /** * @return {?{errorText: string}} */ failure() { if (!this._failureText) return null; return { errorText: this._failureText }; } /** * @param {!{url?: string, method?:string, postData?: string, headers?: !Object}} overrides */ async continue(overrides = {}) { // Request interception is not supported for data: urls. if (this._url.startsWith('data:')) return; assert(this._allowInterception, 'Request Interception is not enabled!'); assert(!this._interceptionHandled, 'Request is already handled!'); const { url, method, postData, headers } = overrides; this._interceptionHandled = true; await this._client.send('Fetch.continueRequest', { requestId: this._interceptionId, url, method, postData, headers: headers ? headersArray(headers) : undefined, }).catch(error => { // In certain cases, protocol will return error if the request was already canceled // or the page was closed. We should tolerate these errors. debugError(error); }); } /** * @param {!{status: number, headers: Object, contentType: string, body: (string|Buffer)}} response */ async respond(response) { // Mocking responses for dataURL requests is not currently supported. if (this._url.startsWith('data:')) return; assert(this._allowInterception, 'Request Interception is not enabled!'); assert(!this._interceptionHandled, 'Request is already handled!'); this._interceptionHandled = true; const responseBody = response.body && helper.isString(response.body) ? Buffer.from(/** @type {string} */(response.body)) : /** @type {?Buffer} */(response.body || null); /** @type {!Object<string, string>} */ const responseHeaders = {}; if (response.headers) { for (const header of Object.keys(response.headers)) responseHeaders[header.toLowerCase()] = response.headers[header]; } if (response.contentType) responseHeaders['content-type'] = response.contentType; if (responseBody && !('content-length' in responseHeaders)) responseHeaders['content-length'] = String(Buffer.byteLength(responseBody)); await this._client.send('Fetch.fulfillRequest', { requestId: this._interceptionId, responseCode: response.status || 200, responsePhrase: STATUS_TEXTS[response.status || 200], responseHeaders: headersArray(responseHeaders), body: responseBody ? responseBody.toString('base64') : undefined, }).catch(error => { // In certain cases, protocol will return error if the request was already canceled // or the page was closed. We should tolerate these errors. debugError(error); }); } /** * @param {string=} errorCode */ async abort(errorCode = 'failed') { // Request interception is not supported for data: urls. if (this._url.startsWith('data:')) return; const errorReason = errorReasons[errorCode]; assert(errorReason, 'Unknown error code: ' + errorCode); assert(this._allowInterception, 'Request Interception is not enabled!'); assert(!this._interceptionHandled, 'Request is already handled!'); this._interceptionHandled = true; await this._client.send('Fetch.failRequest', { requestId: this._interceptionId, errorReason }).catch(error => { // In certain cases, protocol will return error if the request was already canceled // or the page was closed. We should tolerate these errors. debugError(error); }); } } const errorReasons = { 'aborted': 'Aborted', 'accessdenied': 'AccessDenied', 'addressunreachable': 'AddressUnreachable', 'blockedbyclient': 'BlockedByClient', 'blockedbyresponse': 'BlockedByResponse', 'connectionaborted': 'ConnectionAborted', 'connectionclosed': 'ConnectionClosed', 'connectionfailed': 'ConnectionFailed', 'connectionrefused': 'ConnectionRefused', 'connectionreset': 'ConnectionReset', 'internetdisconnected': 'InternetDisconnected', 'namenotresolved': 'NameNotResolved', 'timedout': 'TimedOut', 'failed': 'Failed', }; class Response { /** * @param {!Puppeteer.CDPSession} client * @param {!Request} request * @param {!Protocol.Network.Response} responsePayload */ constructor(client, request, responsePayload) { this._client = client; this._request = request; this._contentPromise = null; this._bodyLoadedPromise = new Promise(fulfill => { this._bodyLoadedPromiseFulfill = fulfill; }); this._remoteAddress = { ip: responsePayload.remoteIPAddress, port: responsePayload.remotePort, }; this._status = responsePayload.status; this._statusText = responsePayload.statusText; this._url = request.url(); this._fromDiskCache = !!responsePayload.fromDiskCache; this._fromServiceWorker = !!responsePayload.fromServiceWorker; this._headers = {}; for (const key of Object.keys(responsePayload.headers)) this._headers[key.toLowerCase()] = responsePayload.headers[key]; this._securityDetails = responsePayload.securityDetails ? new SecurityDetails(responsePayload.securityDetails) : null; } /** * @return {{ip: string, port: number}} */ remoteAddress() { return this._remoteAddress; } /** * @return {string} */ url() { return this._url; } /** * @return {boolean} */ ok() { return this._status === 0 || (this._status >= 200 && this._status <= 299); } /** * @return {number} */ status() { return this._status; } /** * @return {string} */ statusText() { return this._statusText; } /** * @return {!Object} */ headers() { return this._headers; } /** * @return {?SecurityDetails} */ securityDetails() { return this._securityDetails; } /** * @return {!Promise<!Buffer>} */ buffer() { if (!this._contentPromise) { this._contentPromise = this._bodyLoadedPromise.then(async error => { if (error) throw error; const response = await this._client.send('Network.getResponseBody', { requestId: this._request._requestId }); return Buffer.from(response.body, response.base64Encoded ? 'base64' : 'utf8'); }); } return this._contentPromise; } /** * @return {!Promise<string>} */ async text() { const content = await this.buffer(); return content.toString('utf8'); } /** * @return {!Promise<!Object>} */ async json() { const content = await this.text(); return JSON.parse(content); } /** * @return {!Request} */ request() { return this._request; } /** * @return {boolean} */ fromCache() { return this._fromDiskCache || this._request._fromMemoryCache; } /** * @return {boolean} */ fromServiceWorker() { return this._fromServiceWorker; } /** * @return {?Puppeteer.Frame} */ frame() { return this._request.frame(); } } class SecurityDetails { /** * @param {!Protocol.Network.SecurityDetails} securityPayload */ constructor(securityPayload) { this._subjectName = securityPayload['subjectName']; this._issuer = securityPayload['issuer']; this._validFrom = securityPayload['validFrom']; this._validTo = securityPayload['validTo']; this._protocol = securityPayload['protocol']; } /** * @return {string} */ subjectName() { return this._subjectName; } /** * @return {string} */ issuer() { return this._issuer; } /** * @return {number} */ validFrom() { return this._validFrom; } /** * @return {number} */ validTo() { return this._validTo; } /** * @return {string} */ protocol() { return this._protocol; } } /** * @param {Object<string, string>} headers * @return {!Array<{name: string, value: string}>} */ function headersArray(headers) { const result = []; for (const name in headers) { if (!Object.is(headers[name], undefined)) result.push({name, value: headers[name] + ''}); } return result; } // List taken from https://www.iana.org/assignments/http-status-codes/http-status-codes.xhtml with extra 306 and 418 codes. const STATUS_TEXTS = { '100': 'Continue', '101': 'Switching Protocols', '102': 'Processing', '103': 'Early Hints', '200': 'OK', '201': 'Created', '202': 'Accepted', '203': 'Non-Authoritative Information', '204': 'No Content', '205': 'Reset Content', '206': 'Partial Content', '207': 'Multi-Status', '208': 'Already Reported', '226': 'IM Used', '300': 'Multiple Choices', '301': 'Moved Permanently', '302': 'Found', '303': 'See Other', '304': 'Not Modified', '305': 'Use Proxy', '306': 'Switch Proxy', '307': 'Temporary Redirect', '308': 'Permanent Redirect', '400': 'Bad Request', '401': 'Unauthorized', '402': 'Payment Required', '403': 'Forbidden', '404': 'Not Found', '405': 'Method Not Allowed', '406': 'Not Acceptable', '407': 'Proxy Authentication Required', '408': 'Request Timeout', '409': 'Conflict', '410': 'Gone', '411': 'Length Required', '412': 'Precondition Failed', '413': 'Payload Too Large', '414': 'URI Too Long', '415': 'Unsupported Media Type', '416': 'Range Not Satisfiable', '417': 'Expectation Failed', '418': 'I\'m a teapot', '421': 'Misdirected Request', '422': 'Unprocessable Entity', '423': 'Locked', '424': 'Failed Dependency', '425': 'Too Early', '426': 'Upgrade Required', '428': 'Precondition Required', '429': 'Too Many Requests', '431': 'Request Header Fields Too Large', '451': 'Unavailable For Legal Reasons', '500': 'Internal Server Error', '501': 'Not Implemented', '502': 'Bad Gateway', '503': 'Service Unavailable', '504': 'Gateway Timeout', '505': 'HTTP Version Not Supported', '506': 'Variant Also Negotiates', '507': 'Insufficient Storage', '508': 'Loop Detected', '510': 'Not Extended', '511': 'Network Authentication Required', }; module.exports = {Request, Response, NetworkManager, SecurityDetails};