/** * Copyright 2023 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import fs from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; import {Browser, BrowserPlatform} from './browser-data/browser-data.js'; /** * @public */ export interface InstalledBrowser { /** * Path to the root of the installation folder. Use * {@link computeExecutablePath} to get the path to the executable binary. */ path: string; browser: Browser; buildId: string; platform: BrowserPlatform; } /** * The cache used by Puppeteer relies on the following structure: * * - rootDir * -- | browserRoot(browser1) * ---- - | installationDir() * ------ the browser-platform-buildId * ------ specific structure. * -- | browserRoot(browser2) * ---- - | installationDir() * ------ the browser-platform-buildId * ------ specific structure. * @internal */ export class Cache { #rootDir: string; constructor(rootDir: string) { this.#rootDir = rootDir; } browserRoot(browser: Browser): string { return path.join(this.#rootDir, browser); } installationDir( browser: Browser, platform: BrowserPlatform, buildId: string ): string { return path.join(this.browserRoot(browser), `${platform}-${buildId}`); } clear(): void { fs.rmSync(this.#rootDir, { force: true, recursive: true, maxRetries: 10, retryDelay: 500, }); } uninstall( browser: Browser, platform: BrowserPlatform, buildId: string ): void { fs.rmSync(this.installationDir(browser, platform, buildId), { force: true, recursive: true, maxRetries: 10, retryDelay: 500, }); } getInstalledBrowsers(): InstalledBrowser[] { if (!fs.existsSync(this.#rootDir)) { return []; } const types = fs.readdirSync(this.#rootDir); const browsers = types.filter((t): t is Browser => { return (Object.values(Browser) as string[]).includes(t); }); return browsers.flatMap(browser => { const files = fs.readdirSync(this.browserRoot(browser)); return files .map(file => { const result = parseFolderPath( path.join(this.browserRoot(browser), file) ); if (!result) { return null; } return { path: path.join(this.browserRoot(browser), file), browser, platform: result.platform, buildId: result.buildId, }; }) .filter((item): item is InstalledBrowser => { return item !== null; }); }); } } function parseFolderPath( folderPath: string ): {platform: string; buildId: string} | undefined { const name = path.basename(folderPath); const splits = name.split('-'); if (splits.length !== 2) { return; } const [platform, buildId] = splits; if (!buildId || !platform) { return; } return {platform, buildId}; }