/** * Copyright 2019 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ const {helper, assert} = require('./helper'); const {Events} = require('./Events'); const {TimeoutError} = require('./Errors'); class LifecycleWatcher { /** * @param {!Puppeteer.FrameManager} frameManager * @param {!Puppeteer.Frame} frame * @param {string|!Array<string>} waitUntil * @param {number} timeout */ constructor(frameManager, frame, waitUntil, timeout) { if (Array.isArray(waitUntil)) waitUntil = waitUntil.slice(); else if (typeof waitUntil === 'string') waitUntil = [waitUntil]; this._expectedLifecycle = waitUntil.map(value => { const protocolEvent = puppeteerToProtocolLifecycle.get(value); assert(protocolEvent, 'Unknown value for options.waitUntil: ' + value); return protocolEvent; }); this._frameManager = frameManager; this._frame = frame; this._initialLoaderId = frame._loaderId; this._timeout = timeout; /** @type {?Puppeteer.Request} */ this._navigationRequest = null; this._eventListeners = [ helper.addEventListener(frameManager._client, Events.CDPSession.Disconnected, () => this._terminate(new Error('Navigation failed because browser has disconnected!'))), helper.addEventListener(this._frameManager, Events.FrameManager.LifecycleEvent, this._checkLifecycleComplete.bind(this)), helper.addEventListener(this._frameManager, Events.FrameManager.FrameNavigatedWithinDocument, this._navigatedWithinDocument.bind(this)), helper.addEventListener(this._frameManager, Events.FrameManager.FrameDetached, this._onFrameDetached.bind(this)), helper.addEventListener(this._frameManager.networkManager(), Events.NetworkManager.Request, this._onRequest.bind(this)), ]; this._sameDocumentNavigationPromise = new Promise(fulfill => { this._sameDocumentNavigationCompleteCallback = fulfill; }); this._lifecyclePromise = new Promise(fulfill => { this._lifecycleCallback = fulfill; }); this._newDocumentNavigationPromise = new Promise(fulfill => { this._newDocumentNavigationCompleteCallback = fulfill; }); this._timeoutPromise = this._createTimeoutPromise(); this._terminationPromise = new Promise(fulfill => { this._terminationCallback = fulfill; }); this._checkLifecycleComplete(); } /** * @param {!Puppeteer.Request} request */ _onRequest(request) { if (request.frame() !== this._frame || !request.isNavigationRequest()) return; this._navigationRequest = request; } /** * @param {!Puppeteer.Frame} frame */ _onFrameDetached(frame) { if (this._frame === frame) { this._terminationCallback.call(null, new Error('Navigating frame was detached')); return; } this._checkLifecycleComplete(); } /** * @return {?Puppeteer.Response} */ navigationResponse() { return this._navigationRequest ? this._navigationRequest.response() : null; } /** * @param {!Error} error */ _terminate(error) { this._terminationCallback.call(null, error); } /** * @return {!Promise<?Error>} */ sameDocumentNavigationPromise() { return this._sameDocumentNavigationPromise; } /** * @return {!Promise<?Error>} */ newDocumentNavigationPromise() { return this._newDocumentNavigationPromise; } /** * @return {!Promise} */ lifecyclePromise() { return this._lifecyclePromise; } /** * @return {!Promise<?Error>} */ timeoutOrTerminationPromise() { return Promise.race([this._timeoutPromise, this._terminationPromise]); } /** * @return {!Promise<?Error>} */ _createTimeoutPromise() { if (!this._timeout) return new Promise(() => {}); const errorMessage = 'Navigation timeout of ' + this._timeout + ' ms exceeded'; return new Promise(fulfill => this._maximumTimer = setTimeout(fulfill, this._timeout)) .then(() => new TimeoutError(errorMessage)); } /** * @param {!Puppeteer.Frame} frame */ _navigatedWithinDocument(frame) { if (frame !== this._frame) return; this._hasSameDocumentNavigation = true; this._checkLifecycleComplete(); } _checkLifecycleComplete() { // We expect navigation to commit. if (!checkLifecycle(this._frame, this._expectedLifecycle)) return; this._lifecycleCallback(); if (this._frame._loaderId === this._initialLoaderId && !this._hasSameDocumentNavigation) return; if (this._hasSameDocumentNavigation) this._sameDocumentNavigationCompleteCallback(); if (this._frame._loaderId !== this._initialLoaderId) this._newDocumentNavigationCompleteCallback(); /** * @param {!Puppeteer.Frame} frame * @param {!Array<string>} expectedLifecycle * @return {boolean} */ function checkLifecycle(frame, expectedLifecycle) { for (const event of expectedLifecycle) { if (!frame._lifecycleEvents.has(event)) return false; } for (const child of frame.childFrames()) { if (!checkLifecycle(child, expectedLifecycle)) return false; } return true; } } dispose() { helper.removeEventListeners(this._eventListeners); clearTimeout(this._maximumTimer); } } const puppeteerToProtocolLifecycle = new Map([ ['load', 'load'], ['domcontentloaded', 'DOMContentLoaded'], ['networkidle0', 'networkIdle'], ['networkidle2', 'networkAlmostIdle'], ]); module.exports = {LifecycleWatcher};