const Documentation = require('./Documentation'); const commonmark = require('commonmark'); const Browser = require('../../lib/Browser'); class MDOutline { constructor(text) { this.classes = []; this.html = MDOutline.compile(text); } static compile(text) { const reader = new commonmark.Parser(); const parsed = reader.parse(text); const writer = new commonmark.HtmlRenderer(); const html = writer.render(parsed); return html; } async collectHeadings() { const browser = new Browser({args: ['--no-sandbox']}); const page = await browser.newPage(); await page.setContent(this.html); this.headings = await page.evaluate(getTOCHeadings); await browser.close(); } buildClasses() { const headings = this.headings; const classHeading = /^class: (\w+)$/; const constructorRegex = /^new (\w+)\((.*)\)$/; const methodRegex = /^(\w+)\.(\w+)\((.*)\)$/; let currentClassName = null; let currentClassMethods = []; for (const heading of Object.keys(headings)) { let match = heading.match(classHeading); currentClassName = match[1]; for (const title of headings[heading]) { let className = null; let methodName = null; if (constructorRegex.test(title)) { let match = title.match(constructorRegex); className = match[1]; methodName = 'constructor'; } else if (methodRegex.test(title)) { let match = title.match(methodRegex); className = match[1]; methodName = match[2]; } if (!currentClassName || !className || !methodName || className.toLowerCase() !== currentClassName.toLowerCase()) { console.warn('failed to process header as method: ' + heading); continue; } let method = new Documentation.Method(methodName); currentClassMethods.push(method); }; } function flushClassIfNeeded() { if (currentClassName === null) return; this.classes.push(new Documentation.Class(currentClassName, currentClassMethods)); currentClassName = null; currentClassMethods = []; } } } function getTOCHeadings(){ const headings = {}; document.querySelectorAll('h3').forEach((domainEl, i) => { const methods = []; let currElem = domainEl; while ((currElem = currElem.nextElementSibling) && !currElem.matches('h3')) { if (currElem.matches('h4')) methods.push(currElem.textContent); } headings[domainEl.textContent] = methods; }); return headings; } module.exports = MDOutline;