const {helper, assert} = require('./helper'); const {TimeoutError} = require('./Errors'); const fs = require('fs'); const util = require('util'); const EventEmitter = require('events'); const {Events} = require('./Events'); const {ExecutionContext} = require('./ExecutionContext'); const {NavigationWatchdog, NextNavigationWatchdog} = require('./NavigationWatchdog'); const {DOMWorld} = require('./DOMWorld'); const readFileAsync = util.promisify(fs.readFile); class FrameManager extends EventEmitter { /** * @param {PageSession} session * @param {Page} page */ constructor(session, page, networkManager, timeoutSettings) { super(); this._session = session; this._page = page; this._networkManager = networkManager; this._timeoutSettings = timeoutSettings; this._mainFrame = null; this._frames = new Map(); /** @type {!Map} */ this._contextIdToContext = new Map(); this._eventListeners = [ helper.addEventListener(this._session, 'Page.eventFired', this._onEventFired.bind(this)), helper.addEventListener(this._session, 'Page.frameAttached', this._onFrameAttached.bind(this)), helper.addEventListener(this._session, 'Page.frameDetached', this._onFrameDetached.bind(this)), helper.addEventListener(this._session, 'Page.navigationCommitted', this._onNavigationCommitted.bind(this)), helper.addEventListener(this._session, 'Page.sameDocumentNavigation', this._onSameDocumentNavigation.bind(this)), helper.addEventListener(this._session, 'Runtime.executionContextCreated', this._onExecutionContextCreated.bind(this)), helper.addEventListener(this._session, 'Runtime.executionContextDestroyed', this._onExecutionContextDestroyed.bind(this)), ]; } executionContextById(executionContextId) { return this._contextIdToContext.get(executionContextId) || null; } _onExecutionContextCreated({executionContextId, auxData}) { const frameId = auxData ? auxData.frameId : null; const frame = this._frames.get(frameId) || null; const context = new ExecutionContext(this._session, frame, executionContextId); if (frame) frame._mainWorld._setContext(context); this._contextIdToContext.set(executionContextId, context); } _onExecutionContextDestroyed({executionContextId}) { const context = this._contextIdToContext.get(executionContextId); if (!context) return; this._contextIdToContext.delete(executionContextId); if (context._frame) context._frame._mainWorld._setContext(null); } frame(frameId) { return this._frames.get(frameId); } mainFrame() { return this._mainFrame; } frames() { /** @type {!Array} */ let frames = []; collect(this._mainFrame); return frames; function collect(frame) { frames.push(frame); for (const subframe of frame._children) collect(subframe); } } _onNavigationCommitted(params) { const frame = this._frames.get(params.frameId); frame._navigated(params.url,, params.navigationId); frame._DOMContentLoadedFired = false; frame._loadFired = false; this.emit(Events.FrameManager.FrameNavigated, frame); } _onSameDocumentNavigation(params) { const frame = this._frames.get(params.frameId); frame._url = params.url; this.emit(Events.FrameManager.FrameNavigated, frame); } _onFrameAttached(params) { const frame = new Frame(this._session, this, this._networkManager, this._page, params.frameId, this._timeoutSettings); const parentFrame = this._frames.get(params.parentFrameId) || null; if (parentFrame) { frame._parentFrame = parentFrame; parentFrame._children.add(frame); } else { assert(!this._mainFrame, 'INTERNAL ERROR: re-attaching main frame!'); this._mainFrame = frame; } this._frames.set(params.frameId, frame); this.emit(Events.FrameManager.FrameAttached, frame); } _onFrameDetached(params) { const frame = this._frames.get(params.frameId); this._frames.delete(params.frameId); frame._detach(); this.emit(Events.FrameManager.FrameDetached, frame); } _onEventFired({frameId, name}) { const frame = this._frames.get(frameId); frame._firedEvents.add(name.toLowerCase()); if (frame === this._mainFrame) { if (name === 'load') this.emit(Events.FrameManager.Load); else if (name === 'DOMContentLoaded') this.emit(Events.FrameManager.DOMContentLoaded); } } dispose() { helper.removeEventListeners(this._eventListeners); } } class Frame { /** * @param {*} session * @param {!Page} page * @param {string} frameId */ constructor(session, frameManager, networkManager, page, frameId, timeoutSettings) { this._session = session; this._page = page; this._frameManager = frameManager; this._networkManager = networkManager; this._timeoutSettings = timeoutSettings; this._frameId = frameId; /** @type {?Frame} */ this._parentFrame = null; this._url = ''; this._name = ''; /** @type {!Set} */ this._children = new Set(); this._detached = false; this._firedEvents = new Set(); this._mainWorld = new DOMWorld(this, timeoutSettings); } async executionContext() { return this._mainWorld.executionContext(); } /** * @param {!{timeout?: number, waitUntil?: string|!Array}} options */ async waitForNavigation(options = {}) { const { timeout = this._timeoutSettings.navigationTimeout(), waitUntil = ['load'], } = options; const normalizedWaitUntil = normalizeWaitUntil(waitUntil); const timeoutError = new TimeoutError('Navigation Timeout Exceeded: ' + timeout + 'ms'); let timeoutCallback; const timeoutPromise = new Promise(resolve => timeoutCallback = resolve.bind(null, timeoutError)); const timeoutId = timeout ? setTimeout(timeoutCallback, timeout) : null; const nextNavigationDog = new NextNavigationWatchdog(this._session, this); const error1 = await Promise.race([ nextNavigationDog.promise(), timeoutPromise, ]); nextNavigationDog.dispose(); // If timeout happened first - throw. if (error1) { clearTimeout(timeoutId); throw error1; } const {navigationId, url} = nextNavigationDog.navigation(); if (!navigationId) { // Same document navigation happened. clearTimeout(timeoutId); return null; } const watchDog = new NavigationWatchdog(this._session, this, this._networkManager, navigationId, url, normalizedWaitUntil); const error = await Promise.race([ timeoutPromise, watchDog.promise(), ]); watchDog.dispose(); clearTimeout(timeoutId); if (error) throw error; return watchDog.navigationResponse(); } /** * @param {string} url * @param {!{timeout?: number, waitUntil?: string|!Array}} options */ async goto(url, options = {}) { const { timeout = this._timeoutSettings.navigationTimeout(), waitUntil = ['load'], referer, } = options; const normalizedWaitUntil = normalizeWaitUntil(waitUntil); const {navigationId} = await this._session.send('Page.navigate', { frameId: this._frameId, referer, url, }); if (!navigationId) return; const timeoutError = new TimeoutError('Navigation Timeout Exceeded: ' + timeout + 'ms'); let timeoutCallback; const timeoutPromise = new Promise(resolve => timeoutCallback = resolve.bind(null, timeoutError)); const timeoutId = timeout ? setTimeout(timeoutCallback, timeout) : null; const watchDog = new NavigationWatchdog(this._session, this, this._networkManager, navigationId, url, normalizedWaitUntil); const error = await Promise.race([ timeoutPromise, watchDog.promise(), ]); watchDog.dispose(); clearTimeout(timeoutId); if (error) throw error; return watchDog.navigationResponse(); } /** * @param {string} selector * @param {!{delay?: number, button?: string, clickCount?: number}=} options */ async click(selector, options = {}) { return, options); } /** * @param {string} selector */ async tap(selector) { return this._mainWorld.tap(selector); } /** * @param {string} selector * @param {string} text * @param {{delay: (number|undefined)}=} options */ async type(selector, text, options) { return this._mainWorld.type(selector, text, options); } /** * @param {string} selector */ async focus(selector) { return this._mainWorld.focus(selector); } /** * @param {string} selector */ async hover(selector) { return this._mainWorld.hover(selector); } _detach() { this._parentFrame._children.delete(this); this._parentFrame = null; this._detached = true; this._mainWorld._detach(); } _navigated(url, name, navigationId) { this._url = url; this._name = name; this._lastCommittedNavigationId = navigationId; this._firedEvents.clear(); } /** * @param {string} selector * @param {!Array} values * @return {!Promise>} */ select(selector, ...values) { return, ...values); } /** * @param {(string|number|Function)} selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout * @param {!{polling?: string|number, timeout?: number, visible?: boolean, hidden?: boolean}=} options * @param {!Array<*>} args * @return {!Promise} */ waitFor(selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout, options, ...args) { const xPathPattern = '//'; if (helper.isString(selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout)) { const string = /** @type {string} */ (selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout); if (string.startsWith(xPathPattern)) return this.waitForXPath(string, options); return this.waitForSelector(string, options); } if (helper.isNumber(selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout)) return new Promise(fulfill => setTimeout(fulfill, /** @type {number} */ (selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout))); if (typeof selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout === 'function') return this.waitForFunction(selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout, options, ...args); return Promise.reject(new Error('Unsupported target type: ' + (typeof selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout))); } /** * @param {Function|string} pageFunction * @param {!{polling?: string|number, timeout?: number}=} options * @return {!Promise} */ waitForFunction(pageFunction, options = {}, ...args) { return this._mainWorld.waitForFunction(pageFunction, options, ...args); } /** * @param {string} selector * @param {!{timeout?: number, visible?: boolean, hidden?: boolean}=} options * @return {!Promise} */ waitForSelector(selector, options) { return this._mainWorld.waitForSelector(selector, options); } /** * @param {string} xpath * @param {!{timeout?: number, visible?: boolean, hidden?: boolean}=} options * @return {!Promise} */ waitForXPath(xpath, options) { return this._mainWorld.waitForXPath(xpath, options); } /** * @return {!Promise} */ async content() { return this._mainWorld.content(); } /** * @param {string} html */ async setContent(html) { return this._mainWorld.setContent(html); } async evaluate(pageFunction, ...args) { return this._mainWorld.evaluate(pageFunction, ...args); } /** * @param {string} selector * @return {!Promise} */ async $(selector) { return this._mainWorld.$(selector); } /** * @param {string} selector * @return {!Promise>} */ async $$(selector) { return this._mainWorld.$$(selector); } /** * @param {string} selector * @param {Function|String} pageFunction * @param {!Array<*>} args * @return {!Promise<(!Object|undefined)>} */ async $eval(selector, pageFunction, ...args) { return this._mainWorld.$eval(selector, pageFunction, ...args); } /** * @param {string} selector * @param {Function|String} pageFunction * @param {!Array<*>} args * @return {!Promise<(!Object|undefined)>} */ async $$eval(selector, pageFunction, ...args) { return this._mainWorld.$$eval(selector, pageFunction, ...args); } /** * @param {string} expression * @return {!Promise>} */ async $x(expression) { return this._mainWorld.$x(expression); } async evaluateHandle(pageFunction, ...args) { return this._mainWorld.evaluateHandle(pageFunction, ...args); } /** * @param {!{content?: string, path?: string, type?: string, url?: string}} options * @return {!Promise} */ async addScriptTag(options) { return this._mainWorld.addScriptTag(options); } /** * @param {!{content?: string, path?: string, url?: string}} options * @return {!Promise} */ async addStyleTag(options) { return this._mainWorld.addStyleTag(options); } /** * @return {!Promise} */ async title() { return this._mainWorld.title(); } name() { return this._name; } isDetached() { return this._detached; } childFrames() { return Array.from(this._children); } url() { return this._url; } parentFrame() { return this._parentFrame; } } function normalizeWaitUntil(waitUntil) { if (!Array.isArray(waitUntil)) waitUntil = [waitUntil]; for (const condition of waitUntil) { if (condition !== 'load' && condition !== 'domcontentloaded') throw new Error('Unknown waitUntil condition: ' + condition); } return waitUntil; } module.exports = {FrameManager, Frame, normalizeWaitUntil};