/** * Copyright 2020 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import expect from 'expect'; import { getTestState, setupTestBrowserHooks, setupTestPageAndContextHooks, describeChromeOnly, } from './mocha-utils'; // eslint-disable-line import/extensions import { ElementHandle } from '../lib/cjs/puppeteer/common/JSHandle.js'; import utils from './utils.js'; describeChromeOnly('AriaQueryHandler', () => { setupTestBrowserHooks(); setupTestPageAndContextHooks(); describe('parseAriaSelector', () => { beforeEach(async () => { const { page } = getTestState(); await page.setContent( '' ); }); it('should find button', async () => { const { page } = getTestState(); const expectFound = async (button: ElementHandle) => { const id = await button.evaluate((button: Element) => button.id); expect(id).toBe('btn'); }; let button = await page.$( 'aria/Submit button and some spaces[role="button"]' ); await expectFound(button); button = await page.$( 'aria/ Submit button and some spaces[role="button"]' ); await expectFound(button); button = await page.$( 'aria/Submit button and some spaces [role="button"]' ); await expectFound(button); button = await page.$( 'aria/Submit button and some spaces [ role = "button" ] ' ); await expectFound(button); button = await page.$( 'aria/[role="button"]Submit button and some spaces' ); await expectFound(button); button = await page.$( 'aria/Submit button [role="button"]and some spaces' ); await expectFound(button); button = await page.$( 'aria/[name=" Submit button and some spaces"][role="button"]' ); await expectFound(button); button = await page.$( 'aria/ignored[name="Submit button and some spaces"][role="button"]' ); await expectFound(button); }); }); describe('queryOne', () => { it('should find button by role', async () => { const { page } = getTestState(); await page.setContent( '
' ); const button = await page.$('aria/[role="button"]'); const id = await button.evaluate((button: Element) => button.id); expect(id).toBe('btn'); }); it('should find button by name and role', async () => { const { page } = getTestState(); await page.setContent( '
' ); const button = await page.$('aria/Submit[role="button"]'); const id = await button.evaluate((button: Element) => button.id); expect(id).toBe('btn'); }); it('should find first matching element', async () => { const { page } = getTestState(); await page.setContent( ` ` ); const div = await page.$('aria/menu div'); const id = await div.evaluate((div: Element) => div.id); expect(id).toBe('mnu1'); }); it('should find by name', async () => { const { page } = getTestState(); await page.setContent( ` ` ); const menu = await page.$('aria/menu-label1'); const id = await menu.evaluate((div: Element) => div.id); expect(id).toBe('mnu1'); }); it('should find by name', async () => { const { page } = getTestState(); await page.setContent( ` ` ); const menu = await page.$('aria/menu-label2'); const id = await menu.evaluate((div: Element) => div.id); expect(id).toBe('mnu2'); }); }); describe('queryAll', () => { it('should find menu by name', async () => { const { page } = getTestState(); await page.setContent( ` ` ); const divs = await page.$$('aria/menu div'); const ids = await Promise.all( divs.map((n) => n.evaluate((div: Element) => div.id)) ); expect(ids.join(', ')).toBe('mnu1, mnu2'); }); }); describe('queryAllArray', () => { it('$$eval should handle many elements', async () => { const { page } = getTestState(); await page.setContent(''); await page.evaluate( ` for (var i = 0; i <= 10000; i++) { const button = document.createElement('button'); button.textContent = i; document.body.appendChild(button); } ` ); const sum = await page.$$eval('aria/[role="button"]', (buttons) => buttons.reduce((acc, button) => acc + Number(button.textContent), 0) ); expect(sum).toBe(50005000); }); }); describe('waitForSelector (aria)', function () { const addElement = (tag) => document.body.appendChild(document.createElement(tag)); it('should immediately resolve promise if node exists', async () => { const { page, server } = getTestState(); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); await page.evaluate(addElement, 'button'); await page.waitForSelector('aria/[role="button"]'); }); it('should persist query handler bindings across reloads', async () => { const { page, server } = getTestState(); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); await page.evaluate(addElement, 'button'); await page.waitForSelector('aria/[role="button"]'); await page.reload(); await page.evaluate(addElement, 'button'); await page.waitForSelector('aria/[role="button"]'); }); it('should work independently of `exposeFunction`', async () => { const { page, server } = getTestState(); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); await page.exposeFunction('ariaQuerySelector', (a, b) => a + b); await page.evaluate(addElement, 'button'); await page.waitForSelector('aria/[role="button"]'); const result = await page.evaluate('globalThis.ariaQuerySelector(2,8)'); expect(result).toBe(10); }); it('should work with removed MutationObserver', async () => { const { page } = getTestState(); await page.evaluate(() => delete window.MutationObserver); const [handle] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForSelector('aria/anything'), page.setContent(`


`), ]); expect( await page.evaluate((x: HTMLElement) => x.textContent, handle) ).toBe('anything'); }); it('should resolve promise when node is added', async () => { const { page, server } = getTestState(); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); const frame = page.mainFrame(); const watchdog = frame.waitForSelector('aria/[role="heading"]'); await frame.evaluate(addElement, 'br'); await frame.evaluate(addElement, 'h1'); const elementHandle = await watchdog; const tagName = await elementHandle .getProperty('tagName') .then((element) => element.jsonValue()); expect(tagName).toBe('H1'); }); it('should work when node is added through innerHTML', async () => { const { page, server } = getTestState(); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); const watchdog = page.waitForSelector('aria/name'); await page.evaluate(addElement, 'span'); await page.evaluate( () => (document.querySelector('span').innerHTML = '

') ); await watchdog; }); it('Page.waitForSelector is shortcut for main frame', async () => { const { page, server } = getTestState(); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); await utils.attachFrame(page, 'frame1', server.EMPTY_PAGE); const otherFrame = page.frames()[1]; const watchdog = page.waitForSelector('aria/[role="button"]'); await otherFrame.evaluate(addElement, 'button'); await page.evaluate(addElement, 'button'); const elementHandle = await watchdog; expect(elementHandle.executionContext().frame()).toBe(page.mainFrame()); }); it('should run in specified frame', async () => { const { page, server } = getTestState(); await utils.attachFrame(page, 'frame1', server.EMPTY_PAGE); await utils.attachFrame(page, 'frame2', server.EMPTY_PAGE); const frame1 = page.frames()[1]; const frame2 = page.frames()[2]; const waitForSelectorPromise = frame2.waitForSelector( 'aria/[role="button"]' ); await frame1.evaluate(addElement, 'button'); await frame2.evaluate(addElement, 'button'); const elementHandle = await waitForSelectorPromise; expect(elementHandle.executionContext().frame()).toBe(frame2); }); it('should throw when frame is detached', async () => { const { page, server } = getTestState(); await utils.attachFrame(page, 'frame1', server.EMPTY_PAGE); const frame = page.frames()[1]; let waitError = null; const waitPromise = frame .waitForSelector('aria/does-not-exist') .catch((error) => (waitError = error)); await utils.detachFrame(page, 'frame1'); await waitPromise; expect(waitError).toBeTruthy(); expect(waitError.message).toContain( 'waitForFunction failed: frame got detached.' ); }); it('should survive cross-process navigation', async () => { const { page, server } = getTestState(); let imgFound = false; const waitForSelector = page .waitForSelector('aria/[role="img"]') .then(() => (imgFound = true)); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); expect(imgFound).toBe(false); await page.reload(); expect(imgFound).toBe(false); await page.goto(server.CROSS_PROCESS_PREFIX + '/grid.html'); await waitForSelector; expect(imgFound).toBe(true); }); it('should wait for visible', async () => { const { page } = getTestState(); let divFound = false; const waitForSelector = page .waitForSelector('aria/name', { visible: true }) .then(() => (divFound = true)); await page.setContent( `
` ); expect(divFound).toBe(false); await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('div').style.removeProperty('display') ); expect(divFound).toBe(false); await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('div').style.removeProperty('visibility') ); expect(await waitForSelector).toBe(true); expect(divFound).toBe(true); }); it('should wait for visible recursively', async () => { const { page } = getTestState(); let divVisible = false; const waitForSelector = page .waitForSelector('aria/inner', { visible: true }) .then(() => (divVisible = true)); await page.setContent( `
` ); expect(divVisible).toBe(false); await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('div').style.removeProperty('display') ); expect(divVisible).toBe(false); await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('div').style.removeProperty('visibility') ); expect(await waitForSelector).toBe(true); expect(divVisible).toBe(true); }); it('hidden should wait for visibility: hidden', async () => { const { page } = getTestState(); let divHidden = false; await page.setContent( `
` ); const waitForSelector = page .waitForSelector('aria/[role="button"]', { hidden: true }) .then(() => (divHidden = true)); await page.waitForSelector('aria/[role="button"]'); // do a round trip expect(divHidden).toBe(false); await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('div').style.setProperty('visibility', 'hidden') ); expect(await waitForSelector).toBe(true); expect(divHidden).toBe(true); }); it('hidden should wait for display: none', async () => { const { page } = getTestState(); let divHidden = false; await page.setContent(`
`); const waitForSelector = page .waitForSelector('aria/[role="main"]', { hidden: true }) .then(() => (divHidden = true)); await page.waitForSelector('aria/[role="main"]'); // do a round trip expect(divHidden).toBe(false); await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('div').style.setProperty('display', 'none') ); expect(await waitForSelector).toBe(true); expect(divHidden).toBe(true); }); it('hidden should wait for removal', async () => { const { page } = getTestState(); await page.setContent(`
`); let divRemoved = false; const waitForSelector = page .waitForSelector('aria/[role="main"]', { hidden: true }) .then(() => (divRemoved = true)); await page.waitForSelector('aria/[role="main"]'); // do a round trip expect(divRemoved).toBe(false); await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('div').remove()); expect(await waitForSelector).toBe(true); expect(divRemoved).toBe(true); }); it('should return null if waiting to hide non-existing element', async () => { const { page } = getTestState(); const handle = await page.waitForSelector('aria/non-existing', { hidden: true, }); expect(handle).toBe(null); }); it('should respect timeout', async () => { const { page, puppeteer } = getTestState(); let error = null; await page .waitForSelector('aria/[role="button"]', { timeout: 10 }) .catch((error_) => (error = error_)); expect(error).toBeTruthy(); expect(error.message).toContain( 'waiting for selector `[role="button"]` failed: timeout' ); expect(error).toBeInstanceOf(puppeteer.errors.TimeoutError); }); it('should have an error message specifically for awaiting an element to be hidden', async () => { const { page } = getTestState(); await page.setContent(`
`); let error = null; await page .waitForSelector('aria/[role="main"]', { hidden: true, timeout: 10 }) .catch((error_) => (error = error_)); expect(error).toBeTruthy(); expect(error.message).toContain( 'waiting for selector `[role="main"]` to be hidden failed: timeout' ); }); it('should respond to node attribute mutation', async () => { const { page } = getTestState(); let divFound = false; const waitForSelector = page .waitForSelector('aria/zombo') .then(() => (divFound = true)); await page.setContent(`
`); expect(divFound).toBe(false); await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('div').setAttribute('aria-label', 'zombo') ); expect(await waitForSelector).toBe(true); }); it('should return the element handle', async () => { const { page } = getTestState(); const waitForSelector = page.waitForSelector('aria/zombo'); await page.setContent(`
`); expect( await page.evaluate( (x: HTMLElement) => x.textContent, await waitForSelector ) ).toBe('anything'); }); it('should have correct stack trace for timeout', async () => { const { page } = getTestState(); let error; await page .waitForSelector('aria/zombo', { timeout: 10 }) .catch((error_) => (error = error_)); expect(error.stack).toContain('waiting for selector `zombo` failed'); }); }); describe('queryOne (Chromium web test)', async () => { beforeEach(async () => { const { page } = getTestState(); await page.setContent( `


text content

text content

Accessible Name
` ); }); const getIds = async (elements: ElementHandle[]) => Promise.all( elements.map((element) => element.evaluate((element: Element) => element.id) ) ); it('should find by name "foo"', async () => { const { page } = getTestState(); const found = await page.$$('aria/foo'); const ids = await getIds(found); expect(ids).toEqual(['node3', 'node5', 'node6']); }); it('should find by name "bar"', async () => { const { page } = getTestState(); const found = await page.$$('aria/bar'); const ids = await getIds(found); expect(ids).toEqual(['node1', 'node2', 'node8']); }); it('should find treeitem by name', async () => { const { page } = getTestState(); const found = await page.$$('aria/item1 item2 item3'); const ids = await getIds(found); expect(ids).toEqual(['node30']); }); it('should find by role "button"', async () => { const { page } = getTestState(); const found = await page.$$('aria/[role="button"]'); const ids = await getIds(found); expect(ids).toEqual(['node5', 'node6', 'node8', 'node10', 'node21']); }); it('should find by role "heading"', async () => { const { page } = getTestState(); const found = await page.$$('aria/[role="heading"]'); const ids = await getIds(found); expect(ids).toEqual(['shown', 'node11', 'node13']); }); it('should not find ignored', async () => { const { page } = getTestState(); const found = await page.$$('aria/title'); const ids = await getIds(found); expect(ids).toEqual(['shown']); }); }); });