/** * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ let {Duplex} = require('stream'); let path = require('path'); let helper = require('./helper'); let removeRecursive = require('rimraf').sync; let Page = require('./Page'); let childProcess = require('child_process'); let Downloader = require('../utils/ChromiumDownloader'); let Connection = require('./Connection'); let readline = require('readline'); let CHROME_PROFILE_PATH = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '.dev_profile'); let browserId = 0; let DEFAULT_ARGS = [ '--disable-background-timer-throttling', '--no-first-run', '--remote-debugging-port=0', ]; class Browser { /** * @param {(!Object|undefined)} options */ constructor(options) { options = options || {}; ++browserId; this._userDataDir = CHROME_PROFILE_PATH + browserId; this._remoteDebuggingPort = 0; this._chromeArguments = DEFAULT_ARGS.concat([ `--user-data-dir=${this._userDataDir}`, ]); if (typeof options.headless !== 'boolean' || options.headless) { this._chromeArguments.push(...[ `--headless`, `--disable-gpu`, `--hide-scrollbars`, ]); } if (typeof options.executablePath === 'string') { this._chromeExecutable = options.executablePath; } else { let chromiumRevision = require('../package.json').puppeteer.chromium_revision; let revisionInfo = Downloader.revisionInfo(Downloader.currentPlatform(), chromiumRevision); console.assert(revisionInfo, 'Chromium revision is not downloaded. Run npm install'); this._chromeExecutable = revisionInfo.executablePath; } if (Array.isArray(options.args)) this._chromeArguments.push(...options.args); this._terminated = false; this._chromeProcess = null; this._launchPromise = null; this._screenshotTaskQueue = new TaskQueue(); this.stderr = new ProxyStream(); this.stdout = new ProxyStream(); } /** * @return {!Promise} */ async newPage() { await this._ensureChromeIsRunning(); if (!this._chromeProcess || this._terminated) throw new Error('ERROR: this chrome instance is not alive any more!'); let client = await Connection.create(this._remoteDebuggingPort); let page = await Page.create(client, this._screenshotTaskQueue); return page; } /** * @param {!Page} page */ async closePage(page) { if (!this._chromeProcess || this._terminated) throw new Error('ERROR: this chrome instance is not running'); await page.close(); } /** * @return {string} */ async version() { await this._ensureChromeIsRunning(); let version = await Connection.version(this._remoteDebuggingPort); return version.Browser; } async _ensureChromeIsRunning() { if (!this._launchPromise) this._launchPromise = this._launchChrome(); return this._launchPromise; } async _launchChrome() { this._chromeProcess = childProcess.spawn(this._chromeExecutable, this._chromeArguments, {}); let stderr = ''; this._chromeProcess.stderr.on('data', data => stderr += data.toString('utf8')); // Cleanup as processes exit. const onProcessExit = () => this._chromeProcess.kill(); process.on('exit', onProcessExit); this._chromeProcess.on('exit', () => { this._terminated = true; process.removeListener('exit', onProcessExit); removeRecursive(this._userDataDir); }); this._chromeProcess.stderr.pipe(this.stderr); this._chromeProcess.stdout.pipe(this.stdout); this._remoteDebuggingPort = await waitForRemoteDebuggingPort(this._chromeProcess); // Failed to connect to browser. if (this._remoteDebuggingPort === -1) { this._chromeProcess.kill(); throw new Error('Failed to connect to chrome!'); } if (this._terminated) throw new Error('Failed to launch chrome! ' + stderr); } close() { if (!this._chromeProcess) return; this._chromeProcess.kill(); } } module.exports = Browser; helper.tracePublicAPI(Browser); function waitForRemoteDebuggingPort(chromeProcess) { const rl = readline.createInterface({ input: chromeProcess.stderr }); let fulfill; let promise = new Promise(x => fulfill = x); rl.on('line', onLine); rl.once('close', () => fulfill(-1)); return promise; /** * @param {string} line */ function onLine(line) { const match = line.match(/^DevTools listening on .*:([\d]+)$/); if (!match) return; rl.removeListener('line', onLine); fulfill(Number.parseInt(match[1], 10)); } } class TaskQueue { constructor() { this._chain = Promise.resolve(); } /** * @param {function():!Promise} task * @return {!Promise} */ postTask(task) { let result = this._chain.then(task); this._chain = result.catch(() => {}); return result; } } class ProxyStream extends Duplex { _read() { } /** * @param {?} chunk * @param {string} encoding * @param {function()} callback */ _write(chunk, encoding, callback) { this.push(chunk, encoding); callback(); } }