/** * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as EventEmitter from 'events'; import * as mime from 'mime'; import {Events} from './Events'; import {Connection, CDPSession} from './Connection'; import {Dialog} from './Dialog'; import {EmulationManager} from './EmulationManager'; import {Frame, FrameManager} from './FrameManager'; import {Keyboard, Mouse, Touchscreen, MouseButtonInput} from './Input'; import {Tracing} from './Tracing'; import {helper, debugError, assert} from './helper'; import {Coverage} from './Coverage'; import {Worker as PuppeteerWorker} from './Worker'; import {Browser, BrowserContext} from './Browser'; import {Target} from './Target'; import {createJSHandle, JSHandle, ElementHandle} from './JSHandle'; import type {Viewport} from './PuppeteerViewport'; import {Request as PuppeteerRequest, Response as PuppeteerResponse, Credentials} from './NetworkManager'; import {Accessibility} from './Accessibility'; import {TimeoutSettings} from './TimeoutSettings'; import {PuppeteerLifeCycleEvent} from './LifecycleWatcher'; import {TaskQueue} from './TaskQueue'; const writeFileAsync = helper.promisify(fs.writeFile); interface Metrics { Timestamp?: number; Documents?: number; Frames?: number; JSEventListeners?: number; Nodes?: number; LayoutCount?: number; RecalcStyleCount?: number; LayoutDuration?: number; RecalcStyleDuration?: number; ScriptDuration?: number; TaskDuration?: number; JSHeapUsedSize?: number; JSHeapTotalSize?: number; } interface WaitForOptions { timeout?: number; waitUntil?: PuppeteerLifeCycleEvent|PuppeteerLifeCycleEvent[]; } interface MediaFeature { name: string; value: string; } interface ScreenshotClip { x: number; y: number; width: number; height: number; } interface ScreenshotOptions { type?: 'png' | 'jpeg'; path?: string; fullPage?: boolean; clip?: ScreenshotClip; quality?: number; omitBackground?: boolean; encoding?: string; } interface PDFMargin { top?: string|number; bottom?: string|number; left?: string|number; right?: string|number; } interface PDFOptions { scale?: number; displayHeaderFooter?: boolean; headerTemplate?: string; footerTemplate?: string; printBackground?: boolean; landscape?: boolean; pageRanges?: string; format?: string; width?: string|number; height?: string|number; preferCSSPageSize?: boolean; margin?: PDFMargin; path?: string; } interface PaperFormat { width: number; height: number; } const paperFormats: Record = { letter: {width: 8.5, height: 11}, legal: {width: 8.5, height: 14}, tabloid: {width: 11, height: 17}, ledger: {width: 17, height: 11}, a0: {width: 33.1, height: 46.8}, a1: {width: 23.4, height: 33.1}, a2: {width: 16.54, height: 23.4}, a3: {width: 11.7, height: 16.54}, a4: {width: 8.27, height: 11.7}, a5: {width: 5.83, height: 8.27}, a6: {width: 4.13, height: 5.83}, } as const; export class Page extends EventEmitter { static async create(client: CDPSession, target: Target, ignoreHTTPSErrors: boolean, defaultViewport: Viewport | null, screenshotTaskQueue: TaskQueue): Promise { const page = new Page(client, target, ignoreHTTPSErrors, screenshotTaskQueue); await page._initialize(); if (defaultViewport) await page.setViewport(defaultViewport); return page; } _closed = false; _client: CDPSession; _target: Target; _keyboard: Keyboard; _mouse: Mouse; _timeoutSettings = new TimeoutSettings(); _touchscreen: Touchscreen; _accessibility: Accessibility; _frameManager: FrameManager; _emulationManager: EmulationManager; _tracing: Tracing; _pageBindings = new Map(); _coverage: Coverage; _javascriptEnabled = true; _viewport: Viewport | null; _screenshotTaskQueue: TaskQueue; _workers = new Map(); // TODO: improve this typedef - it's a function that takes a file chooser or something? _fileChooserInterceptors = new Set(); _disconnectPromise?: Promise; constructor(client: CDPSession, target: Target, ignoreHTTPSErrors: boolean, screenshotTaskQueue: TaskQueue) { super(); this._client = client; this._target = target; this._keyboard = new Keyboard(client); this._mouse = new Mouse(client, this._keyboard); this._touchscreen = new Touchscreen(client, this._keyboard); this._accessibility = new Accessibility(client); this._frameManager = new FrameManager(client, this, ignoreHTTPSErrors, this._timeoutSettings); this._emulationManager = new EmulationManager(client); this._tracing = new Tracing(client); this._coverage = new Coverage(client); this._screenshotTaskQueue = screenshotTaskQueue; this._viewport = null; client.on('Target.attachedToTarget', event => { if (event.targetInfo.type !== 'worker') { // If we don't detach from service workers, they will never die. client.send('Target.detachFromTarget', { sessionId: event.sessionId }).catch(debugError); return; } const session = Connection.fromSession(client).session(event.sessionId); const worker = new PuppeteerWorker(session, event.targetInfo.url, this._addConsoleMessage.bind(this), this._handleException.bind(this)); this._workers.set(event.sessionId, worker); this.emit(Events.Page.WorkerCreated, worker); }); client.on('Target.detachedFromTarget', event => { const worker = this._workers.get(event.sessionId); if (!worker) return; this.emit(Events.Page.WorkerDestroyed, worker); this._workers.delete(event.sessionId); }); this._frameManager.on(Events.FrameManager.FrameAttached, event => this.emit(Events.Page.FrameAttached, event)); this._frameManager.on(Events.FrameManager.FrameDetached, event => this.emit(Events.Page.FrameDetached, event)); this._frameManager.on(Events.FrameManager.FrameNavigated, event => this.emit(Events.Page.FrameNavigated, event)); const networkManager = this._frameManager.networkManager(); networkManager.on(Events.NetworkManager.Request, event => this.emit(Events.Page.Request, event)); networkManager.on(Events.NetworkManager.Response, event => this.emit(Events.Page.Response, event)); networkManager.on(Events.NetworkManager.RequestFailed, event => this.emit(Events.Page.RequestFailed, event)); networkManager.on(Events.NetworkManager.RequestFinished, event => this.emit(Events.Page.RequestFinished, event)); this._fileChooserInterceptors = new Set(); client.on('Page.domContentEventFired', () => this.emit(Events.Page.DOMContentLoaded)); client.on('Page.loadEventFired', () => this.emit(Events.Page.Load)); client.on('Runtime.consoleAPICalled', event => this._onConsoleAPI(event)); client.on('Runtime.bindingCalled', event => this._onBindingCalled(event)); client.on('Page.javascriptDialogOpening', event => this._onDialog(event)); client.on('Runtime.exceptionThrown', exception => this._handleException(exception.exceptionDetails)); client.on('Inspector.targetCrashed', () => this._onTargetCrashed()); client.on('Performance.metrics', event => this._emitMetrics(event)); client.on('Log.entryAdded', event => this._onLogEntryAdded(event)); client.on('Page.fileChooserOpened', event => this._onFileChooser(event)); this._target._isClosedPromise.then(() => { this.emit(Events.Page.Close); this._closed = true; }); } async _initialize(): Promise { await Promise.all([ this._frameManager.initialize(), this._client.send('Target.setAutoAttach', {autoAttach: true, waitForDebuggerOnStart: false, flatten: true}), this._client.send('Performance.enable', {}), this._client.send('Log.enable', {}), ]); } async _onFileChooser(event: Protocol.Page.fileChooserOpenedPayload): Promise { if (!this._fileChooserInterceptors.size) return; const frame = this._frameManager.frame(event.frameId); const context = await frame.executionContext(); const element = await context._adoptBackendNodeId(event.backendNodeId); const interceptors = Array.from(this._fileChooserInterceptors); this._fileChooserInterceptors.clear(); const fileChooser = new FileChooser(this._client, element, event); for (const interceptor of interceptors) interceptor.call(null, fileChooser); } async waitForFileChooser(options: {timeout?: number} = {}): Promise { if (!this._fileChooserInterceptors.size) await this._client.send('Page.setInterceptFileChooserDialog', {enabled: true}); const { timeout = this._timeoutSettings.timeout(), } = options; let callback; const promise = new Promise(x => callback = x); this._fileChooserInterceptors.add(callback); return helper.waitWithTimeout(promise, 'waiting for file chooser', timeout).catch(error => { this._fileChooserInterceptors.delete(callback); throw error; }); } async setGeolocation(options: {longitude: number; latitude: number; accuracy?: number}): Promise { const {longitude, latitude, accuracy = 0} = options; if (longitude < -180 || longitude > 180) throw new Error(`Invalid longitude "${longitude}": precondition -180 <= LONGITUDE <= 180 failed.`); if (latitude < -90 || latitude > 90) throw new Error(`Invalid latitude "${latitude}": precondition -90 <= LATITUDE <= 90 failed.`); if (accuracy < 0) throw new Error(`Invalid accuracy "${accuracy}": precondition 0 <= ACCURACY failed.`); await this._client.send('Emulation.setGeolocationOverride', {longitude, latitude, accuracy}); } target(): Target { return this._target; } browser(): Browser { return this._target.browser(); } browserContext(): BrowserContext { return this._target.browserContext(); } _onTargetCrashed(): void { this.emit('error', new Error('Page crashed!')); } _onLogEntryAdded(event: Protocol.Log.entryAddedPayload): void { const {level, text, args, source, url, lineNumber} = event.entry; if (args) args.map(arg => helper.releaseObject(this._client, arg)); if (source !== 'worker') this.emit(Events.Page.Console, new ConsoleMessage(level, text, [], {url, lineNumber})); } mainFrame(): Frame { return this._frameManager.mainFrame(); } get keyboard(): Keyboard { return this._keyboard; } get touchscreen(): Touchscreen { return this._touchscreen; } get coverage(): Coverage { return this._coverage; } get tracing(): Tracing { return this._tracing; } get accessibility(): Accessibility { return this._accessibility; } frames(): Frame[] { return this._frameManager.frames(); } workers(): PuppeteerWorker[] { return Array.from(this._workers.values()); } async setRequestInterception(value: boolean): Promise { return this._frameManager.networkManager().setRequestInterception(value); } setOfflineMode(enabled: boolean): Promise { return this._frameManager.networkManager().setOfflineMode(enabled); } setDefaultNavigationTimeout(timeout: number): void { this._timeoutSettings.setDefaultNavigationTimeout(timeout); } setDefaultTimeout(timeout: number): void { this._timeoutSettings.setDefaultTimeout(timeout); } async $(selector: string): Promise { return this.mainFrame().$(selector); } async evaluateHandle(pageFunction: Function | string, ...args: unknown[]): Promise { const context = await this.mainFrame().executionContext(); return context.evaluateHandle(pageFunction, ...args); } async queryObjects(prototypeHandle: JSHandle): Promise { const context = await this.mainFrame().executionContext(); return context.queryObjects(prototypeHandle); } async $eval(selector: string, pageFunction: Function | string, ...args: unknown[]): Promise { return this.mainFrame().$eval(selector, pageFunction, ...args); } async $$eval(selector: string, pageFunction: Function | string, ...args: unknown[]): Promise { return this.mainFrame().$$eval(selector, pageFunction, ...args); } async $$(selector: string): Promise { return this.mainFrame().$$(selector); } async $x(expression: string): Promise { return this.mainFrame().$x(expression); } async cookies(...urls: string[]): Promise { const originalCookies = (await this._client.send('Network.getCookies', { urls: urls.length ? urls : [this.url()] })).cookies; const unsupportedCookieAttributes = ['priority']; const filterUnsupportedAttributes = (cookie: Protocol.Network.Cookie): Protocol.Network.Cookie => { for (const attr of unsupportedCookieAttributes) delete cookie[attr]; return cookie; }; return originalCookies.map(filterUnsupportedAttributes); } async deleteCookie(...cookies: Protocol.Network.deleteCookiesParameters[]): Promise { const pageURL = this.url(); for (const cookie of cookies) { const item = Object.assign({}, cookie); if (!cookie.url && pageURL.startsWith('http')) item.url = pageURL; await this._client.send('Network.deleteCookies', item); } } async setCookie(...cookies: Protocol.Network.CookieParam[]): Promise { const pageURL = this.url(); const startsWithHTTP = pageURL.startsWith('http'); const items = cookies.map(cookie => { const item = Object.assign({}, cookie); if (!item.url && startsWithHTTP) item.url = pageURL; assert(item.url !== 'about:blank', `Blank page can not have cookie "${item.name}"`); assert(!String.prototype.startsWith.call(item.url || '', 'data:'), `Data URL page can not have cookie "${item.name}"`); return item; }); await this.deleteCookie(...items); if (items.length) await this._client.send('Network.setCookies', {cookies: items}); } async addScriptTag(options: {url?: string; path?: string; content?: string; type?: string}): Promise { return this.mainFrame().addScriptTag(options); } async addStyleTag(options: {url?: string; path?: string; content?: string}): Promise { return this.mainFrame().addStyleTag(options); } async exposeFunction(name: string, puppeteerFunction: Function): Promise { if (this._pageBindings.has(name)) throw new Error(`Failed to add page binding with name ${name}: window['${name}'] already exists!`); this._pageBindings.set(name, puppeteerFunction); const expression = helper.evaluationString(addPageBinding, name); await this._client.send('Runtime.addBinding', {name: name}); await this._client.send('Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument', {source: expression}); await Promise.all(this.frames().map(frame => frame.evaluate(expression).catch(debugError))); function addPageBinding(bindingName): void { /* Cast window to any here as we're about to add properties to it * via win[bindingName] which TypeScript doesn't like. */ const win = window as any; const binding = win[bindingName]; win[bindingName] = (...args: unknown[]): Promise => { const me = window[bindingName]; let callbacks = me['callbacks']; if (!callbacks) { callbacks = new Map(); me['callbacks'] = callbacks; } const seq = (me['lastSeq'] || 0) + 1; me['lastSeq'] = seq; const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => callbacks.set(seq, {resolve, reject})); binding(JSON.stringify({name: bindingName, seq, args})); return promise; }; } } async authenticate(credentials: Credentials): Promise { return this._frameManager.networkManager().authenticate(credentials); } async setExtraHTTPHeaders(headers: Record): Promise { return this._frameManager.networkManager().setExtraHTTPHeaders(headers); } async setUserAgent(userAgent: string): Promise { return this._frameManager.networkManager().setUserAgent(userAgent); } async metrics(): Promise { const response = await this._client.send('Performance.getMetrics'); return this._buildMetricsObject(response.metrics); } _emitMetrics(event: Protocol.Performance.metricsPayload): void { this.emit(Events.Page.Metrics, { title: event.title, metrics: this._buildMetricsObject(event.metrics) }); } _buildMetricsObject(metrics?: Protocol.Performance.Metric[]): Metrics { const result = {}; for (const metric of metrics || []) { if (supportedMetrics.has(metric.name)) result[metric.name] = metric.value; } return result; } _handleException(exceptionDetails: Protocol.Runtime.ExceptionDetails): void { const message = helper.getExceptionMessage(exceptionDetails); const err = new Error(message); err.stack = ''; // Don't report clientside error with a node stack attached this.emit(Events.Page.PageError, err); } async _onConsoleAPI(event: Protocol.Runtime.consoleAPICalledPayload): Promise { if (event.executionContextId === 0) { // DevTools protocol stores the last 1000 console messages. These // messages are always reported even for removed execution contexts. In // this case, they are marked with executionContextId = 0 and are // reported upon enabling Runtime agent. // // Ignore these messages since: // - there's no execution context we can use to operate with message // arguments // - these messages are reported before Puppeteer clients can subscribe // to the 'console' // page event. // // @see https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/issues/3865 return; } const context = this._frameManager.executionContextById(event.executionContextId); const values = event.args.map(arg => createJSHandle(context, arg)); this._addConsoleMessage(event.type, values, event.stackTrace); } async _onBindingCalled(event: Protocol.Runtime.bindingCalledPayload): Promise { const {name, seq, args} = JSON.parse(event.payload); let expression = null; try { const result = await this._pageBindings.get(name)(...args); expression = helper.evaluationString(deliverResult, name, seq, result); } catch (error) { if (error instanceof Error) expression = helper.evaluationString(deliverError, name, seq, error.message, error.stack); else expression = helper.evaluationString(deliverErrorValue, name, seq, error); } this._client.send('Runtime.evaluate', {expression, contextId: event.executionContextId}).catch(debugError); function deliverResult(name: string, seq: number, result: unknown): void { window[name]['callbacks'].get(seq).resolve(result); window[name]['callbacks'].delete(seq); } function deliverError(name: string, seq: number, message: string, stack: string): void { const error = new Error(message); error.stack = stack; window[name]['callbacks'].get(seq).reject(error); window[name]['callbacks'].delete(seq); } function deliverErrorValue(name: string, seq: number, value: unknown): void { window[name]['callbacks'].get(seq).reject(value); window[name]['callbacks'].delete(seq); } } _addConsoleMessage(type: string, args: JSHandle[], stackTrace?: Protocol.Runtime.StackTrace): void { if (!this.listenerCount(Events.Page.Console)) { args.forEach(arg => arg.dispose()); return; } const textTokens = []; for (const arg of args) { const remoteObject = arg._remoteObject; if (remoteObject.objectId) textTokens.push(arg.toString()); else textTokens.push(helper.valueFromRemoteObject(remoteObject)); } const location = stackTrace && stackTrace.callFrames.length ? { url: stackTrace.callFrames[0].url, lineNumber: stackTrace.callFrames[0].lineNumber, columnNumber: stackTrace.callFrames[0].columnNumber, } : {}; const message = new ConsoleMessage(type, textTokens.join(' '), args, location); this.emit(Events.Page.Console, message); } _onDialog(event: Protocol.Page.javascriptDialogOpeningPayload): void { let dialogType = null; if (event.type === 'alert') dialogType = Dialog.Type.Alert; else if (event.type === 'confirm') dialogType = Dialog.Type.Confirm; else if (event.type === 'prompt') dialogType = Dialog.Type.Prompt; else if (event.type === 'beforeunload') dialogType = Dialog.Type.BeforeUnload; assert(dialogType, 'Unknown javascript dialog type: ' + event.type); const dialog = new Dialog(this._client, dialogType, event.message, event.defaultPrompt); this.emit(Events.Page.Dialog, dialog); } url(): string { return this.mainFrame().url(); } async content(): Promise { return await this._frameManager.mainFrame().content(); } async setContent(html: string, options: WaitForOptions): Promise { await this._frameManager.mainFrame().setContent(html, options); } async goto(url: string, options: WaitForOptions & { referer?: string }): Promise { return await this._frameManager.mainFrame().goto(url, options); } async reload(options?: WaitForOptions): Promise { const result = await Promise.all([ this.waitForNavigation(options), this._client.send('Page.reload') ]); return result[0]; } async waitForNavigation(options: WaitForOptions = {}): Promise { return await this._frameManager.mainFrame().waitForNavigation(options); } _sessionClosePromise(): Promise { if (!this._disconnectPromise) this._disconnectPromise = new Promise(fulfill => this._client.once(Events.CDPSession.Disconnected, () => fulfill(new Error('Target closed')))); return this._disconnectPromise; } async waitForRequest(urlOrPredicate: string | Function, options: {timeout?: number} = {}): Promise { const { timeout = this._timeoutSettings.timeout(), } = options; return helper.waitForEvent(this._frameManager.networkManager(), Events.NetworkManager.Request, request => { if (helper.isString(urlOrPredicate)) return (urlOrPredicate === request.url()); if (typeof urlOrPredicate === 'function') return !!(urlOrPredicate(request)); return false; }, timeout, this._sessionClosePromise()); } async waitForResponse(urlOrPredicate: string | Function, options: {timeout?: number} = {}): Promise { const { timeout = this._timeoutSettings.timeout(), } = options; return helper.waitForEvent(this._frameManager.networkManager(), Events.NetworkManager.Response, response => { if (helper.isString(urlOrPredicate)) return (urlOrPredicate === response.url()); if (typeof urlOrPredicate === 'function') return !!(urlOrPredicate(response)); return false; }, timeout, this._sessionClosePromise()); } async goBack(options: WaitForOptions): Promise { return this._go(-1, options); } async goForward(options: WaitForOptions): Promise { return this._go(+1, options); } async _go(delta: number, options: WaitForOptions): Promise { const history = await this._client.send('Page.getNavigationHistory'); const entry = history.entries[history.currentIndex + delta]; if (!entry) return null; const result = await Promise.all([ this.waitForNavigation(options), this._client.send('Page.navigateToHistoryEntry', {entryId: entry.id}), ]); return result[0]; } async bringToFront(): Promise { await this._client.send('Page.bringToFront'); } async emulate(options: {viewport: Viewport; userAgent: string}): Promise { await Promise.all([ this.setViewport(options.viewport), this.setUserAgent(options.userAgent) ]); } async setJavaScriptEnabled(enabled: boolean): Promise { if (this._javascriptEnabled === enabled) return; this._javascriptEnabled = enabled; await this._client.send('Emulation.setScriptExecutionDisabled', {value: !enabled}); } async setBypassCSP(enabled: boolean): Promise { await this._client.send('Page.setBypassCSP', {enabled}); } async emulateMediaType(type?: string): Promise { assert(type === 'screen' || type === 'print' || type === null, 'Unsupported media type: ' + type); await this._client.send('Emulation.setEmulatedMedia', {media: type || ''}); } async emulateMediaFeatures(features?: MediaFeature[]): Promise { if (features === null) await this._client.send('Emulation.setEmulatedMedia', {features: null}); if (Array.isArray(features)) { features.every(mediaFeature => { const name = mediaFeature.name; assert(/^prefers-(?:color-scheme|reduced-motion)$/.test(name), 'Unsupported media feature: ' + name); return true; }); await this._client.send('Emulation.setEmulatedMedia', {features: features}); } } async emulateTimezone(timezoneId?: string): Promise { try { await this._client.send('Emulation.setTimezoneOverride', {timezoneId: timezoneId || ''}); } catch (error) { if (error.message.includes('Invalid timezone')) throw new Error(`Invalid timezone ID: ${timezoneId}`); throw error; } } async setViewport(viewport: Viewport): Promise { const needsReload = await this._emulationManager.emulateViewport(viewport); this._viewport = viewport; if (needsReload) await this.reload(); } viewport(): Viewport | null { return this._viewport; } async evaluate(pageFunction: Function | string, ...args: unknown[]): Promise { return this._frameManager.mainFrame().evaluate(pageFunction, ...args); } async evaluateOnNewDocument(pageFunction: Function | string, ...args: unknown[]): Promise { const source = helper.evaluationString(pageFunction, ...args); await this._client.send('Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument', {source}); } async setCacheEnabled(enabled = true): Promise { await this._frameManager.networkManager().setCacheEnabled(enabled); } async screenshot(options: ScreenshotOptions = {}): Promise { let screenshotType = null; // options.type takes precedence over inferring the type from options.path // because it may be a 0-length file with no extension created beforehand (i.e. as a temp file). if (options.type) { assert(options.type === 'png' || options.type === 'jpeg', 'Unknown options.type value: ' + options.type); screenshotType = options.type; } else if (options.path) { const mimeType = mime.getType(options.path); if (mimeType === 'image/png') screenshotType = 'png'; else if (mimeType === 'image/jpeg') screenshotType = 'jpeg'; assert(screenshotType, 'Unsupported screenshot mime type: ' + mimeType); } if (!screenshotType) screenshotType = 'png'; if (options.quality) { assert(screenshotType === 'jpeg', 'options.quality is unsupported for the ' + screenshotType + ' screenshots'); assert(typeof options.quality === 'number', 'Expected options.quality to be a number but found ' + (typeof options.quality)); assert(Number.isInteger(options.quality), 'Expected options.quality to be an integer'); assert(options.quality >= 0 && options.quality <= 100, 'Expected options.quality to be between 0 and 100 (inclusive), got ' + options.quality); } assert(!options.clip || !options.fullPage, 'options.clip and options.fullPage are exclusive'); if (options.clip) { assert(typeof options.clip.x === 'number', 'Expected options.clip.x to be a number but found ' + (typeof options.clip.x)); assert(typeof options.clip.y === 'number', 'Expected options.clip.y to be a number but found ' + (typeof options.clip.y)); assert(typeof options.clip.width === 'number', 'Expected options.clip.width to be a number but found ' + (typeof options.clip.width)); assert(typeof options.clip.height === 'number', 'Expected options.clip.height to be a number but found ' + (typeof options.clip.height)); assert(options.clip.width !== 0, 'Expected options.clip.width not to be 0.'); assert(options.clip.height !== 0, 'Expected options.clip.height not to be 0.'); } return this._screenshotTaskQueue.postTask(this._screenshotTask.bind(this, screenshotType, options)); } async _screenshotTask(format: 'png' | 'jpeg', options?: ScreenshotOptions): Promise { await this._client.send('Target.activateTarget', {targetId: this._target._targetId}); let clip = options.clip ? processClip(options.clip) : undefined; if (options.fullPage) { const metrics = await this._client.send('Page.getLayoutMetrics'); const width = Math.ceil(metrics.contentSize.width); const height = Math.ceil(metrics.contentSize.height); // Overwrite clip for full page at all times. clip = {x: 0, y: 0, width, height, scale: 1}; const { isMobile = false, deviceScaleFactor = 1, isLandscape = false } = this._viewport || {}; const screenOrientation: Protocol.Emulation.ScreenOrientation = isLandscape ? {angle: 90, type: 'landscapePrimary'} : {angle: 0, type: 'portraitPrimary'}; await this._client.send('Emulation.setDeviceMetricsOverride', {mobile: isMobile, width, height, deviceScaleFactor, screenOrientation}); } const shouldSetDefaultBackground = options.omitBackground && format === 'png'; if (shouldSetDefaultBackground) await this._client.send('Emulation.setDefaultBackgroundColorOverride', {color: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}}); const result = await this._client.send('Page.captureScreenshot', {format, quality: options.quality, clip}); if (shouldSetDefaultBackground) await this._client.send('Emulation.setDefaultBackgroundColorOverride'); if (options.fullPage && this._viewport) await this.setViewport(this._viewport); const buffer = options.encoding === 'base64' ? result.data : Buffer.from(result.data, 'base64'); if (options.path) await writeFileAsync(options.path, buffer); return buffer; function processClip(clip: ScreenshotClip): ScreenshotClip & { scale: number } { const x = Math.round(clip.x); const y = Math.round(clip.y); const width = Math.round(clip.width + clip.x - x); const height = Math.round(clip.height + clip.y - y); return {x, y, width, height, scale: 1}; } } async pdf(options: PDFOptions = {}): Promise { const { scale = 1, displayHeaderFooter = false, headerTemplate = '', footerTemplate = '', printBackground = false, landscape = false, pageRanges = '', preferCSSPageSize = false, margin = {}, path = null } = options; let paperWidth = 8.5; let paperHeight = 11; if (options.format) { const format = paperFormats[options.format.toLowerCase()]; assert(format, 'Unknown paper format: ' + options.format); paperWidth = format.width; paperHeight = format.height; } else { paperWidth = convertPrintParameterToInches(options.width) || paperWidth; paperHeight = convertPrintParameterToInches(options.height) || paperHeight; } const marginTop = convertPrintParameterToInches(margin.top) || 0; const marginLeft = convertPrintParameterToInches(margin.left) || 0; const marginBottom = convertPrintParameterToInches(margin.bottom) || 0; const marginRight = convertPrintParameterToInches(margin.right) || 0; const result = await this._client.send('Page.printToPDF', { transferMode: 'ReturnAsStream', landscape, displayHeaderFooter, headerTemplate, footerTemplate, printBackground, scale, paperWidth, paperHeight, marginTop, marginBottom, marginLeft, marginRight, pageRanges, preferCSSPageSize }); return await helper.readProtocolStream(this._client, result.stream, path); } async title(): Promise { return this.mainFrame().title(); } async close(options: {runBeforeUnload?: boolean} = {runBeforeUnload: undefined}): Promise { assert(!!this._client._connection, 'Protocol error: Connection closed. Most likely the page has been closed.'); const runBeforeUnload = !!options.runBeforeUnload; if (runBeforeUnload) { await this._client.send('Page.close'); } else { await this._client._connection.send('Target.closeTarget', {targetId: this._target._targetId}); await this._target._isClosedPromise; } } isClosed(): boolean { return this._closed; } get mouse(): Mouse { return this._mouse; } click(selector: string, options: { delay?: number; button?: MouseButtonInput; clickCount?: number; } = {}): Promise { return this.mainFrame().click(selector, options); } focus(selector: string): Promise { return this.mainFrame().focus(selector); } hover(selector: string): Promise { return this.mainFrame().hover(selector); } select(selector: string, ...values: string[]): Promise { return this.mainFrame().select(selector, ...values); } tap(selector: string): Promise { return this.mainFrame().tap(selector); } type(selector: string, text: string, options?: {delay: number}): Promise { return this.mainFrame().type(selector, text, options); } waitFor(selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout: string | number | Function, options: { visible?: boolean; hidden?: boolean; timeout?: number; polling?: string|number; } = {}, ...args: unknown[]): Promise { return this.mainFrame().waitFor(selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout, options, ...args); } waitForSelector(selector: string, options: { visible?: boolean; hidden?: boolean; timeout?: number; } = {}): Promise { return this.mainFrame().waitForSelector(selector, options); } waitForXPath(xpath: string, options: { visible?: boolean; hidden?: boolean; timeout?: number; } = {}): Promise { return this.mainFrame().waitForXPath(xpath, options); } waitForFunction(pageFunction: Function, options: { timeout?: number; polling?: string|number; } = {}, ...args: unknown[]): Promise { return this.mainFrame().waitForFunction(pageFunction, options, ...args); } } const supportedMetrics = new Set([ 'Timestamp', 'Documents', 'Frames', 'JSEventListeners', 'Nodes', 'LayoutCount', 'RecalcStyleCount', 'LayoutDuration', 'RecalcStyleDuration', 'ScriptDuration', 'TaskDuration', 'JSHeapUsedSize', 'JSHeapTotalSize', ]); const unitToPixels = { 'px': 1, 'in': 96, 'cm': 37.8, 'mm': 3.78 }; function convertPrintParameterToInches(parameter?: string|number): number | undefined { if (typeof parameter === 'undefined') return undefined; let pixels; if (helper.isNumber(parameter)) { // Treat numbers as pixel values to be aligned with phantom's paperSize. pixels = /** @type {number} */ (parameter); } else if (helper.isString(parameter)) { const text = /** @type {string} */ (parameter); let unit = text.substring(text.length - 2).toLowerCase(); let valueText = ''; if (unitToPixels.hasOwnProperty(unit)) { valueText = text.substring(0, text.length - 2); } else { // In case of unknown unit try to parse the whole parameter as number of pixels. // This is consistent with phantom's paperSize behavior. unit = 'px'; valueText = text; } const value = Number(valueText); assert(!isNaN(value), 'Failed to parse parameter value: ' + text); pixels = value * unitToPixels[unit]; } else { throw new Error('page.pdf() Cannot handle parameter type: ' + (typeof parameter)); } return pixels / 96; } interface ConsoleMessageLocation { url?: string; lineNumber?: number; columnNumber?: number; } export class ConsoleMessage { _type: string; _text: string; _args: JSHandle[]; _location: ConsoleMessageLocation; constructor(type: string, text: string, args: JSHandle[], location: ConsoleMessageLocation = {}) { this._type = type; this._text = text; this._args = args; this._location = location; } type(): string { return this._type; } text(): string { return this._text; } args(): JSHandle[] { return this._args; } location(): ConsoleMessageLocation { return this._location; } } export class FileChooser { _client: CDPSession; _element: ElementHandle; _multiple: boolean; _handled = false; constructor(client: CDPSession, element: ElementHandle, event: Protocol.Page.fileChooserOpenedPayload) { this._client = client; this._element = element; this._multiple = event.mode !== 'selectSingle'; } isMultiple(): boolean { return this._multiple; } async accept(filePaths: string[]): Promise { assert(!this._handled, 'Cannot accept FileChooser which is already handled!'); this._handled = true; await this._element.uploadFile(...filePaths); } async cancel(): Promise { assert(!this._handled, 'Cannot cancel FileChooser which is already handled!'); this._handled = true; } }