/** * Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import expect from 'expect'; import {Puppeteer} from 'puppeteer'; import type {CustomQueryHandler} from 'puppeteer-core/internal/common/CustomQueryHandler.js'; import {getTestState, setupTestBrowserHooks} from './mocha-utils.js'; describe('querySelector', function () { setupTestBrowserHooks(); describe('Page.$eval', function () { it('should work', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); await page.setContent('<section id="testAttribute">43543</section>'); const idAttribute = await page.$eval('section', e => { return e.id; }); expect(idAttribute).toBe('testAttribute'); }); it('should accept arguments', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); await page.setContent('<section>hello</section>'); const text = await page.$eval( 'section', (e, suffix) => { return e.textContent! + suffix; }, ' world!' ); expect(text).toBe('hello world!'); }); it('should accept ElementHandles as arguments', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); await page.setContent('<section>hello</section><div> world</div>'); using divHandle = (await page.$('div'))!; const text = await page.$eval( 'section', (e, div) => { return e.textContent! + (div as HTMLElement).textContent!; }, divHandle ); expect(text).toBe('hello world'); }); it('should throw error if no element is found', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); let error!: Error; await page .$eval('section', e => { return e.id; }) .catch(error_ => { return (error = error_); }); expect(error.message).toContain( 'failed to find element matching selector "section"' ); }); }); // The tests for $$eval are repeated later in this file in the test group 'QueryAll'. // This is done to also test a query handler where QueryAll returns an Element[] // as opposed to NodeListOf<Element>. describe('Page.$$eval', function () { it('should work', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); await page.setContent( '<div>hello</div><div>beautiful</div><div>world!</div>' ); const divsCount = await page.$$eval('div', divs => { return divs.length; }); expect(divsCount).toBe(3); }); it('should accept extra arguments', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); await page.setContent( '<div>hello</div><div>beautiful</div><div>world!</div>' ); const divsCountPlus5 = await page.$$eval( 'div', (divs, two, three) => { return divs.length + (two as number) + (three as number); }, 2, 3 ); expect(divsCountPlus5).toBe(8); }); it('should accept ElementHandles as arguments', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); await page.setContent( '<section>2</section><section>2</section><section>1</section><div>3</div>' ); using divHandle = (await page.$('div'))!; const sum = await page.$$eval( 'section', (sections, div) => { return ( sections.reduce((acc, section) => { return acc + Number(section.textContent); }, 0) + Number((div as HTMLElement).textContent) ); }, divHandle ); expect(sum).toBe(8); }); it('should handle many elements', async function () { this.timeout(25_000); const {page} = await getTestState(); await page.evaluate( ` for (var i = 0; i <= 1000; i++) { const section = document.createElement('section'); section.textContent = i; document.body.appendChild(section); } ` ); const sum = await page.$$eval('section', sections => { return sections.reduce((acc, section) => { return acc + Number(section.textContent); }, 0); }); expect(sum).toBe(500500); }); }); describe('Page.$', function () { it('should query existing element', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); await page.setContent('<section>test</section>'); using element = (await page.$('section'))!; expect(element).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should return null for non-existing element', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); using element = (await page.$('non-existing-element'))!; expect(element).toBe(null); }); }); describe('Page.$$', function () { it('should query existing elements', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); await page.setContent('<div>A</div><br/><div>B</div>'); const elements = await page.$$('div'); expect(elements).toHaveLength(2); const promises = elements.map(element => { return page.evaluate((e: HTMLElement) => { return e.textContent; }, element); }); expect(await Promise.all(promises)).toEqual(['A', 'B']); }); it('should return empty array if nothing is found', async () => { const {page, server} = await getTestState(); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); const elements = await page.$$('div'); expect(elements).toHaveLength(0); }); }); describe('Page.$x', function () { it('should query existing element', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); await page.setContent('<section>test</section>'); const elements = await page.$x('/html/body/section'); expect(elements[0]).toBeTruthy(); expect(elements).toHaveLength(1); }); it('should return empty array for non-existing element', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); const element = await page.$x('/html/body/non-existing-element'); expect(element).toEqual([]); }); it('should return multiple elements', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); await page.setContent('<div></div><div></div>'); const elements = await page.$x('/html/body/div'); expect(elements).toHaveLength(2); }); }); describe('ElementHandle.$', function () { it('should query existing element', async () => { const {page, server} = await getTestState(); await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/playground.html'); await page.setContent( '<html><body><div class="second"><div class="inner">A</div></div></body></html>' ); using html = (await page.$('html'))!; using second = (await html.$('.second'))!; using inner = await second.$('.inner'); const content = await page.evaluate(e => { return e?.textContent; }, inner); expect(content).toBe('A'); }); it('should return null for non-existing element', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); await page.setContent( '<html><body><div class="second"><div class="inner">B</div></div></body></html>' ); using html = (await page.$('html'))!; using second = await html.$('.third'); expect(second).toBe(null); }); }); describe('ElementHandle.$eval', function () { it('should work', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); await page.setContent( '<html><body><div class="tweet"><div class="like">100</div><div class="retweets">10</div></div></body></html>' ); using tweet = (await page.$('.tweet'))!; const content = await tweet.$eval('.like', node => { return (node as HTMLElement).innerText; }); expect(content).toBe('100'); }); it('should retrieve content from subtree', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); const htmlContent = '<div class="a">not-a-child-div</div><div id="myId"><div class="a">a-child-div</div></div>'; await page.setContent(htmlContent); using elementHandle = (await page.$('#myId'))!; const content = await elementHandle.$eval('.a', node => { return (node as HTMLElement).innerText; }); expect(content).toBe('a-child-div'); }); it('should throw in case of missing selector', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); const htmlContent = '<div class="a">not-a-child-div</div><div id="myId"></div>'; await page.setContent(htmlContent); using elementHandle = (await page.$('#myId'))!; const errorMessage = await elementHandle .$eval('.a', node => { return (node as HTMLElement).innerText; }) .catch(error => { return error.message; }); expect(errorMessage).toBe( `Error: failed to find element matching selector ".a"` ); }); }); describe('ElementHandle.$$eval', function () { it('should work', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); await page.setContent( '<html><body><div class="tweet"><div class="like">100</div><div class="like">10</div></div></body></html>' ); using tweet = (await page.$('.tweet'))!; const content = await tweet.$$eval('.like', nodes => { return (nodes as HTMLElement[]).map(n => { return n.innerText; }); }); expect(content).toEqual(['100', '10']); }); it('should retrieve content from subtree', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); const htmlContent = '<div class="a">not-a-child-div</div><div id="myId"><div class="a">a1-child-div</div><div class="a">a2-child-div</div></div>'; await page.setContent(htmlContent); using elementHandle = (await page.$('#myId'))!; const content = await elementHandle.$$eval('.a', nodes => { return (nodes as HTMLElement[]).map(n => { return n.innerText; }); }); expect(content).toEqual(['a1-child-div', 'a2-child-div']); }); it('should not throw in case of missing selector', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); const htmlContent = '<div class="a">not-a-child-div</div><div id="myId"></div>'; await page.setContent(htmlContent); using elementHandle = (await page.$('#myId'))!; const nodesLength = await elementHandle.$$eval('.a', nodes => { return nodes.length; }); expect(nodesLength).toBe(0); }); }); describe('ElementHandle.$$', function () { it('should query existing elements', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); await page.setContent( '<html><body><div>A</div><br/><div>B</div></body></html>' ); using html = (await page.$('html'))!; const elements = await html.$$('div'); expect(elements).toHaveLength(2); const promises = elements.map(element => { return page.evaluate((e: HTMLElement) => { return e.textContent; }, element); }); expect(await Promise.all(promises)).toEqual(['A', 'B']); }); it('should return empty array for non-existing elements', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); await page.setContent( '<html><body><span>A</span><br/><span>B</span></body></html>' ); using html = (await page.$('html'))!; const elements = await html.$$('div'); expect(elements).toHaveLength(0); }); }); describe('ElementHandle.$x', function () { it('should query existing element', async () => { const {page, server} = await getTestState(); await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/playground.html'); await page.setContent( '<html><body><div class="second"><div class="inner">A</div></div></body></html>' ); using html = (await page.$('html'))!; const second = await html.$x(`./body/div[contains(@class, 'second')]`); const inner = await second[0]!.$x(`./div[contains(@class, 'inner')]`); const content = await page.evaluate(e => { return e.textContent; }, inner[0]!); expect(content).toBe('A'); }); it('should return null for non-existing element', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); await page.setContent( '<html><body><div class="second"><div class="inner">B</div></div></body></html>' ); using html = (await page.$('html'))!; const second = await html.$x(`/div[contains(@class, 'third')]`); expect(second).toEqual([]); }); }); // This is the same tests for `$$eval` and `$$` as above, but with a queryAll // handler that returns an array instead of a list of nodes. describe('QueryAll', function () { const handler: CustomQueryHandler = { queryAll: (element, selector) => { return [...(element as Element).querySelectorAll(selector)]; }, }; before(() => { Puppeteer.registerCustomQueryHandler('allArray', handler); }); it('should have registered handler', async () => { expect( Puppeteer.customQueryHandlerNames().includes('allArray') ).toBeTruthy(); }); it('$$ should query existing elements', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); await page.setContent( '<html><body><div>A</div><br/><div>B</div></body></html>' ); using html = (await page.$('html'))!; const elements = await html.$$('allArray/div'); expect(elements).toHaveLength(2); const promises = elements.map(element => { return page.evaluate(e => { return e.textContent; }, element); }); expect(await Promise.all(promises)).toEqual(['A', 'B']); }); it('$$ should return empty array for non-existing elements', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); await page.setContent( '<html><body><span>A</span><br/><span>B</span></body></html>' ); using html = (await page.$('html'))!; const elements = await html.$$('allArray/div'); expect(elements).toHaveLength(0); }); it('$$eval should work', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); await page.setContent( '<div>hello</div><div>beautiful</div><div>world!</div>' ); const divsCount = await page.$$eval('allArray/div', divs => { return divs.length; }); expect(divsCount).toBe(3); }); it('$$eval should accept extra arguments', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); await page.setContent( '<div>hello</div><div>beautiful</div><div>world!</div>' ); const divsCountPlus5 = await page.$$eval( 'allArray/div', (divs, two, three) => { return divs.length + (two as number) + (three as number); }, 2, 3 ); expect(divsCountPlus5).toBe(8); }); it('$$eval should accept ElementHandles as arguments', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); await page.setContent( '<section>2</section><section>2</section><section>1</section><div>3</div>' ); using divHandle = (await page.$('div'))!; const sum = await page.$$eval( 'allArray/section', (sections, div) => { return ( sections.reduce((acc, section) => { return acc + Number(section.textContent); }, 0) + Number((div as HTMLElement).textContent) ); }, divHandle ); expect(sum).toBe(8); }); it('$$eval should handle many elements', async function () { this.timeout(25_000); const {page} = await getTestState(); await page.evaluate( ` for (var i = 0; i <= 1000; i++) { const section = document.createElement('section'); section.textContent = i; document.body.appendChild(section); } ` ); const sum = await page.$$eval('allArray/section', sections => { return sections.reduce((acc, section) => { return acc + Number(section.textContent); }, 0); }); expect(sum).toBe(500500); }); }); });